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Dudewitbow ,

its due to whoever paid for the R&D for the screen asked for rounded corners. Framework just took the design and retooled the connectors for their own use case, as its significantly cheaper than commissioning a entirely new panel.

Dudewitbow ,

because theres a (very) expensive R&D attached to ordering a custom screen. its why many companies on the market use the same panel when making monitors. (e.g for gen 1 woled monitors from LG, LG, Asus, MSI(?) and i think Acer used the same panel.

just "wanting a higher res screen" isnt something thats trivial to order for, especially since the FW13 uses a 3:2 screen , an aspect ratio usually used by tablets

Dudewitbow ,

now if they an extend support with the state government support so consumers can finally end this chapter

Dudewitbow ,

some pci-e device. but the main chips are probably on the other side of the board.

Dudewitbow ,

i think its more that all facial recognition systems have a harder time picking up faces with darker complexion (same idea why phone cameras are bad at it for example). this failure leads to a bunch of false flags. its hilariously evident when you see police jurisdictions using it and aresting innocent people.

not saying the womans of colored background, but would explain why it might be triggering.

Dudewitbow ,

many countries mark Antarctica as neutral territory and there are laws surrounding what you can and cant do in Antartica so doing any business move there is probably not ideal unless you want to piss some countries off even if this is objectively going to help countries get better connected.

Dudewitbow ,

iirc the tldr with salt batteries is:

cleaner (no lithium)
wear down slower than liion
resistant to temps

lower capacity
when they fail, they fail hard (e.g suddenly stop working)

theyre IMO very ideal for offsite energy storage (where space is not a problem) or a residential battery wall. as they dont have the risk of catching on fire.

IMO if any nation is trying to solarize their energy grid, backing salt ion is the better long term option.

Dudewitbow ,

the idea of crypto on its not bad on its own, its just there are a lot of bad actors agressively trying to prop up the value of some arbitrary crypto without actually selling a good or service in order to make a quick buck.

at least teams like the one behind Axie Infinity offered a product/service. Most don't, which is the problem.

if your marketing essentially has to relate to other people buying into buying it, then theres a big problem.

Dudewitbow ,

because unlike lemmy where its usually about following topics, twitter is about following people, and migration requires said people who theyre following to also migrate

Dudewitbow ,

a good chunk of the switch top sellers are WiiU games. new isnt always on the table.

Dudewitbow ,

unique hardware that doesnt follow the conventions of standard hardware, so you have to write code to get around that fact. Take for example one of the reason why Wii/GC development went fast eas because the PowerPC processor is fairly well documented, similar to the Tegra X1 with the switch. Its always obscure hardware that makes hardware emulation harder (e.g PS3, Sega Saturn)

Dudewitbow ,

the main selling point of mpchc is madvr. there's basically no other competitors that utilize the GPU to make the media your watching better on the same level as madvr.

Dudewitbow ,

the more you use the native implementations of stuff, the more you see it. if you for example, dont use edge, dont use the native task bar/start bar, dont use the microsoft store, dont use any of the built in AI tools, then AD visibily would be minimal.

A good chuck of the Ad problems is usually fixed by using 3rd party software, be it completely switching OS, or using non native software.

its like trying to use old internet explorer and complaining about ads, when 3rd party alternatives exist, and of the subset who complains, a chunk refuse to get off IE, and look for ways to mod IE instead of just going 3rd party from the get go.

Dudewitbow ,

its less rewriting the entire task bar, but overriding the functionalities of the start button (in which most of the Ads are displayed in)

Dudewitbow ,

the cancellation of the model 2 for the cybertruck may have been the worst possible decision tesla went through maybe.

Dudewitbow ,

this rubber band man erasure right here /s

Dudewitbow ,

EKWB is a consumer level water cooling company. water cooling is used to cool down high performance processors sligtly better than traditional heatsinks and offer an aesthetic alternative to it.

tldr video, conpany mismanagement leads company into perpetual debt and ruin.

Dudewitbow ,

it doesnt mean what it traditionally mean since findett due yo the idea that finfett involves a folding process where its not necessarily a transistor in a traditional sense.

its the main reason what intel was conplaining about when it decided to rename its processes to be in lone with tsmc/samsung. Intel's 10nm process is actually a more dense pack of transitors than both TSMC's 7nm and Samsung's 8nm. so you have to make a stance, either TSMC/Samsung is over representing the definition, or Intel is underrepresenting it. because of it, either of the two actions need to happen:

TSMC/Samsung need to increase the number of their process because its illogical that a competitor has a more dense node with a higher number.


Intel renames their process with a lower number to better match its density when compared to TSMC/Samsung. Because Intel as a company only has the power to do this, this is what they did, and were underfire for it.

regardless, the nm stated in the nm does not represent what it used to traditionally mean, as whatever stance you have, some company is lying about their numbers.

Dudewitbow ,

the hard drive one is more the concept of measuring things in base 10 or base 2, its caused by the rounding of 1000(10^3) vs 1024(2^10), hence where theres a difference between Gibibytes and Gigabytes.

finfetts decision was basically, its physically supposed to be one number, but folding it offers a performance increase (but not exactly equal to doubling transistors) so be picked an arbitrary lower number to represent ts peeformance. the problem is because its arbitrary, TSMC/Samsung gets all the power to fudge the numbers up.

if intels 10nm was more dense than TSMC 7, it shouldnt have been called TSMC 7, it should have been closer to TSMC 10 or 11.

12/16nm is when finfett technology was used, and the start of where the numbers started to get fudged.

Dudewitbow ,

id argue that renting a car might be less expensive. your argument doesnt consider the cost it takes to replace your tires often (the heavier your vehicle, the more often you have to replace the tires), which for some EVs already, is a pretty significant cost.

buying something for something youll use less than 1% of the time is a terrible monetary decision. its like the people who buy big trucks with high torque, when more than 60% of these truck buyers have never towed something.

These are real scenarios I have had to drive in my current car (Volt, so plug in hybrid) and my battery range can be halved (from 35+ miles under 20)

this is a problem specific to lithium ion batteries. salt ion batteries and some other batteries that are being considered do not have that problem.

Dudewitbow ,

you dont get the condition of having your battery level halved due to cold weather, nor have the battery on an "always on" state because lion battery's only operate at a certain temperature range. theres a lot of losses on cold weather caused by the use of lithium ion batteries in general.

just because battery capacities on cars should go down doesnt mean cars wont offer a "long range" option for users if they need it (tesla for example litterally does), its just the everyday one needs to go down. having extended range on all cars is a solution to a problem that affects the 1% situation, and is impractical to apply the fix to the general fleet.

Dudewitbow ,

mint has the same problem that butyric acid has in american herseys chocolate. if you associate the ingredient with toothpaste/vomit first, then you come in with a much more negative view of it.

Dudewitbow ,

i see it as giving their industrial engineers something to do.

when you have to design a chasis for reusability and backwards/fowards compatibility, you dont really have the flexibility to make that many changes. instead of just letting them sit there, its better for them to start designing other things in the meantime.

Dudewitbow , (edited )

its not that simple. high performamce parts are high performamce because the devices that need the fastest speeds have the shortest traces from CPU to said device. its for instance, why the ram slots, and the fastest m.2/slot as well as pci-e lanes are nearest to the cpu, else youd have to resort to adding a south bridge.

the pi compute module works that way because the ram is already on board making it not a problem, and latency to whatever it gets mounted on isnt of highest priority for performance.

its why sodimm for instance has hit a peak speed limit, while lpdde hasnt, and why dell pitched the camm form factor for ram. distance of components to the cpu and its stability is cruicial for performance.

Dudewitbow ,

m.2 to gpu isn't completely foreign nor new, but less practical than more recent standards like Occulink. the problem, specifically with the lower end model in particular, is using 4/8 pci-e lanes for a port that not everyone is going to use is a waste of the already limited amount of pci-e lanes available to the user because of the CPU choice. hence, it makes sense to keep 1 users with the side option to using usb4/thunderbolt gpu docks

Dudewitbow ,

well, unless youre getting bank fees for being poor

Dudewitbow ,

different vpns will have different use cases.

some people just want to bypass geolocked content, this only requires having a vpn in whatever region you want content in.

those who only care about piracy and avoiding dmca claims, they need a VPN who do not keep logs. or is hosted in a country that does not respond to DMCA requests

those who need a VPN for privacy reasons, theres tiers of it. basically some people will refuse to use VPNs hosted in Five Eyes/Nine Eyes countries as the government would likely know your actions. some people dont care of government knows, others do.

Lawsuit alleges Grindr illegally shared users' HIV status, sensitive data with third-party advertisers. (www.theregister.com)

Hundreds have joined a UK class action lawsuit against LGBTQ+ dating app Grindr, seeking damages over a historical case of the company allegedly forwarding users' HIV status as well as other sensitive data to third-party advertisers....

Dudewitbow ,

HIPAA only applies of its your doctor or a medical institution does it. it doesnt stop people you may know/businesses unrelated to the field from disclosing said info.

Dudewitbow ,

reminder that Edgeworth was originally supposed to br a 36 year old prosecutor vet, but changed to be the same age as Phoenix when Kumiko Suekane pushed for it (who is also a known Yaoi Artist).

also conveniently in Spirit of Justice, Trucy Wright (Phoenix's adopted daughter) treats Edgeworth like a Dad.

Dudewitbow ,

hes the target from certain media and channels because he has the largest reach.

Dudewitbow ,

depends on how youre defining price. memory/storage is at its lowest point atm. CPUs are extremely competitive and AMD still ridiculously supports the AM4 platform. Monitor specs/price point are constantly dropping.

the only rhing that hasnt depreciated much is high end Nvidia gpus, because of AI reasons.

Dudewitbow ,

its on the rise because it was very recently at its lowest point. Nand prices were absurdly low, and if it was at its lowest point, that implies it had to have been lower than previous prices, especially covid.

Dudewitbow ,

evga has a following because being a U.S based company, they had the best warranty service. the major brick and mortar taiwanese brand giants (Asus/MSI/Gigabyte) have a storied history about how stingy they are about RMAs for expensive products.

take for example hardware defects.

when Asus had the x3d fuck up, they tried to put text saying using their beta bios would void your warranty. when evga had things like the exploding 980tis and to a lesser extent, 1080ti, they basically no question replaced them, sometimes for a better gpu.

Dudewitbow ,

housing is expensive because some countries see t as an investment. even in some capitalistic countries can have affordable housing (e. g japan in many areas) because how they see housing is completely different than how other capitalistic nations see housing. its why despite having a dogshit working schedule, you could still afford to live in japan even with a shitty job.

yes, regulations and stuff play a roll in why its expensive, but it doesnt adress the root cause in why it happens, and that answer is because people treat it as $$$ and not a natural right.

Dudewitbow ,

population decreasing has nothing to do with it. South Korea, who has a worse population problem, has the polar opposite. its an absolute hell hole to buy a house because of pricing.

if what you said was true, living in south korea would be easy (hint: it actually isnt)

Dudewitbow ,

electricity is inexpensive as long as weather doesnt fuck up the plants causing peak usage price rockets*

Dudewitbow ,

i think the problem is the game of peoples reasoning to not get off windows.

I do agree its not the answer to move everyone to linux (just for context, my desktop is a modified windows 11, laptop is garuda(arch based), media nas is debian), its just a subset of the people have really terrible priorities.

for those who have hardware with gen 7 intel or order, yeah the situation kinda sucks. If youre IT at a company, also sucks. for those staying on 10 strictly because privacy reasons, is pretty silly given they already made the tradeoff that they rather trade off some privacy staying on windows to have a reletively hassle free experience installing other stuff (this applies even more to those using windows 7, which I find hilarious how stalwart they are not moving off the OS)

outside of how updates are handled and aome telemetry, windows 11 could be modified to have a very close to windows 10 experience, its just a game of people not wanting to make that jump if they are an individual user. I see it as a game of them not willing to put any effort in any direction to fix their situation.

Dudewitbow ,

if you need any questions about something basic about CWWK boards, i can probably answer some of them. I made my own media/NAS board out of a n100 based CWWK board about 2 months ago

Dudewitbow ,

outside of the few hiccups of starting to integrate various distros of linux into my life (had used ubuntu like back in 2017, but only recently used debian for this NAS, and loaded an arch-based distro onto my Framework 16) its doing pretty good. The whole purpose of my usecase was to make a tiny NAS so I needed an ITX board with at least 5 sata ports and the board fit my goal (ontop of the extra being power efficient).

I haven't tested the limits of how many users could be streaming content off my system simultaneously yet. Ive heard ~10 1080p streams if GPU encoding is enabled (in my usecase, had to use debian testing since the current kernel of debian 12 does not include hardware acceleration for the n100).

If I had a single thing I wished it had, I wish the chips had arc based media encoders for AV1 support, so if there was one key feature that would make future variants of that line of cpus desirable in the future, it would be that.

Dudewitbow ,

yeah you just have to be aware that debian 12 might not by deefault, have the correct kernel needed for hardware acceleration, so youd have to go into debian testing to compile it yourself. If you attempt to cpu encode your way through things, you'd only get a couple of streams before it bogged itself down.

Dudewitbow ,

if youre doing strictly NAS, yes, would highly recommend the cheaper cpu variants because that's not required for it.

Roku explores taking over HDMI feeds with ads (www.lowpass.cc)

Roku is exploring ways to show consumers ads on its TVs even when they are not using its streaming platform: The company has been looking into injecting ads into the video feeds of third-party devices connected to its TVs, according to a recent patent filing.  ...

Dudewitbow ,

you have to boycott all of the HDMI consortum and the streaming services who demand HDMI for full features. The idea of widevine levels on android are put to prevent "stream piracy" and why all the streaming services push you to use their apps.

basically all TV manufacturers are part of the HDMI consortum, or adhere to it.

Dudewitbow ,

with Microsoft though its less of a problem for users because that would require you to daily use those applications. not many people that I know of personally use outlook, so they would be unavfevted ny outlook ads when compared to the other platforms, which they physically spend more time in.

Dudewitbow ,

its why i dont like buying by brand, but rather specific product.

buying by brand gives companies a pass when they push out a shit product.

Revealed: a California city is training AI to spot homeless encampments (www.theguardian.com)

Last July, San Jose issued an open invitation to technology companies to mount cameras on a municipal vehicle that began periodically driving through the city’s district 10 in December, collecting footage of the streets and public spaces. The images are fed into computer vision software and used to train the companies’...

Dudewitbow ,

San Jose's homeless is a very mixed bag. some wanting to be perpetually homeless, some actual recently loss home and is savable, some on the streets due to drugs (friend had a story where homeless asked for a burger, but refused one from a burger joint nearest by (implied wanted money for drugs)).

Weeding out whose helpable isnt an easy task, because not all homeless share the same reason on how they got to that lifestyle.

Dudewitbow ,

its definitely a problem thats hard to tackle, and each location handles it very differently. there have been situations in some cities where having shelters wasnt prefered because people who polled felt like said locations were unsafe, and others felt like restrictions for spots were to restrictive (e. g first come first served)

fundamentally, i believe its a problem that wont be solved by a person hired to do it because their job disappears the moment it is solved. as long as property is seen as an investment and prices remain high, along with nimby laws that coincide with it, it effectively cant fix itself.

in context of San Jose itself, there have been many years in which the number of vacant households out number the number of homeless. thats fundamentally a problem of people who owns homes and choosing not to rent them out for various reasons.(some reasonable, others not). it effectively inflates home prices in the city which doesnt need to exist unless the government decides to do something about it, and that would require. stepping on the feet of home owners, so its ultimately a tug a war between them and the government till something gets done.

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  • Dudewitbow ,

    not necessarily. an audiophile would indicate which headphones have bass emphasized and which dont.

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