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@Dyskolos@lemmy.zip avatar



Homo Homini Lupus Est

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Dyskolos , (edited )
@Dyskolos@lemmy.zip avatar

Same. Me too. When i buy meat, then it's only organic and the best ethical treatment I can find. And also waaaaaay less in general.
It just became bad in every sense of way and plant-based stuff has gotten so much better over the last 3 decades.

Only thing that pisses me off is that the food my food eats is even more expensive for no apparent reason (edit: yes ofc i know the socio-economic reasons. As a consumer i just don't care. That's what i meant)

Dyskolos ,
@Dyskolos@lemmy.zip avatar

You know what's funny?

People say that like forever. And those "vegan cultists" we told that 3 decades ago (and we were waiting for them to die of malnutrition) are still healthy and happy while the average supermarket-joe got fat and unhappy or is long dead by now.

I'm no vegan btw. but why would i argue with science?
Just because we evolved to be able to eat nearly everything doesn't mean we should.
We could probably survive a good while on just eating hoofs or tree bark. Doesn't mean we should include it in our diet.

Dyskolos ,
@Dyskolos@lemmy.zip avatar

I know. Same here. Probably the same everywhere. But still pissing me off

Dyskolos ,
@Dyskolos@lemmy.zip avatar

I know. I was an animal rights activist once (in a time where "vegan" was either an insult or noone knew what it even was). Based on way too much knowledge about what we do with other beings.

And i didn't say "it's ethical", but a local farm where the cows got names and live a great life (up until they stop doing so) surely beats industrialized farming ethically. I doubt you wanna argue there, except you only can live in a binary world (harm/don't harm) . But that would be impossible as a vegan. Unless you're one (i just assumed) because it's fashionable or trendy or just edgy.

Btw something being "humane" doesn't really mean anything ethical. Being sadistic shit-sticks who rape the whole planet raw until there's nothing left is actuallly very "humane". No other species is that horribly aweful.

Dyskolos ,
@Dyskolos@lemmy.zip avatar

Science doesn't say we need meat. Also very specially not the crappy processed toxic waste the majority consumes as "meat".

But ever tried a diet only existing of plants/fruits OR meat? Guess on which you'd live longer? Exactly.

And again, no vegan here. Just also sick of this super old "but science says we need meat".

Dyskolos ,
@Dyskolos@lemmy.zip avatar

Who needs to get over whom? Probably the ad-hominem hero.
Talking about science but behaving like an agitated chimp. Go work less and chill more 😁

I prefer civilized discussion, so... Have a nice life.

Dyskolos ,
@Dyskolos@lemmy.zip avatar

Murica. Dunno if any other country does censor such trivialities too.
And to the deeper why: religious hipocrisy i guess.

Dyskolos ,
@Dyskolos@lemmy.zip avatar

Absolutely this. I, too, go for android (pixel even, sigh) but would prefer a real os.
android was aweful when it came out, grew much better, then declined again.
And with each update they kill so many apps due to "security"-changes.

And what's worst of all, is the constant struggle to actually own your own device (=root). Noone would ever have bought a pc with no admin-pwd where you can only "refresh" your current windows-version and nothing more.
You can't buy anything else than pixels (and even with those you need at least minimum tech-knowledge and are dependent on the continuing development of ONE app).
Having any other brand makes it near impossible without luck, time and frustration-tolerance.

The coming generations will just pay 1000 for a phone they are allowed to use, not own, and think that is how it is and ever has been.

Dyskolos ,
@Dyskolos@lemmy.zip avatar

Lol yes. Isn't it sad? They're even proud of being "rich" (lol) and brag about their stupid apple-gadgets. Apple really managed to get from "get more, pay less" to "get less, pay even more and get fucked" and having people kiss their butts for it.

Dyskolos ,
@Dyskolos@lemmy.zip avatar

Indeed. They were on the way to a unified os. Still kinda are. And people totally hate them for it. At least you could use the (nearly) same win on your Touch-pad and desktop.
And i actually liked their phones. Just could never really keep it without telegram. And that (the lack of apps) was their downfall.

Dyskolos ,
@Dyskolos@lemmy.zip avatar

Apple might be user-friendly, but that is kinda easy if you're super restrictive. And the only one that produces their stuff. The worst thing about android is being so fragmented, not only in versions but also in makers. And some really put tons of their own shit on top of android. I hate it. Especially Samsung. The apple of android.

I also hate it to be stuck with googles pixels. They're not only the purest but also, ironically, the easiest to root and, especially, un-google them with a different OS.

Dyskolos ,
@Dyskolos@lemmy.zip avatar

It inherently incentivizes greed, it's not built in per se.
As are all traits of the dark triad. This is what makes capitalism the worst choice and really sad. It brings out the worst in us. And those who are better have no chance.

Dyskolos ,
@Dyskolos@lemmy.zip avatar

Be glad it's still there and found an okay way to pay for costs. Pavel might be rich, but tgram grew a bit big for a hobby/vision payment alone.
And there's nothing behind the paywall anyone really needa, so it's fine for me. Better than selling my data and calling the app "free".
He never said it would never happen. He just promised (back then) that it would always remain free to use. Which it is.

The stories are annoying, yes. But people are using this shit. I don't understand why, but I don't get social media in general.

Dyskolos ,
@Dyskolos@lemmy.zip avatar

That sounds great. I don't know, neither have heard of, any such place in your neighbor germany. Sadly so. Even I would visit such a place.

And how's it going? No troubles? No asswipes coming in drunk (with their friends) or such?
Is it even frequented?

Dyskolos ,
@Dyskolos@lemmy.zip avatar

Funnily, we just discovered that one of our city-libs iss actually doing the exact same thing now too. As an experiment.
And it seems they don't have to deal with it. Quote: "i guess the library-folk is just a quiet and peaceful folk". So, no problems and people love it.

We parrot you guys ☺️

Dyskolos ,
@Dyskolos@lemmy.zip avatar

Since when will billionaires be anything-ed for anything?

They could shoot a baby in the head on a public busy street with hundreds of witnesses and a 4K video recording of it, and nothing would ever happen.

Dyskolos , (edited )
@Dyskolos@lemmy.zip avatar

I knew this guy. He always wanted to suck my Schlong or f with me. Told him i ain't gay. He replied he neither, he just finds vaginas disgusting (Women in general, Vaginas just being the "most disgusting" part) and schlongs beautiful, hence it's not gay at all. He just prefers guys coz they have said dingdongs.

Told him that was somehow very gay. He got really really really pissed at me for hinting he might be gay. He hates gays and find them repulsive.
It was at this point that i realized, he verbally held me hostage. How to reply to that? I didn't know.

That wasn't a joke or satire, he was dead-serious about it. That level of cognitive dissonance is hard to find, even in religious people :-)

Dyskolos ,
@Dyskolos@lemmy.zip avatar

I can't. We didn't recover from me somehow voicing his gayness might be a teeny bit gay.

Dyskolos ,
@Dyskolos@lemmy.zip avatar

It would be the logical thing to do. Be consistent!

Dyskolos ,
@Dyskolos@lemmy.zip avatar

Well in his case it wasn't just the dick itself. Women were "disgusting". So the dick needed to be attached to a manly man.

What exactly is gay? To me it's when a manly man likes manly men.
If you'd fall in love with a woman and THEN see her male genitals, it wouldn't be gay. She just was an ass to not tell you earlier 😁
If you'd see both genitals or none, it wouldn't be either. And yes, there always have been those with both or none.

Dyskolos ,
@Dyskolos@lemmy.zip avatar

Nah, he disliked woman in general, the vagina was just the "most disgusting" part beside the tatas :-)

Dyskolos ,
@Dyskolos@lemmy.zip avatar

Spectrum is fine and all, but gay is gay. If gay would mean many things, the word would be useless. It already became useless for its original meaning, let's not kill it again :-)

Dyskolos ,
@Dyskolos@lemmy.zip avatar

Not judging or anything, i never cared who wanted to make love to whatever.

But he really wanted dudes. Women were "disgusting". whatever floats ones boat, but this is simply the definition of gay, if you like the term or not. It's just a word describing a preference.
A dude just liking cocks on a dude's body and person and gender, then it's plain gay.

Guess in his case (my generation, we both being genx) it was just the typical upbringing that said gay=bad. Guess the shit stucks deeply, hence his cognitive dissonance and extreme adversity to gayness.

Dyskolos ,
@Dyskolos@lemmy.zip avatar

Dude, i honestly don't know if a guy liking an mtf-trans with a dong is considered gay.
I would prefer said mtf-trans-with-dong over a manly-man-with-vayajay. I consider myself straight. If i HAD to choose which of those only 2 alternatives would be more attractive.
So I'd guess it's more the person/gender than the primary genital.
But what do i know :-)

Dyskolos ,
@Dyskolos@lemmy.zip avatar

Well, don't ask me...I won't argue about the beauty of tatas 😊

Dyskolos ,
@Dyskolos@lemmy.zip avatar

Oh man. I should've used the word homosexual to be precise.

Dyskolos ,
@Dyskolos@lemmy.zip avatar

Lol, yeah kinda like him 😂

Dyskolos ,
@Dyskolos@lemmy.zip avatar

Based on the lack of evidence for the latter, my money would be on the prior 😁

Dyskolos ,
@Dyskolos@lemmy.zip avatar

Haha! Joke's on you, as I don't know this dog. I only get 50% 😁

Dyskolos ,
@Dyskolos@lemmy.zip avatar

The scene is from futurama. And it was a pretty sad one.

Dyskolos ,
@Dyskolos@lemmy.zip avatar

Awesome. Now I know exactly as much as before 😁

Dyskolos ,
@Dyskolos@lemmy.zip avatar

Useful for what?
Hiding stuff from family-member or coworkers? Yeah sure. Why not.

Hiding stuff from professionals that really want your data? Probably not very helpful.

Also what about backup? One controller-malfunction and your stuff goes poof. I just assume the data is somehow important or else you wouldn't care about such a device 😊

Dyskolos ,
@Dyskolos@lemmy.zip avatar

What a dream... But sadly it probably won't happen. They manages to establish this shit as a standard and that's it.

Imagine PCs would be like that too. Would anyone buy them if they couldn't install EVERYTHING? Or delete or change system-stuff/-apps? Or just go and install Linux? Or win? Or both?

Dyskolos ,
@Dyskolos@lemmy.zip avatar

For the latter: put a surround-set under your bed, with a big subwoofer.
Go to e. G. Mynoise.net and live your life as a pluviophile mad man 😁

Dyskolos ,
@Dyskolos@lemmy.zip avatar

Pavel Durov. Owner of Telegram.

For a decade I'm waiting for him to slip on his lies and spill out the billionaire evil. But there's still no drama, no posing, no yacht, no island, no employee-torturing, no supercars, no castles...
Just a guy who happened to get a ton of moneyz and trying to fulfil his vision of a free messenger that won't cooperate with governments like the others do. There's a reason it's banned in many countries and he's even been deported from his motherland.

Not saying he's an angel, and billionaires really shouldn't exist at all.
But if i had to choose one of them to get a fair trial instead of the ad-hoc-guillotine, it'd be him.

Dyskolos ,
@Dyskolos@lemmy.zip avatar

Ubuntu and WinServer2019 vms split over a proxmox-machine and server2019-hyperv-machine

2 each for replication.

Dyskolos , (edited )
@Dyskolos@lemmy.zip avatar

I effing hate amazon and what it stands for.
Yet, it's one of the very rare companies here (krautland) that actually give a damn about support and reliability.

Got a prob? It's solved saturday night.

Got a prob with {most other german companies}? You can call us mo-fr between 11:00 and 12:00 but only when it's not fullmoon. Also your estimated queue time is 2hrs. And wait till you hear our mind-dissolving on-hold-"music"...

When amazon says "it's in stock and can be with you tomorrow if u order within 2hrs from now" then it is like this.

You get the gist...

So, on topic: i only buy prime when i plan to order a lot of stuff the coming month. For occasional orders i don't need prime.
Most of the time i can just use another free trial instead of actually paying.

Dyskolos ,
@Dyskolos@lemmy.zip avatar

Interesting. For me it's the other way round 😂
The games are on their app (nope, thanks) or epic (no thanks). The digital goodies are only nice if you game any of those.
The tv stuff is the worst I've seen back when i actually paid for my series/movies. Rarely nothing there and the interesting stuff still asked for money.

Books i can't judge... I have a tolino full of epubs 😁

Dyskolos ,
@Dyskolos@lemmy.zip avatar

Ok tbh i never tried the amazon app. But i doubt it just downloads and that's it. No tracking? No phoning home? No play-statistics? Hmm

Yeah sure, we all got epic accounts filled with freebies. But i never heard of anyone actually using the app instead of maybe even playing one of those freebies and then quitting the app again 😁

Ok, they might indeed be the cheapest, thanks to the massive added value. Maybe it was a local thing? I tried watching like 3 things. And one i could rent, the others pay extra and i was like "wtf? This is prime? Fuckit"

And i didn't mean to question your choice. It seems to be the best deal for you.

It just sucks that you'd need like 5 services and still can't watch EVERYTHING. And in case of netflix (i assume that's valid for the others too) we e. G. Only get 30% of what the muricans can watch. Same price. Or use a vpn.

I really tried being legit, but I'm back to *arr and emby. Not 10 bucks a month for 99% of everything. Did i mention netflix didn't even work on any of my droids because of rooting? Fuck this.

Dyskolos ,
@Dyskolos@lemmy.zip avatar

Okay, guess my prejudice about the amazon app was a but premature grounded on misanthropic bitterness 😊
I retract that statement and stand corrected.

Oh autonauts. This i even bought on steam before it went for free. Still don't regret.
Still can't recall a game i actually played on epic. Though i gotta admit i bought a looooot of games on steam.

Hm. Maybe i picked a bad bunch or had bad luck that one time i tried prime. It just never occurred as a prime (no pun intended) reason to pay.. Errr... Prime.

I totally hear you on the convenience-point. Warez were never convenient. Just "free".
Yet, with a tiny amount of "work" (given you're not a tech-illiterate) the sailing-seas-way is a child's play nowadays.
I enter the name of the series/movie, wait for the download (full speed 24/7)and simply watch it on emby with all comfort there is. From phone, tablet, laptop, desktop...
My maintenance-time is below an hour per year (and i even love tinkering).
All for below 19 bucks in the quality i prefer.

Dishing out 100 bucks would need a lot of benefits to convince me. Though i get you. Trading money for tinkering-time. All depends on our preference and skill and nerdiness 😂

Dyskolos ,
@Dyskolos@lemmy.zip avatar

Here’s a few of mine (not sure if any come from Amazon): Control (this was awesome!)

Aye, i'd second that list! Yet I usually have them on steam before they ever show on epic. So most of my epic-freebies i have twice in my library now.
The tool "play-nite" is great for multi-library-gaming btw. includes gog, amazon, itch, ubi, steam, epic etc.

I remember the old days of curating my mp3 collection every 6 months, removing dupes and fixing organizational shifting.

Still do that. For over 25yrs I nourish my library. Just the MP3s made room for FLACs.

But if I do that stuff for apps, I have to maintain freaking sandbox environments for each app

Yeah ok, I get that. I've got 2 servers running 24/7 with proxmox/hyper-v, so those tools all run in seperate VMs. But especially in this case, it's practically no maintenance. I'm still wondering why it works so flawlessly :-)
As to the viral issue....I must say that i'm in the warez-scene since the early 90s and I never had a virus-problem. Ever. Though the majority is pure media, so no problem at all. And even if there should be a problem, I've got daily backups of everything. So I just go back to yesterday :-)

I’m in an ok place right now. And Amazon is still the cheapest place to buy anything, for me. If I spend over $1000/yr there on everything, a lot more if you count the holidays, then Prime has already justified itself. And slower or not, Amazon with Prime is STILL the fastest Christmas shipper.

Totally worth it in that case. I spend like 600 bucks for a ton of stuff for wifey this xmas, and even though it took them a day longer than usual they all came on point. And prime paid itself quickly. Rest of the year it's not that much, so I just surf on the usual trial or just use free shipping or just pay 3,99 if need be.

Then we had to fight with Ring for 2 weeks because they wouldn’t cancel the order. We got the Cameras the 2nd week of January and my wife was on the phone with them 6 or 7 times before they finally approved a return. Amazon has this thing called “Free Returns” on most items. You can literally write in “I was drunk shopping” for your return reason and nobody bats an eyelash.

Aye, that's totally my reason to shop at this fucking monster called amazon. No hassles, no worries, you get your crap the day they tell you, if you have ANY problem, you're helped in 5 minutes at max.
Dunno where you're from, but we call our country "service-desert". Some might be cheaper than amazon and it's often tempting (my GPU was 2000,- elsewhere and 3000 on amazon...and i regret not using amazon), but if anything happens, you're screwed and everything takes forever. Or they charge you extra fees, usage-fees, "this item isn't defective and will be returned to you at your cost plus fee" etc.
You just never have to worry. One gift we needed to return (glass broken), but as it classified as "food-item", they told us to keep it and it will be refunded. Now we have 2 glass decanter for free instead of 3 for full-price. You won't see that elsewhere here. No way. First you gotta prove it wasn't YOU that broke it at home. I could on for hours....

Dyskolos ,
@Dyskolos@lemmy.zip avatar

I still have it somewhere I’m sure, but I really gave up on it, for the convenience of youtube music of all things.

Can't complain about convenience. I use MediaMonkey since v0.1. It actually replaced my self-made music-archiver because it was simply superior and I couldn't match it. And for mobile we just sync our favourite playlists and be completely mobile even when there's no net. It's the only serious tool for serious collectors :-)

Every time I mean to start setting up servers, some reason (or my wife) talk me out of it. I’m jealous. It’s on my bucket list. I’m the only guy I know who has run server clusters professionally who has never had his own.

lol. Sorry :) My wife actually talks me into it while I try to talk myself out of it (i'm a horrible cheap fuck). I actually managed to hook her on the smart-home, as she runs into walls now when the system is down because there is no light. We forgot how to use switches :-)
Seriously though: You should. If you have some kind of passion for it, just do it. I don't need it professionally anymore (long retired) but just love to keep up and tinker. And nothing beats a working self-hosted something.

I have had a couple over the years; usually use the “nuke and restart” solution.

Oucchhh. That could've gone bad. Ok, granted, with family members working on the same machine/network, danger rises. We have a global firewall and a global ad-/tracker/malware-blocker. Wifey often nags that some sites won't work, and then it's manual-fix-time for me, but so she can surf freely without fear.
I don't even have any virus-/malware-scanner-crap installed anymore for decades. I occasionally check manually if something's hooked somewhere and that's it. And when I'm really really really suspicious of something, there's a sandbox.
Honestly more "normal" software phone home and do shit i don't want than warez ever did. Every effing software wants to phone home, install 3 services no-one needs and what not.

And don't get me started on the "purchase software and own it" to "rent it for extortionate prices and never have anything". It so became the standard everywhere.
Wait...what were we originally even talking about? :-)

I know resellers hate Amazon returns, but they agree to them. I will literally make buying decisions based on the presence or lack of the “Free Returns” flag. I would literally pay for “return insurance” if AllState started to do that, too. I hate return hassles.

Totally. At least we have that mandatory 14-days-return-policy. Everywhere. BUT a merchant might reduce your cashback upon "usage signs". Which are very subjective unless still sealed. But the reason for the law was to promote online-shopping. So you could check your product at home like you would in a shop. And return it if you don't like it.
But it all takes too long, in the end I only check amazon. Better the devil you know....i hate myself for that.

Dyskolos , (edited )
@Dyskolos@lemmy.zip avatar

I think that’s one of the ones I tried. It’s just more convenient to have unlimited access to music, whether I own it or not.

Yeah sure, I get it. I actually use Tidal Hifi. But not really for streaming but for downloading and discovering new music. Has its benefits for sure.

What do you do for lights? Like motion/position detection into each room? Or voice control?

It's mostly based on motion. If it's dark enough in a room and you enter it, light goes into a - we call it motion-light - cyan. So it's clear to us it's automatic. If no motion after 2 minutes is detected it slowly fades out for like 20s so you got a chance to "renew" the light by moving.
Unless you switch a scene on, then it just stays on. If you switch it off, the automatic mode is on again.
Took a good while to fool-proof it :-)

Voice control too, yes. But also homebrew. No Alexa-shit or similar. Also control by watch, or even outside over telegram.

I’ve wanted to get into automation several times, and I’m never settled enough in a house to spend the money. There’s always some reason we want to move and I don’t want to do all that permanent work to move. I even worked at an IoT company for a few years on backend and embedded code, so I have literally no excuse…

Oh dude, we moved like 5 times in the last 5 years :-) Good thing is, we take the stuff with us. I use zigbee, not wiring. Wiring is superior, but also very fixed. So yeah, I regularly have to place everything again and adapt the scripts a little bit. But nothing much changes actually. Just a lil more extra-work after moving.
Awesome, for an IoT-company I would even consider working again :-)

Lol, excuses....It's a time- and money-sink, there you have great excuses. Also at least once a month I have to tinker here and there, or change a battery.
Since Star Trek i wanted a home that reacts to voice and does things automatically. And tablets which give a great overview. Or, as mentioned, our watches. Automatic doors would be awesome now! And they gotta do the WOOOSH-sound!

Not sure where that is. That would be nice (except that they could reduce the cashback anyway). Consumer Protections these days have been eroding in the US. Even our so-called consumer protection laws have landmines to protect the businesses.

That 14-day-forced-return is EU-wide AFAIK. And yeah, you guys took the "FREEDOM!" really literally. You just forgot that the companies have those freedoms too :-)
I often cuss about our country (or the EU), but as a consumer it's really nice having some decent rights. But if you need service, you're in the darkest mid-age here. Recently had troubles moving some domains from my german ex-provider to a us-based one. The german one did cost 10x as much for half the benefits, but i had to wait 3 days for a fucking reply. Weekends are holy. The us-based answered in like 5 minutes on a saturday night.

Dyskolos ,
@Dyskolos@lemmy.zip avatar

You don't need religion to believe in something, did this occur to you?
I don't have anything against people who believe some even weird shit. Let me hear it, let us discuss it, but do as you please (who am i to judge? I don't know the truth).

But the moment you enter some cult (or religion if you prefer that term), you're on my hate-list.
They are to control the weak sheeple. Period.

Why do people always take it, that belief equals religion?

Dyskolos ,
@Dyskolos@lemmy.zip avatar

That's the point. They all start nice and friendly. And the more power they gain, the more hardcore it gets.
The first step (joining a cult) is already "too far"

Dyskolos , (edited )
@Dyskolos@lemmy.zip avatar

I don't get what your sexuality has to do with anything, but anyhow.

Why do you have to be {insert cult-membership here} if you believe in something?
Don't dare to believe {whatever} for yourself? Do you need to be told what to believe and how? You don't make it sound like that, yet you are christian, hence member of said cult? I don't get the correlation.
Why does one rarely hear people say "i believe in some god, but I'm not a member of blahblah"?

Dyskolos ,
@Dyskolos@lemmy.zip avatar

That's a good point, yes. At least we knew what fucked up. Today you can't. It's too much and too complex. And nearly nothing is under your direct control anymore. Only android or ios are doing it worse and take all of your controls away.

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