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Incremental Social offers code hosting, similar to Github, with a platform called Forgejo. With Forgejo, you can collaborate with others on your project, and organize issues and feature requests, make releases, etc. You can even setup CI/CD and host static pages, such as your incremental games.

Getting Started

To start coding, you can go to code.incremental.social and create a repository, or clone or fork an existing one. You can then use your preferred git client to push your changes like usual.

Authentication Options

When pushing (and sometimes when pulling) code, you'll need to use one of the two authentication methods for secure access to your code repository: SSH(preferred) and HTTPS.

SSH Authentication

To use SSH authentication, follow these steps:

  1. Ensure you have an SSH key pair. If not, generate one.
  2. Add your SSH public key to your Forgejo account settings.
  3. Clone or access your repository using the SSH URL.

HTTPS Authentication

To use HTTPS authentication, follow these steps:

  1. Generate an access token in your Forgejo account settings. Make sure to select "Read and Write" for the repository permissions.
  2. Clone or access your repository using the HTTPS URL.
  3. When performing an action that requires authentication, use the access token as your password.

Forgejo Actions for Continuous Integration

Forgejo Actions provides Continuous Integration (CI) capabilities driven by workflow files in the .forgejo/workflows directory of your repository. The syntax and semantics of the workflow files will be familiar to those who've used GitHub Actions, though they are not identical. You can configure CI workflows to automate tasks like building, testing, and deploying your code.
You can learn more about writing these workflows over at the Forgejo Actions User Guide. Keep in mind Incremental Social uses docker for the runner, so jobs should always specify runs-on: docker.

Host your static website

Public forgejo repositories on Incremental Social can also be served as static websites for free. Learn how to do so here.

If you're making a project that needs to be compiled, you can create a workflow file to build the project and push the static output to the pages branch of your repository!

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