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Some AI models get more accurate at maths if you ask them to respond as if they are a Star Trek character, ML engineers say (www.businessinsider.com)

Some AI models get more accurate at maths if you ask them to respond as if they are a Star Trek character, ML engineers say::Researchers asking a chatbot to optimize its own prompts found it was best at solving grade-school math when acting like it was on Star Trek.

AllonzeeLV , (edited )

This is the basis of capitalism.

Both parties lie to eachother, attempting to get more than the other party through manipulation and coercion with whatever leverage each party has, rejecting the pursuit of equitable mutual benefit, and when it is allowed to metastasize into every sociocultural aspect of one's cultural mores and values, as it has here in Corpmurica, it creates a toxic, antisocial group of rugged individuals beating each other to death trying to impress the most successful practicing sociopaths who were the best at dishonest manipulation and exploitation of their fellow humans.

If you want to create a civilization at war with and constantly undermining itself at every level instead of working toward the common good of the species/planet/future, this is the global economic system for you!


But hey, it was all worth it for the free market of ideas giving us so many valuable, innovative choices! It has sesame seeds and no pickles?! No fucking way....

AllonzeeLV , (edited )

Am I supposed to be mad at these small time con-men capitalists? This is what the modern global economy is all about. Attempting to fuck over the people who aren't you, attempting to receive the maximum while providing the absolute minimum you can get away with without consequences. Their mistake was only slightly miscalculating that minimum where people would feel cheated but otherwise leave minus their money grumbling, but not enough to make it a weird news of the day story.

When's the last time your fast food sandwich looked remotely like the one on all the signs?They look like that sandwich in the ad was a tire that got deflated, deforming under its own weight, at best. Those scammers just had swaths of lawyers and lobbyists to make their false advertising your problem, until now it's just how it is. Deception is a vital component of market capitalism.

Why are you harassing these glorious, aspiring job creators acting in rational self-interest?

AllonzeeLV , (edited )

Can we start with the con-men hurting/exploiting millions and threatening billions with their "externalities," capitalist Orwellian shorthand for "I already have your money, so my mess is your problem, you stupid fucking suckers🖕🤑🖕?"

Because these bottom feeders are just a symptom of the above's global sociocultural damage. They ruined some kid's afternoons (but when those grown kids are dying from capitalist made climate change induced Cat 6 superstorms, or hungry from the associated crop failures, or the scammers successfully lobby to catch yet another tax break out of the asses of those kid's education funding using their unlimited exploitation bucks, 🤷). It might be cathartic to kick their ass, but it's odd and inconsistent to the extreme considering how comfortable we are with our most prolific con-men being allowed to own, and keep!.. everything, every exploited, scammed dollar, instead of getting their ass kicked as you say.

AllonzeeLV , (edited )

Lol magnitude? Really? These microcapitalists ruined these kids afternoon with their scam, while the ones these scammers emulate poison them with microplastics and Threaten their ONLY habitat, to the scam shareholder's applause and most of society considering them aspirational figures, buying the scam of "sometimes companies make a mess, it isn't their problem or responsibility, and we call this competely valid economic event an externality herp derp 🤡."

Also Most corporate run INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY EXPERIENCE exhibitions are only one step up from this in terms of marketing vs reality. They calculated the formula of acceptable customer mark dissatisfaction from intentionally dishonest marketing hype correctly.

So please, do continue telling me more about the magnitude of these microcapitalist's microscam.

sits in Wonka meme pose.

AllonzeeLV , (edited )

I swear, the people obsessed with enforcing one right way to do... everything.

It looks exhausting. I feel kind of bad for them and when they start rearranging other people's work I always think of this sad lil raccoon for some reason:


AllonzeeLV ,

They're pre-rinsed and clean enough.

If it makes you happy though, awesome!

AllonzeeLV , (edited )

In the future, people's designated AIs will determine compatibility with other's designated AIs.

If our many self-created crises don't decimate our species and collapse civilization at least. Then those left might actually have to pro-socially interact and cooperate with each other to survive. Scary thought, I know. How the hell are you supposed win and fuck over the other person to get more if you have to cooperate?!

AllonzeeLV , (edited )

And the terminal stage capitalism enshittification continues with nary a pitchfork or guillotine to be found.

Fuckers will be a hundred feet deep in their luxury bunkers, and half the choking peasants all working for one of 3 monopolies that own the entire crumbling global economy will still be like "we must stay the course. We've sunk too much gambling into this fallacy to quit now, cough."

Humans are silly, silly creatures.

AllonzeeLV ,

Say hi to HBO for me in the corporate afterlife!

AllonzeeLV , (edited )

The economy doesn't care what people aka consumers want anymore. At shareholder insistence of sabotaging the future for a short term stock boost, they merge, buy, and consolidate to eliminate competition, lay off their talent crippling that sector's ability to provide the product/service they existed to provide in the first place, and laugh all the way to the bank offering broken, useless shadows of once useful products/services because where else you gonna go? We ate the ones that made superior products and put a stop to that bullshit!

The ultimate goal of capitalism is to end competition. This is the terminal stage. The nowhere left to grow/metastasize fire sale before their grift collapses, with it's tentacles gripping captured world government's throats, ready to take them with them as it perishes and the winners run away to their global havens and bunkers, mischief managed, wealth of nations siphoned, pillaged, and stolen.

Fucking Suckers.

AllonzeeLV , (edited )

"Gas is a little more convenient, so lets destroy our sole, shared, communal ecosystem we all rely on from one breath to the next so I don't have to wait for my car to charge."

Oh humans, don't ever change. For Earth's long-term sake, we need to make sure we commit to our species' mass suicide for short term profit and convenience. No half measures.

AllonzeeLV ,

They won't fund it because we aren't a society, just a bunch of rugged individuals at each other's throats over green paper scraps.

AllonzeeLV , (edited )

As usual, corporations want all of the PROFIT that comes with automation and laying off the human beings that made them money for years, but they also fight for none of the RESPONSIBILITY for the enshittification that occurs as a result.

No different than creating climate change contributing "externalities," aka polluting the commons and walking away because lol you fucking suckers not their problem.

AllonzeeLV , (edited )

Don't trust corporations, especially those where one egomaniac has all the power.

I disagree with the inference of the second part, publically traded companies are forced by shareholders to lay off workers and sabotage long term plans for short term profits all day every day, and they're emboldened and desperate knowing their grift has nowhere left to grow/metastasize on a finite world they've already largely raped, pillaged, and conquered for it's capital value.

The problem isn't whether one egomaniac majority shareholder capitalist or 1,000 egomaniac shareholder capitalists let their insatiable greed disease do the managing.

The problem is capitalism and the worst of human impulses it stokes exclusively by design.

Fuck Elon Musk the blood emerald heir with a bachelor's degree playing pretend he's Tony Stark though.

AllonzeeLV , (edited )

Agreed, hence the 50 year range.

Got elected 44 years ago, another 6 years to minimize prominence beyond being a shitty B actor who just... dissappeared 50 years ago...

Oh wait, probably need to back up a little more to prevent his Governorship. Do we have enough temporal gas?

AllonzeeLV , (edited )

It's an evolutionary advantage that we tend to focus on seeking out what is wrong instead of what is right, in terms of survival in nature.

Unfortunately, it isn't usually an advantageous cognitive focus in modern civilization. It becomes more of an impediment to humanity in this setting, just like our over competitive nature.

J&J, Merck, and Bristol Myers Squibb spend billions more on executives and stockholders than on R&D — Senate report points to greed and ‘patent thickets’ as key reasons for high prices (arstechnica.com)

J&J, Merck, and Bristol Myers Squibb spend billions more on executives and stockholders than on R&D — Senate report points to greed and ‘patent thickets’ as key reasons for high prices::Senate report points to greed and "patent thickets" as key reasons for high prices.

AllonzeeLV ,

Behold the "efficiency" of market capitalism the self-serving economists love crowing about.

Efficient at making wealthy sociopaths richer for doing nothing, using the value of your labor, and nothing else.

AllonzeeLV ,


The only hope I have left is that it will be severe enough to also take the owner class that caused it eyes wide open when it comes for the unwashed masses.

AllonzeeLV , (edited )

All we had to do to make Christianity decline was belabor how antithetical it was to the only value, mooaaaaaaar, of our sociopath capitalist owner class.

They control the means of mass propaganda, and the rest is history. Christianity was hurting their rebranding of the sin, character flaw, and personality deficit that is greed into the Orwellian virtue of "rational self-interest."


I guess those fuckers are good for something other than exploiting humanity, even if only unintentionally.

AllonzeeLV ,

You made me angry with myself for agreeing with Steve Jobs.

AllonzeeLV , (edited )

Nah, senile grandad needs a phone too.

Simple, overpriced tech for simple people who don't prioritize tech or value.

I hate Steve Jobs specifically, his proud lack of charity, his overt need for the credit of talented people despite being nothing more than a marketer, and notably letting his proven child live on welfare for years as he was worth at the time millions. Most pos market capitalist oligarchs join Jobs in rejecting charity (commensurate with their wealth) and community, but even most of them somehow manage to play human when it comes to paying for their own children to eat without complaint, which made Jobs a particularly awful human being, even among our sociopath owners, which takes a lot of talent in being awful.

AllonzeeLV ,

This made me laugh because the HR lady at my company made an email about such "resources" recently.

HR is corporate gestapo, anything you say can and will be used against you, but by all means share your inner demons with them.

AllonzeeLV ,

Would be more true if they stabbed the hand, because after they suggest budgeting, that employee will be put on a list and be first in line to be terminated due to being incompatible with the work culture of pretending to be shiny and happy living in subsistence.

AllonzeeLV ,

I never agreed to it, and the way it's dispersed only benefits the people that already have too much of it from exploiting other people's labor.

AllonzeeLV , (edited )

Honestly currency is fine, but not bastardized by the real villain: capital markets. It has made our currency representative of backwards, antisocial values, and in great quantities, proof of how good one is at extracting value from their fellow humans.

Capital markets have gone from supposedly a means for seed funding for businesses to the final word, despite contributing NO LABOR to the products or services they take almost all the produced profit from. And in our terminal state market capitalism, they're eating one another and playing economic tricks for short term cash grabs they enforce on companies through threats of lawsuit, breaking entire economic sector's ability to make the products/services they literally existed to provide in the process. LABOR makes the world run, grows the food, makes the discoveries, capital investment just takes all the fruits and leaves a few crumbs.

We're going to collapse, but if we cared, we'd remake our economy that rewards cooperatives and punishes corporations, and capital investment would receive a small fraction of what labor produces instead of the opposite as it is today.

And yes, going back to a barter system would be better than this. We might even still be able to breathe above ground in 50 years.

AllonzeeLV , (edited )

Nope more of a globalist, socialist "economies are supposed to be in service to societies" type.

AllonzeeLV , (edited )

Without considering how your free use however you want effects others?


Humans are social animals, hyper-individualism is antisocial.

Contrary to what the oligarchs tell you, greed and selfishness are character deficits and personal failings.

Not that they haven't spent the last century propagandizing attempting to rebrand them into virtues like the Orwellian rational self-interest.

AllonzeeLV ,

There's a significant difference between recognizing the irredeemable, systemic corruption of this economy, and believing no society or economy should exist ever.

The former wants a just, equitable society, and recognizes this is the opposite of that, and the latter just openly wishes they could shoot their way through life with impunity.

AllonzeeLV ,

A least you're more honest than the relatively small class of benefactors of this corrupted economy who don't even acknowledge that, being supported by skilled laborers at every level of profit and life, but truly self-deluding themselves and others into believing they earned and should have society/politics/media warping levels of wealth. Reward good ideas and harder work yes, but within reason.

Are we a civilization or not? I want us to be.

AllonzeeLV ,

If there's one copy of a book in a town and its your cherished thing, that's fine.

If you're the only person in town with a copy of a library's worth of books and you aren't willing to share any with your community to borrow, you're allowed to do that, but you sound like someone who doesn't really want to be a member of a community.

Live together or die alone. We can be a civilization one day, or we can keep being monkeys throwing sticks at each other in the dirt, but with smartphones and smog.

AllonzeeLV , (edited )

You think social constructs are akin to animals and biological imperatives?

By that strange logic, humans, Manifest Destiny (aka the kill all the natives cause we're white and want their shit social construct of colonizing Americans), and thirst are all comparable concepts.

I hate to tell you, but almost every economy that has ever existed has at some point collapsed, just as ours will one day. We can always kill all the giraffes, and we're sure as shit the type, but I promise you, being thirsty will exist long after our currency and nation are nothing but a dull history lesson or forgotten all together.

The owners of this system would have you believe it's invulnerable, absolute, and forever, just like the Roman Emperors of old did.

AllonzeeLV ,

For most, hopefully it isn't about bad aim.

There is a moment, immediately at the commencement of piss, where the stream may or may not flow predictably. Usually this is after sleep or sex, but can happen at any time. This can mean the stream veers hard left/right until correcting, this can mean literally 2 separate streams.

The pressure corrects this potential issue for me at least within 2 seconds or so, but damage done.

AllonzeeLV ,

A piece of paper with a drawing on it?

Anythings possible.

AllonzeeLV ,

Yo-ho, all together, hoist the coooolors high...

AllonzeeLV , (edited )

And that little girl will be propagandized through the media the oligarchs own and the curriculum they inform through captured governments to believe that "the benevolent freeeeeee market will cure all ills" for her entire childhood.

In order to see the wood for the trees, one has to at some point genuinely consider and reject that programming, and that isn't the norm. That's why they get us young with the "market capitalism is the only way" dogma, little to no resistance, somewhere around the time they show us that social studies cartoon drawing of the pilgrims and native Americans enjoying a sitcom Thanksgiving dinner together.

That's why for every climate activist, there's a dozen self hating temporarily embarrassed millionaire class traitors telling them they don't understand reality. Reality of course being the private profit friendly narrative that was programmed into them, that they accepted as absolute truth because most children accept what they're told.

Man I wish philosophy, critical thinking, and reasoning was taught from grade school and not college. But that would be against the interests of the shareholders, wouldn't it?

Stay angry, little cartoon girl, it's your only hope.

AllonzeeLV ,

A non-profit in the same way OpenAI is a non-profit.

"Buy me senpai!"

AllonzeeLV , (edited )

Market Capitalism has poisoned the very core of humanity, civilization, and literally the COMMUNal environment we all rely on from one breath to the next.

Good thing the market capitalists are so fucking confident that the solution is... going harder on market capitalism. We'll just merge, monopolize, and lay off our way into human happiness and equilibrium, won't we?

That's why the owners propagating this system are building luxury bunker compounds in places like New Zealand, because they're planning to clean up their mess and have confidence in a bright future!

AllonzeeLV ,
AllonzeeLV , (edited )

Not to mention that billionaires are fancy lads and lasses expecting to be waited on hand and foot. When their operations and Security people, people much more generally competent then them in every conceivable real world way, no longer has use for them or their paychecks, they will become their bunkers very, very quickly, especially because wealthy people don't know how to share and will treat them as staff and not people, let alone friends.

I can't imagine them finding security that meets their standards for employment that also lacks opportunism. You don't agree to protect Bezos from the hoards of Bezos' victims without being selfish to begin with.

AllonzeeLV , (edited )

Their business was to to make robotic cleaners, not to get swallowed by a conglomerate. Like so many other businesses and entire economic sectors, it's more important to increase short term profit through economic schemes than by delivering a product or service, and the customers and employees suffer for it.

Market Capitalism is eating itself.

[Thread, post or comment was deleted by the author]

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  • AllonzeeLV ,

    As someone who would be open to modifying my mind, not with shitty Musk tech. Not with cars rated like his and rockets that fail regularly.

    AllonzeeLV ,

    It's an order of magnitude more complex than Chess, which I am just ok at, so kudos!

    AllonzeeLV ,

    You're both wrong. Given it's combined age and complexity, there is only one rational explanation...


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