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rdyoung ,

This is false. They aren't really that much heavier, 1k lb or so. It's not the weight that tears up tires it's the instant and 100% torque when you hit the accelerator. If you go easy on the launches your tires will last longer.

A Rising Enforcement of Censorship (blog.thenewoil.org)

In recent weeks, I’ve noticed a rise in censorship regarding SMS communication that’s not being discussed. At all. I’m concerned that it may become a slippery slope that eventually effects us all. I don’t have any dramatic, prose-ridden introduction this week. Just some news, facts, and observations I wanted to share. So...

rdyoung ,

I just tested this myself between tmo and GV and no censorship here.

rdyoung ,

I texted myself "fuck this" and it went through no problem.

rdyoung ,

GV is a voip carrier.

rdyoung ,

I sent it from my tmo number to my GV number. I can do the inverse as a test too but I don't think anything will change.

rdyoung ,

Just did, again no issue.

rdyoung ,

Everyone should have a main account with a local credit union and then secondary accounts with whatever "fintech" banks you want. I keep multiple accounts and everything flows through a local account first and then gets moved elsewhere. Currently I'm using revolut as my secondary to help budgeting.

rdyoung ,

I'm only woke when I'm not asleep.

rdyoung ,

When I need to be more woke I make some coffee or crack open an energy shot or drink.

rdyoung ,

One thing.

Tesla has never been known for luxury at all. I'd bet my ioniq phev was more luxurious and my 5 most definitely is.

rdyoung ,

Luxury isn't about price point. And last I checked, you couldn't get a new tesla for 40k.

Saying that tesla is luxury is like saying that McDonald's is fine dining.

Do yourself a favor and look up the comparable pricing for the ioniqs versus tesla. Tesla has always been overpriced (from factory) for what it offered.

FCC Imposes Nearly $200 Million in Fines on US Wireless Carriers (AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile, and Verizon) for Illegal Location Data Sharing (neuters.de)

The carriers sold "real-time location information to data aggregators, allowing this highly sensitive data to wind up in the hands of bail-bond companies, bounty hunters, and other shady actors," FCC Chair Jessica Rosenworcel said in a statement....

rdyoung ,

I think that's the point and the inspiration for the name.

rdyoung ,

I'm going to call bullshit on that premise.

Holy shit. Why did I read that. There is zero science in that and it's nothing but religious, woo woo, bullshit. That domain and this user are definitely getting added to my block list.

rdyoung ,

They used to have a decently priced unlimited ticket that you could use to see the country during summer break. Get on/off the train whenever/wherever you want.

rdyoung ,

Those exist. Use dns based adblockers. You can pick from a variety of services already out there or run your own with pihole.

rdyoung ,

This right here. I deleted my account so long ago that I don't even remember when I decided I was done with it.

rdyoung ,

They are different because they are clearly not real images or video. The fact that we can generate images of whatever we want that are near if not impossible to discern as fake by the naked eye, means that they shouldn't be in there at all.

[Thread, post or comment was deleted by the author]

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  • rdyoung ,

    Can we cut out the hyperbole. They aren't requiring it and a hash of your finger prints are already stored on your phone if you use biometrics for other things. This email is likely meant as a reminder, especially for people who may not lock their phone down as much as they should and others (likely kids) can get access and spend money they wouldn't be able to if it was locked down.

    rdyoung ,

    This right here. OP is freaking out over a nothing burger.

    rdyoung ,

    No it's not. If you think it is, you don't understand what it's saying as well as you think you do.

    rdyoung ,

    It's not collecting anything. Your phone stores a hash of your finger prints and uses that to verify it's you. If you already use biometrics then your phone already has that hash. And while we can never be 100% certain, I'm fairly certain that android doesn't upload that hash anywhere, it stays local to your phone.

    rdyoung , (edited )

    It's not loading for me at all.

    Edit approximately an hour later: Now it's loading for me. Maybe a dns issue or something with the take down/over.

    rdyoung ,

    Am I the only one who never thought that incognito mode or the equivalent on FF was protecting me from anything other than anyone else who may use the same pc? I don't share my pc with anyone so I only use those modes when I think a website is acting up because of previously stored cookies, credentials or my various script blockers.

    rdyoung ,

    I think you misread me.

    I never thought that these modes were protecting me from anything except those who shared the same pc. Apparently I am the only one who understands the way the internet works and that nothing you do or any software you run on your system can stop every website and server you interact with or that passes on your data packets to the next server from logging everything it can about you.

    How do people think that sites like reddit cross check and correlate data from users to find those with multiple accounts that are attempting to evade bans? There is so much data that we don't even know we are creating.

    I'm all for privacy and anonymity when and where it makes sense but it seems like people here have no idea what the difference between the two are and just how difficult it is and how much extra friction it brings to attempt to be completely anonymous and private via a system designed to connect people.

    rdyoung ,

    Why doesn't this surprise me?

    rdyoung ,

    You need to step back and actually read what I am saying. You need to also learn a lot more about how the internet works.

    Again. Read my entire comment and then give it time to sink in.

    rdyoung ,

    Exactly. And you can't be surprised when a company that also runs a search engine and ad network stores that data for other purposes.

    I rarely jump in on things like this because of the lack of understanding of how things actually work as well as the inevitable responses like from OP and someone else I just responded to.

    To repeat for those who may not get it just yet. Private browsing on FF and incognito mode on chrome are specifically for use when you use a shared pc or someone else's system to check your email or whatever. It's always been designed to protect locally not from the greater web.

    I don't remember ever seeing or hearing anything from Google about this mode hiding data from them.

    rdyoung ,

    You're infantilizing people. Instead of treating them like toddlers, maybe we should be educating people and teaching them some critical thinking skills.

    You may know how the net works but you apparently can't read well because the last sentence of that comment is probably the most important.

    rdyoung ,

    Okay, now I'm blocking you because you have no idea what words actually mean.

    You have no idea which end is up, nor what you don't actually understand.

    Have a nice life now.

    rdyoung , (edited )

    Because we have stopped teaching people anything in school. I learned critical thinking, civics, etc. Most people don't. Schools just push kids through because the funding isn't there and a lot of parents are assholes who don't want to raise their own kids nor teach them anything. They let the schools do it and the teachers don't have the time nor the resources to make up for shit parenting.

    We need to stop infantilizing people. Yes, corporations are at fault but so are the people who fall for the bullshit. It's not Pepsi or McDonald's fault that people are overweight, it's their own fault and their parents and society for not teaching them what's what.

    This shit is why I don't interact much on social media as a whole. It's full of jackasses who think that we should be basically living under a dictator because most people can't tie their own shoes without help. People can handle a lot more than you think but they have to be taught how.

    I say the above as someone who questions how most people are walking and breathing at the same time. Generations have let future generations down and the masses keep getting dumber because we let them.

    rdyoung ,

    This right here. Many years ago when a foodlion near me rolled out self check outs I happened to discover a way to crash the self check app and access windows running underneath.

    rdyoung ,

    Good chance these were already leaked with the equifax debacle.

    rdyoung ,

    Yeah, about that.

    rdyoung ,

    I see what you did there.

    rdyoung ,

    Something like a ssh key or what they are now calling passkeys could work. The question is then who holds the verification database and how do individuals (especially those who can't turn on their pc) keep their part of the key safe and do we also have some other kind of verification questions like we do now to make sure that it's the right person when so many small details are shared or similar across people.

    rdyoung , (edited )

    I know. But we need a system better than what we have. Or a modification of the current system to make it a bit tougher for people to use someone else's credit. I have a few ideas but they would only work for those of us who can handle the idea of ssh keys, crypto, etc. The average idiot isn't going to be able to keep easy access to the data they need to prove they are who they say they are. And I'm definitely against going with DNA, fingerprints, facial rec, etc because of where that leads.

    As it stands, way more kids than you may expect grow up to find their credit completely fucked because their parents are assholes. Anyone close enough to you can probably answer most of the questions about where you lived, what car you owned, etc. We need a drastically different system if we want to minimize identity theft but as I said above, the average person can't handle the ways to do it right.

    In theory it could be based on cryptos open ledger but with encryption instead of being open to the public, accessible only when the person holding the private key unlocks it in conjunction with the public key. Data stored and accessed in a DB that can be hosted anywhere and isn't under the control of any one organization or agency.

    rdyoung ,

    Those of us who have dogs as pets/family members have known this for a long time. Some dogs/breeds are smarter than others but most dogs can differentiate tone as well what words are being spoken. My last dog didn't care what I called her if I said it in an upbeat tone, I tested this all of the time by calling her a shitheads and more and she would thunk the floor with her tail.

    rdyoung ,

    If anyone reading this has an account with discover, they offer a similar service for free. If you don't have a discover account, create one.

    rdyoung , (edited )

    I'm considering buying a few shares (if I can grab just a few) just to watch it burn. And so I can be part of history. Or I'll wait for it crash after the ipo and grab a few as a likely to never profit but might type of play.

    You guys really are no fun. I'm not going to throw thousands at them but if robinhood or sofi or whoever will let me grab 5 or less shares, I may make it happen. It's also likely to be a longer term profitable trade if the stock tanks (as I am sure others already expect) and then reddit gets bought out by musk or even openai.

    One last edit and then I'm done here. I bet every one of you here is a broke mofo crying about your utilities, groceries, etc going up while you're income stays stagnant. You have fun with that.

    rdyoung ,

    You aren't missing anything. You can't delete them yourself, but, you can pause them. For now, for me, the pause works just as well because if/when any of my email addys starts getting ridiculous spam I'll just pause it. I run a business off one of my accounts and I don't want any of the emails I've handed out to not reach me so I am fine nit being able to delete (for now). I've just been extra careful to choose addresses that I don't feel a need to delete.

    rdyoung , (edited )

    Probably because some people tend to pick user names that identify them in some way. Take me for example, I have a few names I go by but this username is definitely helpful in identifying me. I use it on the other place, a couple of emails, discord, telegram, etc. I don't feel the need to be as anon as possible (no shade on those who do) so I main this one. I have a few others that I have been known to use and those are mainly for things that I don't want easily connected back to me.

    rdyoung ,

    Iirc from the last time this article or similar was posted, it's about how warrants are issued. It's the username versus phone number not username versus or and/or other data points. Anything more than that I am still unclear about.

    rdyoung , (edited )

    It's not about forcing anyone to be anonymous. I'm not OP here but I kind of agree. Maybe signal should default to a randomized one with a blurb about safety, anonymity, etc but let you create your own if you want.

    Again. My personal view isn't to force random usernames on people but to maybe educate them on this stuff. Also, there are legit reasons why you should have non identifying usernames even if it's not how the world should work. There are enough nutters out there who may recognize something in someones name that links them to someone they know offline and people are nucking futz. I can tell you stories I've heard from my clients that you would believe but don't want to.

    Oh and for the numbers, that can be even more identifying because people tend to use numbers that mean something to them. I have a variation on this name that includes my birth year in 2 digits. If I was posting things online that close family might have a problem with, it wouldn't be hard to do to the math and identify me that way.

    Advice on cleaning bloatware off of a new PC (www.bestbuy.com)

    I helped my 77 year old mother purchase a new laptop, and I want to be sure to get all the bloatware off of it, and set her up with with some better privacy options. I am aMac guy at home so I haven't done this kind of thing for many years. (I use Windows at work, so I'm quite familiar and capable, but obviously I have to rely...

    rdyoung ,

    Oh contrare mon frare. They are extremely easy to avoid if you have any common sense. Don't download and run just any old exe, use script blockers on browsers, etc. I used to run avast and malware bytes, etc but for at least a few years now windows built in protection has been enough.

    If OP is asking these questions it means they are probably capable of getting her setup with a system that is a bit cleaner and stays clean assuming she doesn't start downloading random weird porn shit or something.

    rdyoung ,

    Your making an assumption and your infantilizing someone you've never met. It's entirely possible that she is old enough that even if she did have the ability to discern this stuff that she's more likely to fall for shit, but it's also possible that she can learn how to spot stuff and avoid it. It's been awhile since I have played with Linux, is it really ready for prime time? Especially if someone had spent decades using windows?

    rdyoung , (edited )

    You aren't OP and again your assuming and infantilizing. Remember that it's those over 50, 60, etc that brought us the tech that evolved into what we are using now.

    As for the spotting scams, fakes, etc, that not an age thing, that is something you have to be taught and learn from experience. There are 20 year olds who fall for the crypto spam and websites. This is why I suggest using noscript, ublock origin and maybe even a vpn that also blocks this shit. Though with the script blockers people need to be taught how to tell which domain is probably safe to enable. I sometimes have to go through and allow certain ones until the site works well enough to be usable.

    For the record. I'm soon to be 43 and my wife is soon to be 54. My wife is less tech savvy than me but is definitely not an easy mark for scams and definitely knows more about computers than some people younger than her.

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