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randNumInc.exe - A very short incremental about generating random numbers

Link to game: https://snab43.github.io/randNumInc/

Optional background music (play in another tab): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DjMKwLkgS-k

It takes about 10 minutes to complete. Works on mobile, but it's a slightly better experience on desktop.

Playing is pretty self explanatory, but just hit "Get a Number" and you can upgrade your Min and Max values. The game unfolds a bit and your goal is to have made a total of 1,000,000 Numbers (spent Numbers still count towards this goal).


I've tried making a few incremental games in the past but I always am way too ambitious about the scope or get stuck on unimportant details. I decided to have a little game jam with myself where I wanted to make a complete experience as fast as possible. I ended up making this game in about 10 or so hours yesterday, with maybe an hour of minor polish today.

I have no plans to expand on it especially since the code is sloppy. But, I feel like I get stuck on coding everything the most proper or optimal way that I end up not finishing anything. So this was practice in turning off that part of my brain and just writing code that works even if it sucks.

Shout out to 98.css for the UI.

x-posted from /r/incremental_games by /u/snab43

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