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Emi ,

Think it was pop OS because "gaming" but never really had Linux as main os on my pc because gaming and modding and few other things that are just more complicated compared to what I'm used to. Being told to just use arch also does not help when I don't want to use terminal. And also don't know if you can run vr on Linux without problems. Current have installed mint on second drive(HDD) will start looking more into Linux when windows 10 stops getting support. But I'm a noob so what do I know.

AppleMango ,

Why do I not see any pop os comments... My first was (and is) pop os

Holzkohlen ,

Some 10+ year old Ubuntu version probably. Before Unity so 10.04 maybe. Can't say

Achyu ,

Edubuntu, IT@School

noisypine ,

Tried Redhat in the late 90s, but I really started using Linux with Mandrake, a few years later.

nick ,
@nick@campfyre.nickwebster.dev avatar

I attempted to boot Mandrake/Mandrivia on an old laptop once and failed, then I mucked around in Slackware's live CD for an afternoon. The first thing I actually installed and used daily was Ubuntu 10.04.

bier ,

Actual first was I think knopix or whatever it was called. My friend had a bootable floppy and we booted it on a school computer.

First real daily use was Ubuntu somewhere around 2006.

halfbyte ,
@halfbyte@mastodon.social avatar

@Waffelson First effort was Corel Linux back in 1999. The experience was so bad that I didn't try linux again until 2008, and it finally stuck 6 years ago. Now i'm all in.

CaptKoala ,

Ubuntu on an orangepi 5 when it released, now Linux Mint dual-booted to windows (haven't booted into windows for ages now) on my main rig.
I'll figure out making VR work at some point I hope, it's all I really use windows for now.

mrbaby , (edited )

I think Puppy or Damn Small Linux, maybe knoppix, i was on dial up at the time. Then I found that I could request a free Ubuntu install disk and the speed and cleanliness and compiz effects blew my mind. 04 or 06, can't remember which. From there I think it was xubuntu, mint, arch, arch nvme died and I needed an os immediately so manjaro, got sick of manjaro and garuda sounded neat so i tried it and that's where I am now on my main. Made a mess toying with wayland and am ready to reinstall, probably back to arch or try out nixos

edit: reading through all these comments is bringing back so many memories of other distros I played with back then.

Crass_Spektakel ,
@Crass_Spektakel@lemmy.world avatar

I am an old timer. I started with BSD before there was even a Linux. NetBSD on an Amiga 3000 before the AT&T law suite against NetBSD, then heared about Linux which was twice as clean as NetBSD and without legal issues - Later NetBSD removed all legal issues nonetheless.

First Linux was a Watch-Tower Distribution, basically a big RAM-Disk with a rudimentary Linux system which you copied to HD. No package manager, nothing. tar, make was the way to do installations. Shortly after Slackware and SuSE which basically was the same back then. Then a lot of SuSE then Debian, then Ubuntu. Don't care much about the distribution nowadays as long as it is DEB-based.

But now something to scare all of you: Today my most used POSIX environment is... Cygwin. Well, I got a Windows-Notebook for development and a VM is really clunky in comparison to a fully integrated POSIX-layer like Cygwin. For developing Stuff it actually matters very little if you use BSD, Linux, Cygwin or even Solaris.

iAvicenna ,

is he forcing her to look at the screen?

Waffelson OP ,

No, she imagines how an actor whom she asked to say vulgar words on a dictaphone strokes her head, in reality she strokes her head with her hand, which the actor was holding

cammelspit ,

Mandrake, I wanna say ~1998 or so. But tbh, I only recently finally took the plunge and wiped all traces of M$ off my system. I've tried Linux distris over the years and always just couldn't make them work for me for one reason or another. Red hat, Debian, Mint, Ubuntu, Pop_OS, Manjaro, Arco, Endeavor. Nothing really worked out for me and something inevitably broke that genuinely wasn't my fault. Now, I have settled on pure Arch with KDE and for some reason, it's been stable and been used daily for months now and I can't think of one thing that could ever make me go back, or anywhere else for that matter.

Underwaterbob ,

I bounced around a few different distros about twenty years ago. OpenSuse, Mint, and Ubuntu. I settled on Ubuntu (6.0X I think) because the others had a lot of trouble with hardware in my Korean laptop at the time. Ubuntu was the only one that had the track pad working right away, and also the only one I managed to get Korean keyboard input working in. I never did get the webcam working in any of them. I used Ubuntu in some form or another up until a few months ago when I switched to Mint. Largely because of Lemmy.

Areexor ,

Elementary OS 6 Years ago

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