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14th_cylon ,

Jesus, I can’t imagine just coming out and saying this like it’s not fucking deranged to charge people more for WATER during a heat wave.

and if there is a fire, we can raise prices of fire extinguishers, how cool is that?

14th_cylon ,

what i don't get is all the people complaining about google and at the same time using their browser...

i believe that trying to steer masses away from chrome would be more useful in the long run than trying to make it work

14th_cylon ,

we are not going to ignore lunatic who thinks cheating is normal. he is perpetrating fraud worth thousands of dollars; first in tuition, then in future earnings.

would you like to be operated on by a surgeon who passed the school thanks to ai? would you like to live on a 20th floor of a building designed by such structural engineer?

14th_cylon ,

Do businesses in Turkey not make sure people can do the job

i would imagine they do and checking that applicant has proper education is probably big part of that 😆

isn’t that a service already paid for

and that's why it is a fraud, someone (state) pays for your education and you are scamming him.

14th_cylon ,

Not sure if this is serious.

if you are really not sure whether this:

They could be mainly orders for extra bolts.

is serious, then i recommend to not attempt crossing a street without supervision 😜

14th_cylon , (edited )

its a valid question.

no, it is not.

do you really think that article talking about number of ordered planes suddenly switched to number of spare parts? does that sound logical to you? if you don't recognize such obvious sarcasm, you really shouldn't try to deliver burns to others, you'll just burn yourself in the process.


long story short: the numbers mean whole aircraft. i hope it is simple enough for you.


14th_cylon ,

i mean, people have innovated in the areas they care already

so you are saying that all the innovation and research should be stopped, because if we care about any specific problem, it is already solved, and if it isn't, it is proof we don't care? 😆

that... is not how it works.

14th_cylon ,

yeah, because in the world of audio/video content, who would care about quality of sound, right?

and even if people would actually not care, it still doesn't mean that someone won't be able to sell it to them.

14th_cylon ,

and unfortunately czech pirate representatives dropped from three to one :(

14th_cylon ,

(...) are among thousands of other employee-reported privacy incidents, according to a copy of an internal Google database which tracks six years worth of potential privacy and security issues obtained by 404 Media.

So is leak of that database going to be next record in it? :D

14th_cylon ,

Not once have I encountered a trans person on a dating app who wasn’t 100% transparent about it.

...that you know of. not defending bigots or bullying, but that statement doesn't make sense.

14th_cylon ,

Their point

oh geez, thank you for explaining someone else's point, you must be quite an insider into their thoughts 😂

was that they never “found out”

that is not what was said

why would you need or want to be that precise about your language

you need to be precise with your language because that is what allows us to communicate ideas to each other and logic through arguments, eventually accepting or refuting them.

for example you can call these two strawberry, and nuclear submarine, but it is going to seriously hinder your communication with others, because that is now what is commonly understood under these terms.

https://lemm.ee/api/v3/image_proxy?url=https%3A%2F%2Fimage.petmd.com%2Ffiles%2Finline-images%2Fgerman-shepherd-3.jpg https://lemm.ee/api/v3/image_proxy?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.zooplus.co.uk%2Fmagazine%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2021%2F01%2Fstriped-grey-kitten-768x512.jpg

you can see it in the comment we are discussing. because i read the implication original commenter tried to make as it never happened to me => it is not a problem that needs to be addressed.

which is incorrect implication in itself, but more importantly, as i pointed out, the premise of the implication is flawed.

14th_cylon ,

So I am going to sit down and the screen will be full of penis enlargement pills? What will all the hot singles in the area think?

14th_cylon ,

which would be bad for the world if people in the competing nations didn’t have internet access

these people would find out that there is such thing as fm radio. and that lot of their phones is capable of receiving it.

14th_cylon ,

we are talking about cheap home dsl routers here. i think that extent of the damage here is that someone has to revert to offline porn.

14th_cylon ,

you should be marked as a bot.

14th_cylon ,
  1. you don't make posts, you are making links to elsewhere with one clickbait title.

  2. you have made 7570 (in words, OVER SEVEN THOUSANDS) of them in 11 month.

you are a bot, no matter whether you are made out of silicon or carbon.

ChatGPT Answers Programming Questions Incorrectly 52% of the Time: Study (gizmodo.com)

The research from Purdue University, first spotted by news outlet Futurism, was presented earlier this month at the Computer-Human Interaction Conference in Hawaii and looked at 517 programming questions on Stack Overflow that were then fed to ChatGPT....

14th_cylon ,

Seeing the trajectory is not ultimate answer to anything.


14th_cylon ,

There is a good chance that it is instrumental in discoveries that lead to efficient clean energy

There is exactly zero chance.... LLMs don't discover anything, they just remix already existing information. That is how it works.

14th_cylon ,

For example, AI has discovered

no, people have discovered. llms were just a tool used to manipulate large sets of data (instructed and trained by people for the specific task) which is something in which computers are obviously better than people. but same as we don't say "keyboard made a discovery", the llm didn't make a discovery either.

that is just intentionally misleading, as is calling the technology "artificial intelligence", because there is absolutely no intelligence whatsoever.

and comparing that to einstein is just laughable. einstein understood the broad context and principles and applied them creatively. llm doesn't understand anything. it is more like a toddler watching its father shave and then moving a lego piece accross its face pretending to shave as well, without really understaning what is shaving.

14th_cylon ,

I appreciate the XKCD comic, but I think you’re exaggerating that other commenter’s intent.

i don't think so. the other commenter clearly rejects the critic(1) and implies that existence of upward trajectory means it will one day overcome the problem(2).

while (1) is well documented fact right now, (2) is just wishful thinking right now.

hence the comic, because "the trajectory" doesn't really mean anything.

14th_cylon ,

will therefore never be good enough?

no one said that. but someone did try to reject the fact it is demonstrably bad right now, because "there is a trajectory".

14th_cylon ,

In general, “The technology is young and will get better with time” is not just a reasonable argument, but almost a consistent pattern. Note that XKCD’s example is about events, not technology.

yeah, no.

try to compare horse speed with ford t and blindly extrapolate that into the future. look at the moore's law. technology does not just grow upwards if you give it enough time, most of it has some kind of limit.

and it is not out of realm of possibility that llms, having already stolen all of human knowledge from the internet, having found it is not enough and spewing out bullshit as a result of that monumental theft, have already reached it.

that may not be the case for every machine learning tool developed for some specific purpose, but blind assumption it will just grow indiscriminately, because "there is a trend", is overly optimistic.

14th_cylon ,

AI made those discoveries. Yes, it is true that humans made AI, so in a way, humans made the discoveries, but if that is your take, then it is impossible for AI to ever make any discovery.

if this is your take, then lot of keyboard made a lot of discovery.

AI could make a discovery if there was one (ai). there is none at the moment, and there won't be any for any foreseeable future.

tool that can generate statistically probable text without really understanding meaning of the words is not an intelligence in any sense of the word.

your other examples, like playing chess, is just applying the computers to brute-force through specific mundane task, which is obviously something computers are good at and being used since we have them, but again, does not constitute a thinking, or intelligence, in any way.

it is laughable to think that anyone knows where the current rapid trajectory will stop for this new technology, and much more laughable to think we are already at the end.

it is also laughable to assume it will just continue indefinitely, because "there is a trajectory". lot of technology have some kind of limit.

and just to clarify, i am not some anti-computer get back to trees type. i am eager to see what machine learning models will bring in the field of evidence based medicine, for example, which is something where humans notoriously suck. but i will still not call it "intelligence" or "thinking", or "making a discovery". i will call it synthetizing so much data that would be humanly impossible and finding a pattern in it, and i will consider it cool result, no matter what we call it.

14th_cylon ,

oh sure. when someone says "you can't just blindly extrapolate a curve", there must be some conspiracy behind it, it absolutely cannot be because you can't just blindly extrapolate a curve 😂

14th_cylon , (edited )

It is arbitrary to choose that all the good ideas came from “humans”.

no, it is not. ALL ideas come from humans. period. machines don't have an idea. they are tool aimed by a person with the idea. go there, sift through this pile of data and find a pattern in it.

If we are going to give all credit for anything AI produces to humans

we generally don't give a credit to tools. we don't give a credit to keyboard, microscope, centrifuge, a car, or any other tool we use in our lives. we give credit to people with ideas using these tools.

then it only seems fair to give all credit for human things to our common ancestors with chimpanzees, because if it were not for their clever ideas, we would never have been here.

no, it doesn't seem fair to give them all credit for human things, but it seems fair to give them credit for their own actions.

But wait, we can’t stop there, because we have to give credit to the original single-celled life forms, and eventually, back to the universe itself(like I mentioned before).

it seems that extending an argument to stupid proportion so you can attack it is your favorite logical fallacy.

Look, I totally get the desire to want to glorify humans and think that we have something special that machines don’t/can’t have.

oh, the good old "lets be reasonable" approach 😆

to what is right around the corner.

got tired of arguing, so you decided to just present your position as a fact? there is lot of things "right around the corner", but general artificial intelligence is not one of them. that doesn't mean it is never coming, but it is absolutely not "just around the corner".

There is not some magical difference between our calculations that make it so we can make discoveries and machines cannot.

yes, there is, and it is the very difference between GAI, which we have no idea how to approach today, and single purpose tool to sift through some data, which we have today.

so far we have no idea what that missing peace is, when we find out, that is going the be the breakthrough.

Imagine you teach your little brother how to play chess

i like how you argue against yourself.

your brother trying to beat the chess is not making any kind of discovery, is not "having ideas".

he is trying to brute force best way through rigid set of rules,, which is indeed something that machines are better than us, because they are faster than us.

when some day a machine wakes up and gets an idea (be it inventing new game other than chess, composing a song to express its feelings, or "i wonder what happens if i do this") let me know.

Your whole point is that if people do it, then it is some special discovery thing, but if computers do it, then it is just computational brute force.
There is actually no difference between the two, (...) We made programs (... ) and then it went further and in the same direction that we were trying to go.

when i teach a dog to run through agility course, it will run through it faster then i ever will. there is still difference between me and the dog.

The usual speedup when we go from using generalized hardware to specialized is about 5 orders of magnitude(10,000x).

i would be interested in reading something about this, if you have a link, because from what i have been able to google, that statement is gross exaggeration.

but no matter what - even if this hardware will exist, and will exist for affordable monetary and energetic price - that is still just speed. it is not going to help chatgpt to pretend to be better chatbot, when it already learned on all written sum of human knowledge, but can't differentiate between trustworthy source and the onion.

it will for sure help lot of single purpose tools used for scientific research and i wish it to scientist as much as better microscopes, but the speed in itself does not constitute intelligence.

I understand wanting to see humans as having a monopoly on “intelligence”, but quite frankly that era is coming to an end.

i see you are big fan of the industry, but i would give you your own advice: don't let your ego stand in the way of your judgement 😆

14th_cylon ,

I do just want to add that my conclusion is that I, as a human, am not uniquely special for having the ability to have thoughts, ideas, and come up with new things.

of course not. monkeys can do same thing, we have already established that.

machines, however, do not.

14th_cylon ,

The 5 orders of magnitude gained from general computers to asics is standard knowledge, you learn it in the first year of any comp sci class. You can find it all over, for example.

so, it is just your wishful thinking. you have no proof that this is going to be true, you just blindly extrapolate from the past... wait, that is how this discussion started... 😂

There isn’t a difference. We don’t have some super magical mystical human thing that sets us apart.

yes, there is, i have already answered that.

A way to imagine how it can be possible for a computer to have thoughts and ideas

just imagine this thing that is at the moment impossible and we have no idea how to do it or whether it will ever be possible.

and see, once you imagine this impossible thing becoming true, this other impossible thing also becomes true.


how easy, huh 😂

I think it’s important to now let what we want to be true to interfere with our analysis of what is true.

if only you would take your own medicine.

14th_cylon ,

jesus fucking christ, are you using some chatbot to drown me in a wall of text? just stop...

We don’t have a time machine to go see exactly how the future plays out.

if you think you know exactly how the future plays out, you are just insane. i am not reading the rest of it. bye.

14th_cylon ,

And here I thought I was cool with my 8digit number starting with "1"

14th_cylon ,

I could do this in about five seconds with Corel PhotoPaint.

that is because you are familiar with corel photopaint. i could do that faster than you in gimp, because i am familiar with gimp.

and yes, using tool capable of doing lot of complex tasks takes more time to learn than some single-purpose tool that is optimized to do one task (and even then you have to learn how to use it). that is like wondering that learning to pilot aircraft takes longer than learning to ride on a bicycle.

14th_cylon ,

The currently enabled Autopilot and Full Self-Driving features require active driver supervision and do not make the vehicle autonomous.


14th_cylon ,

People who suggest, let's say, firing employees of crisis intervention hotline and replacing them with llms...

14th_cylon ,

i approve of that. it is funny and there is no harm to anyone else other than the shareholders, so... 😆

14th_cylon ,

These fuckers see it as well. Fuckity fuckity fuck.

14th_cylon ,

their traffic data has no rivals

do you mean the waze traffic data, or does google actually have some of its own?

14th_cylon ,


The Atlantic | Neal Stephenson’s Most Stunning Prediction

The sci-fi legend coined the term metaverse. But he was most prescient about our AI age.
By Matteo Wong

14th_cylon ,

point A and B are already known for each route, so more of the route could be “hardcoded”

yeah, and it is all good until there is any kind of non-standard situation on that road.

luckily for truckers, i think that truly self-driving cars are further into the future than their proponents would like you to believe.

14th_cylon ,

Have you heard of “pedestrian controlled” trucks

they are called forklifts and they are around for quite some time now 😆

14th_cylon ,

oh my. the... motorized pedestrian truck driver klaus. haven't seen this gem in some time.


14th_cylon ,

i would guess these would be last. the garbage cans are not on the highway, they are in potentially hard accessible places, where some maneuvering and judgement may be required.

nm , to Technology
@nm@veganism.social avatar

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  • 14th_cylon ,

    because blocked is considered good and federated bad... i assume.

    14th_cylon ,

    Right, correcting your incorrect information is "weird flex". What are you, five?

    On my Mi Max 3 it does not work as well. In "configure buttons" section of menu there is no call emergency number action, neither is there press [any button] five times trigger available. So clearly the function your phone has is not universal. What a wild world do we live in!

    14th_cylon ,

    Which Android version are you on?

    10 qkq1.190910.002

    14th_cylon , (edited )

    might be. might also be miui thing, i don't know.

    the fact remains that (android does x) does not equal to (some subset of android does x)

    seems the function was added in adroid 12 - https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2023/06/uk-police-blame-android-for-record-number-of-false-emergency-calls/

    which means that as of right now it is available to 60% of android users - https://gs.statcounter.com/android-version-market-share/mobile/worldwide/

    14th_cylon ,


    Exclusive: Mercedes becomes the first automaker to sell autonomous cars in the U.S. that don’t come with a equirement that drivers watch the road

    Rachyl Jones
    April 19, 2024, 12:05 AM UTC

    4–5 minutes

    The next time you’re traveling on the interstate and see a fellow driver whose hands are full with everything but the wheel—scrolling TikTok, applying mascara, eating breakfast—don’t panic. It’s all legal in certain states, as long as they’re in a new Mercedes with autonomous driving technology.

    The luxury automaker has become the first in the nation to start selling self-driving cars—at least those that afford riders a hands-free experience—to regular consumers. So far, the company has sold at least 65 autonomous vehicles in California, Fortune has learned through an open records request submitted to the state’s DMV. Select Mercedes dealerships in Nevada are also offering the cars with the new technology, known as “level 3” autonomous driving.

    Level 3-enabled cars went on sale in December, Mercedes told Fortune. California and Nevada are the only two states where the company can legally sell the technology to consumers. The two state DMVs gave Mercedes approval to begin selling the cars last year—Nevada in January, and California in June. Mercedes announced in September its planned to begin sales, but this is the first news of the cars actually reaching consumers.

    Drivers can activate Mercedes’s technology, called Drive Pilot, when certain conditions are met, including in heavy traffic jams, during the daytime, on specific California and Nevada freeways, and when the car is traveling less than 40 mph. Drivers can focus on other activities until the vehicle alerts them to resume control. The technology does not work on roads that haven’t been pre-approved by Mercedes, including on freeways in other states.

    The sales mark a new echelon of autonomous driving available to the average American. Mercedes is the first automaker selling to customers to achieve level 3 capabilities in the U.S., with Tesla and others still offering technology at level 2—in which cars can perform specific tasks but require constant supervision from a driver. Some drivers, however, ignore those rules and operate the cars as if they are more capable than they are. Some drivers, however, ignore those rules and operate the cars as if they are more capable than they are. One family of a deceased driver has accused Tesla of hyping its assisted driving technology as fully autonomous, allegedly leading to tragic results, while California’s DMV last year accused the company of false advertising over the matter.

    Meanwhile, robotaxis from Alphabet’s Waymo and GM’s Cruise operate at level 4, meaning cars drive autonomously in most conditions without human interference. But these companies currently don’t sell vehicles to consumers, and Cruise recently halted its service after California’s DMV suspended its license due to an incident in which a car dragged a pedestrian under its carriage for 20 feet.

    U.S. customers can buy a yearly subscription of Drive Pilot in 2024 EQS sedans and S-Class car models for $2,500. Mercedes began selling level 3-enabled cars in its home country of Germany in May 2022. The European packages cost 5,000 to 7,000 euros ($5,300 and $7,500) for a three-year membership.

    The cars sport turquoise lights on its rear-view mirrors, headlights, and taillights to let law enforcement and other drivers know when the car is operating autonomously. Drive Pilot is only available on select models that have the built-in hardware, including a sensor at the front of the car and a camera in the rear windshield.

    Mercedes is also working on developing level 4 capabilities. The automaker’s chief technology officer Markus Schäfer expects that level 4 autonomous technology will be available to consumers by 2030, Automotive News reported. But the jump to level 4 is considerably more difficult than achieving level 3. While humans are still expected to take control of the car based on the circumstances in level 3, level 4 technology is supposed to offer near-total autonomy. At this level, a driver only needs to take over if the system fails. That means the technology must be able to safely respond to nearly all unexpected situations on the road.

    14th_cylon ,

    I have seen outer limits and deep space 9 episodes based on this idea and they definitely weren't inspirational stories...

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