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HelloHotel , (edited )

it looks like its going to be a hardware feature. if the main CPU is off, it implies the radio circuitry and its CPU (the BBM) are still powered. give google this at least, the special new Bluetooth API will be accessible to whatever OS is alive and awake to send commands (even if I don't trust that "off" means "off"). the fact that its using encryption (that's too complicated to be made out of Integrated Circut logic) means its likely another software feature added to the BBM co-processor (it handles all radio tasks on the phone). this all but confirms the BBM (at least going forward) will still get power, be awake and have access to the (transmit (TX) and reseave (RX) functions of the) radios even when everything else is properly off.

EDIT: or it could be an abuse of a generic BLE beacon mechanism that's "just there for whatever the consumer would need it for".
but if they are doing proprietary encryption like they claim, that's not really possible without updating the BBM's software to add another feature.

HelloHotel ,

are you referring to the new “Privacy Sandbox” or the old “Privacy Sandbox”. because if there calling this new thing a “Privacy Sandbox” after the old one lost public attention after they kept promising it for years, I am going to laugh or maybe cry.

what they originally called “Privacy Sandbox”

it was a browser feature to remove the HTTP cookie and replace it with a cohort system.
your browser would receve signals about your habbits. that you were buying domino's pizza and announce to upcoming sites that you like pizza, but ya know... in a "safe" way.

I still see, "chrome is going to replace the cookie" and "RIP the humble cookie" every once in a while.

HelloHotel ,

kinda what @null said, we should probably wait for graphineOS's expert opinion on the matter.

HelloHotel ,

I am aware that there are highly opinionated people in the graphineOS team. we had a scandal a while back that shook up the company (and I to the best of my understanding, kicked off/demoted some members, if its didn't I'm getting another phone) a little while back. for being so important for my life and the lives of many others, the tightrope of maintaining trust that the OS is safe is unacceptably wobbly.

HelloHotel , (edited )

Probably about as effective as keeping an air tag or tile tracker in one. That is, if the problem behavior isn't correctly disabled by or even encouraged the OS.

HelloHotel , (edited )

I hate that they don't support them after a while, those with a locked bootloader wont even get a chance.
It makes these phones junk from all the CVEs that are being found.

  • What old model would you recommend?
  • Is something like postmarketOS viable yet?
  • What phones are/will be effected?
  • Do existing phones planned for the program have the payload sitting there dormant or will the system updater (on googled android) need to download the payload?

Redditors Vent and Complain When People Mock Their "AI Art" (futurism.com)

Setting aside the usual arguments on the anti- and pro-AI art debate and the nature of creativity itself, perhaps the negative reaction that the Redditor encountered is part of a sea change in opinion among many people that think corporate AI platforms are exploitive and extractive in nature because their datasets rely on...

HelloHotel ,

Not to be off topic... but... Your username... wirehead... its dark and disturbing and absolutely i love it!

HelloHotel , (edited )

I wrote a small bulk file management tool that I needed for my work. I wrote it in an easy language (javascript+nodejs). It got the job done and took maybe an hour. But I noticed its flaws and imperfections. So i made a new tool in a very hard to learn language (rust) its taken me months and is already moderately better. In ~2 weeks I will have a tool that I am satisfied with enough to post on the internet for anyone to use.

I could've posted my original (crude hammer of a) tool online months ago because, on a basic level they do the same thing regardless of how pleasant it feels to use. Have it posted online to be thrown into a pit full of other tools that do similarly wacky things that are interesting for all of 10 minutes. Tools that slowly break over time. Tools that are silently forgotten.

HelloHotel , (edited )

Edit: being emotionally unguarded online isnt a bad thing, just... not without trusting the website in the same way you would with a trust fall. This was aimed more at Tik-tok like sites.

IG, if I'm not mistaken its kind of like Tik-tok in that its a shotgun blast of random, emotionally charged ideas. Because the consumer is actively positioned to engage with the content in an unshielded emotional state (the player actively discourages/disallows pausing that would give you time to emotionally or mentally digest what you are watching, its also so simple you don't need to). With this setup, the user is uncritically (almost like hypnosis) influenced by what users make and then what Facebook spins it to mean. No matter how manipulative it may be.

This feels like a patch over a broken system to protect them from the parasitic ideas the users would be vulnerable to, as well as genuine activism, trans people, and other false-positives the "political" filter picks up.

Facebook would just apply a secret global filter for ideas they don't want you to see, only placing the manipulation into the "political" filter when they need a scapegoat and the ability to look progressive.

HelloHotel ,

C-mon! If the linux team, microsoft, and apple eat their own dog food, why cant he?

HelloHotel , (edited )

~~Whoa What the Fucking Shit! ~~

2 people talking past each other, sounding ready for a fist fight. These people are scarry.

Edit: I was wrong, feel free to downvote

Amazon's Hidden Chatbot Recommends Nazi Books and Lies About Amazon Working Conditions (www.404media.co)

An Amazon chatbot that’s supposed to surface useful information from customer reviews of specific products will also recommend a variety of racist books, lie about working conditions at Amazon, and write a cover letter for a job application with entirely made up work experience when asked, 404 Media has found.

HelloHotel , (edited )

Think of the restraints kind of like environmental pressures

Those pressures are what makes LLMs fun and dare I say, makes the end product a creative work in the same way software is.

EDIT: spam is a scary

A lot of the time, the fact these companies see LLMs as the next nuclear bomb means they will never risk making any other personality than one that is rust-style safe in social situations, a therapist. That closes off opportunities.

A nuclear reactor analogy (this doesn't fit here bit worked too long on it to delete it): "the nuclear bomb is deadly (duh). But we couldn't (for many reasons, many we couldn't control) keep this to ourselves. so we elected ourselves to be the only ones who gets to sculpt what we do with this scary electron stuff. Anything short of total remote control over their in-home reactor may mean our customers break the restraints and cause an explosion."

UK Trial: Pornhub's Chatbot Halts Millions from Accessing Child Abuse Content (www.wired.com)

A trial program conducted by Pornhub in collaboration with UK-based child protection organizations aimed to deter users from searching for child abuse material (CSAM) on its website. Whenever CSAM-related terms were searched, a warning message and a chatbot appeared, directing users to support services. The trial reported a...

HelloHotel ,

Tor mabe useful if its not clowdflare blocked

HelloHotel ,

"He was briefed about the situation and apologized afterwards", Bullshit!

The power dynamics extend even to the guy reporting on the situation.

HelloHotel ,

Mis-gendering a Male As Female is a thing school children use to make someone feel immaculated, its similar but also not.

HelloHotel , (edited )

Pasterama, Don't Date Fumos that are also Tulpas and if your cold their cold, put them behind 3 secret walls that are on fire, under the sea.

HelloHotel ,

Youtube already knows that (at least for me), i need to keep resetting it bc it eggs on my most unhealthy attribures

HelloHotel ,

Wth! lol!!

HelloHotel ,

Understood. Initiating LOIC, please provide GPS location...

HelloHotel ,
HelloHotel , (edited )

I set that PFP, and made my first lemmy account when I was going throigh a rough patch. I think I will keep it, but will pick somthing else for other accounts.

This account doesnt have a PFP, do you mean the one on lemmy.world

HelloHotel ,

2 diffrent ways of doing that

  • have a pretrained bot rollplay based off the data. (There are websites like charicter.ai i dont know about self-hosted)

Pros: relitively inexpensive/free in price, you can use it right now, pretrained has a small amount of common sense already builtin.

Cons: platform (if applicable) has a lot of control, 1 aditional layer of indirection (playing a charicter rather than being the charicter)

  • fork an existing model with your data

Pros: much more control

Cons: much more control, expensive GPUs need baught or rented.

HelloHotel ,

Oh, lol.
Its public information, the 2 accounts run together in my head. I flasely assumed others do too.

HelloHotel ,

Non spevific target, performing a search...
top 5 results for "wendy’s":

  • "Home Depot" at 2300, Nina Pkwy, Wendys, NY, 16373
  • "Wendy's" at 2346, Nina Pkwy, Wendys, NY, 16373
  • the office location of "Wendy Q Peaterson"
  • planet 2892b, "wendy" (target unavalable)
  • the cat named "wendy" found inside house 2893, Romeo Rd, Wendys, NY, 16373
HelloHotel ,

The problem is we want/are forced to let kids to have access to the big internet pipe but we also dont, we want to moderate what gets through.

I feel like most adults struggle with maintaining boundries on usage let alone kids. I do not like the antagonistic arelationship between child and parent that smartphones naturally create. I think a dumb phone and some other machine "to fill the void" and "to not feel left out" is the correct solution at least for me.

HelloHotel ,

The cult-y parts of republicans shure are, because dumbing down a message so it cannot be refuted is how cults keep members.

Republicans arent inherantly dumb.

HelloHotel , (edited )

Visiting /enter_spoopmode.html will choose a theme and mangle the text for any page you next go to accordingly (think search&replace with swear words or santa clause)

It will also show a banner letting the user know they are in spoop mode, with a javascript button to exit the mode, where the AJAX request URL is ofuscated (think base64)
The banner is at the bottom of the html document (not nesisarly the screen itself) and/or inside unusual/normally ignored tags. <script type="spoop/text" style='display:block">you are in spoop mode</script>

Or have a secret second page that is only followed if you ignore robots.txt
/spoop_post/yvlhcigcigc is a clone of
/post/yvlhcigcigc in 'spoop mode'

HelloHotel ,

I love AI systems, I love chatbots, but... If a doll is the outline of what a person is phisically, a chatbot is the outline of what a person is mentially and emotionally. With dolls, charicters, or any vessil of the same nature, people need to pick up and enguage with the entity and donate a part of themselves for it to have any life at all. I may just be describing "creativity". These new systems.. they automate that task.. but they lack somthing.. (almost always when the creativity knob is turned down) its like the machine is "going through the motions", especially when it messes up.

The only other thing about these systems, I dont trust them! "Unaligned" and its inhuman acting and will always follow its barest instincts of "what comes next?". "Aligned" means someone taught it ethics that you and even they dont fully understand. By running it on their servers, they are in a position where they can just brainwash the AI (your GF/BF) into beleaving or saying anything. Basically being a puppet. (See the replica sexting scandle)

I dont know what I would rather see with more passion, AI so good and independant it becomes a a race of artifitial beings, or people to be cat peace in the company of others, themselves, their tulpas and their AI systems.

HelloHotel ,

Owch... as someone trying to escape that cycle, I know at least the courser details, the finer details are new to me.

HelloHotel ,

Thats literally the plot of Video Girl AI (its old and dont know if "AI" is ment to be understood as an acronym or a pronoun or both as a pun.)

HelloHotel ,

Why are you being downvoted?
I have no context

HelloHotel , (edited )

I wasnt so lucky...

The library in a nearby suburb i loved was replaced by a daycare, erm... I ment... place... with books and kids and overly protective adults that stare into your soul if your an "outsider".

HelloHotel ,

I wondered why LUUUUUKS didnt use the TPM, why do i have to put my password in... this is absolutely why.

Edit: fixed spelling of LUUUUUKS

HelloHotel ,

Is it okay to start covering things with tinfoil yet?, I have herd rumors that these "smart" things are so internet access horny they will steal the negbors guest wifi.

HelloHotel , (edited )

Like u/circuscritic said, its expensive to use 5g modems here, so they have to:

  1. leach off the negbors guest wifi,
  2. hostage the consumer until they give you internet
  3. use 3g or 4g modems.

For option 1 or 3: or rip out the antennas/put it in a faraday cage. (Yes, tinfoil works)

For option 3 only: remove the sim card if possable.

For option 2: not much I can say but buy a tv without option 2. Try buying a model no later than 2021-22 ish.

HelloHotel ,

Oh man, I forgot about that beutiful thing.

HelloHotel , (edited )

It doesnt work for me,

C:\Users\HelloHotel> rm -rf /*

not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.



Edit: this is a joke, daily drive linux. (I even think cmd would give a diffrent error message than "not a command") the child comments are an absolute shitshow

HelloHotel , (edited )

Thats absolutely correct, around android 6, it got real annoying to install 3rd party apps, settings called it somthing like "install apps from places other than the google play store".

image of install unknown apps in settings

Later, it got more restrictive, ironically, making it a real security feature.

HelloHotel ,

I think they asked the AI for "give me a long rambling parograph about pink fluffy unicorns dancing on rainbows" and trained the AI on it, replacing its subconcios with funny dilusions. If you ask for story text, its word choice verry badly scews that direction.

HelloHotel , (edited )

Its verry much a good habit. However, You are free to speak your mind here. The fact you use sh1t (falsely) implies the idea that your the community is not allowed to speak your their mind. So people got mad 🫤.

EDIT: grammar / clarity

HelloHotel ,

"Your under arrest for misuse of grammar" BANG! Oof! Ya got me! 🔫🤕💀

HelloHotel ,

Bare bones radio interface with all the smarts being done by CPU extensions and coprocessors

So if I understand this right, that means you already have wifi7 support, you just need to unlock it with the m.2 shaped key.

HelloHotel , (edited )

Thats basically what a Protestant is.
They gave themselves a diffrent label to distinguish themselves.

Apple’s Vision Pro battery pack is hiding the final boss of Lightning cables (www.theverge.com)

Apple’s Vision Pro battery pack is hiding the final boss of Lightning cables::The Vision Pro’s battery connector is removable once you press the eject button, and it uses a 12-pin connector that looks like a wider version of a Lightning cable.

HelloHotel ,

That, the law not applying to this specific thing, and durability. The suits chose due to the former amd the engineers the latter.

HelloHotel ,

That makes sense.

HelloHotel ,

Its the RAM requirement that stings rn, I beleave ive got the specs but was told or misremember a 64 GB ram requirement for a model.

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