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bitfucker ,

I think I may know a few of those. But not through play store. They usually scam someone by saying they got a packet on their way and their tracking number must be opened on an app that they send via messaging apps.

bitfucker ,

I prefer concise and accurate documentation than clean code tbh. The reason is that if the documentation stated that it should perform something with side effects a,b,c then I at least know what to expect. When contributing, this also makes it easier to implement something because we have the requirement at hand. Understanding shitty code is easier than understanding human requirements. Shitty code is the language we use to talk with a computer, so at least you'll know exactly what will happen.

bitfucker ,

Transferring ownership of the account also transfers the game license owned by the account. Still upset publisher

bitfucker ,

Gay field... A word I never imagined will encounter in my life

bitfucker ,

If they don't want to choose, that's fine by me. But why tf they didn't want choice? They could just stick to whatever is the default and let others who wanted different choice have their way.

bitfucker ,

I didn't specifically comment on GNOME ma dude. Just the other commenter that said most people don't want choice. I think it's not "choice" but it should be "choose". Having to choose can indeed become confusing, so there should be a default or pre chosen choice. Having no choice means you are locked in. Hence my comment. I am having no problem with people not wanting to choose, but people that do not want a choice is when I am starting to have a problem.

bitfucker ,

I think you can start a figma or other collaborative UI/UX as an idea first. If a developer is interested in implementing it, then you move on to the next feature

Linus Tech Tips (LTT) release investigation results on former accusations (x.com)

There were a series of accusations about our company last August from a former employee. Immediately following these accusations, LMG hired Roper Greyell - a large Vancouver-based law firm specializing in labor and employment law, to conduct a third-party investigation. Their website describes them as “one of the largest...

bitfucker ,

I doubt you pay a doctor for him to say something you want to hear

bitfucker ,

This is why semver is a thing. If a program is released under 1.1.x, and then recompiled with a new compiler, then it can be 1.1.y where y > x

bitfucker ,

Yeah, but in the context of flatpak isn't the distribution managed by the developer themselves? Also, in the distro release version case, they usually add something distro specific to differentiate it.

bitfucker ,

Yes, and hence my comment on flatpak which turns out is false (that the upstream developer is usually the distributor/packager too). And the other still applies, distro usually adds a specific tag anyway for their refresh. Like that one time xz on rolling debian was named something x.y.z-really-a.b.c.

I think flatpak packagers should also append the specific tag too if that is the case. Like, x.y.z-flatpak-w where w can be the build release version

bitfucker ,

This also highlights the problem of extrapolating from a single data point.

bitfucker ,

Judging by your username, you are already qualified for most IT firm!

bitfucker ,

Hoho man, that naming scheme made me shiver. Bonus points since old and new exist at the same time

Edit: Oh, it just redirects immediately

bitfucker ,

Why would we need a specific word to describe that gap in the first place? A surgeon is a job, so does a fast food worker. Sure one skill is more rare than the other, but why is it more rare in the first place? Why can't anyone study to become a qualified surgeon? Why can't anyone study to do whatever it is they wanted to do?

bitfucker ,

I disagree. A skill is a skill. Some are more skilled than others IN THE SAME SKILL. You cannot objectively compare a different skill with another. If a skill required to do surgery is "more" than flipping a burger, then being good at surgery means you are magically good at flipping burgers, but that is not the case.

bitfucker ,

Alright, fair point

bitfucker ,

I don't think it's anyone. The difference is that one job training requires extensive facility and infrastructure in place to do the training, while the other is trivial. You can train a lot of people to flip burgers with a lot less resources than training a surgeon to do surgery.

bitfucker ,

Then I suggest using the word more valuable skill than being more skilled. More valuable skill since it implies rarity and not some sort of hierarchy. That's my take anyways from the word "some jobs require more skill".

bitfucker ,

I think I mixed my opinion because of my other comments. I just realized that when reading which comment thread I am replying to (about "some job requires more skill")

My point is that I don't think we need a word to describe the difference "level" of skill since I believe there is no "level" of skill but a different skill is just that. Different skill. Being good and passing the hurdle to be able to do surgery doesn't translate to being good at flipping burgers. Alright, some skills require more hurdles than others to be acquired but it doesn't mean one skill is "better" than the other. More rare or more "valuable" sure, but not in the sense of hierarchy. I.e, flipping burgers is a "lower" skill than surgery.

bitfucker ,

I am not saying we should pay them the same?

bitfucker ,

Well, yeah. I guess it is because I am often jumping fields because otherwise it can get confusing when switching context (I am a mechatronics engineer, so a blend of mechanical, electrical, control system, and programming)

bitfucker ,

Yes, sorry

bitfucker ,

Habit from work

bitfucker ,

From my understanding, pedantic is a pedant, which itself means "a person who is excessively concerned with minor details and rules". And aren't we debating the usage of words unskilled from the post? I agree that "unskilled" is inappropriate since it implies it doesn't require any skill at all. There are always skills involved. I also disagree if we call one job requires "more" skill than another. "More" implies that skills are hierarchial (at least to my understanding, because you can have more or less amount of something) whereas I think it is not. I think a skill is a skill, and what makes them distinct is how rare a skill is. Rarity however, doesn't imply having "more" skill. A person can be MORE SKILLED IN THE SAME SKILL. Not across different skill. Hence why I said surgery doesn't require MORE skill than burger flipping. They are distinct skill. If surgery requires MORE skill than burger flipping, then if a person is a good surgeon, he is a good burger flipper.

bitfucker ,

Being wrong about being a pedant or on opinion? Also, the reply doesn't specify any correction, just stating that I don't know what being pedantic and unskilled is. And I do admit I am being pedantic from my understanding of pedantic, hence the current discussion. I do love to argue for the sake of arguing. I can learn a lot from arguing. So if people would like to debate me, feel free to do so. Please state what about my statement that is wrong?

bitfucker ,

Well, forgive my english then as it is not my native tongue if I really misinterpret something. And as I said, I think more skill implies skill has a level, not in difficulty mind you but in terms of proficiency. And yes, skill does have proficiency but you cannot compare those proficient in surgery to those that are proficient in flipping burgers. Someone can be more proficient at surgery than another, but to say a surgeon is more skilled with a burger flipper is just as wack in my opinion. Let's put it this way then, maybe the disparity is too big between surgeon and burger flipper. How about a software engineer and a surgeon? Which one is more skilled? See? It doesn't make sense as a concept. Even if learning it takes less effort and hurdles, you cannot compare different sets of skills.

bitfucker ,

Yes, a person can have skill in both surgery and cooking. I do not dispute that. Even surgery is too broad as it contains a more specific skill set. But you cannot say that a surgeon is more skilled than a burger flipper. Then how about a surgeon and software engineer? Which one is more skilled? I hope you get my point this time

bitfucker ,

Man, I thought this is an ADHD meme when trying to sleep and your brain starts to do random shit.

bitfucker ,

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't brain cell never renew itself?

bitfucker ,

Yes, first you need to resize the partition to accommodate the new OS. Usually 40-60 GB is good enough for minimal linux installation if you didn't do any gaming or other massive applications. The resizing can be done in windows using disk management utility baked into windows, or some other partition manager (easeus, magic tools, etc). After that, linux can be safely installed in the free space as a single partition.

Now, sometimes the bootloader is fucked, but it is quite easy to fix. In fact, if you use grub, it usually runs os-probe for you to check for any other OS. So sometimes, fixing it is as simple as rerunning grubmkconfig. But there are other times where it is not as simple. It will vary depending on what happened and too long to list here. Arch Wiki usually covers a lot of the topic so you could try searching there, especially on the topic of boot sequence.

Lastly, if you need to move the partition, the data already inside will need to be moved too. This can take time depending on the size. But it is doable and safe.

If, later down the road you want to remove either OS, you can simply remove the partition after moving the data first. Linux can mount ntfs natively so no problem there. On windows, there is a program called ext4 explorer or something along the line to browse and copy from linux filesystem (which is usually ext4). Don't forget to remove the boot information too after you're done removing the partition.

Now there is also the other suggestion to use a live environment but I didn't suggest it since the experience can be lacking and more hassle in and of itself.

bitfucker ,

Yeah, that's fair. But I will still recommend anyone trying out linux AND having a problem to consult Arch Wiki when they can. It is amazing what they have there. It will also increase your technical understanding of how your system works overtime. But if you don't have any problems when driving linux, that is good too. It just means linux for the masses is coming closer.

For some distro recommendations, if you love to tinker, I'd say go arch. You will learn a lot about your computer too, and it is also how I learn about mine and get the know how for a lot of things now. But also, if you don't have the time to tinker, I'd recommend bazzite. I've read their documentation and came to the conclusion that if anything goes wrong, it would be easy to recover from it, has great community, and is based on a solid distro.

bitfucker ,

One thing to note about USB-C PD is that the port can be used as regular USB when not used for charging

bitfucker ,

I assume you are familiar with what CPU architecture is. The famous one is x86 and ARM. This is just another one of those called RISC-V.

The significance is mostly political. US and allies have been trying to sanction China technologically. They even tried to block export of RISC-V, but since it is open source, they can just get fucked. Now, China can only get sub par GPU and limited CPU. Pushing for RISC-V means China is aiming to further develop it to be as capable as the CPU being sanctioned effectively making the sanction useless and even furthering Chinese manufacturing capabilities in the process.

The big advantage is that this is technically more standardized and free. Unlike ARM which require license, RISC-V doesn't so anyone can make their own CPU and get the software support already in place. Hopefully more CPU manufacturers will be created from the advancement of RISC-V making more fierce competition.

bitfucker , (edited )

Alright, other vendor provide an option to have or not to have discrete GPU. Can you change it once a better GPU is available? Can other laptop vendor swap out their display with a touch capable one when needed? (As of now, framework doesn't have a touchscreen available yet, but IIRC, their board has the capabilities, but then again, their board is so modular that they can offer upgrade for trade-in). Can other vendor have bigger battery when you wanted the bigger battery without affecting other hardware choices? Framework batteries in the 13 series are improved purely by better chemistry. You can replace it with the bigger capacity one.

Edit: also, they are still a new company. Their hope is that 3rd party vendor is interested in making other modular part. The trackpad is a good example of it. It also can make some patented design available to the framework if the patent holder willing to make the accessory without giving up or licensing their patent.

bitfucker ,

Understandable actually. Server maintenance costs money and if a 3rd party chat app; which significantly has more usage than other forms of social media; is trying to connect to the server, they have to handle that traffic too. Remember, it is not just about data size, but also the sheer volume of connection to handle.

I think the solution is just P2P with each peer acting as a relay to the other too. The protocol needs to be designed in such a way that no-one in the middle can reply to send false acknowledgement so as to prevent sybil attack or other attack where a malicious actor is a part of the network.

bitfucker ,

Where is the "legacy system needs to be maintained, salary goes up"? But yeah, it's a pretty good picture of the tech landscape

Why is replacement for home device controls so complicated?

I recently learned about Home Assistant here on Lemmy. It looks like a replacement for Google Home, etc. However, it requires an entire hardware installation. Proprietary products just use a simple app to manage and control devices, so can someone explain why a pretty robust dedicated device is necessary as a replacement? The...

bitfucker ,

Technically there is. If the device uses BLE or the phone has some built in hardware shenanigans. There is also a local gateway via ble. I'd argue a simple gateway is not a "server". Scheduling can be done by the device via internal non-volatile storage and RTC

bitfucker ,

I mean, what is the difference between the current SoC and the soldered CPU? Sure you can save on upgrading RAM, but then what else? Especially if the SoC has PCIe. They can make a daughter board for the SoC to make it simpler to upgrade if they want, alà pi compute module.

bitfucker ,

What I am saying is that the current soldered CPU approach on laptop space is not that different from switching an ARM SoC on a daughter board. The only difference is that you cannot change RAM. Maybe that too will change as you said with CAMM standard. Next is that some SBC already supported PCIe for external M.2 storage, so you can theoretically hook up a removable GPU there.

Now, what to do with the old SoC daughter board? The same as with the old framework motherboard. You can repurpose it as another computer.

The point is, framework repairability comes not only from part swapping, but also the promise of providing schematic for board level repair. They can totally make ARM based laptops with SoC repairable if they wanted to. But I suspect they will not (at least in the near future) since there is a lot to do for them.

bitfucker ,

Federation means if you are federated then sure you get some BS. Otherwise, business as usual. Now, making sure there is no paid user or corporate bot is another matter entirely since it relies on instance moderators.

bitfucker ,

Yeah, and that is true for a lot of service. Sybil attack is indeed quite hard to prevent since malicious users can blend with legitimate ones.

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