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@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar



Little bit of everything!

Avid Swiftie (come join us at !taylorswift )

Gaming (Mass Effect, Witcher, and too much Satisfactory)


I live for 90s TV sitcoms

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scrubbles ,
@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

They hit the nail on the head with comments. I see so many people just squatting on city pages ready to jump down anyone's throats who even begin to say that cars might be a problem.

Pedestrians? Fuck you you're in my way.

Trains? Fuck you libbrals

Busses? What to bring more undesirables in?

Not in my back yard! And hey not in yours either! (Seriously a good chunk of them don't even live in the city)

scrubbles ,
@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Seriously, transit helps even car drivers but they don't see it at all. More trains and busses mean less cars. Less traffic, less demand for parking. It's a win win for everyone.

My city has extra taxes because we're investing in rail and infrastructure and people are just so freaking bitchy about it. "I'm not even going to use it!!!". Right, but other people will, and that will make the city easier to use for everyone.

Cue them bitching on other posts about "I never go into the city there's no parking!!" or "I can't go to concerts it takes too long to get in and out". Have you thought about parking and riding into the city?!

scrubbles ,
@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Hated this the first time, hate it this time. If everyone shut the hell up people wouldn't have paid him much attention.

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  • scrubbles ,
    @scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

    I keep saying that it's not mutually exclusive. We can (and should) be doing both. We should hold their feet to the fire while also changing ourselves.

    We do not get a free pass just because they are worse. They cannot distract us so we ignore them.

    EVERYONE should make changes. They will require more changes then us. That does not mean we're off the hook either.

    scrubbles ,
    @scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

    I feel bad for users over there, at least the long time users who know what it was. I'll admit, when I moved over here I felt genuine remorse, guilt, and anger. I realized I was literally going through mourning, which sounds silly for a website, but those were communities I joined over a decade ago that I was walking away from.

    People have asked me why I started a Taylor Swift community over here, and it's really because of those nice, friendly communities over on Reddit that I had to walk away from. I know how hard it was to leave those ones, so maybe I can run a couple of the ones that I enjoyed there to help the next wave of folks so they know there are some of us here already who have gone through it.

    Emotional, probably, but honestly just felt betrayed and angry with how they treated us long time users, the ones who were there at the very beginning. They chose some hussy ill dressed homewrecker IPO over us long term stable and loving users.

    scrubbles ,
    @scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

    Yeah, sometimes it feels like yelling into an empty chamber, but I see the votes coming in, I know people are there. Trying to drive engagement without seeming like some marketing asshole at the same time.

    The grief still hits me every once in a while, but the realization came that Reddit isn't who they were 10 years ago. I'm not sad because I left Reddit, I'm sad because Reddit betrayed who they were when I signed up, and they killed a good thing themselves.

    scrubbles ,
    @scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

    A proxy is the easy way in my opinion. You can also do straight up DNS, point your dns server to each of your IP addresses, which is by far simpler, but I prefer the nginx/caddy route.

    NGinx will also handle things like SSL for you, which you can terminate at the proxy and make life a lot easier for you. So you can do things like register a domain, set up nginx to handle the certs for you, and then no more errors on "insecure connection", even if each underlying service is only using http. Plex was specifically nice getting that up, so I could finally do plex.my.domain.whatever and have it be nice and https. Inside the house it's nice, outside the house it's even greater, especially because a proxy can route those ports for you. So plex.my.domain.whatever goes to Plex, and tautulli goes to tautulli, etc..

    scrubbles ,
    @scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

    nginx is a beast, I haven't used Caddy. What I'd say to a newcomer is stick to the plan, just do it step by step. Don't go looking to build a 30-service massive 1000 line nginx file immediately. Start small.

    • Get the proxy running. Celebrate, have a beer.
    • Proxy a single service through your new proxy. Celebrate, take a break.
    • Proxy a second service through the proxy,.
    • Set up SSL for those services.
    • Set up each service individually.

    Trying to do it all at once will make you go crazy, I made that mistake. Focus on one small thing at a time, slowly adding to your config, that'll make it easier. Also make backups, or better yet store the conf in a git directory or something so you can easily rollback. If you have one service running but adding a second breaks it and you want to take a break, it's a lot better rolling it back to a known good state rather than leaving it in a broken state.

    scrubbles ,
    @scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

    Was referring to using DNS to each individual service rather than one single DNS point for your entire proxy. I have *.my.domain pointed to my proxy which directs everything underneath it.

    scrubbles ,
    @scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

    Not *.crypt. say you buy mycooldomain.crypt. you then point the domain service that domain and *.mycooldomain.crypt to your public Ip.

    You would then forward the ports on your router (like 80 and 443) to your proxy. This will get your external users working.

    Internally you'll need to set up your local DNS so that it knows you are the mycooldomain.crypt. there are multiple ways based on what hardware and software You're running, do some googling. For me in my local DNS then I say *.mycooldomain.crypt points to my local proxy DNS, so that it resolves inside the network.

    So, external DNS points to public Ip, router/firewall forwards those ports to proxy. Internally your DNS will reach out to your router/DNS/whatever you use to ask what that domain is and it will respond with the local IP of the proxy.

    scrubbles ,
    @scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

    Trust me, getting an external domain makes it easier. You can get one for like $5. I tried to do the internal thing too, but ssl just gets so complicated because you have to trust any internal certs. With a proxy you can have one cert source that your computers already trust because it's be let's encrypt. Just buy a cheap domain and you'll thank yourself later.

    scrubbles ,
    @scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

    Yeah! Personal rights! Personal choice! We shouldn't have government telling us what to do.

    Conservatives crack down on policies involving porn

    Okay I guess they know what's best for me yes papa gubberment

    scrubbles ,
    @scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

    Important to always remember America started because a bunch of hyper religious folks thought the Church of England was too permissive, named themselves "Puritans", and sailed off to a new land. And many still hold to those warped values today

    scrubbles ,
    @scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

    They were riding it on a sidewalk, through a crosswalk and someone turned into them. Of course.

    One caveat I'll say is that depending on how fast they were going the laws should be that they should be with traffic, because if I'm driving and I look right I may not notice someone going 40+ mph on a sidewalk. But even then the law should be "Where do ebikes belong" officially

    scrubbles ,
    @scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

    I won't comment on legality of anything, but if you encrypt your data it'll be impossible for anyone to tell what it is. Rclone has an option to do this.

    scrubbles ,
    @scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

    Yes, that's how I do backups

    scrubbles ,
    @scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

    separately, that's how I can maintain partial backups. The rclone crypt stuff is good at keeping track on huge amounts of files quickly

    scrubbles ,
    @scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

    At first I thought you were being serious, but I think this is a joke? That Americans don't care how many companies spy on them as long as it's not the government?

    Which, is laughable because of course the government has contacts at everyone one of these companies and they'd gladly hand over your data then go to court to protect it

    scrubbles ,
    @scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

    Yup we have the fun loopholes of adding something like "blend" means it can be 1% honey and it's legal. Same things with why things at our stores say "cheesy" or "chocolatey". Neither one of those need to have cheese or chocolate. It's a marketing game for them. Come up with a name that sounds like it's fun for the consumer but really is a massive loophole they can jump through.

    scrubbles ,
    @scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

    I never thought of that but that's some of the best advice there. I happily host backups for family, but I only started this year after years of random crashes, out of memory, slowness, and a dozen other things with my stack that it took a long time to iron out. Host it for fun now, more seriously later.

    ‘We definitely messed up’: why did Google AI tool make offensive historical images? (www.theguardian.com)

    Brin’s “We definitely messed up.”, at an AI “hackathon” event on 2 March, followed a slew of social media posts showing Gemini’s image generation tool depicting a variety of historical figures – including popes, founding fathers of the US and, most excruciatingly, German second world war soldiers – as people of...

    scrubbles ,
    @scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

    Nah, in this case I think it's a classic case of over correction and prompt manipulation. The bus you're talking about is right, so to try to combat that they and other ai companies manipulate your prompt before feeding it to the llm. I'm very sure they are stripping out white male and or subbing in different ethnicities to try to cover the bias

    scrubbles , (edited )
    @scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

    Don't freak out about a domain, we were all there and tried to get our stuff to work without them. Learn from us, young Padawan. Learn from our mistakes.

    I use namecheap and they have been reliable, easy to use, and well, cheap :D

    scrubbles , (edited )
    @scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

    Agreed, sure scaling is one factor, but I don't think this person has ever really dived into why containers are slick. Why you aren't tracking down what dependency hell caused your app to crash. Conflicting cuda versions. Two apps using the same port. Trying to decipher a language you've never used before

    Whenever I hear "containers are too complex" or "I don't like containers" I read it as "I don't understand containers". There are some real flaws to them, but no self respecting ops engineer would ever say "containers have no value beyond scaling"

    scrubbles ,
    @scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

    Selfhosting may not be your thing if you don't like learning and researching new products.

    scrubbles ,
    @scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

    ...warning of potentially burdensome restrictions possibly hampering innovation and distorting competition.

    Oh yeah, when I think of innovation now I think Google and Microsoft. Seriously what has been innovated in the last 10 years by either of them? Most products by big tech over the last 10 years are knockoffs of competitor products or things they captured by buying out a startup. They're big lumbering slow corporate behemoths who are just maintaining their power status.

    True innovation is what will come out of this. If they can't hoard users and be anti-competitive... then they actually might have to innovate.

    scrubbles ,
    @scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

    I'm in the middle of integrating (ugh) Entra, and 99% of the documentation is marketing bullshit in a circlejerk about how proud they are that they... changed the name.

    scrubbles ,
    @scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

    second to this, and to add on that while it's gotten easier (and yes, even with this guide, it's much easier than it used to be) back up your system. Hopefully nothing goes wrong, but you are messing with the kernel, make sure you're mentally prepared to have to build it all from the ground up.

    scrubbles ,
    @scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

    Another half baked product that was never marketed or really explained to users is deprecated. Standard Microsoft behavior.

    scrubbles ,
    @scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

    Best thing i did was creating a git repository just for my local environment and set up.

    Granted I did switch over to kubernetes and helm, so that was good. Kick start where everything is laid out and simply YAML files, but even more important than that was setting up readme files for all my major systems.

    I want to say it's now hundreds of times. I've gone back and reread those read me files, the random fixes I had to come across, common error codes that I needed to fix, setting up new boxes, the list goes on. On. Having one central place where I can edit and update those readmes has been a godsend. Plus I run gitea so it then formats those in a nice way for me automatically.

    Not to mention the dozens of scripts and random snippets of code I've needed to save to help me run my local lab.

    scrubbles ,
    @scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

    Good! Fuck all of these "Manly men only do manly things" influencers. It couldn't be farther from the truth (and it won't help anyone get women either).

    My dad ran out on us, but now looking back he was one of those types where "men only do these things". Instead i grew up with great male role models who were friends of the family, teachers, community leaders, and I looked up to them. (Also have to admit Picard as well). I still had a bit of an incel phase, but I was lucky to grow out of it quick.

    I've learned one defining truth about masculinity. Real men don't worry about if they're manly or not. Real men don't care about that. Real men can be kind, gentle, thoughtful, and even tear up during a romantic movie. Turns out, women like men who can self-reflect as well. As soon as I dropped that incel crap dating became a whole lot easier, and I felt better about myself.

    scrubbles ,
    @scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

    Hey thanks, I appreciate that, and it sounds like you are too. I can't understand those demons, but I wish you the best of luck in finding them. Funny enough, I'm choosing not to have kids took, but for other reasons.

    Beat the generational cycle, however you see fit. The problems of our fathers don't need to continue

    scrubbles ,
    @scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

    There are private companies that do recycle plastic film. I'm in the PNW and I use Ridwell, and it's helped a lot. I still aim for Reduce first, try to not use plastic when possible, but with food that's difficult. Reuse obviously, and then Recycle as my last resort, and Ridwell is good with that. If you're in the PNW and are interested, I think I have discount codes since I'm a member, just DM me if interested

    scrubbles ,
    @scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

    Pacific Northwest - Seattle/Portland, etc. So I'm guessing no :)

    Is rpi still the single board go-to?

    Hey all, I'm looking to build a couple dashboards out around my house. I've done this before with rokchip boards and they are... fine, but not great. Is rpi the best option right now? Are there alternatives you really like? I'd like to keep it a single board to easily mount behind things where it doesn't take up a lot of...

    scrubbles OP ,
    @scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

    I can compare specs on my own, I'm looking for opinions here. I heard rpi wasn't completely on the up and up recently, shipping problems, overserving corporate clients, etc. If people have had bad boards, bad customer service, things are overpriced for what you get, etc.

    Right now it looks like the rpi5 is the best option, but $80 is a lot, and if I can get a couple of lower end boards for half the price with a better company rep, then I'd probably seriously consider those.

    scrubbles OP ,
    @scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

    I've never even heard of Orange Pi, thanks for the heads up to them!

    scrubbles ,
    @scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

    Daily. Active. Users. Do not care about downloads. I don't care about user count. How many users log in daily, that's the only metric worth reporting on

    scrubbles ,
    @scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

    Yup, he did the same with Cali HSR. Even most current day negative statements about it are just parroted about things he said years ago. "It's too expensive", "it is going over it's timelines", "no one will use it".

    Which, newsflash to people saying that, all major infrastructure projects have that said about them. Look at the Chunnel now, or most suspension bridges and tunnels in the US. They always go over budget, they are always delayed, only some people think they're useful, but after they're built people think "how did we ever live without this?"

    Facts are that Elon owns a car company, so he'll say anything negative about any project that isn't going to put more cars on the road. HSR, Vegas subways, BART, he just wants us to buy more Tesla's at the expense of our own convenience and deserved infrastructure

    scrubbles ,
    @scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

    The problem is that the average person and politician don't know this difference, and are running around like skynet is about to kick off any second.

    scrubbles ,
    @scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

    Self driving cars are only 2 years away!

    scrubbles ,
    @scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

    I would hope anyone using an online service would know this... but of course I'm always disappointed.

    scrubbles ,
    @scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

    text-generation-webui is kind of the standard from what I've seen to run it with a webui, but the vram stuff here is accurate. Text LLMs require an insane amount of vram to keep a conversation going.

    2G, 3G, 4G, 5G mobile data made some sense as it represents generational leaps in the technology itself but then Xfinity wants to advertise "10g" internet...

    Comcast says it represents a 10 Gigabit cable internet network they are building (it doesn’t exist) so they are basically changing the meaning of the g from generation to gig to act like 10g is 5 generations better (or twice as fast)…or that they have a 10 gigabit network. Neither is accurate. It’s still just cable...

    scrubbles ,
    @scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

    Why marketers are allowed to label the speed of a network is just beyond me as an engineer. Call it whatever you want. "Our Purple speed". Don't care. But underthat it should be labeled with a standard 1gbps/1gbps.

    That would shut up xfinity's bullshit claims pretty quick. "Our new Plaid speed fiber" 200mbps/4mbps

    Seriously I called them years ago asking about fiber, they were real hyped, they bragged they could give me 800! 800 what I asked. Megabytes! Megabytes or Megabits? 800 Megabits, okay fine, symmetric right? Well, no one uses upload anyway. That was their literal response.

    scrubbles ,
    @scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

    I've had that! Upload so bad that I couldn't even send out a request! Even the DNS requests failed. "But you have download available". Yes, mr customer service, but how does it know what to download?

    scrubbles ,
    @scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

    Now, Reddit — which is not yet profitable — says it seeks to grow its business through advertising, more e-commerce offerings and by licensing its data to other companies to train their artificial intelligence models.

    Shame I left last year. Look at all the great innovation they'll be doing

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