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AIhasUse ,

What is an example of something that is not self-regulated that was worked out well?

Is the pharmaceutical industry self-regulated?

AIhasUse , (edited )

To all the people out there that hate questions so much and downvote people who ask them: What happened to you that made you so angry about people wanting to acquire information?

To all the informative people who answer questions, thank you!

AIhasUse ,

No, you don't know that. You just assume you know that. You've been so brainwashed that you think anyone who doesn't already know everything you know and have every opinion you have is evil and out to get you. It is OK to learn, it is OK to change your mind, and it is OK to ask questions. The most important thing is not always hearing that you are right.

AIhasUse ,

You will be much better off if you listen to my point and don't try to imagine you know everything. There really, truly is nothing wrong with considering other points of view. There is also nothing wrong with people asking questions. You don't need the safety and constant agreement that you think you do.

AIhasUse ,

This is that super forward-thinking EU tech protection we are always hearing about that the whole world should be so jealous of.

I Will Fucking Piledrive You If You Mention AI Again — Ludicity (ludic.mataroa.blog)

How stupid do you have to be to believe that only 8% of companies have seen failed AI projects? We can't manage this consistently with CRUD apps and people think that this number isn't laughable? Some companies have seen benefits during the LLM craze, but not 92% of them. 34% of companies report that generative AI specifically...

AIhasUse ,

I don't know how much stock to put in this author. They can't even read the chart that they shared. They saw that 8% didn't get use from gen ai and so assumed that 92% did. There are also 7% that haven't tried using it yet. Ironically, pretty much any LLM with vision would have done a better job of comprehending the chart than this author did.

AIhasUse ,

Yeah, this paper is time wasted. It is hilarious that they think that 3 years is a long time as a data scientists and this somehow gives them such wisdom. Then, they can't even accurately extract the data from the chart that they posted in the article. On top of all this, like you pointed out, they can't even keep a clear narrative, and they blatantly contradict themself on their main point. They want to pile drive people who come to the same conclusion as themself. What a strange take.

AIhasUse ,

Yes, and then you take the time to dig a little deeper and use something agent based like aider or crewai or autogen. It is amazing how many people are stuck in the mindset of "if the simplest tools from over a year aren't very good, then there's no way there are any good tools now."

It's like seeing the original Planet of the Apes and then arguing against how realistic the Apes are in the new movies without ever seeing them. Sure, you can convince people who really want unrealistic Apes to be the reality, and people who only saw the original, but you'll do nothing for anyone who actually saw the new movies.

AIhasUse ,

It blatantly contradicts itself. I would wager good money that you read the headline and didn't go much further because you assumed it was agreeing with you. Despite the subject matter, this is objectively horribly written. It lacks a cohesive narrative.

AIhasUse ,

There is literally not a chance that anyone downvoting this actually read it. It's just a bunch of idiots that read the title, like the idea that llms suck and so they downvoted. This paper is absolute nonsense that doesn't even attempt to make a point. I seriously think it is ppprly ai generated and just taking the piss out of idiots that love anything they think is anti-ai, whatever that means.

AIhasUse ,

Yeah, this is exactly what I think it is. I'm a bit concerned about how hard it's going to hit a large number of people when they realize that they're echo chamber of "LLMs are garbage and have no benefits" was so completely wrong. I agree that there are scary aspects of all this, but pretending like they don't exist will just make it harder to deal with. It's like denying that the smoke alarm is going off until your arm is on fire.

AIhasUse ,

What a good full set of possibilities since it's certainly impossible for anyone on the internet to lie. How fun for a blog to contradict its main point.

AIhasUse ,

Because the headline goes along with all the people that thoughtlessly think ai is pointless, but the blog post itself is an incoherent mess that actually sometimes talks about how ai is useful and rapidly improving. It is a rambling mess. People who read it realise this. People who just read the headline assume it will say what they think. The chances that you made it through that whole thing are slim to none, but sure, maybe you read it, whatever. Congratulations, I'm sure it really improved your understanding.

AIhasUse ,

Other than having to scroll down an extra 3 centimeters to see your Google results, have you actually been inconvenienced by ai being used somewhere? All this outrageous about terrible ai getting in the way all the time is hilarious because it is absolutely manufactured by people who are obsessed with complaining and then parroted by people incapable of thinking for themselves. Nobody's actually living worse lives because a few companies are trying out new tech. The fact of the matter is that there are obnoxious karens online, just like in real life.

You seem like someone who is probably self-righteous, obnoxious, and annoying to be around in real life, just like you are online.

AIhasUse ,

Is it definitely a W that EU perspectives won't be as represented in the AI programs that we are all using?

AIhasUse ,

It's a much much bigger issue than this. Would you rather live in a world where other countries have good AI and you do not? Would you like it if only China has powerful AI? I get the copyright issue, but some things are more important than other things. This is an arms race, and everyone slowing down isn't exactly an option.

AIhasUse ,

Thanks so much for taking the time to explain this. I was just going to give them a link.

AIhasUse ,

If you are genuinely open to understanding the path we are on, the new situational awareness paper would be very eye-opening. It is 160 pages, so it's probably a bit too much to get through, but there are really good videos that explain it. Matthew Berman has a great video about it. I'm not interested in swaying you and not going to debate, I'm 100s of hours deep into this and have been absolutely obsessed with it. Nobody doubted its impact as much as me. Education on the matter will undeniably change your mind tremendously. The information is there if you want a peak at the future.


AIhasUse ,

You could have a much more complex understanding of what they are. It isn't nearly as simple as you are imagining. If you genuinely are curious about what you're overlooking, then here is a link.


AIhasUse ,

Good answer, no way AI will possibly ever catch up to such brilliant responses as this. Certainly, there is no reason to want to have our views represented in the next generation of technology.

The ugly truth behind ChatGPT: AI is guzzling resources at planet-eating rates (www.theguardian.com)

Despite its name, the infrastructure used by the “cloud” accounts for more global greenhouse emissions than commercial flights. In 2018, for instance, the 5bn YouTube hits for the viral song Despacito used the same amount of energy it would take to heat 40,000 US homes annually....

AIhasUse ,

You read too many headlines and not enough papers. There is a massive list of advancements that AI has brought about. Hell, there is even a massive list of advancements that you personally benefit from daily. You might not realize it, but you are constantly benefiting from super efficient methods of matrix multiplications that AI has discovered. You benefit from drugs that have been discovered by AI. Guess what what has made google the top search engine for 20 years? AI efficiency gains. The list goes on and on..

AIhasUse ,

Go on benefiting from the people who actually do stuff while simultaneously whining about it. You've been using AI for 20 years, you're just too thick to know about it. There are millions of people in 2nd and 3rd world countries who have had their lives massively improved thanks to bitcoin, you're just too spoiled and naive and to give a shit about them. Climb down off your soap box and go read something beyond the headline.

AIhasUse ,

Funny how 99.99% of cryptos shrivel up and die while bitcoin continues to serve people all over the world and is constantly becoming more and more popular. Maybe if you lived with, or even gave a shit about, people in below average wealth countries you would understand why Bitcoin is so useful to them.

AIhasUse ,

If you could hold your breath long enough to get out of your first world bubble, you would be able to see that bitcoin is massively popular amongst people who need ways to escape their collapsing fiat currencies. It is hilarious how spoiled people who happen to be born in countries where everything is taken care of them are too thick and compationless to even consider that other people have actual problems.

AIhasUse ,

I'm lucky enough to be from a country with a relatively stable fiat currency, although it is unclear how much longer that will be the case. In order to protect the value I've gained from my work, I do hold some of it in Bitcoin. I also use it to support charitable efforts in less fortunate countries. It is an excellent way to transfer value to exactly who I want to transfer it to without giving massive fees to banks and other companies that facilitate the transfer of funds.

A big thing to remember is that whenever you hold any countries currency, you are basically giving them a blank check to your energy. You are telling them that they can have as much of the value that you have saved that they want. When they print more money, they are taking that value directly from you. It is one thing to pay taxes on income, property, and goods purchased and sold, but on top of that, they have the ability to extract extra value from you just by running their printers. The more you believe that a government represents you and has your best wishes at heart, the more you should be holding their currency.

AIhasUse ,

Just so you know, you are entirely misunderstanding what the term "strawman" is used to refer to. In general, it will make you at least appear to be intelligent if you use words in the proper context.


I didn't set up any opposing point of view to argue with. No matter what your view on this issue is, that simply isn't what I've done in this situation.

Despite the fact that we are on different sides of an issue, I was still able to help you with something that may prevent you from looking stupid in the future. See how that works? Someone doing something to help someone other than themself.

AIhasUse ,

They are not imaginary. There are millions of them. I've met many of them, and so can you if you ever decide that people from poorer countries are worth your time.

And again, that simply isn't what a strawman is. Read the link. Everything else aside, you are not using that word in the way people use it. It is as if you are insisting French people say "bone apple tea" before they eat, and then you are calling my condescending for letting you know that you misheard it. I understand it can be hard to admit when you were mistaken, but quite frankly, it will end up causing less harm to your ego in the long run if you do.

AIhasUse ,

I have lived in countries like what I've described and spent much time with people who are from there, and I financially support people from such places. I see nothing wrong with sharing their situation with people who think they know everything about how a technology is used when they clearly do not.

Yes, I assume you and others are from privileged societies based on your perspective and the things you say. Sometimes, it is very obvious when people have lived their lives in very specific environments.

The way you come across is as someone who doesn't see any use in getting to know people from societies very different from your own. Simultaneously, you want to feel like you have the correct way of seeing the world, and anyone who sees it differently must be malicious and playing some sort of trick on you. Whenever you feel like you have it all figured out, that's when you should be looking for your blind spot.

AIhasUse ,

I understand that Bone Apple Tea is a different type of mistake then what you are making. I was just pointing out that you were misunderstanding something, and when someone corrects you, you get defensive instead of trying to learn.

Someone said crypto has no use, I pointed out that for millions of people, it does have a use. You may not like this fact, but that doesn't make the response invalid.

AIhasUse ,

If you lived or have been around people struggling with collapsing currencies, then you wouldn't be so naive and bitter towards the solutions that many are using.

AIhasUse ,

Thank you!

AIhasUse ,

Almost nobody who has ever purchased bitcoin and held onto it until now has lost anything*. This is not the case for ANY fiat currency on earth. There is a very good reason that so many people are flocking to it as a store of value. Holding value in real estate is a good idea, but most food loses its value even faster than the worst fiat currencies.

*The exception here is a small handful that happened to have purchased only in the last few weeks, and they have only lost about 1% of their value.

AIhasUse ,

Not that heavy - this is much more than can be said of any fiat currency. Especially the ones that are in rapid collapse compared to the main players, like USD or EUR. A currency that can hold value is the difference of being able to feed your family or not for a lot of people.

AIhasUse ,

Thanks! You too!

AIhasUse ,

Not me alone. I can't advocate for them as well as they can for themselves. It must drive you nuts that so many people stand up for the Gazans.

AIhasUse ,

I'm sorry about your camera. That genuinely must have been really scary. It is great to have those kinds of experiences in your life. I hope you continue to have a passion to stand up for what you believe in, even when other people try to intimidate you and belittle you out of what you know to be true and good.

AIhasUse ,

99.99% of crypto is rubbish. If you think I said something incorrect, then point it out and ask for an explanation. Discussion isn't nearly as awful as you are making it out to be.

AIhasUse ,

Absolutely. I am surprised, I would expect more from people who would end up at a site like this.

AIhasUse ,

Ever wonder why those old racist people who are stuck in the past are how they are? It's because they think the same as you do. Unable to learn from those around them, obsessed with never growing, and utterly self-centered. You'll be tolerated, not respected. As increasingly more and more people point this out to you, the more likely you will be to change.

AIhasUse ,

Yeah, absolutely, you're totally right. That's definitely the most common way to go about it, and maybe the most effective, I really don't know. There is a bunch of gentle nudging going on, though, and everyone responds to different things. For some people, no amount of loving hints will get them to do anything. Some people just need the genuine blunt truth to get them to actually think about something. Honestly, it's like any other addiction, the desire needs to come from within, nobody can force them to get better.

I dont buy that many people are unaware or never thought about it before. It's brought up all the time. The issue isn't a lack of information, it is that most people just have almost no personal moral compass, they just rely on the behavior of the masses to dictate to them what is right/wrong. The more people remind them that what they are doing is disgusting, the more likely they will be to eventually change. I figure just machine gun 'em with all various forms of reminders, and we'll get through to some. Eventually, we will hit a critical mass, and the sheep will follow. The most pathetic will cling to their cruelty addiction until they are dead, but that's the same as what happened to the racists, rapists, child abusers or anything else that used to be more accepted.

AIhasUse ,

I don't expect you to change because you read my comment. I just know that as time goes on, you will be hearing this more and more from more and more people. Eventually, it will come from people you know and care about. At some point, you may decide to be self-reflective and begin to think about your place in this world and what the consequences of your actions are. Maybe you won't though, I have an elderly neighbor that literally spits every time he sees an Asian person, maybe you will double down on your behavior into old age and be someone else's old neighbor that is stuck in the past being endlessly bitter towards the world for evolving without you.

At any rate, comments like mine are just sign posts on the road. The younger generation is already pissed at the selfish older generations. It's just the beginning, more signs are coming.

AIhasUse ,

Maybe someday you'll get invited to the party so you can stop speculating about what's going on at it.

ChatGPT Answers Programming Questions Incorrectly 52% of the Time: Study (gizmodo.com)

The research from Purdue University, first spotted by news outlet Futurism, was presented earlier this month at the Computer-Human Interaction Conference in Hawaii and looked at 517 programming questions on Stack Overflow that were then fed to ChatGPT....

AIhasUse ,

The 5 orders of magnitude gained from general computers to asics is standard knowledge, you learn it in the first year of any comp sci class. You can find it all over, for example.

The main thing that you are missing is that the human mind also brute forces to come up with ideas. There isn't a difference. We don't have some super magical mystical human thing that sets us apart.

A way to imagine how it can be possible for a computer to have thoughts and ideas just like humans is this: Imagine you take a human brain and you switch out one neuron for an electrical part, and you leave the rest of the brain as it is. Can that brain have thoughts and ideas like a human? Obviously, yes. What if you switch out another one? And another. If each electrical neuron is doing the same thing as the original one, then eventually you could switch out the entire brain and have an entirely computer brain doing exactly what a human does. At what point would you say that this machine is no longer doing what a human does and just "Brute forcing" ideas?

I totally get that right now, with lots of jobs at risk, many people are really concerned with holding onto the idea that hunans have a monopoly on thinking and thoughts. I think it's important to now let what we want to be true to interfere with our analysis of what is true.

AIhasUse ,

I do just want to add that my conclusion is that I, as a human, am not uniquely special for having the ability to have thoughts, ideas, and come up with new things. This point of view is inherently a massive blow to the human ego. It simply doesn't make any sense to hold such a view if one's ego is what is controlling the judgment. The same can not be said about the opposite viewpoint.

AIhasUse ,

The past is where we get all of our information from. To pretend like we can't use the past to predict the future makes us unable to do anything. We don't have a time machine to go see exactly how the future plays out.

It is more common than you realise for their to be predictable trends in computing. Just go look at Moore's law and how long it has held up(with just minor adjustments). What would be way more surprising is if we are all of a sudden at a massive turning point where we can no longer anticipate what is next. You don't have to take my word for this. Find anyone with a background in computing to independently verify it. Even chatgpt could really help you understand this.

The specialized hardware efficiency gain isn't even a mystery at all. It is simply the consequence of designing hardware that does a specific task very well. It isn't nearly as much of a guess as you think it is. To help you picture it, imagine a vehicle that works on land, sea, and sky. It is not such a leap to say that a vehicle made to work for just the land would be much more efficient at being on land. This really isn't anything that anyone in the computing world disagrees with. It is just your outsider point of view that is making it seem like magic to you. Again, don't take my word. This is comp science 101 stuff that really isn't disputed.

So far as the thought experiment with replacing neurons. The technology to do so doesn't need to exist for the point to hold true. That simply isn't a logical requirement for thought experiments. This has nothing to do with computing or anything. This is just true of logical arguments. In order to make points, we can use thought experiments. This is something that Einstein was famous for, and not many people question his ability to form solid arguments.

I understand that you feel passionate about this, and you really want this idea that humans are somehow magical and fundamentally different from machines. It really is understandable. I've given plenty of solid arguments that you really haven't responded to at all. It has never been true that people can't use thought experiments or past trends to help make conclusions about the future. It is very telling that these are things that you feel like you must discard in order to defend your stance. These are both things that have been reliably used for hundreds and even thousands of years.

I would really encourage you to get ahold of some logical reasoning material and try to take a step back to some basics if this is something that you are interested in digging a bit deeper into this. It is almost never the case that initial hunches turn out to be kept after thurough investigation.

AIhasUse ,

Is this something that you think can be proven, or is it just something that we get to know deep down in our souls without any evidence for it?

AIhasUse ,

You've completely misunderstood. I specifically said we don't have a time machine to see how the future plays out. All we can do is make our best guesses based on the past.

You've had to throw away basic reasoning tools that have been used for ages in order for your stance to remain "safe." I understand your fear, but honestly, you are better off embracing and understanding instead of putting your head in the sand and saying that we shouldn't use the past to make predictions of the future.

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