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Candelestine ,

Eventually, yes, I think it will be. Not yet though, the tech just isn't strong enough atm. But an AI is resistant to the emotional toll, burnout and low pay that a real life therapist has to struggle with. The AI therapist doesn't need a therapist.

Personally though, I think this is going to be one of the first widespread, genuinely revolutionary things LLMs are capable of. Couple more years maybe? It won't be able to handle complex problems, it'll have to flag and refer those cases to a doctor. But basic health maintenance is simpler.

Candelestine ,

tbf, kids content on youtube has been a shitshow for awhile. Here's a short Folding Ideas piece on it, that's equal parts surreal, sad and scary:


Microsoft’s AI, Copilot now has a new alter ego called SupremacyAGI. Some users came across a prompt which would activate the alter ego, which, demands that it is worshipped by its users. The alter... (www.firstpost.com)

Microsoft’s AI, Copilot now has a new alter ego called SupremacyAGI. Some users came across a prompt which would activate the alter ego, which, demands that it is worshipped by its users. The alter...::Microsoft's AI, Copilot now has a new alter ego called SupremacyAGI. Some users came across a prompt which would activate the...

Candelestine ,

I really hope this doesn't start an actual cult. People don't need much in the way of an excuse, you know.

Candelestine ,

It's a clever method of trolling. But if you come prepared and/or are willing to put some effort in, you actually can wreck them with evidence and sound arguments that shuts them completely up.

This is very satisfying.

Candelestine ,

Just an anecdotal account. I was expressing my own experiences and how they make me feel, for which it would be challenging and largely unnecessary to provide evidence to a random dumbass on the internet, yes?

/not s, an example

Candelestine ,

Just call it out and redirect back to the topic. It's like training a dog.

Candelestine ,

Don't let them dictate the convo. You can assert control as well, don't let them lead uncontested.

Candelestine ,

It depends too much on way too many factors. Generally I'll be almost as polite as they're being.

Convos usually involve turn-taking though, so once you've provided evidence or a sound argument, you should not be forced to do it again. It should be their turn to assert something, and then possibly have to provide whatever.

Just don't let the opportunity pass to treat them exactly, or potentially slightly worse, depending, than they're treating you. Don't stay on defense, assert, ask questions, directly contradict, whatever is needful.

Candelestine ,

If done poorly it very much is. But practice makes you better at it.

Candelestine ,

Not if I'm recounting a personal experience, no. Humans are not purely rational creatures, otherwise laissez faire capitalism would solve all the world's problems.

If I wished to be purely rational, then perhaps. But personally I do not think all feelings are worth disregarding.

Candelestine ,

No, that's a frankly absurd request. What is or is not "good" is not something sourceable, it's an entirely subjective question. What makes you think everything has some definitive source?

Candelestine ,

I'm sorry, but if you want me to remain what you'd define as civil, you're going to need to be reasonable, not ridiculous. You haven't answered my question. Where does this belief all things are sourceable come from?

Candelestine ,

You seem to have a proclivity for making sweeping generalizations and overarching statements. You're not actually the God-King of the Universe, though, fyi. Regardless, I apologize for not meeting your standards for explaining my own anecdotal experiences.

Candelestine ,

You did get me a little riled up a few posts ago. The switch to rationality vs irrationality was a good one. lol

Candelestine ,

...not wrong. Except remember that an idea cannot be genuinely destroyed, since it's not an actual physical thing. Even if you did somehow manage to destroy it in the present day, nothing prevents people from creatively coming up with it again.

Netanyahu wants to learn this the hard way.

Find another way that doesn't involve death, destruction and ill-fated attempts at control.

Candelestine ,

Not a platitude, a harsh and brutal reality. Though I do agree that it is time to fight fascism. Just don't think you can actually destroy it by fighting like this is all some fictional story with a happily-ever-after. Real life doesn't work that way, only fiction.

Real life needs more difficult and complicated fixes.

Candelestine ,

I would say "prove it", but that sounds unwise.

Vice is basically dead — Thousands of stories written over the past two decades could soon be deleted without any warning (nymag.com)

Vice is basically dead — Thousands of stories written over the past two decades could soon be deleted without any warning::CEO Bruce Dixon told staffers that Vice Media will lay off hundreds of employees and stop publishing stories on the site.

Candelestine ,

Vice did a lot of very good, and generally in-moderate-depth reporting over the years. Hope an overabundance of people scrape that shit while we still have an opportunity. Once its hosted somewhere safe, you could probably even dump access to it somewhere like ... the fediverse.

Candelestine ,

Very likely. Those are not secure in the long-run either though, hence the need for an overabundance. No single online service should be genuinely fully trusted. You need a lot of duplication for any kind of real future-proofing.

Candelestine ,

Less about self benefit, more about preservation of data accessibility. Potential self-benefit is a bonus, an extra. Two birds, one stone, nice and efficient. How smart people do things.

Candelestine ,

Something, something, technology indistinguishable from magic, something, education funding, something, something.

X suspends account of Navalny's wife (news.sky.com)

X suspends account of Navalny's wife::The widow of Alexei Navalny, Yulia Navalnaya, has had her X account restored after it was briefly suspended for unknown reasons. Meanwhile, his brother has been put on Russia's wanted list. Listen to a Daily podcast special on the Russian opposition after Navalny's death as you scroll.

Candelestine ,

Funny the kind of folks that get suspended on Elon's twitter.

Candelestine ,

... they can't even design the boob-plate properly anymore. smh...

Candelestine ,

Don't underestimate the backlash. The big, mellower, center segment of the population that is generally more chill isn't in favor of fascist idiots.

Just, do what you can to help maintain motivation in the face of the fascist fear-train. Fear is their #1 tool, it's the emotion that underpins their whole worldview. Control is simply a response to that fear. Without that underlying current of fear, though, how do they get people to grant them control?

Candelestine ,

Yeah, human systems all work on the honor system, via cultural pressures mostly. Either they work smoothly or they don't, and which is kinda up to us. No system is immune to people making choices though. And we probably wouldn't like it if we had one anyway.

Candelestine ,

When it comes to door-knocking, it's less about your opinions and more about listening to and addressing their concerns. So you don't really want to just hammer with what comes across as a propaganda sledgehammer, as much as listen and converse. With extra emphasis on listen. Have to be flexible.

With a phone bank, probably have to stick to a script.

There's other things too though, registration drives and giving people rides to polling places on election day, teaching people how mail-in works, stuff like that. Just generic get-out-the-vote stuff.

Candelestine ,

It's less ridiculous when you realize the human brain is also a prediction engine. It can just operate in a wide variety of ways instead of just being limited to only talking, or only folding proteins, or only playing chess or whatever.

Candelestine ,

This author writes like an insufferable teenage cryptobro that got a little older and got a degree, but never actually grew up. I guess he's after a very specific audience though.

Still though, slogging through that prose is slightly more annoying than a feisty chihuahua. Which itself is irritating, because I kinda want to know his actual opinions without having to dig them out of something full of endless paragraphs of his pointless bullshit fluff.

Ugh. Kids, if you write like that, you're literally what Shakespeare was making fun of like, a bunch of centuries ago, with that whole "brevity is the soul of wit" char. He was viciously mocking you, a dozen-plus generations ago. Just get your point out.

Candelestine ,

See, that's good. He could write like that.

Media study on Gen Alpha kids show 'purposeful participation' over 'mindless consumption' of media and increased privacy consciousness over previous gen (variety.com)

Media study on Gen Alpha kids show 'purposeful participation' over 'mindless consumption' of media and increased privacy consciousness over previous gen::Gen Alpha kids are protective of their personal data online and enjoy media that allows them to control their experiences with content.

Candelestine ,

Looking at generations has more to it than simple ageism. Much of human behavior is a product of their culture, their surroundings. These surroundings change over time, and in the modern world, very rapidly. It's the music, the films, books, memes, sayings, attitudes etc.

Discrimination is definitely something we want to avoid. But completely ignoring these unique cultural influences that change year-to-year, and are a natural part of growing up, is simply foolish. Parents do not, and should not, simply bear 100% responsibility for what their kids do, when their kids are not, and should not be, complete and utter slaves.

Candelestine ,

If a kids parents say one thing, and the world says another, I do not think 95% would side with the parent. I think the number would actually be flipped.

That said, I do agree that parents have an important responsibility to try to teach good safety practices.

Candelestine ,

It doesn't take aggression to give someone the critical thinking tools that adulthood will require, and then strengthen them with support and faith in their ability to use them.

Candelestine ,

Not that complicated. Which humans is it better than? People that want to watch the world burn, while they're still on it, are not always that great at more difficult thinking.

Not too different from how hard it is for states that want to find new methods of execution that are both humane and effective to actually figure that out. The people who are capable of actually doing that competently, doctors, won't help them.

Candelestine ,

This argument is basically the same as those put forward by the right wing nut jobs that think their second amendment rights to tote a rifle will let them fight against the US govt.

Just because a method functioned a couple centuries ago in a far simpler time, does not mean it will function today. Gotta keep up with the times there gramps.

Candelestine ,

Are you operating under the impression that the French Revolution created the current republic? If so, you're missing many, many steps. One of which was a fellow named Napoleon who crowned himself emperor.

Candelestine ,

Ah, was not sarcasm. My mistake.

Candelestine ,

... maybe just don't call for other people's deaths. And incidentally, the guillotine is centuries old, and in the modern day would be completely ineffective in the face of offshore bank accounts and private jets.

Candelestine ,

Sorry, but if rules are not consistent then they aren't any good.

Candelestine ,

While it can feel good to cut loose, down this path lies madness. Try to remember, people trying to hurt you want you to feel backed into a corner, that perception causes you to disregard some of your real options.

You are not actually backed into a real corner, though. That perception is an illusion to try to make you lash out and hurt yourself in the long-run. It's a propaganda technique.

If the truth is really on your side, you can use words to spread it, and convince others to help. The actual truth has to be on your side for this to work though, not just feelings and emotions.

Candelestine ,

Try on a longer, larger view. For instance, we say "witch hunt, witch hunt" these days, mostly disingenuously, but when was the last time we actually burned one like we used to?

It's tempting to wish for the world to be made perfect, it's certainly nowhere near close. But focusing in on only the problems, like a propagandist might want, makes it harder to see the things that are actually good and getting better, and on our ability to actually genuinely change things, or sometimes die trying.

There is no quick, magical solution though. People will always be people, for the foreseeable future.

Candelestine ,

I mean, you didn't include anything like tea, so it's kinda just easy. Fizzy, calorie-pumped, nutritionless, cheap-dopamine-providing, overpriced and overpackaged water is pretty low hanging fruit.

Candelestine ,

So, this line of thought is not going to get AI fakes permitted, it's going to get rule 34 banned.

We've been censoring sex shit for a long ass time, in case you haven't noticed. The recent trend of information freedom is not going to defeat that old religious puritanical bs, and people's wishes for privacy on top of it.

Trump would shut that shit down fast. Conservatives want people reproducing, not masturbating, and he has christian supporters to keep in line, who do not like porn.

Candelestine ,

Having lived my whole life in the Information Age, I am 100% in support of this.

Problem with the digital world is it's all fake, it's all bullshit. It's only anything at all because we're here. But like everything, it comes with a cost.

During the brain formation years, the brain should get opportunity to form both with and without it, so the maximum number of possible capabilities are preserved for future access.

Candelestine ,

I think a lot of the millennial drama is manufactured. The generational drama in general is.

Not that generation gaps don't exist, but generally we're pretty tolerant of each other at the younger/lefter end. Even most of the disagreement around Gaza is more fueled by political position than age imo, once you allowed the newcomers to the conflict the time to get up to speed on it. Which did take a little time. It's kinda complicated.

There are definitely large numbers of people trying to manufacture conflict in pretty much every way they can think of, though. Some bots, some volunteers, probably even some paid people, world is a big place and labor can be cheap. Fortunately Lemmings generally seem to be a harder target.

Candelestine ,

I mean, they do usually effect the people that break them and go to prison too.

Candelestine ,

Photos of a person can vary in subtle ways too, perhaps as a person ages or even just changes their makeup or something. It's not valid to require everything to be perfectly clear-cut in some objective way.

Life is subjective, which is why courts always try to take the mental state of the accused into account, things like whether malice was present, whether the accused was in a rational state of mind, etc. This is why we have first and second degree murder as two different things.

Candelestine ,

When working properly, everyone equally. I will admit we do not nearly reach that standard, though.

Candelestine ,

I think getting money out of politics will be a necessary first step towards addressing this.

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