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@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar



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Excrubulent ,
@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

Only on playstation. On xbox and most PC controllers they can mostly attack. On switch they do like... the least common main action, or something context sensitive.

Excrubulent ,
@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

Honestly I back that decision. They're all basic shapes, not letters, so cross is the obvious name for it. I started calling it that based on that logic without being told to.

Excrubulent ,
@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

"Centrist" only if you use the sense of a median popular political position, which isn't really what it means. Self-described centrists are actually conservative and tend to be weirdly* okay with Nazis.

*weird if you don't understand the link between capital, the state, conservatism and fascism

Excrubulent ,
@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

They're doing the standard reverse racism charge, because you see, noticing racism is actually the real racism.

In the English speaking world, anti-white racism isn't really a thing.

Some people will swear up and down that it is, but those people think racism is just a set of attitudes towards a race of people, and not a deeply entrenched system of oppression against entire swathes of society.

Excrubulent , (edited )
@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

You might want to consider that those who call themselves leftist may not actually be leftist.

For instance, "Nazi" is short for "national socialist". They are clearly right wing, however, if you pay attention to their actions.

So-called socialist states are generally deeply repressive and that is not left wing. They were better at branding than the Nazis, but for instance the USSR neutered the soviets - the workers' councils after which the state was named - very soon after taking power. The state owned rhe means of production, not the workers. It was state capitalist. After that workers had to strike just like under any other capitalist regime, and they were brutally repressed by the state.

Under no honest description of socialist does that qualify. So they failed on both the "Soviet" and "Socialist" parts of their name.

Horseshoe theory is just capitalists happily buying into the USSR and other state capitalists' self mythology about being socialist because it's good propaganda to scare the workers they rule over into believing that there is no alternative to neoliberalism's stochastic brutality.

Excrubulent ,
@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

Wow, what a rational, level-headed response. You sure showed them.

Everyone here thinks you're the reasonable one. We all take you more seriously now.

Excrubulent ,
@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

Just take a moment to bask in the notion that "it’s pretty plain you’ve never been to Portland" without any clarification implies that actually they do constantly bump into hippies that say, "I’m Antifa and I hate Jews!” or at least something along those lines.

This is so unbelievably unhinged. I honestly think it's bad to remove comments like theirs, because they show so clearly how wrong that person is.

Even claiming they live on the coast as if that explains anything is just playing right into the Fox News canard about "coastal elites" which itself carries antisemitic undertones.

They're being so vague about it, I assume because they live on "THE COAST" and it's all just so intense and self-evidently evil that they are completely incapable of giving any specific details whatsoever.

Excrubulent ,
@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

Something worthwhile like "stfu moron"?

You can't be this un-self-aware.

Actually no, I've seen how you talk. Obviously you are.

Excrubulent ,
@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

Ah yes, name and address, clearly what I meant by specifics. I certainly didn't think it would be reasonable to specify the specific behaviours you've seen and in which contexts.

No no, a city and the notion of racist antifa, that's all anyone needs to take your word for it. I trust you.

Excrubulent ,
@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

You actually think this is convincing literally anyone? Be honest now, I really want to know, do you think you look reasonable to anyone at all here?

Like you can claim that you're the only sane person here all you want, but do you really think this performance is doing anything good?

For what it's worth, I really do think it's good that you're saying this, because it shows anyone who's watching just how vapid, toxic and hateful you are as a representative of the "antifa are the real fascists" crowd.

Excrubulent ,
@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

That's it? Just "anti fa and communists talk about jews"? You think that's anything?

What could I possibly want to know beyond that?

Oh gee, I dont know, maybe literally a single thing that they said? Maybe what was happening at the time?

No no, too much, I could dox you with that, obviously.

Excrubulent ,
@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

Tell me what they said. Give me just one single quote.

Excrubulent ,
@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

I think that's projection, and I think anyone reading can see it too.

Excrubulent ,
@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

And if they think that this monitoring is going to help anything when people know about it, they need to learn about Goodharts' Law:

When a measure becomes a target, it ceases to be a good measure

As soon as this becomes a thing people will get anxious and petty about it, and they will start trying to game the system, and that system gaming will take some portion of their focus away from driving and guess what, that's going to make them worse drivers.

Excrubulent ,
@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

Oh no... the Android rootkits are coming.

Excrubulent ,
@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

Honestly at that point how much can you guarantee that none of those raccoons has been inside your underwear, at least partially with a claw or something?

At the rate things are going they probably will take your underwear as well.

Excrubulent ,
@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

Don't forget paperbacks. This trashy pulp fiction is corrupting our youth. Socrates was right.

Excrubulent , (edited )
@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

We know about ancient Greece because the youth ignored the moral panicking of their elders and used the technological abomination of writing things down.

Presumably society was a paragon of moral virtue prior to that, not that we'd know since history was written by the people who invented writing.

I blame it on cave paintings, it filled young people's minds with fantasy images so real they could no longer tell the difference between reality and cave paintings. We never should've invented fire shadow plays, it was a slippery slope ever since.

Excrubulent ,
@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

Couldn't possibly be due to the rising threat of climate change, fascism and economic precarity. It couldn't be a society that has utterly failed its children and abandoned them to the harsh future it created. It must be those dang tiktoks. Better ban them.

(you're being lied to to distract you from the real problems that we actually need to fix)

Excrubulent ,
@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

States have had no trouble passing and enforcing IP law that allows companies to get away with this. Reverse engineering would be the norm for closed source anything to the point it would be made irrelevant if companies didn't have the overwhelming weight of the legal system on their side to shut down anyone who dares try open up access to their designs.

Right to repair is great, but we are fighting against the entire weight of the entrenched ruling class to get it passed. It's going to take a lot of activism, and even then it's almost certainly going to be watered down and cater to large corporations when it does pass. We need to keep the pressure on them.

Excrubulent ,
@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

Rather it was the people using the new system to settle old scores or for personal advancement.

Lenin, Mao, et al look at how many people had gotten into the party entirely for the purpose of abusing their positions for personal gain.

How was that allowed to happen? Did they build a system of oppression that was ripe for takeover by petty tyrants, some of whom became actual, fully fledged tyrants, whilst simultaneously shutting down the mechanisms by which workers could have power over their own lives?

This isn't about whether Stalin personally gets into heaven, plus the absurd strawman that people think he did anything personally shows a complete lack of systemic thinking, which was ironically one of Marx's great contributions to political thought. It is about whether the systems we build are liberatory or oppressive.

The State is Counterrevolutionary

Excrubulent , (edited )
@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

There was no dictatorship of the working class. They defanged the Soviets - you know the workers' councils that the USSR was named for.

You don't have to watch a video, here's the script text for the entire series:


MLs love reading, don't they? Oh but wait, that's anarchism. Go ahead, tell me it's beneath you and I should read On Authority. I have. It was underwhelming to put it nicely.

And yes, the system they built was on the back of and patterned after the authoritarian monarchist regimes they followed. That's not a favourable light to put that system in. Was it marginally better than a monarchy? Sure, why is that relevant to anything? We live under neoliberal regimes of which none to my knowledge has never been toppled by an ML revolution.

That ideology is centuries out of date. Anarchists saw its downfall before it started. It's failed.

Even if you're combatting some bizarre strawman about absolute dictators, it's equally bizarre that your response is to attempt to rehabilitate Stalin's character. That puts you squarely in tankie territory.

Excrubulent ,
@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

Assuming you're trying to ask what that term means, it's short for Marxist-Leninist, it's a polite way of referring to tankies, where you accept their rebranding of what is effectively Stalinism. It was after all Stalin's term to coopt and puppeteer the legacy of two dead men to give legitimacy to his reign of terror. They will try to tell you there are principled MLs but if they think there is any merit in the concept then they are doing the same kind of historical revisionism that all tankies do.

And you can see this person was in fact clearly trying to defend Stalin, if only indirectly.

Edit: Also look at the username - they're from lemmy.ml, where the .ml is the Mali country code but in this case it definitely also stands for Marxism-Leninism. It's a tankie instance.

Excrubulent ,
@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

Oh yeah, that is confusing lol. Glad to help :)

Excrubulent ,
@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

I gave them the text as published on the anarchist library, but they didn't seem to appreciate that either. It's almost like they just don't want to learn history that isn't their revisionist version of it.

Excrubulent ,
@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

The frustrating thing is that most of it was CIA propaganda at one point in time, it just happened to also be true, which made it much more effective propaganda. It's a big gift the USSR gave to anti-communists.

Excrubulent , (edited )
@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

White supremacist gangs are generally privileged enough to afford regular guns. Crackdowns on gun possession have overwhelmingly targeted and been selectively enforced against black and other non-white communities and left wing groups, whereas Kyle Rittenhouse shot three people at a BLM rally then walked right past the cops who didn't even intercept him, then he was acquitted. The only BLM protestor to shoot someone was basically assassinated by the feds.

There are plenty of problems with guns in the US and I think there are a few regulations around purchasing them that make sense, but this is virtually a non-issue. Printing guns is so time and resource intensive that unless you are arming a militia in a place where the general population has very limited access to guns, it's not really going to change much.

The one other thing you can do with 3d printing is make full-auto guns and modifications, and those are scary but not really important. Full auto has limited tactical use in squads in pitched warfare. Semi auto will work for 99% of cases, and if the need for full auto is coming up a lot, you're probably in a position to use your gun-to-get-a-gun. We're talking about situations where the law has already broken down, like Myanmar.

Now I can understand why the state would be scared of the tech, but I don't see it helping white supremacists. They already have all the help they need.

Excrubulent ,
@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

Okay, some gun owners are irresponsible.

If they want to use a giggle switch and they're irresponsible with it and someone gets hurt, that sucks, but it doesn't have much to do with the threat of white supremacist terrorism that the other person was talking about.

If you're irresponsible and you're shooting without knowing your target and what's beyond it, you're already in breach of a law called reckless endangerment. You might be able to do a bit more damage that way, but ultimately you can empty a 30 rounder or even 3x10 rounders pretty fast with semi-automatic too. Adding another law on top to restrict the type of weapon doesn't really make anyone much safer.

Plus if you're really that concerned, just look up the Yankee Boogle. It is a tiny, easily 3d printable piece of plastic that you can drop into the action of an AR15 and make it full auto illegally in seconds. Run into cops? Chuck it in the bushes and make another tomorrow.

Resticted mag sizes? Mags aren't that hard to make out of sheet metal from a hardware store, and changing mags doesn't take that long. None of this stuff really makes people much safer if they're left inside with the shooter for hours whilst the cops cower behind their cars and stop parents from trying to save their kids.

Trying to make people unaware of this doesn't actually make anyone safer. You can cry about the rights of a multinational corporation to control speech on a platform that should be a public commons, it doesn't change what is effective, and we've all learned from decades of internet history at this point that trying to stamp stuff like this out just doesn't work. It's always going to be there.

Also, youtube isn't going to maintain its monopoly forever. It's enshittifying and peertube is waiting in the wings to pick up the slack. Then it really won't be up to youtube anymore.

Excrubulent ,
@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

This is just an incoherent mess, I could try to parse it all out but I really don't care to. Bye.

Excrubulent , (edited )
@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

Did you see someone shoplifting? No you fucking didn't, narc.

EDIT: Okay, so just grabbing a top level comment to dispell some misinfo.

Stealing baby formula to onsell online does happen: https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2018/05/02/magazine/money-issue-baby-formula-crime-ring.html

Parents stealing baby formula out of desperation also happens: https://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/entry/the-desperate-reality-of-stealing-baby-formula-because-you-cant-afford-it_uk_64635704e4b09eef8308cfc6

The problem here is that baby formula is something people need to feed their babies, and our society has decided that if you don't have enough made up arbitrary tokens, you don't get to feed your baby.

If I don't know 100% that the person I saw stealing baby formula is doing it as part of a crime ring, then I'm not going to ruin a parent's life because they did what they needed to feed their baby. Even then if the crime ring is selling it at a discount then I don't particularly care to stop them either.

If you want to tell people that shoplifting is such a problem and you want to focus on the crime rings and ignore the poor people, your priorities are messed up. Also none of you know how to source your claims. Also, don't start with some BS about how nobody ever does it to feed their baby, that's just false.

In conclusion:

Did you see someone shoplifting? No you fucking didn't, narc.

Excrubulent , (edited )
@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar


No one shoplifts formula to feed their own baby

No one ever does this? It has never happened? Now obviously that's not true but let's be kind and say that you're exaggerating and you mean it's just rare.

If this is true, can you explain how you know it?

Edit: the first piece of bullshit was so egregious it distracted me from the existential horror of unpacking the rest of the comment. This is a nightmare of miseducation.

Excrubulent ,
@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

Yeah, so many people in here are saying nobody ever does this and everybody who is stealing is just re-selling the goods but I don't see anybody actually substantiating that. But like, it can't be right, can it? Surely some larceny is done for personal use. And even then, most cases of theft aren't documented because when someone gets away with stealing some expensive necessity they don't tell the cops.

It's got this "nuh-uh, everybody knows dogs can't look up" energy. Like if it's so obvious, how? What are they talking about?

Excrubulent ,
@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

Yeah plus just the logistics of trying to shoplift enough product to make enough money to justify going to the trouble of sellng food on a street corner sounds so absurd. Like how do you do that without getting caught all the time? You would need to be shifting volume.

And when you get this kind of recurrent misinfo I assume it's a story that gets passed around somewhere, like some reactionary commentators are repeating it to their audiences or something.

Excrubulent ,
@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

No, this can't just be an edit, this needs a whole new comment.

I just want to add that this comment makes the bizarre claim that a shoplifter drained the store's supply so that they're the only source. Now, even presuming this is literally the only store in town that sells baby formula, in which case there will be another town half an hour down the road, how did they get all of the baby formula out of the door? How do you shoplift the kind of volume you need for a scheme like this without getting caught?

And further, how in the everliving fuck do you sell it? You have to be visible enough to sell the formula, to people you're ripping off, in a small town where the only grocery store just got all of its baby formula lifted. They're going to fucking expose you.

This would be a scandal. It would be a news story. Please, give a link to a single time this has ever happened, because of all the things that never happened, this happened the least.

25 people thought this story was good enough to upvote. Where the shit are you getting this garbage? What the fuck is happening?

Edit: is there a "shit conservatives say" community? This is such rank bullshit I need somewhere to process it.

Excrubulent ,
@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

"Well-known scheme"?

So I must have something seriously wrong with my understanding of what's being said here, because I made it pretty clear how absolutely balls to the wall insane it sounds. Just the concept falls apart the moment you think about it.

Maybe you can explain it? Or again, just show me where it's happened, even one fucking time.

Excrubulent ,
@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar
Excrubulent , (edited )
@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

I have already looked up the information for myself and admitted I was wrong about the fact that the theft rings exist, it's in this thread if you read just a couple of comments deeper. That's not the only thing you said though.

As for your claim that "nobody" steals for their baby, which you didn't reply about, that also took two seconds of searching to debunk:


Also, the idea that the theft is responsible for the store being out, or that they charge an enormous markup, are both still completely unsubstantiated.

This isn't the cut and dried issue you seem to think it is, and I'm still definitely not about to ruin a parent's life for stealing food because they might be part of some theft ring. I also am not going to narc on the theft ring. That's not my business.

Excrubulent ,
@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar
Excrubulent ,
@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

Cool, so glad you're happy to erase the existence of the poor and desperate for the sake of what, exactly?

See, in this context, we were literally talking about people doing that, and they literally do that, so to say "nobody" does it is just a false claim.

If you weren't trying to minimise the struggle of poor people, you fucked up, because that's what your comment did.

Nice work trying to find an angle where you were only literally wrong and not in the privacy of your own head.

What about the rest of your claims, were they hyperbole as well, or something else? You've just dropped them.

Excrubulent ,
@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

It's just a mimic playing with its food.

Excrubulent ,
@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

I personally am quite grateful that my computer doesn't meet the requirements, because that means I won't be stealth-upgraded like happened with 10.

Excrubulent ,
@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

In another example of how our pay-to-play society privileges the extremely wealthy, they won't say things like that because they could get sued for it, and even though it's a totally accurate description of the behaviour, they might not be able to survive the process of being sued, whereas Google would just use the lawyers they keep on retainer as part of their cost of doing business.

Excrubulent ,
@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

Seriously? That's hilarious and also polluting the training data if true.

Excrubulent ,
@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

The whole point is that at some point somebody can check, and you can have a higher level of trust in that than proprietary software.

And if someone does something like this then it has to be disguised as an innocuous bug, like heartbleed, they can't just install full on malware.

It's a different beast entirely.

Excrubulent ,
@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

Okay, but that's a different claim than that you have to personally vet and compile every single thing you use, which is what I was responding to.

Open source isn't perfect, but it is objectively and obviously better than closed.

Excrubulent ,
@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

Well, if crypto bros are to be believed then this isn't fiat currency. If it's not fiat, then it shouldn't be enforced by state violence, meaning the courts, right? Possession is ownership when there is no remedy, so the concept of theft is meaningless. Any attempt to fix this would violate the supremacy of the blockchain.

I mean they actually noticed this was a problem and reinvented the concept of banks to entrust them with their crypto. You know, the kind of trust that crypto was supposed to make obsolete, but then the crypto bros realised how much it sucks to suck and decided they needed a bit of nannying after all.

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