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NateNate60 ,

I don't think private landlords are really that bad. Renting out your dead nan's house or buying a duplex to letting the other half is fine as long as you charge appropriate rent and treat your tenants well. In an ideal world, houses would not be investments but rather something that everyone can own and live in, but we're not going to get that by going cold turkey as some people are suggesting. Reform is slow and boring but usually works out better than trying to tear everything down at once.

The real problem is companies buying up an absurd number of units and hoarding the available housing stock while squeezing tenants and generally just being miserable landlords.

NateNate60 ,

There is probably a person with the power to inject the GPL into the license agreement, and if it does, it would destroy Microsoft as they'd now be legally required to cough up the source code for Windows

Take one for the team!

NateNate60 ,

It doesn't. It's been borked for most people for several months now and will be dead for good once Riot pushes out Vanguard, which is a kernel anti-cheat.

Truly the end of an era.

NateNate60 ,

The numbers could either be an American complaining about it being too cold or a non-American complaining about it being too hot

NateNate60 ,

Yes, which is why I said "the numbers"

NateNate60 ,

I think it is generally okay to bundle the root domain certificate and the wildcard for its subdomains into a single renewal.

So for example:

NateNate60 ,

If it's not already the law, it needs to be. It should be required that paid advertising be disclosed in all contexts.

NateNate60 ,

I think what YouTube does would be sufficient. There's a noticeably different video progress bar colour (yellow instead of red) and a large "Skip Ad in __" in the corner, plus the advertiser information on the side.

Reddit could do this by putting a "Paid advertisement" watermark in the corner or putting "Advert" where the upvote/downvote buttons are and colouring it some noticeable colour, like yellow, and I would be satisfied with that.

NateNate60 ,

To be fair, 40% of Lemmy is cross posts from Reddit, 20% is spam posts by one user across multiple communities, and the remaining 40% is divided evenly between actual content and posts complaining about Reddit

All social media is trash, just different in what aspects they are trash in

NateNate60 ,

I said it before on Reddit and I will say it again here—

If Reddit has asked me for a premium subscription to use my favourite third-party app, I would have fucking paid.

Just bad business all around

NateNate60 ,

Well, at least one person thought it was a good idea to acquire a Mastodon competitor, and they paid a pretty penny for it

NateNate60 ,

You can patch old third-party apps with ReVanced. That being said, they are unmaintained and will still eventually break.

NateNate60 ,

Yes, you have pointed out the subtext that was there all along and pretended like it's some new argument.

It is about the data sharing. The US doesn't like companies sharing data with countries that it views as its geopolitical rivals. Big surprise, am I right?

NateNate60 ,

Ah yes, the US, where no foreign company is allowed to be successful.

Such unsuccessful or banned foreign companies include Samsung, LG, Sony, Toyota, Nissan, Honda, Aldi, Shell, Siemens...

NateNate60 ,

Every operating system sucks. It's just that they differ in what aspects they suck in.

NateNate60 ,

Yes because developers don't call tech support when they've accidentally deleted the Outlook icon from their desktop.

NateNate60 ,

I'm going to be honest with you, as often as this has been memed and for as long as I have been using Windows on my work computer, I have never once been forced to restart on the spot by an automatic update.

I'm sure those who have will be quick to reply but at this point I'm 90% confident it's a loud minority.

NateNate60 ,

I'm saying it's never happened to me. Not once. Zero times. Zero is less than one.

Normal Windows updates don't take an hour long. Give me a break. The ones that do are the version upgrades. That's like the equivalent of a distro upgrade.

NateNate60 ,

Well, running Windows 10, a consumer user-oriented operating system, to control mission-critical machines is mistake number 1.

This wouldn't have happened if they had used Windows Server or something actually designed for that task (like Linux!).

NateNate60 ,

Windows Server is an option.

The operating system is called "Windows Server". It doesn't necessarily have to run on a mainframe. It has the regular Windows GUI (with a few differences, the first you'll notice is "Cntr+Alt+Del to log in") and can run regular Windows programs.

How to access external NextCloud datafolder

So, i have a NextCloud instance running, with the data directory binded to a folder on my storage. Now, when ik want to list or edit the contents of this folder directly from Nautilus or the terminal, I get a permission denied message. Obviously i do not have sufficent rights. How do i give myself permissions to at least view...

NateNate60 ,

I'm guessing you're talking about the client, right? The data folder on the server shouldn't be touched or modified, except by Nextcloud.

Check who owns the folder. I'll assume the folder is at ~/Nextcloud, but if it's not, just substitute in the path to the Nextcloud folder.

You can check who owns the folder using ls:

ls -la ~/Nextcloud

This should give you something like:

drwx------ 10 user group    4096 2024-03-04 00:00 Nextcloud

Where the word "user" is in the above example should be the name of the owner of the directory. Where the word "group" is should be the group.

If either is root, check to make sure the Nextcloud client is not running as root (using sudo or otherwise).

Otherwise, give yourself ownership of the directory:

sudo chown username:username -R ~/Nextcloud

Replace username with your username.

NateNate60 ,

The data is all stored server-side. The worst that could happen is the sync connection stops working and you need to redownload the files. Nothing gets deleted by these commands. They will still be on your disk and accessible by you.

If this breaks Nextcloud, it indicates something's wrong with your installation.

NateNate60 ,

Chrome! Now with the ability to view Web pages!

NateNate60 ,

Part of the reason also has to do with the fact that China will write loans for stupid crap when Western banks and the IMF won't. You want a loan to build a giant statue in the middle of the desert? Chinese banks have got you covered. Western banks will laugh you out the door. Loan to build a new train line? Western banks want assessments, revenue estimates, feasibility studies, and ten other things. Chinese banks will ask "Are you going to hire a Chinese contractor to build it?" and if the answer is yes, they'll write the loan.

NateNate60 ,

Western banks are privately held so they are only interested in profit. Western governments rarely give big loans to developing countries (except indirectly through institutions like the IMF), but China does, through its state-owned banks.

In many cases, Western banks gamble on junk loans unlikely to be repaid written to these countries and cry to their governments when they lose. Then these governments then pressure the debtor countries to try and extract payment.

I notice that Western nations like to keep these loans separate from aid. If the goal is to make money, it's called a loan, and if the goal is to help out, it's called foreign aid. China realised there's no particular reason to do this and mixes them freely so it has the flexibility to treat it as a loan that needs to be repaid when that suits them or treat it as aid that will be forgiven.

Both are forms of economic colonialism in my book. Just slightly different modus operandi.

NateNate60 ,

Same news, same comment, different day. When do people get tired of seeing the same crap being hawked as "news"?

How responsive is your Nextcloud?

My Nextcloud has always been sluggish — navigating and interacting isn't snappy/responsive, changing between apps is very slow, loading tasks is horrible, etc. I'm curious what the experience is like for other people. I'd also be curious to know how you have your Nextcloud set up (install method, server hardware, any other...

NateNate60 ,

Mine is... eh. It's alright. I don't use any of the apps. Just the actual sync functionality. Sometimes when I'm moving files around there's a problem where the entire thing just stops responding. My MediaWiki instance still works, just not Nextcloud. Not sure why this happens and not sure if it also happens to other people.

For comparison, it is running on a Contabo VPS M

NateNate60 ,

I know it's not necessarily an option for everyone, but the printer at the library always works and costs way less or is free.

NateNate60 ,

Printing shops have existed as long as there have been printers. People rarely need to print anything anyway but most will convince themselves against it because they think it's a hassle or that they will print a lot more than they actually do.

Many people I know end up replacing their ink cartridges almost every time they have to print because it's been so long that the ink has dried up...

Roku TV bricked until agreeing to new terms of service

See title - very frustrating. There is no way to continue to use the TV without agreeing to the terms. I couldn't use different inputs, or even go to settings from the home screen and disconnect from the internet to disable their services. If I don't agree to their terms, then I don't get access to their new products. That...

NateNate60 ,

Don't do this. This just creates more work for the FBI and you know that report is going straight into the rubbish bin. That is just wasting public resources.

NateNate60 ,

No, what's more productive is writing that this should be a crime. It's currently not.

If you think otherwise, let's pretend you're a prosecutor. Which offence do you accuse them of committing (use a legal citation to refer to a specific section), list out each of the elements of that offence and explain why you believe each of them is satisfied.

NateNate60 ,

I am American.

NateNate60 ,

I think you're likely right, but I think this is also why reporting it to the FBI is a waste of time. The FBI only deals with criminal matters.

NateNate60 ,

The parent commenter asserts that it is a crime. What I essentially said is "prove it". I assert there is no law that makes this behaviour a criminal offence. Prove me wrong. Don't say "Well, this is what the law should be", tell me what the law is.

If you want to talk about what the law ought to be, write to your legislators. It's not the FBI's job to write the rules. They only enforce what's already there.

I don't think the behaviour is right, and it may be illegal in other ways, but it isn't a crime, and if it isn't a crime, reporting it to a law enforcement agency is just wasting your time.

NateNate60 ,

By "illegal in other ways" I mean "creates a civil cause of action". This is not something the police can help with. You don't need a law degree to complain but I think you're just being purposefully obtuse.

NateNate60 , (edited )

My God. You just used words that you think are criminal offences, and then proclaimed that you think they applied. "Last I checked" my arse, you did not check at all.

And when I tell you to read the statutes and show why you think they apply, you go and say "No, that's not my job" because you're either too lazy to Google search the text of the law or you're afraid of seeing that you wouldn't be able to justify your point.

You claim this is a criminal offence. You can't cite or don't want to cite any criminal statutes substantiating your claim. Instead you just speak out of your ass instead of checking to make sure. The information's there. You just don't want to read it.

You're wrong. Just quit the conversation already. You're not winning this one.


NateNate60 ,

(1) Wer einen Menschen rechtswidrig mit Gewalt oder durch Drohung mit einem empfindlichen Übel zu einer Handlung, Duldung oder Unterlassung nötigt, wird mit Freiheitsstrafe bis zu drei Jahren oder mit Geldstrafe bestraft.

(1) Wer rechtswidrig eine fremde Sache beschädigt oder zerstört, wird mit Freiheitsstrafe bis zu zwei Jahren oder mit Geldstrafe bestraft.

(2) Ebenso wird bestraft, wer unbefugt das Erscheinungsbild einer fremden Sache nicht nur unerheblich und nicht nur vorübergehend verändert.

I ran Google Translate on these:

(1) Anyone who unlawfully coerces a person into an act, tolerance or omission by force or by threat of serious harm will be punished with a prison sentence of up to three years or a fine.

(1) Anyone who unlawfully damages or destroys someone else's property will be punished with a prison sentence of up to two years or a fine.

(2) Anyone who unauthorizedly changes the appearance of someone else's property in a way that is not just insignificant and not just temporary will also be punished.

Firstly, the terms and conditions screen is not "force". Secondly, the television is not damaged by making you accept such conditions. The software doesn't work but you don't own the software, you own the hardware. Even if there is no way to install other software on the system. Thirdly, the terms and conditions originally agreed to allow this (changes to the terms and conditions) to happen. It is not unauthorised. Fourthly, and most importantly, you can just physically click the "agree" button to the terms and conditions to get back the functionality. The remedy is for a court to consider that agreement unenforceable.

NateNate60 ,

Again, this does not seem to be getting through to you.

You can click the "agree" button to get back full functionality.

A court would just rule that your clicking of that button does not bind you into a contract.

NateNate60 ,

It's not coercive at all under that definition. It's not an attempt to be coercive. Think about it more before replying.

NateNate60 ,

Posting this on Lemmy is preaching to the choir.

NateNate60 ,

You can do it using a single terminal command run during set-up. No special images or imaging software required.

However, the point is not whether it is possible, but why it is so unnecessarily difficult. I think that question is easy to answer.

NateNate60 ,

You can, by using the terminal trick I was referring to. If you simply try to set it up without connecting it to WiFi or Ethernet, it will not let you go past that screen until you connect to a network.

2G, 3G, 4G, 5G mobile data made some sense as it represents generational leaps in the technology itself but then Xfinity wants to advertise "10g" internet...

Comcast says it represents a 10 Gigabit cable internet network they are building (it doesn’t exist) so they are basically changing the meaning of the g from generation to gig to act like 10g is 5 generations better (or twice as fast)…or that they have a 10 gigabit network. Neither is accurate. It’s still just cable...

NateNate60 ,

Download-only internet.

Your water line is now connected! There is no way to turn on the taps in the house.

A lot of Redditors hate the Reddit IPO | Reddit warned us that its users were a risk factor, and boy do they sound excited about shorting its stock. (www.theverge.com)

A lot of Redditors hate the Reddit IPO | Reddit warned us that its users were a risk factor, and boy do they sound excited about shorting its stock.::Reddit seems like a likely candidate for a meme stock. But the actual reaction suggests that r/WallStreetBets isn’t going to send the stock to the moon.

NateNate60 ,

Nintendo CEO cutting his salary in half to avoid laying off workers after the Wii U fails versus whatever the fuck Reddit is doing

Vice is basically dead — Thousands of stories written over the past two decades could soon be deleted without any warning (nymag.com)

Vice is basically dead — Thousands of stories written over the past two decades could soon be deleted without any warning::CEO Bruce Dixon told staffers that Vice Media will lay off hundreds of employees and stop publishing stories on the site.

NateNate60 ,

Congratulations, you have repeated the same point as the parent commenter, but removed the quotation marks to make it seem like they didn't do that, so to create for yourself an opportunity to say it again

NateNate60 ,

There is no such thing as unbiased news free from corporate fuckery. But you can subscribe to several well-known and reputable news outlets, public broadcast services, and other varied reliable sources, and hope that the combined fuckery cancel each other out. For now, that's the best that you can do.

It's not easy and it's not cheap.

NateNate60 ,

In the German system (or any other multiparty system), voters can effectively punish a political party without wasting their vote, because there is a lot of overlap between the parties.

If you don't like the current coalition but are a left-leaning person, you can vote for Die Linke. You might not agree with all of their positions but you at least can agree with some of them. Even if that is not palatable if you previously voted SDP you can switch your vote to Green or vice versa to punish the specific officeholders representing your constituency. If you voted for the FDP last time, maybe try Union next time. There are many ways to do this, and overall I think it makes the parties themselves more accountable to the voters because voters defecting their party list votes can drastically change the makeup of the Bundestag.

Similarly, right-leaning UK voters are punishing the Conservative Party by threatening to or actually voting for Reform candidates. Scots can punish the SNP by voting Labour.

You can't do this in the US. In the USA, the only recourse the voters have over the parties is to vote out undesirable candidates through primary elections so that the party cannot nominate them. This works alright, sometimes, but it is not an effective way to punish party leadership for bad decisions, and many primaries are uncompetitive anyway.

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