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Rekorse ,

How would you define like us vs similar to us?

Rekorse ,

Lol if you meant to invoke the thought of Korean culture vs. American as an example, I think it worked!

Rekorse ,

You do understand that to cultures where this isnt the norm, it sounds ridiculous to show naked pictures of your child when they were an infant to, well anyone?

It being a tradition has no bearing on it being awful or not. Circumcision is a tradition.

I'm sure you can find a more modern way to embarrass your child without resulting to CP?

Rekorse ,

Where do you draw the line on how much discomfort/sadness/anger your actions cause before it becomes a wrong thing to do?

I understand embarrassing your adult child by showing child porn of them to their partner is below your bar, but can you describe how you figure out which side you are on?

Do you disagree any traditions that are designed to embarrass someone? What about hazing in college or the military? What about making fun of girls over voice chat? If these are bad examples to you, can you come up with something else and answer about that?

Rekorse ,

They are challenging the logic, is this really a confusing idea to you?

Rekorse ,

They are challenging the logic, is this really a confusing idea to you?

Rekorse ,

I'm sorry, you can't have experienced trauma unless you've had someone clinically analyze and diagnose you?

What kind of absurd bar is this?

Rekorse ,

I think his point is that he's the exception and he would be very upset if he got thrown in with all the pedo's.

I agree with what you said, such a strange hill to die on. He wont accept any variation like covering just their genitals or making them off camera. Its like its very important he has baby dicks and vaginas saved on his computer and phone.

And of course since he would never hurt his own children (said every parent who inadvertently abuses their children), we shouldn't make him adhere to the rules the rest of us do.

All hail king flying squid I guess. I'm starting to realize that quantity of posts does not equal quality of character.

P.s. tell him to stop Doxxing himself so much.

Rekorse ,

I personally have no use for pictures of baby genitals, but you really do huh? It even makes you upset we want to take away your baby genital pictures huh?

Is this some perverse form of individualism?

Edit: if you took a picture of you cleaning your daughters vagina out, and showed someone, yes that would be child porn and child abuse.

Rekorse ,

Depends if you are talking legally or morally. I disagree with a lot of whats legal. Your examples are silly and easy to answer:

If they want to be tickled than yes, if not than no.
Punishing the child is for their own best interest, not to get them to learn to listen to the king of the house better. We make decisions for them because they aren't capable of making the best decisions for themselves.

So how exactly does taking pictures of them naked when they are babies or children, help them in any way?

Its a stupid tradition. Embarrassing people is always bad. Purposely hurting people is always bad. Regardless of the trauma it causes it would still at best make you an incredibly selfish person.

Rekorse ,

People are replying and reporting trauma, you are saying you don't believe them, that its not good enough. Besides the fact its absurd that you think psychology or sociology is even close to solving or understanding nearly any of the topics we are talking about.

When it comes to psychology, self reports are evidence, and you disagreeing with that doesn't change anything.

Rekorse ,

I experienced trauma from my childhood. It wasn't exclusively the pictures but it was a part of it. And my mom says the same bullshit you are saying now.

But I'm sure you'll just be so in tune with your kid, and have perfect adherence to unassailable morals, so they will make it through this abuse just fine. I don't understand why you are so proud of that fact, but here we are.

And I'm sure you'll say I made this all up for the sake of argument, since that's exactly what you told the first person.

Rekorse ,

Were you even in the room with your newborns? Both of mine were moved to a table, cleaned up, and swaddled. I would have had to literally interrupt them to take a genital picture of them.

But I guess where you live, they pause first and ask if you want a full naked body shot? Cool tradition, I know you love those.

I'm sure noone has been in trouble for ONLY having their naked child's pictures on their phone, but I'm sure those pictures have ended up in CP collections. I'm sure you have perfect opsec though so its fine.

Legality as side, since its not the law preventing me from abusing children anyways, I'm arguing that its morally wrong. Plenty of immoral actions are legal from my perspective.

Why does your perspective need baby genitals to be featured again?

Rekorse ,

Depends what you do with your CP collection I suppose. Theres an argument to be made that if you never show or tell anyone you did it, noones hurt.

I dont believe that personally, so I suppose I'd have to say that you have abused your daughter by taking a naked picture of her without her consent.

Why not go back and just blur out the genitals? You seem very fixated on making sure those stay.

Rekorse ,

And you can say, for certain, that noone has ever seen that photo without your permission? I guess you might have me here if its a physical photo locked in a safe somewhere.

Edit: although these had to printed at a business, where anyone working could have copied them

Rekorse ,

You can make all the jokes you want, you have no idea if that exact picture of your daughter features prominently in a CP collection somewhere, right this instant.

Rekorse ,

I think you've lost track of your replies.

Rekorse ,

Oh I'm sorry I'm supposed to believe you are replying in good faith right now? I'm alright with ending this here if you have nothing more to say about it.

Rekorse ,

I promise I won't tell anyone about your child porn collection. Its okay you don't have to worry.

You really should put more than just a cursory thought into your replies you know. Gotchas only work if you can't pause to think about how stupid of a point you are making right now.

I like how you think saying I'm required to do something actually makes me required to do something. I am not the child porn police. I am not responsible for reporting every murmur of child porn, or abuse.

I sincerely believe that the naked picture of your child on your computer/phone/physical image is CP because thats one of its possible uses, and you have no idea it is not being used as porn right now. I also sincerely believe I have no obligation to report absolutely anything about this. Its a fucking discussion over the internet with a stranger, you really think theres even an authority for me to report you to?

I also sincerely believe you are just an idiot, rather than a pedophile, and you just have a very inflated ego and sense of self righteousness. I'm sure you've never been wrong, but if you were it was for a good reason, right?

Rekorse ,

I never said you dont have a collection of CP. You have more than one picture right?

I mean if she's on here I can tell her right now? Flying Squid's daughter, I sincerely believe your dad to be an idiotic blowhard who thinks his powers of prediction are near limitless.

Now what?

Rekorse ,

This is why I accused you of bad faith. Never said any of that. Would be nice if you'd stop building straw men to attack.

Is there a reason I should hide my opinions of her father from her? What abuse am I supposed to be levying here.

You probably shouldn't bring her into a conversation with adults if you don't want her hearing others opinions of you.

You know you and your daughter could both go your whole lives without that picture ever being a problem, and I'd still be against its existence right?

So, what words are you going to put in my mouth next? Seems to be getting harder and harder for you to twist your opinion into fact.

Here I'll put it simply for you: I think the pictures you currently have are immoral to have taken, and immoral to keep now. I think your daughter is the victim of this. I dont know if she will ever be harmed by it, but the fact that she could is enough. I dont think I'm required to report you for having admitted having these pictures. I dont think anyone's required to do anything based on simple comments on an anonymous forum. If you were in my community, and you asked how I felt about this, I would tell you all this to your face and hope that changed your mind, but past that I wouldn't do anything probably more out of distrust of our legal system than anything though. If you think I'm awful for that, I'm okay with that. Maybe we are both awful people. Did I miss anything?

Edit: oh I also think you can have CP and not be a pedophile. Like I said, that just makes you stupid.

Rekorse ,

If that's what those words mean to you and your daughter, sure but that's not the same as me saying them. Those are all your ideas and I dont endorse a single one of them, nor would I say them to your daughter.

Why do you think you can just change what words I say to be other more offensive words and then attack those?

Rekorse ,

Oh lord I should just drop this but here we go:

  1. I think you unintentionally abused your daughter by creating child porn of her.

  2. Without the intent of pedophilia you could just be ignorant, but since you are defending it actively, this makes you stupid.

You are willfully ignorant, which is what I mean when I call people stupid or an idiot.

If you really want to insist that number 1 there equals an incestuous relationship then sure I'll bite the bullet on that one. I just don't think its relevant because neither of you knew it at the time nor intended the situation to be incestuous. It was accidentally incestuous maybe, but that's entirely your fault because you are the adult.

Essentially, you were ignorant then and now your an idiot, but it was wrong the whole time.

Does that make things clear?

Rekorse ,

Accidental pornography = material that was not primarily made to be used as porn, and has later become porn.

Like the picture of your daughter that could very well have been used by pedophiles to pleasure themselves, or could be in the future.

Just say you don't care about that possibility and I'll concede, how about that.

Rekorse ,

Microsoft is in a death spiral.

Even my coworkers who are complete idiots with technology, who actively sabotage themselves every time they touch any piece of hardware and software, have soured entirely on nearly every Microsoft product across the board.

Its funny how quickly people change their minds when they dont understand the technology on a deeper level. Its just: "this is frustrating now I hate it" and no further thought.

Rekorse ,

You really put 30 minutes of your own time above all of downsides this has for the rest of us who don't have a use for it (most of the world)?

Rekorse ,

"See I like AI because I'm selfish. Also those bad things are in the past, I'm using an ethical AI system now! But also, who gives a fuck because I only care about myself!"

Yeah you get it guy! Maybe you can be Trumps secretary of technology!

Rekorse ,

Thats a great way to put it in a simple way: its wrong to use other peoples content for things they did not expect they would be.

Rekorse ,

All of the resources and energy spent to get you this product you like. You can't discount what it took to create something just because the final product is small and efficient. Take a look at the manufacturing footprint of nearly all complex hardware.

I'm not saying you created the AI but you are one of its supporters, without which there would be no AI.

If this was all just pitched as developing a new plain English coding language, I think the hype following it would be far more appropriate, but then the funding wouldnt follow to support the massive development costs of AI.

Its become a circle of hype chasing money chasing hype.

Its not you that is the problem so to speak though, its the collective "you's" who think the same way.

Rekorse ,

What's wrong with voyager? Its already ad-free.

Seems so strange to choose to inject adds over top of lemmy by choice.

Rekorse ,

Boycotting is a collective action, it spreads like a virus, so you are wrong on its effectiveness.

You sound like someone who wants hand waive away the real costs of their actions by saying there's nothing you can do to change things.

I hope the people who read your post aren't demotivated to effect change because of it.

Rekorse ,

I can't force people to do the things I think they should. Noone can. People draw inspiration from all sorts of things. Like you right now seem inspired to protect China from racist western policies.

I dont pretend to speak for my country, or its government, but I can do two things:

  1. Walk the walk, if you believe something then follow it. Examples: de-googling, disengaging with social media, following a vegan lifestyle, research companies before giving them your money.

  2. Talking about all of this stuff in public places. With my family, coworkers, or here on Lemmy, anything we say has the potential to inspire someone to change. You never know what will be the thing that triggers change, but for all the things I listed above I had someone share that information with me in a public forum, which caused me to change.

I'm sure we can argue the efficacy of this strategy all day, and even some of the examples you gave like Amazon are no longer the behemoth they used to be.

Rekorse ,

I don't have a lot of inner details about amazon but I do know that they have peaked already as far as retail goes. I don't know when, I just know its happened already.

Amazon is no longer any of the following:

  1. The cheapest deal
  2. Filled with reliable reviews
  3. Filled with trustworthy companies

And on top of that, their product search page is to the point where not even the advertisers are having a good time. The end users (buyers) stopped having a useful interface a while before that.

Its easier now for me to avoid amazon simply because they aren't the best deal by nearly any metric any more.

Rekorse ,

True, most global brands are garbage, but I do see a lot of stuff locally thats sprung up to fill interesting niches. I still think the community of people who say "fuck big business, and fuck endless greed" is a growing bunch so I'm hopeful.

It helps for me to watch what the generations after me are doing, and they are doing a fine job fighting for progress in my opinion.

Rekorse ,

Yeah I think probably me saying "big business" is overly broad.

I almost always use that to mean big companies that use their size unfairly in the marketplace, and I'm not just talking about how production of scale works.

I do think that we need to really open up the global market, this competition by country is sort of ridiculous, but I'm not going to pretend I understand it all enough to prescribe a solution.

Rekorse ,

I'm not so sure we should lump in the pizza driver with all the other delivery drivers. Generally being a pizza delivery person is a decent first job and they usually work in the store too, and receive an hourly wage.

Not to say you shouldnt tip them, just not out of guilt.

Rekorse ,

I am a parent and have a toddler and a preteen, and yes you let your daughter boss you around in this instance. They won't starve to death and you don't need to punish them either. Its their choice to participate with the family in meal times. Its not reasonable that everyone gets exactly what they want when they want it and its wrong to give in to those types of attitudes. Kids can compromise, and its funny how the food becomes magically appetizing an hour later when their stomach is growling.

Yes parenting is hard, they are emotional terrorists, but you are implying you have no choice in the matter. I'm not saying you made a bad decision either, just blaming the kid for it is problematic.

Rekorse ,

Its just awfully hard to make assumptions either way, I think is where I'm getting hung up. I could even see some people being upset that you pity them without actual reason to.

I'm not sure if its better to assume nothing or to pick a path really though.

Rekorse ,

That's a good point, thanks for adding!

Rekorse ,

Its not the tip they wouldn't like, its the pity. You don't need to pity random strangers, you have no idea how their life is going.

Rekorse ,

8ts not about being mad its about where you spend your money. I don't give businesses my money if they participate in deceptive practices. Its possible dominoes doesn't sell data though so you maybe got me there.

Rekorse ,

Lol you accept the risks, all is well!

Rekorse ,

Maybe cost is a better word. Although there are risks to allowing companies to use your data, especially since right now they are selling the data to companies that are trying to make money off of you, like say car insurance.

I will say thats more an argument for blocking out all types of tracking possible, rather than saying a single one is bad on its own. One place selling your data isnt actually that bad, its when those single nodes are so numerous that you can actually map out what someone does if you chain them together.

Its up to you if you are okay with that in your life though.

Rekorse ,

I used to do that but I figured out it was a bit easier for me to just avoid them altogether, which I know is not possible for a lot of people.

Rekorse ,

Sure thing, pimp.

Rekorse ,

So don't choose the wrong distro? All the most recommended for first time users are no problem.

Rekorse ,

There needs to be a yearly execution of the worst distros or something I swear! Start with arch!

Rekorse ,

I only make fun of arch cause everyone else does it! I'm weak!

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