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Rekorse ,

I agree with this, they made some pretty poor choices and then explained them away by saying they had no choice. The bread was unnecessary, and yes I have kids too. A very picky toddler in fact. You never have to spend a ton on food, they brow beat you because it works, not because they won't actually eat anything else.

Its still funny to me that kids are still tricking their parents into thinking they will starve to death if they don't get exactly the food they ask for.

This poster wanted pizza, and had expectations of it that weren't met, but she didn't have to do it, it wasn't forced. I think even your example via delivery with little ceasars would make more sense. Or just don't buy pizza if there's only expensive pizza near you. Pizza has always been a pricey dinner, only offset by the quantity of food just barely.

Around us, taco bell can be a great deal (and offers a vegan menu to an extent) as well but really this is more about not having enough time or know-how to reduce costs by cooking simple foods at home. A pack of taco tortillas, rice, beans, and vegetables to mix in is not expensive and makes a ton of food.

Rekorse ,

Just another company thats created two price levels:

  1. Pay full price and dont use the app
  2. Use the app and always ALWAYS get a discount, but we will partner with amazon and google to gather and sell your data to make up the costs of the discounts.

I know 2 is preferable to some but I'm against it purely because of how deceptive it is, so I'm stuck with option 1.

I dont think thats what happened to the OP here, but just wanted to add why the cheaper option isnt always better.

Rekorse ,

Both my PCs have nvidia cards, a 3080ti and a 970, and not run just fine with games and Linux. I dont quite understand the hate for nvidia cards. AMD cards must poop glitter or something too.

Rekorse ,

That's understandable but its still inaccurate to say that those with Nvidia cards will have trouble with Linux. I understand people have biases but that's not a helpful one.

Rekorse ,

Hi Elon! How is Twitter Co. today? Having a yummy lunch with your coworkers soon?

Rekorse ,

They absolutely are not and you are lucky you were able to get your save game out. The majority of games have their config and save files encrypted and are completely unusable as far as any other platform goes.

There are some exceptions, mainly games that have official mod support tend to have areas you can access but the majority of others won't.

Rekorse ,

The poster isnt able to explain themselves but Microsoft encrypts most of the game files for their gamepass games which prevents copy pasting the files elsewhere.

You can move the files but they are useless for any other version, and I believe you can't even copy and paste from gamepass to gamepass either, but I can't say for sure on that.

Rekorse ,

Well you aren't going to be able to pick out a trend with only testing two games. Its enough of a problem that I would double check where the save is before starting a game on gamepass.

The last game I tried to move and failed was snowrunner I believe.

Rekorse ,

This won't affect tobacco in anyway. The only reason its in the conversation is because of the term "Tobacco-style label".

Youll have to connect the dots better on how social media popup warnings would cause people to smoke more.

Rekorse , (edited )

Different groups of people, and different sub groups within those, react to things in different ways, and I think most would argue that the group of people who responded in the opposite way rather than getting along were not a detriment to the whole movement.

To your point specifically about California surgeon general warnings, quite a lot of people take them seriously, including myself. In most cases they aren't off the mark by much if at all.

Rekorse ,

Thats how I got out of it without having to pay the hundreds of dollars in cancelation fees. I was fuming at the time too, and that was maybe close to 5 years ago now.

Rekorse ,

I love that while reading the post you replied to, the first thought you had was about the dayman and nightman purely based on the word "daemon". Maybe people are meant to be silly

Rekorse ,

This used to be a requirement but is now optional. For example, Mint, EndeavourOS, and PopOS all are distros that are simple to install and configure, even simpler than windows in most cases. Popos has a software store pre-installed that works exceptionally well and supports flatpaks too. Drivers work out of the box.

There are still the distros that are more complex as a rule, and you can also mess up the distros I mentioned above, but you no longer have to wade through a dark forest to get your computer running correctly for basic use.

Also if you game, the lutris and steam make it extremely easy to do. You really should try it if you haven't in a while, its impressive what those two pieces of software can do now.

A PR disaster: Microsoft has lost trust with its users, and Windows Recall is the straw that broke the camel's back (www.windowscentral.com)

It's a nightmare scenario for Microsoft. The headlining feature of its new Copilot+ PC initiative, which is supposed to drive millions of PC sales over the next couple of years, is under significant fire for being what many say is a major breach of privacy and security on Windows. That feature in question is Windows Recall, a...

Rekorse ,

I dont hate your original post, its just somewhat confusing and disjointed.

Could you expand on your first paragraph? I feel like I'm missing context there especially to connect the first and second sentence.

Also, what is your overall point?

Rekorse ,

You keep making posts that made sense or were accurate 5-15 years ago, thats why you keep getting downvoted.

Pretend you know nothing about linux, and go and try something like Mint, and youll likely have an experience that mirrors the people downvoting you.

Rekorse ,

Well why dont you go into that thread and ask those people when the last time that happened was, or how often it happens.

You might just be taking a very old meme too seriously.

Rekorse ,

Memes get reposted, that one is pretty old.

Also there are distros that are more volatile, but all of the most popular ones are extremely dummy proof and intuitive. See Pop_OS!, EndeavourOS, or Mint for example.

Rekorse ,

Why can't anyone spot a grift anymore? The IA is hugely profitable, and is very clearly crafting PR statements designed to increase donations. Has noone had their trust abused before? If they were trying to make change around this subject they wouldnt be so dishonest in their messaging.

IA are not Robin Hood.

Rekorse ,

Its no different than them declining to answer if asked what their secrets are.

Do you really think that if someone manages to ask a question in a very specific wording that they would be forced to give a straight answer?

Rekorse ,

Do you use windows by choice or for work?

Rekorse ,

Windows hasnt quite felt as risky as it does now, that I can remember at least.

Luckily my company outsourced the IT security department to India and have since had a handful of breaches and zero remediation efforts. I'm sure this windows stuff is firmly in the "care later" bin.

Rekorse ,

They are trolling you because you didnt realize the first post was sarcastic. Y'all agree.

Rekorse ,

They made money off upselling people who thought it would be free. Or another way was to wait to tell them about the charges until you've spent a couple hours on the application. ...or the way they would sell you last years tax information back to you to save you a few hours filling out forms.

United states of monetization.

Rekorse ,

Appreciate the tip!

Rekorse ,

Maybe if you spent more time getting to know the dog on his terms, and then started training him once he respected you, you would come to realize you are choosing to hate this dog.

Such a fascinating position you choose to be part of. Does your gf know you hate dogs so much? How did she end up getting a dog knowing this? Why would you date her knowing the dog comes with it? Why wouldn't you talk it out with her and come to some sort of compromise?

Rekorse ,

Well that is a lot to deal with, and I can relate to being optimistic that you will grow to like something. I can respect that you have put in quite the effort towards compromise, which is right even if its not reciprocated.

I will say that you shouldn't judge all potential relationships from the current one, just the same as you shouldnt judge all potential companion animals from the current one.

And to be frank, I'm not surprised the dog behaves that way given the environment you described. You must admit that there is far less time to worry about the dogs well being when you and your partner might both be depressed, and despite what you say about souls, dogs have feelings and are extremely empathetic towards humans.

Its very true that dogs take on the emotional traits of their owners, including negative ones.

Rekorse ,

A car ban with specific exceptions, like for disabled folk.

There, does that work for you?

Also, everything has positives and negatives, does not mean you should discount them as options entirely.

Rekorse ,

In my opinion, people should change as quickly as possible, I think thats going to be extremely important for humans across the board moving forward.

That said, I dont know how to apply that thought societally, everyone has different tolerances. And also, most people I meet resist change without thought, so my guess is it would be incredibly slow as everyone would be mostly concerned with making sure its not an inconvenient solution.

Just giving it a few minutes thought here, I want to say this is a problem that should be solved by local government, as that would be the largest scale where you could vary the approach by specific population needs.

Maybe some farm heavy states are going to essentially need most of their vehicles, who knows.

Probably first we need to all agree on the problem though...

Edit: idea! Maybe use federal government to set the goals and direction we should be heading in, and let local governments handle the how and how much and how fast.

Rekorse , (edited )

I'm going to address work from home first because I think its already settled. Whether companies want to admit it or not, the general public now sees work from home as a benefit that converts to actual money. What this means, is its become an expected benefit in certain industries and its never going back. Companies that force large groups to come onsite arbitrarily are finding the negatives far outweigh the positives, as they now need to hire massively. The one caveat is companies that just use return to office as a way to fire people.

Essentially, its a right we benefit from now, although shitty companies will continue to do shitty things.

For the rest, ive yet to see a single person explain exactly how a city built for cars with very limited public transport, can effectively be changed into a public transportation/biking/walking city.

I'm not an architect or anything, but dont we need to move buildings? Destroy massive portions of cities? I dont know the answer but my feeling is its not talked about much because there aren't any good plans.

Maybe we need to essentially create new big cities so that we have the opportunity to plan their building without cars.

Maybe we could wait for people to abandon cities to the point they are vacant enough we can shuffle people around until renovations complete?

Edit: is it wrong for me to think the government should be negating the negatives of these transitions? For example with the shuffling idea, the government could cover the costs of forcing people to move, even if it still is relatively close by. Maybe even make it fun, can choose groups of temporary housing near friends and family or coworkers if you like them. Cash infusions?

CEO of Google Says It Has No Solution for Its AI Providing Wildly Incorrect Information (futurism.com)

You know how Google's new feature called AI Overviews is prone to spitting out wildly incorrect answers to search queries? In one instance, AI Overviews told a user to use glue on pizza to make sure the cheese won't slide off (pssst...please don't do this.)...

Rekorse ,

Honestly, for me, young me had no fucking clue how bad tech could be for the world just physically. The massive power draw, the massive water consumption, I'm sure there are nestle level employee and child abuse situations to boot.

Noone ever talked about the cost of fucking anything. Just blinders all the way until it crashes and we tally the victims and how much money was lost or it cost to fix it.

The one thing the Crypto bros did was show everyone how absurd this all really could be, and all for less than nothing.

Rekorse ,

Is it really so crazy that if you practice gambling you might end up good at gambling? I dont see any difference between playing the stock market and playing cards for money.

Rekorse ,

Would you advise others that learning through increasingly higher stakes is a good way to practice these skills and apply them to make a living?

I admit I dont have much issue with gambling as recreation/sport, but I dont know its a benefit to society to treat gambling as a profession.

Stock brokers gambling with others money is a whole other thing.

Rekorse ,

Everything in your post seems to give reasons for recreational gambling, and I do agree that the stakes are part of the game, and one with no stakes is markedly different. It does seem though that this is all in service of fair play, and to reward those for requiring they pay to prove they are in good faith.

To me I dont think the potential reward is the point with recreational gambling. You might even give your winnings back in a friendly game were you to find out that the stakes bled out into real life.

However I dont see how all of this applies to gambling as a profession and as a part of society in larger ways such as stock markets and Crypto currency. What's the supposed benefits of that?

I would argue that the professional setting is not recreational at all, and in many cases is abusive, with there seeming to be some intent to disguise how abusive it is to the victim.

Rekorse ,

Doesn't gambling for a living by definition mean you have to play with stakes that matter?

Honestly if people could only gamble with their own money, I might feel different about it.

Rekorse ,

My assumption is that, since they were always going to be about collecting, processing, and selling data (usually what AI is used for commercially) that they might have what they think is between 500m and 1b in data to sell.

This might be enough to start a company from or just to assimilate the data into your own company.

The price tag has to be over estimated though by quite a lot. If we read a story about the company selling for a few million, I dont think it would seem outrageous.

Rekorse ,

No judgment, I think its interesting the little high-stakes decisions we make like this though.

"Oh no which spelling is it? Is there time to search it up? Oh no my train of thought is fading! Send send send!"

Rekorse ,

The specific case here was the professor had a financial stake in new books being sold.

I do agree updated editions with new information could be important, but again when theres a financial incentive to sell new books, the obvious lean will be towards making new versions even if there is no new information.

Since the books can be required, they should be required to show proof they have substantially added to their edition or else relegate it to a minor revision (maybe adding sub-editions like 1.0, 1.1, 1.2; where you only need the first number to be current). Right now its a whole lot of, "Trust us you need this book and the only pre-owned versions are out of date".

As a side thought, this is the kind of thing that makes me wonder if they use the book costs to weed out those that will not allow themselves to be abused to that degree. This would leave only those who would conform to their leader/manager/teacher and are less likely to try to change the system.

Rekorse ,

Cue someone creating a script to convert the new chapters to the old ones!

Rekorse ,

A Tesla drover might get the impression that the cars "opinion" is better than their own, which could cause them to hesitate before intervening or to allow the car to drive in a way they are uncomfortable with.

The misinformation about the car reaches the level of negligence because even smart people are being duped by this.

Honestly I think some people just dont believe someone could lie so publicly and loudly and often, that it must be something else besides a grift.

Rekorse ,

If you were to strictly take that rule seriously, you should not allow FSD to drive at all, as at any speed its more dangerous than the person driving it (given an average driver who's not intoxicated).

Rekorse ,

Is 200ish crashes and 6 deaths per year too many?

I know its an absolute number but we are asking if its worth sacrificing people for the potential of safer driving later.

Can you explain why you are so confident that this will all be worth it in the end?

Evidence that teslas are more dangerous than other cars: https://www.thedrive.com/news/tesla-drivers-have-the-highest-crash-rate-of-any-brand-study

Evidence for the 200 crashes and 6 deaths a year claim for FSD: https://www.theverge.com/2024/4/26/24141361/tesla-autopilot-fsd-nhtsa-investigation-report-crash-death

Rekorse ,

You realize it can be true that the driver is at fault when they crash and that the crash was more likely to happen because you have Elon contradicting his own marketing team constantly and confusing people.

He literally would take reporters in his car and take his hands off the wheel. He just fundamentally doesn't care about safety now. Probably doesn't about safety later, just saw a way to make some money.

Rekorse ,

Why would you think there isnt data on Tesla crashes? Are they hiding their broken cars from bystanders and police or something now?

Netflix Windows app is set to remove its downloads feature, while introducing ads (www.techradar.com)

Netflix has managed to annoy a good number of its users with an announcement about an upcoming update to its Windows 11 (and Windows 10) app: support for adverts and live events will be added, but the ability to download content is being taken away....

Rekorse ,

How do you choose what you pirate and what you dont?

Rekorse ,

People who shoplift are only considering a single factor: what's the likelihood this store ends up caring and puts me in jail eventually.

Turns out, plenty of stores will NEVER stop you provided you dont exceed a certain dollar amount or try to walk off with large appliances.

Its not hard to find a stores policy around theft and prevention.

Its a coincidence that big box stores are stolen from more, not a moral thing.

Rekorse ,

This is only logical if Neuralink is the only company doing this, but they are not.

Even the cofounder of Neuralink split off to make his own version of the company that puts safety first, and is working on a noninvasive (meaning doesn't damage the brain by design) version of the same technology.

Rekorse ,

I dont really have a leg in this race, it does seem like throughout this thread you do showcase a lot of working knowledge.

Gotta say its confusing figuring out what the actual issue here is in coming to an understanding.

Rekorse ,

Good to know, thank you for sharing!

Closest I ever got to construction work like that was working for about a year as a residential painter, and sometimes would work alongside other contractors.

I really need to make woodworking/carpentry my next thing to learn about, plenty of places in my house could use the work.

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