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VerticaGG ,


When we got complacent
In defending our rights
The Nazis changed their name
Now they’re called the alt-right

VerticaGG , (edited )

Evictions, disproportionately of those most vulnerable, due to Austerity via the Neoliberal policies of Reagan and Thatcher which very much persist today, maximizing, subsidizing the profit of fortune 500 companies while making welfare a slur.

Cops break up people who are just trying to feed the hungry.

ICE; Locking children in cages -- No human is illegal. The Contras were perpetrated by the imperial core, and then the imperial family eats up the propaganda to hate the refugees fleeing those situations.

Prisons, during covid lockdowns, put prisoners in 24/7 solitary. Solitary is torture. It is so bad that is an effective motivator to force prisoners to instead labor for cents a day.

Cops illegally raid safe injection sites, and spread disinformation about People who use drugs, dehumanizing themselves in the process.

Read about the Comstock Raids, as far back as 1860s, the reason that motivated the Stonewall Uprising a century later, and dont think they up and stopped harrassing queer folks of color for doing so much as existing in public.

The origins of the police forces were to chase down runaway slaves.

It is not "a few bad eggs". It's not about a bug of the system, it's the features it was designed for, through Comstocks weaponization of the Post Office to control bodies and autonomy, into modern day surveillance state and militarization.

What we are talking about is Violence. SYSTEMIC Violence.

There is no more violent beast than the Settler-Colonial White Supremacist, with all it's manifest destiny. This Prison System's history is well documented, and evidence of it's violence is more apparent and accessible everyday.

Abolition is a process and it will take time, the two greatest things we can do to obsolete prisons and police are:

  1. encourage and popularize anti-authoritarian parenting methods and 2) build strong community groups and mutual aid networks.

We must be free from class, from heirarchies of domination. These are inherently violent

That Dang Dad on YT is a great resource, and that's a starting point, because there is no justice unless you adress the root cause, and the truth is always on the side of the oppressed.

VerticaGG ,


[The execs and above are] Well compensated for pouring jet fuel on climate disaster.

Delete Nvidia

Watch: Adobe angers artists with new Photoshop terms (techcrunch.com)

Artists got an unpleasant surprise when they opened Photoshop this week, as they were shown a pop-up window asking them to agree to new terms of service. Among the changes: Adobe now says it has the right to access customers’ content through “automated or manual methods.”...

A social app for creatives, Cara grew from 40k to 650k users in a week because artists are fed up with Meta’s AI policies | TechCrunch (techcrunch.com)

Artists have finally had enough with Meta’s predatory AI policies, but Meta’s loss is Cara’s gain. An artist-run, anti-AI social platform, Cara has grown from 40,000 to 650,000 users within the last week, catapulting it to the top of the App Store charts....

VerticaGG , (edited )

Really hoping to see a surge in demand for "Anti-AI" software/services/community.

Fuck the Hype and the bubble cant pop fast enough

VerticaGG ,

There's a big inky black spot in my screen where i dropped it and i cant afford a new one and mobile keyboards are ass, so typos in the first idk 50 chars are common. 🪦

Fck Nzis

VerticaGG ,

Not bro. Nbd.

VerticaGG ,

"Hey fucker, your right to swing your fist ends where it collides with someone else's face"

^ Dont make me tap the sign

VerticaGG ,


On what morality is: This was a quick read about what enables dehumanization and mass atrocity, as relevant to both history and ongoing fascistic settler colonial imperialism.

VerticaGG ,

Way back in limewire era this was credited to NiN https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hW_4mRJCatg -- to this day i havent got to the bottom of it. I should watch the movie

VerticaGG ,


" if you’re under retirement age and quit your job tomorrow, do you have enough assets to comfortably live out the rest of your life"

This gets to it. Basically bourgeoisie is the owning class and proletariat is the class that can only survive via labor, but as the post says it's a bit more complicated these days. You could have a business owner or landlord who gets the same amount of paycheck as say a high-paid tech person, or actor, or doctor, or something. And the former is petty bourgeois and the latter is not, because the former owns assets and the latter, if they lose their job, will before long need to find another one in order to survive.

Now you could have someone getting a wage that's been high enough for a long enough time that they have been able to acquire assets that could bring in income, which changes things somewhat. But the main thing to analyze is the relationship to resources, land, and means of production.

VerticaGG ,

Machismo culture: Maim yourself and your familial property to own the libs. Now that's what I call husbandry 🇺🇸🫡🦅🎆🐢🏝

VerticaGG ,

Thanks much for this. Frankly it's the Stochastiv Terrorism (buying twitter, banning accounts handpicked by the Andy Gno type, iirc, promoting anti-freedom-from/of-gender types, promoting zionists and anti-semites (but I repeat myself)...the general trend of amplifying danger for folks who whom the world is already primed to scapegoat or antagonize. It's harmed journalism and is moving the electoral overton window to the far-right.

VerticaGG ,

In my 20's I was all for it. I understand where the techbros are coming from. Now with over a decade more experience, I see clearly we need to spend so much more of our energy healing from traumas on the societal level: To dispel imperial-colonialist mindsets. Im thinkin of Bo Burningham speaking about how the empires exhausted all physical territory, and then discovered Data, going on to colonize every waking moment of our attention.

We need to shed the subconcious conquistador, with all it's machismo, all it's tribalism (most agregiously white supremacist nationalism) and covetous paranoia. It is a poison which will prevent us from making the societal leap from which all tides would rise.

Until we do that, all we'll get for this tech will be:

  • dystopic labor camp colonies on Mars
  • advertisements when we are trying to dream
  • Military tech developed under the guise of "medical 🌈 disabilities 🌈 quality 🌈 of 🌈 life 🌈 improvement 🌈 research" [1]

And we collectively deserve better

1: DeathPanel Podcast | Wheelchair-to-Warfare Pipeline

VerticaGG ,

Too bad that Mark Zuckerberg coined it as a motto for Facebook then, huh?

VerticaGG ,

I dont see whynanyone's surprised, anything Elon is touchung is tainted by association. It's not rocket science.

VerticaGG ,

Right, and that's the joke. All that talent and progress is tainted by Elon's actions.

VerticaGG ,

Will every reader know that? Will every reader also know the finer nuances of the 3 downward arrows, one of them referring to Stalin's authoritarianism? I'm not here to score sick comebacks? 🤷‍♀️

VerticaGG ,

Im authentically perplexed as to where we disagree and why you're in "sick dunk" mode. Do you think I'm simping for Stalin? The 3 arrows appeal to me for the same reasons they do you, seems.

VerticaGG ,

"Down with all forms of authoritarianism" is how i associate with the symbol. We do inded agree fash in any manifestation are a bad thing.

Meanwhile here in the Elon thread, I'd like for folks not to associate Communism with dead bigoted tyrants who usurped the unions-of-unions that were Soviets, while misattributing a quote from a capitalist whose competing to have as much blood on his hands as Stalin did.

VerticaGG ,

I didnt bring stalin up. The comment i was replying to misattributed (or "sounds like"'d, if you prefer) a quote from Zuckerberg to Stalin. That read to me as right-wing rhetoric, pushing red scare, equating Communism, the society which is classes, moneyless, stateless, and flattening that concept into "been-tried-already-Stalin's-Tyranny"

Which is pretty gross considering the big picture; the extensive harm which not only Zuck/ FB has done, not only by technocratic bro billionaires and corpo-owner social media as a trend, but the overall economic system and specifically imperial-colonial project which it is an extension of (colonizing of minds and thought, of our attention, to advertise to, for quarterly profit and power coupons) -- all the while doing their best to promote apathy.

To prefigure a betted society, we must be able to dream. The only thing doomerism does is give the owning class that apathy while they bulldoze over Sudan, Palestine, Rojava

Or at least thats how I see. All of the power and pleasure to all of the people. Hope that clears things up.

VerticaGG , (edited )

My initial comment in this thread was in response to someone (maskenox?) conflating the two. (Neither of which i am fond of, to be abundantly clear)

Edit: also, yes? When i went and folded all the comments...ig your initial reply was also to the same comment? Even though the voyager app shows them as diff colors...yellow and orange...doesnt make it as obvious and it isnt clear when it indents and when not... 💀

VerticaGG ,

Lol took us > 2 weeks but we got to the bottom of it

VerticaGG ,

Its the Data harvesting that's irking me. Not that data harvesting is new; but that i have a dreadful sense of M$' "AI" scheming just crosses a rubicon of data harvesting.

I'm backing away slowly. Dont care what games or executables i wont be able to run. Get ready for the accusations that im the "radical arch-loving myopic lemmy elite": it's finally time to run *nix as host.

VerticaGG ,

asshats are still hiding their megalomaniac desire for power and control behind the well being of childeren

  • war on people who drugs

  • anti-freedom-from/of-gender mysogynists campaigns (anti-trans, anti-reproductive freedoms, anti-sexual minority, pro-eugenics)

  • anti-immigration campains appealing to colonial-settler hypocrisy (creating refugees by way of exploiting & destabilizing their homes for profit of the imperial core)

  • anti-houseless people campaigns - As violent crime declines, for-profit prison system requires a prison population to exploit, further incentiving criminalization of existing in public spaces or near law officers out to meet arbitrary quotas.

I mean, Shit, this is just Fear-Propaganda-Mania grift expanding into it's next logical killing floor. Just about anybody can be a scapegoat if you can convince the Imperial Middle that the target will harm "Women and Childeren"

All the while existing institutions and their authority figures, from "would never do anything wrong" trusted local gym coach, to the Catholic to the Mormon church, Scouts to Police Unions, and so many more carry out and stonewall any fix to the root cause that it's Trusted Authority Figures in Established Institutions that are abusing real-world victims, victims from all disenfranchised intersections of identitiy, here, now, in reality.

And the real kicker is that the listed terminology most accurately conveys the ideas in the fewest words possible, and people who follow right-wing-authoritaian influencers are groomed into shutting down when they see those exact words.

I know you were likely being facetious -- still had to go off 🫶

VerticaGG ,

This is Not news for queer* people.

I am in this instance using "Queer" to mean an umbrella for all who are othered by society.

I'm telling you that people with lifelong chronic disability, people who are sex workers, and people who are dispropotionately targeted by the law enforcement or the state, AND disenfranchised casually in everyday society because of their appearance and/or melanin levels...All have networks of contacts they have relied on for over a decade in many cases.

It was easy for me to get off Twitter but for a lot of people I care about, it'd mean severing so many important bonds...and I just thought this sentiment is something that someone reading might apply too, as well

VerticaGG ,

Oh ofc...and i wanted to use this moment to point out tge real-world outcomes that people are experiencing, because it's all too easy to fall into the trap of perceiving it as solely hypoyhetical. (Nearly wrote it off myself as "well, itll be nothing but bots soon"...but im tryna illustrate it just aint that simple)

VerticaGG ,

Important to remind people that it's not theoretical when we talk about it. It's real human beings that are being scapegoated. It's real abusers that get a smokescreen.

VerticaGG ,

Thanks. Vest advice I have to any person looking to help, is dont just be a passive ally. Step up as an accomplice. When there's a police protected parade of alt-right demonstrators, show them that they're outnumbered. The SRA does a good job of that, as one example.

The other advice is that whatever space you exist in, be proactive in showing bigots that there's no place at the table at your club.

To anyone reading: Just dont do nothing. You are as powerful as your solidarity.

VerticaGG ,

Ok woman hater

VerticaGG , (edited )

The potential of a "exclusion argument" does not justify reinforcing the servile, assistant stereotype. Researchers arent pulling that one out of their ass.

I could pull together a youtube playlist of beardy men explaining why woman hating is bad. Would you like that?

(Edit: Rhetorical. We can all see your true colors with the "gay agenda" conspiracy pushing bs.)

VerticaGG ,

Oh honey. Oh no that wasnt an insult. Id be more creative! I was stating a fact. Your posting history shows us that the Phantasm of scapegoat is allowing you to stand on both sides of the contradiction, simultaneously.

So, you can keep going down this path youre on. We both know where it leads though. Loneliness, and nothing good.

OR: Watch this Kratos lookin guy break down what's been going on in this area of thought for over a decade, and begin to heal, and then maybe you'll be able to make friends with people without expecting anything in return.

You deserve that. You deserve to be on both sides of that, and not the phantasm.

VerticaGG ,

Please keep saying it.

VerticaGG ,

The Atlantic huh? Alright then, The Atlantic, I'll remember your name and that you published a piece concluding people are powerless to affect change.

Now (steelman) can I square this with the sentiment from Propaghandi's "A People's History of the World":

...we'll have to teach ourselves to analyze and understand
the systems of thought-control.
And share it with each other,
never sayed by brass rings or the threat of penalty.
I'll promise you- you promise me- not to sell each
other out to murderers, to thieves.
. who've manufactured our delusion that you and me
participate meaningfully in the process of running
our own lives. Yeah, you can vote however the fuck
you want, but power still calls all the shots.
And believe it or not, even if
(real) democracy broke loose,
power could/would just "make the economy scream" until we vote responsibly.


Does this apply here? The song is talking about ballot boxes and corporate explotation on a nation-state imperialist. The topic at hand is to do with the corporate exploitation on a worldwide colonization-of-attention level.

So i think the way I best square this question, do we have the ability to do something about it, is this:

Yes. You can do something. Not in the way that popular media depicts the french revolution. Revolution will instead be boring. In fact, IS: Change minds. Change your own mind about whatever forms of domination you have accepted as just. Demand to know who made OpenAI king. While you're at it, demand to know why it was just for Imperialist campaigns by "superpowers" justified The Contras. It's a history lesson we can learn from, believe it or not.

Will you stay down on your knees, or does power still call all the shots?

VerticaGG ,

Polygamy: Mormons, etc. generally opposes womens rights.

Polyamory: Ideally places noone above another, elevates everyone to have the healthy connections such that noone is a "3rd wheel" or more disposable. Less about "polycules" recruiting new members, and more about individuals pairing with new partners, and existing partners (initially at least) gaining a metaphor. Mileage may vary and the point is everyone's needs are a bit different and shouldnt feel pressured to fit neatly into a nuclear box.

Just fyi.

VerticaGG ,

Hey bud, if you cant imagine a world without [oppression] please step aside. The rest of us have work to do to end the violence. We know it's time.

VerticaGG ,

What a boring, tired attempt.

Sarcasm: Oh well, better just throw our hands up and allow right wing authoritarians to pursue their narrow minded cycles of exploitation and heirarchal domination. /s

In fact, organizing non-heirarchal is quite proven. Doing so on a scale we're discussing, and Truly Breaking the Cycle of the Planetary Work Machine well, see for yourself, there's more imagining to do.

Are You An Anarchist? The Answer May Surprise You

VerticaGG ,

Noone is accusing you of the very obvious, beligerent actions of the right wing authoritarians who ceaselessly perpetrate moral panics using fear based propaganda to consolidate their power.

Anyway, Andrewism's latest video directly addresses your originally expressed concern:


It is not the single, momentous tsunami that shapes the coast, but rather the many small waves that erode the land with time.

In short, a social revolution that “seeks to alter the whole character of society.”
But what does that mean? People typically envision some massive uprising in the future akin to popular media’s depictions of the French Revolution, BUT in reality, as anarchists use the term, social revolution refers to an ongoing and intentional transformation of our society, economy, culture, philosophy, technology, relationships, and politics.

It is not starting from scratch, but rather utilising the shell of the old to build the new, taking on a conscious engagement with current conditions and using the means that are compatible with desired ends.

That process might be punctuated with flashy moments where leaps and bounds may be achieved, but much of the real foundations of anarchy are established in the interludes between insurrections.

It is not the single, momentous tsunami that shapes the coast, but rather the many small waves that erode the land with time.

The process of social revolution involves acts of confrontation, such as occupation and expropriation; acts of noncooperation, such as strikes and boycotts; and acts of prefiguration, such as establishing spaces of encounter, free schools, and alternative economies.

If such efforts are effectively networked, they can grow large enough to practically counter the all-encompassing idea and experience of many that there is no alternative to capitalism and the State.

I still recommend my video on the topic for a full explanation, with the obvious caveat that I would now challenge my consensus- and democracy-limited depiction of popular assemblies and cooperatives as a misrepresentation or needless restriction of anarchy, which can be more accurately...

Not some tsunami to be scaremongered, but the regrowing of dormant ability to self-govern, which requires us to heal and educate from so many woundings and ills, misinformation and disinformation 🫶

VerticaGG ,

It seems you have a vested interest in discrediting and disencouraging anyone from imagining or exploring all the ways in which a better world is possible. How peculiar.

VerticaGG ,

The many cited publications and texts found within say otherwise =)

VerticaGG ,

Challenge the assumption: By other means but to a great extent, violence IS being done by our current housing system. Unless you are born into wealth: We're fucked 6 ways from sunday. There is no middle class, never was.

We have working class, and then we have elites. If you're not a C-level executive, you are no more secure...in tech I see many of my peers learning this the hard way with wave after wave of layoffs.

So don't ignore the deaths of, evictions of, destabilization of lives and mental well-being, for all of those working 2 jobs and still not able to make rent. Living in their cars, while exectutives call them lazy and entitled. Dehumanization: check.

In fact, We dont devolve into Anarchism -- we advance towards it. It is checks and balances turned up to 11, gardening the weeds against any heirarchy of oppresion that might attempt to emerge.

If any devolving is happening: "Fasicism is capitalism in decay" about describes it.

May we yet preempt it's barbarism.

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