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VirtualOdour ,

He's right, information wants to be free. Don't support stronger copyright just to spite people it'll benefit

Q: “Are we doomed?” A: “We would be, if not for the amazing developments in renewable energy.” (powering-the-planet.ghost.io)

I wasn't aware just how good the news is on the green energy front until reading this. We still have a tough road in the short/medium term, but we are more or less irreversibly headed in the right direction.

VirtualOdour ,

It doesn't have to be storage, another option is building over capacity so it's winter output is sufficient then using the excess in summer months to perform useful work.

For example a desalination and pumping station at the mouth of the Arizona River, you can scale the pumping from a storage lake by the desalination plant to one or more of the upriver lakes raising their water levels to replace the water used for industry and agricultural.

Carbon capture and manufacture of e-fuels or similar is another great possibility, it can be scaled with energy production vastly reducing the cost of the process and allowing further transition from oil in areas which might otherwise be difficult.

E-chems are important because there's a few things which are vitally important to modern industry but currently produced fairly cheep as an oil by-product, if demand for oil derived fuel declines as we hope and production falls dramatically then the price of those chemicals would skyrocket - being able to transition into using sequestered carbon would save a lot of difficulty, and if it helps create a market for sequestered carbon it could help us start bring atmospheric co2 ppm down slowly.

VirtualOdour ,

You are right, I hate that I have to navigate a bizarre maze of mathematical conundrums just to order food. I avoid ordering I'm general but the rare time I do it annoys me every time and I always feel like I'm getting ripped off.

VirtualOdour ,

I bet a lot have worse opinions too, they literally conspired with oil companies to avoid fixing climate change and certain companies like vw actively put in measures to cheat emissions tests.

VirtualOdour ,

For what?

VirtualOdour ,

This is why the planet is fucked, you all whine that climate change is scary but then you cheer on people attacking electric cars just because Twitter man bad. You're all desperate for tesla to fail because Elon upset you, someone doing something petty that'll have zero effect on Elon but will negatively affect a regular person fills you with joy because it's a way of hitting back at the bad man. Totally childish and pathetic.

Spend that energy learning about and praising positive things, don't win by tearing your opponent down win by building yourself up.

VirtualOdour ,

All my favorite movies this year have been on youtube.

Most of them by Joel Haver.

VirtualOdour ,

Instead join a group that doesn't exist just to make people who care about the environment look bad - just because they claim to care about the same things as you doesn't mean they're the good guys.

VirtualOdour ,

Yeah this is basically the older generation vs video games, the one before that against movies, etc, etc...

As people age they resent the world changing, they assume everything different is bad because it's easier to accept than the thought of aging into irrelevance.

Lemmy is full of people knee-jerk hating anything new; social media, ai, and every new thing younger generations do. It's dumb but people are often so.

VirtualOdour ,

Yeah it's funny because they give themselves away so easily by refusing to admit positive social and personal effects and magnifying absurd arhuments against.

Like the other reply I always see them push the genocide ones, of course if you get into details they freak out because the accusation is kinda stupid - lemmy by design couldn't do the thing they say Facebook should to have stopped the genocide so if you believe it's valid and use lemmy you'd be being super hypocritical - but of course they don't care, they're reaching for criticism not actually trying to understand it.

It's kinda scary really how little people care about reality, it's the same thing on Facebook with the boomer conspiracy stuf, phones bad, kids not manly, and all that stuff. They're not looking for truth or trying to make the world better, they're trying to find excuses to feel superior.

VirtualOdour ,

I know it's difficult but you don't speak for everyone that isn't straight, you don't get to decide what the whole group thinks.

Having sex with people of the same gender is not a political position, sexuality does not determine political and moral views. Plenty of gay people have political and moral perspectives which differ from your own and they are still valid in their sexuality.

Pride should be for everyone who wants to celebrate LGBT, it's not a political party. Yes that means people you don't agree with politically get to celebrate too.

VirtualOdour ,

I love kden, very logical ui and love that it can do anything. What is it about DaVinci that appeals?

VirtualOdour ,

The first time she got internet backlash was when the rape crisis center she was funding wanted to be a safe space where women with extreme trauma would be away from the source of their trauma i.e. humans with penises.

Restricting access by sex rather than gender was seen as deeply offensive and she got a lot of hate, death threats and etc which resulted in her getting in arguments that pushed her into becoming ever more outspoken.

A PR disaster: Microsoft has lost trust with its users, and Windows Recall is the straw that broke the camel's back (www.windowscentral.com)

It's a nightmare scenario for Microsoft. The headlining feature of its new Copilot+ PC initiative, which is supposed to drive millions of PC sales over the next couple of years, is under significant fire for being what many say is a major breach of privacy and security on Windows. That feature in question is Windows Recall, a...

VirtualOdour ,

Isn't that one of the things this does? It was in the advert wasn't it?

VirtualOdour ,

It's designed to give the big players a monopoly, seems bad for the majority of us

VirtualOdour ,

I honestly couldn't care less how many adverts they show me, they can have a constant stream of adverts the whole flight if it means that some shitty corporation is paying a portion of my travel coats.

People really need to grow up about stuff like this, if you don't want adverts then pay for a premium service - I'm poor, I'll accept the adverts.

VirtualOdour ,

This is thinking based on emotion not reality, most of the internet is free because of adverts so your belief that it's not used to lower prices is clearly silly. Yes companies love profit but they often increase profits by lowering prices to attract more business, it's a perfectly valid business model to use adverts to reduce the cost to the customer and increase customer volume.

VirtualOdour ,

The two nearest nuclear plants to me both had to do serious cleanup after problems were discovered, it's not just the list of big problems people worry about - especially when the nuclear lobby say things like 'they're safe as long as they're run properly and no one cuts corners, but please don't regulated them properly or they won't be cost effective'

Rich people stand to make a monopoly if we're all dependent on nuclear and they can't have that monopoly with solar and wind - maybe it's time to accept a lot of pro nuclear talking points come financially interested parties too.

VirtualOdour ,

Your post was very clear, lemmy has a reading comprehension problem.

You clearly mean that's the reason the local government did it, not that you think they're right.

VirtualOdour ,

Yeah which creates a division where all sane and sensible visions of sexuality are forbidden leaving only more extreme depictions from porn focused sites which race to extremes.

I think it's an unhealthy approach, we need sensible and loving eroticism to serve as a good example otherwise all we have is the absurdity of porn - I'm no prude and not al all against fetish porn or whatever as long as it's consensual and safe but objectification and extremism don't make healthy relationships or happy lives (not say they can't be part of a great relationship but they dont work as the basis for it)

VirtualOdour ,

Because he wants to stop it from helping impoverished people live better lives and all the other advantages simply because it didn't exist when.he was young and change scares him

VirtualOdour ,

It's fascinating to me that you genuinely don't know, it shows not only do you have no active interest in working to benefit impoverished communities but you have no real knowledge of the conversations surrounding ai - but here you are throwing out your opion with the certainty of a zealot.

If you had any interest or involvement in any aid or development project relating to the global south you'd be well aware that one of the biggest difficulties for those communities is access to information and education in their first language so a huge benefit of natural language computing would be very obvious to you.

Also If you followed anything but knee-jerk anti-ai memes to try and develop an understand of this emerging tech you'd have without any doubt been exposed to the endless talking points on this subject, https://oxfordinsights.com/insights/data-and-power-ai-and-development-in-the-global-south/ is an interesting piece covering some of the current work happening on the language barrier problems i mentioned ai helping with.

VirtualOdour ,

I think you misunderstood the context, I'm not really saying that he actively wants to stop it helping poor people I'm saying that he doesn't care about or consider the benefits to other people simply because he's entirely focused on his own emotional response which stems from a fear of change.

VirtualOdour ,

Everything always has to make things worse for people, why do no experts ever urge anything but screwing over the poor?

What about subsidies on healthier options? What about reworking rules to help create pathways for low cost healthy snacks and sustaining foods? How about a program that enables people to have affordable or free access to locally grown produce? Fund development of platforms and technologies to improve awareness and access to healthy food?

Nope. The affluent experts decide to push something that won't affect them but will make life harder for everyone already struggling.

VirtualOdour ,

Yes like in America gun violence never happens because everyone has guns.


VirtualOdour ,

I think people overlook how much of the internet Google helped create too, I kinda feel for them fighting against endless scammers, manipulators, gifters, etc. They've made a lot of peoples lives easier without charging them for it, this disproportionately helps poorer people more especially tools like maps, translate, and search.

VirtualOdour ,

This really is the lemmy mentality summed up.

Yes you're smarter than Google and the only one who really understands ai... smh

VirtualOdour ,

Ai is already hugely useful and will continue to get more useful as the tech evolves. I know that change upsets you but the reality is you were not born at the highpoint of humanity or the endpoint of history.

It's going to make the world better for a lot of people just like the internet did despite the endless assertions that it was a gmick, scam, and mistake from people who were likely your age now when the internet was emerging.

The funniest thing to me is seeing this community which holds people like Aaron Swartz up as a hero demand the exact opposite of everything he believed in and fought for. Information wants to be free - you want to lock every piece in perpetual impenetrable copyright just to halt the development of tech.

ChatGPT Answers Programming Questions Incorrectly 52% of the Time: Study (gizmodo.com)

The research from Purdue University, first spotted by news outlet Futurism, was presented earlier this month at the Computer-Human Interaction Conference in Hawaii and looked at 517 programming questions on Stack Overflow that were then fed to ChatGPT....

VirtualOdour ,

Yeah I've been trying to recreate the same gui tools with every version and it is getting much better but it still struggles. The python specific gpt actually manages to create what I ask for and can make changes once it's got the base established, I have to correct a few little glitches but nothing too terrible.

For functions like save all the info in text boxes to Json and fill that info back in when load is pressed it never fails at. Making little test scripts for functions or layouts it saves me huge amounts of mental effort.

It's like image gen, you have to know what to expect to get the most out of it, ask for something it finds difficult it's easy to confuse it but ask for things it's good at and it'll amaze you.

VirtualOdour ,

Yeah but the waymo ceo doesn't shitpost on Twitter so people here don't get front page hyped up stories every single time things aren't perfect

VirtualOdour ,

People were using their wifi to do crimes

VirtualOdour ,

Demonstrate what you mean because it really sounds like you're describing what you feel should be true to justify your emotions about the bad Twitter man.

And to be clear, I mean link the documents you claim to have read and the parts of them you claim demonstrate this.

VirtualOdour ,

Yeah and cars should have a system to stop idiots doing dumb things, best we have is a license so if it's good enough for cars without added safety features is good enough for them with

VirtualOdour ,

That's a very old article about even older opinions, now totally outdated as shown by statements like;

Almost five years on, Tesla still hasn't completed its autonomous road trip — no car company has even come close.

You're using unsubstantiated statements from the start of development which is totally different to what you claimed before being asked for a source.

Current development FSD has hit huge milestones which competitors have not.

VirtualOdour ,

Lemmy seems to love copyright now and walled gardens, they also hate all the companies doing great things with open source ai, etc. Plus there's never any community projects or anything constructive ever been suggested let alone ran here.

95% of the people here's political opinions are nothing but an aesthetic.

VirtualOdour ,

Nestle is a private company and buying up everyone's water to sell back to them is their choice

Private companies shouldn't get to do whatever they like.

I agree shadow banning should be illegal, along with various other policies which can cause psychological and material damage.

VirtualOdour ,

It will but a shadow ban plays perfectly into their conspiratorial victim complex

VirtualOdour ,

I agree, give me enough information so I know if it's worth reading the article

VirtualOdour ,

The second drive bay is the right size for a handy block of data erasing c4

No one will ever read my Zuck / Bezos fanfic.

VirtualOdour ,

It's so funny people are downvoting this because they wish it wasn't true

VirtualOdour ,

Latchkey kids of the 21century have it worse than the originals, parents not there for them but now they're also helicopter parents spying on them and controlling their actions remotely. I guess we should call them drone parents.

VirtualOdour ,

Ah, yes, ANOTHER post trying to make Linux seem impenetrable and elitist with an attack on Ubuntu - I swear you guys must work for Microsoft.

VirtualOdour ,

Isn't it embarrassing using the same excuses as every 4chan racist and misogynist?

You're affecting how people perceive Linux and doing so in a negative way, I'm not going to try and stop you or anything but I am going to say I think you're a bad person working against all the efforts and hard work of people trying to make a better world.

How you feel about it is upto you.

Oh and of course this was just a joke so you have to laugh and agree, right?

VirtualOdour ,

Stalks my post history to find out I use Ubuntu for my daily driver. Didn't mention I've been using Linux since before the twin towers fell and am a long term open source dev and contributor...

Almost like you purposely chose to be deceptive or something. I know it wasn't a choice though, this kind of immorality comes naturally to you and maybe you're not even aware of it. You should try and work on it though, you'll be amazed how much better a life of radical self awareness is.

VirtualOdour ,

I clearly didn't put them in the same category, I said they use the same defensive arguing tactic to justify their toxic bahviour.

And no its not THE problem, I'm able to post a comment on a thread without it totally consuming my life.

VirtualOdour ,

You should, a great place to start is helping write documentation. A lot of big projects have groups that work on creating user guides and api info, some programming experience is normally required but not as much as when contributing code so it's a great way of building understanding and confidence.

VirtualOdour ,

Pure FUD

VirtualOdour ,

Science isn't magic, nothing gets invented in a single iteration. Don't let your hate for a single person blind you to reality, allowing someone who can't control a mouse to do so is breathtaking. it's not the first time it's happened but it's a big step forward and once testing and improvement stages have been completed we'll hopefully see more fluid links to other movement tools and technologies such as llms which will allow people totally dependent on help to live their own lives.

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