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Mean leftist who believes in magic genders

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exocrinous ,

On Blahaj reports are the only way to express disapproval of content. So you could for example spread fascist dogwhistles about not liking politics, and if Ada doesn't understand the dogwhistle then your content doesn't get removed.

exocrinous ,

The Apple wall isn't in line with the other walls. It has the perspective of one of those paintings that got Adolf kicked out of art school

exocrinous OP ,

The Institute of Sex Research was burned down in 1933. It wasn't a "different time", it was a time with the same political issues and the same Nazi rhetoric attacking trans people. Had something been done to prevent the rise of the Nazis and protect the Institute of Sex Research, trans healthcare would be 50 years ahead in technology and we wouldn't be facing the same issues today. But Genocide Joe (the Russian one) opted not to do anything about the Nazis until 8 years later when Hitler brought the war to Russia.

Genocide Joe was aware of the issues. He chose not to protect trans people, and he chose to persecute gay people. Marx said a worldwide revolution would be required, but Joe said fuck that, homosexuality is bourgeois, and stayed in Russia. He is in large part responsible for the current plight of LGBT people.

exocrinous OP ,

I ask you, what state would the world be in if we had had a progressive Soviet Union? One that was 50 years ahead of the states on queer issues? One that was committed to racial and religious equality? How would the fight for global communism be going today if Genocide Joe had not armed the US with material for their propaganda that claims communism is right wing? If everyone in the world knew today that the USSR had been a haven for queer and Jewish people, decades ahead of the capitalist regimes, how easy would it be to persuade people into allies of the communist cause today? How much would a genuinely positive example help us?

Joseph Stalin fought the Nazis on the battlefield, but he was their ally in the cause of bigotry and hate. He had every opportunity to choose to become a progressive, and he refused. Fuck him.

exocrinous OP ,

My country has instant runoff and it's great. We're doing way better than the US. They should overthrow the government and implement communism, or at the very least an actual democracy.

Now, do you think the communist orgs in America can pull off all that in the space between now and Trump enacting his plans for dictatorship? Or do you think maybe we should do something about the Trump problem BEFORE he kills all the trans people, immigrants, and communists in his country?

exocrinous OP ,

Stalin should have marched on Berlin in 1933, or ideally sooner. That's what Marx said to do. Stalin was a failure of a Marxist and he failed the world.

He also shouldn't have outlawed homosexuality in Russia, but I think you and I already agree on that.

exocrinous OP ,

It shouldn't take time for a person to realise that criminalising being gay is wrong. You should just know that by the time you're 5 years old. At the latest. I have no idea what Genocide Joe's parents taught him as a child, but they obviously failed to raise a good boy. They raised a shithead.

exocrinous OP ,

Painting bike lanes, growing vegetables, giving amateur therapy to otherkin, blowing up oil pipelines, giving cops a good reason to be scared, practicing witchcraft, and distributing arms to the workers.

exocrinous OP ,

Hell yeah 🤘! Some people are actually trying to make a Biden presidency more appealing instead of giving up on fighting Trump and on saving lives

exocrinous OP ,

Good people (such as the wonderful scientists at the Institute of Sex Research) are capable of critical thinking and questioning their problematic beliefs. That's always been true and it always will be. There has never been a time in history when a good person thought we should throw all gay people in jail.

exocrinous OP ,

Genocide Joe the first is dead. There's nothing to gain by supporting him. Biden is alive. He's most likely going to be a participant in the upcoming election that decides whether my partner lives or dies. I care about my partner's life.

exocrinous OP ,

If I'm an armchair general, then so was Marx, who said the same things I'm saying, and so was the USSR's own People's Commissar of Internal Affairs, Maxim Litvinov. People were telling Stalin that Germany was a threat, and that worldwide communism was required. Stalin ignored communist theory and he ignored members of his own government. And what did his Russia actually do in the end? It signed trade agreements from 1935 to 1939, supplying Hitler with raw materials for the Nazi war machine.

Stalin was an incompetent fool when it came to foreign policy with the Nazis. If he'd had a shred of common decency, he would have tried to do something about the holocaust OTHER THAN helping the Nazis.

exocrinous OP ,

No, I don't look past Genocide Joe II's flaws. I hate his guts. Whether or not he wins, I'm trying my hardest to get my partner out of the US. He will certainly doom the US to a fascist Trump regime. Nothing I said in this meme or this entire thread looks past his flaws, excuses or accepts them in any way. He's a shithead through and through. Please vote for him.

exocrinous OP ,

The chad wojak in this meme is also a communist.

exocrinous OP ,

Maxim Litvinov was responsible for opening those talks, and a year later, Stalin fired him for being Jewish and understandably anti-nazi.

exocrinous OP ,

Western atheism and antitheism often exist as reactions to Christianity on a factual or ethical basis, while remaining within a Christian cultural and moral context. Historically, Christians and atheists have worked together to attack other religions, such as in the case of the stolen generations in Australia or the cult panic in America. This pattern of behaviour is counterintuitive if you're culturally Christian (as most atheists are), but from a broader cultural perspective it's kind of obvious. Christianity and white atheism exist as offshoots of the same history in the same way that Catholicism and Protestantism do.

If you have an actual understanding of pre-roman polytheism, then you're capable of seeing the difference between belief and worship. A difference Christians have tried to erase, and white atheists have not challenged. Giving up cultural Christianity is beyond most white atheists' ability to even imagine. What I call cultural Christianity, they would just as soon call "common sense" or "reality".

Also I've never met an antitheist who has spent longer than an hour thinking about whether they're advocating cultural genocide of indigenous people.

exocrinous OP ,

That's why this isn't a meme about atheists. It's a meme about antitheists.

exocrinous OP ,

That’s why this isn’t a meme about atheists. It’s a meme about antitheists.

exocrinous OP ,

And I wasn't calling atheists genocidal when I mentioned their cultural Christianity.

exocrinous ,

You mean alleged abusive religion leader bad. Cult in the definition you're currently using is a slur created by Christians to push the narrative that small religions are inherently abusive. Cult didn't mean abuse before the Satanic Panic.

exocrinous ,

And here we have an example of an atheist picking up a weapon made by Christians to persecute indigenous and pagan religions... and using it to persecute indigenous and pagan religions but also big ones too. And that's what many people consider to be social progress.

exocrinous ,

A cult is any small religion. Often pagan religions, the remnants of genocided indigenous religions, and many religions descended from the golden dawn. Oh, and it's also that thing Jesus had up until Rome declared it their state religion. And personally, I like the religion of Jesus a lot more than Post Roman Christianity.

If we're talking about abusive religions, there's absolutely no difference between one rapist's religion and an international religious organisation of rape apologism like the Church. There's no reason you need a different word to describe the two. They're both abusive religions.

exocrinous ,

Ah, okay. I misunderstood you because you used the word cult in a very sweeping way right after I said it was a slur. I understand you now.

I would make the contention that at least one religion exists and has evidence: The worship of money. Money isn't real, it's a social construct given power and made part of our reality by our belief in it. It's mystical. Many people spend their entire lives worshipping it. They want it, they venerate it, and they seek wisdom from the people who have it. The worship of money is misguided, and unwise, and it fundamentally mistakes the point of life. But it is evidence-based. People worship money because they see its material power over the world and respect it as the giver of life, love, and happiness. That sounds like a religion to me, and there's no empirical proof which can dismiss these claims about money that are the core belief system of Mammon.

exocrinous ,

The government is an illegitimate state. We live in a dictatorship on stolen indigenous ground. Fuck Charles and fuck the government.

exocrinous ,

Do you think I live in America when I say we live in a dictatorship and fuck Charles?

exocrinous ,

Sociopaths are not in control of society. Sociopath is Latin for "someone with a social illness". Basically it means people with autism, schizophrenia, ASPD and the like. Disorders that make it hard to fit in and follow the rules and get basic respect from others. It doesn't actually refer to a specific diagnosis because it's not a medical term. It's arguable that it was ever an English term.

ajsadauskas , (edited ) to Fuck Cars
@ajsadauskas@aus.social avatar

Concerned about microplastics? Research shows one of the biggest sources is car tyres

A lot of the emphasis on reducing microplastics has focussed on things like plastic bags, clothing, and food packaging.

But there's a growing body of research that shows one of the biggest culprits by far is car tyres.

It's increasingly clear that we simply cannot solve the issue of microplastics in the environment while still using tyres — even with electric-powered cars.

"Tyre wear stands out as a major source of microplastic pollution. Globally, each person is responsible for around 1kg of microplastic pollution from tyre wear released into the environment on average each year – with even higher rates observed in developed nations.

"It is estimated that between 8% and 40% of these particles find their way into surface waters such as the sea, rivers and lakes through runoff from road surfaces, wastewater discharge or even through airborne transport.

"However, tyre wear microplastics have been largely overlooked as a microplastic pollutant. Their dark colour makes them difficult to detect, so these particles can’t be identified using the traditional spectroscopy methods used to identify other more colourful plastic polymers."


"Microplastic pollution has polluted the entire planet, from Arctic snow and Alpine soils to the deepest oceans. The particles can harbour toxic chemicals and harmful microbes and are known to harm some marine creatures. People are also known to consume them via food and water, and to breathe them, But the impact on human health is not yet known.

"“Roads are a very significant source of microplastics to remote areas, including the oceans,” said Andreas Stohl, from the Norwegian Institute for Air Research, who led the research. He said an average tyre loses 4kg during its lifetime. “It’s such a huge amount of plastic compared to, say, clothes,” whose fibres are commonly found in rivers, Stohl said. “You will not lose kilograms of plastic from your clothing.”"


"Microplastics are of increasing concern in the environment [1, 2]. Tire wear is estimated to be one of the largest sources of microplastics entering the aquatic environment [3,4,5,6,7]. The mechanical abrasion of car tires by the road surface forms tire wear particles (TWP) [8] and/or tire and road wear particles (TRWP), consisting of a complex mixture of rubber, with both embedded asphalt and minerals from the pavement [9]."



exocrinous ,

Globally, each person is responsible for around 1kg of microplastic pollution from tyre wear released into the environment on average each year

Not me. I ride a bicycle. My tires don't even weigh a kilogram.

exocrinous ,

On average, you have one boob and one ball

exocrinous ,

My tires are a fraction of the size, support a fraction of the weight, and go at a fraction of the speed of car tires. The volume of wear is WAY less.

exocrinous ,

A short range EV has a lot more range than my bicycle, and my bicycle goes plenty far enough for my daily needs.

exocrinous ,

You mean "so it doesn't turn to nature". You just think nature is garbage.

exocrinous ,

Personally I respect nature, but don't like it to be near me. So I prefer to live in places without lawns, like apartments. If I found myself by some miracle in possession of a house with a lawn (in this economy???), I would seek to destroy the lawn and replace it with more house. House is much more useful than lawn. Until I had accomplished that goal, it would just be a useless mass and I wouldn't waste any time on it except to keep the footpath clear.

The way white people are like "I want to be responsible for additional household chores so that I can have a useless biological dead zone that 'looks nice'" is nonsense to me.

exocrinous ,

I hate to break this to you but lawns were invented by European aristocrats.

exocrinous ,

Whiteness is a social construct invented to justify slavery. It's not a real race, it's a fake race. Insulting white people isn't a race thing. People who choose to identify meaningfully as white are all racists.

exocrinous ,

All races are social constructs, but the degree to which they're harmful social constructs to self-ID as is variable. There are few good reasons to be angry with someone for identifying as maori or Haudenosaunee, for example. And getting mad at someone for identifying as black would be big time victim blaming and unproductive. But white? It was invented 500 years ago, Europeans already had less bad cultural identities, and it was a direct justification for many of the worst atrocities in history. And white people have garbage culture like lawns anyway.

exocrinous ,

Liberals have a tendency to tolerate fascists more than is reasonable. They believe in granting fascists basic respect as serious political actors. They treat disagreements with fascists as intellectual debates with decorum and rules.

Joe Biden shouldn't have gone to the 2020 presidential debates armed with facts and arguments. He should have stepped up to the podium and said "this man is a murderer and deserves to be killed." It is the result of liberalism that this cannot be said in such a setting.

exocrinous ,

Tankies aren't leftists and Sauron isn't a tankie.

exocrinous ,

Yeah but he had fireworks though

exocrinous ,

No, Sauron is the same character I meant to talk about. The master of Saruman. Sauron is a theocratic dictator, and Saruman is, politically speaking, a Bishop-Duke. His ideology must be the same as Sauron's because he serves Sauron. And Sauron implements theocratic dictatorship in Isengard and Mordor. Theocratic dictatorship, as you must be aware, is a far right ideology. And nazis are also far right, but I'm not sure why they're the topic of discussion.

exocrinous ,

I would argue Gandalf uses not smooth talking, but fast talking. He does whatever he wants before the hobbits have even mustered up the indignation to say no. That's what happens at the beginning of the Hobbit. The book says most of the respectable hobbits hated Gandalf and only the children and the adventurous liked him, and nobody respected the adventurous hobbits all too much, Bagginses and their wealth not withstanding.

exocrinous , (edited )

Hobbiton is definitely capitalist or feudalist in some idealised fantasy manner. Samwise is employed as Frodo's gardener because Bilbo's dragon treasure made the Bagginses rich.

Tolkien was a wonderful man personally, but he struggled at thinking outside of the paradigms he knew, which were based on catholicism. Lord of the Rings is a fundamentally christian story in a lot of subtle ways that have had negative ramifications on the entire genre of fantasy in the decades since. I will say that Tolkien believed in the selfless, loving christianity that Jesus was talking about, and that's pretty good, but it's not perfect. It leads to blindnesses like the fact that the only governments present in Middle Earth are feudalism (hobbits, men, elves), theocracy (orcs), and just literally being one with nature (ents). Jesus may have said to give a poor man the cloak off your back, but by the 20th century those ideas had been filtered through Rome's horrible point of view and England's worse one. The possibility space for what a devout christian can conceptualise had been reduced, even when reading the words directly from the bible.

Anyway if you're curious about the more significant problems with Tolkien's worldbuilding, the big one is the racial controversy surrounding orcs that arose when people started moving an explicitly christian myth into realist settings, and to a lesser extent there's the "fallen empire" trope that I just find really annoying in everything except Halo and Warframe (this is because both of those games state that the fallen empire sucked and were destroyed by their own hubris, which is just so juicy. Those games are antifascist as fuck).

exocrinous ,

The core thesis of Halo is "if soldiers were allowed to do whatever they want, they'd destroy the world". Halo 1, Chief wants to fire the ring and Cortana stops him. Halo 2, Arby wants to genocide the humans and everyone says that's a bad idea and then he gets genocided. Halo 3, Hood wants to do a heroic last stand on earth and everyone says that's a bad idea. Halo ODST, stop killing huragok they're slaves. Halo Reach, stop going down in a blaze of glory and carry cortana. Halo 4, stop putting your giant phallic ship before earth. Also the whole reason for the human covenant war is that Truth lied and started a genocide to avoid admitting that humans are gods.

Every single game is about soldiers and politicians making bad decisions based on violence, hate, and pride until a scientist or a smart person stops them and explains what's actually going on.

exocrinous ,

The Master Chief has massive psychological trauma from being a child soldier. That trauma has always been a central part of his arc, and whether the covenant's invasion justifies Halsey's actions in retrospect has always been a central question of the universe. The reason Halsey is kind of a Nazi is that she's implanted with a Geas by the librarian to follow in the footsteps of the Forerunners, and the forerunners sucked. Halo is concerned with big philosophical questions, and I like those questions, and none of the answers to those questions say fascism is okay.

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