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I am working on fedi software that is hoping to allow Kodi, Plex and Popcorn Time get rid of IMDb/TMDB dependency. Dm me if you’re skilled in SvelteKit and/or Go, especially the Fiber framework, or machine learning with Rust and willing to contribute.

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pkill ,

one of the best

(link in alt text)

And then for no good reason a "FOSS" app's binary grows by a couple MB...

pkill ,

>no GUIX, Parabola or Gentoo on a DRMed SaaSS platform

pkill ,

XMPP is better despite it's flaws privacy-wise, since so much data gets "hogged back" to matrix.org (tbf it's a similar case with lemmy.world but Lemmy at least didn't receive funding from a company most likely linked to Mosad). Also has more lightweight servers in general.

pkill , (edited )

us be like please please stop spying on our children so that WE can do that and also prevent the thoughtcrime of believing genocide (in Palestine) is bad

pkill ,

*devuan, artix or alpine

pkill ,

Good that you've enjoyed it. But a fundamentally wrong thing about systemd is that it is actively harming the best thing about Linux – freedom. Some programs won't work on a non-systemd distro because how tightly coupled and vendor non-agnostic anything that becomes dependent on might become at times. Of course it's not as bad as glib(loat)c, but still if something can be done without any degradation of functionality via standard POSIX facilities, WHY either incur additional maintenance overhead for non-systemd implementations or punish people for their computing choices if there's no one to maintain it?

pkill ,

*keys and *omas are more fun though. mastodon's way too businesslike to encourage a fair share of people to pick it over shitter (it works other way around as well tho)

pkill ,

This. Y'all should checkout Saintdrew's discussion on crops

[Thread, post or comment was deleted by the author]

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  • pkill ,

    or maybe, yk, hijack the bus to stop it because it is headed towards a cliff anyway, just the question is how fast it'll get there. This is what a revolution means.

    pkill ,

    Scenic path will put you asleep instead of eliciting you fight or flight response. Ditch any faith in this corpse of a system ffs.

    pkill ,

    you can do so much more to defeat the reactionaries by visiting:

    • a gym
    • a shooting range
    • a library
    • your local revolutionary organization's meeting

    than a polling station

    pkill ,

    do you know how Mussolini, Salazar, Armas, Horthy, Pinochet or Franco came to power? And was the Silver Legion or KKK elected by anyone? Y'all will point out to Nazi Germany to justify participating in the legitimization of this evil plutocracy every few years, but if they are determined, they will try to take power no matter what and Jan 6 was just a proof (also NSDAP might have not won the March 5 elections if it wasn't for the terrorist tactics of staging the Reichstag fire and lastly, Proud Boys or any other fringe group is still nothing compared to SA/SS).

    pkill ,

    also under capitalism you buy power anyway and one person=one vote is a laughable myth already anyway. the real question is whom will the bourgeoisie support.

    pkill ,

    then get organized. Check out Revolutionary Communists of America, they might have a chapter in your city already. An individual can do nothing, but a collective can do everything.

    pkill ,

    Lemme tell you a story. In the last parliamentary election in Poland in October we had a record high turnout of 73% or so. This only emboldened the liberals and the pseudo-left to introduce lower health insurance contributions for the capitalists and tax breaks for IT sector but lift the food VAT cancellation despite some product categories still being affected by an inflation rate of up to 20% and gas and electricity prices freeze.
    Which is actually being justified by the "socdem" ruling triumvirate partner instead of them standing against it. But ig for them idpol matters much more than standing for poor people. Then they're fucking surprised they vote for social conservatives. Just like many Trump voters who are not right-wing extremists but just disillusioned proletarians with false consciousness.

    Recently state TV invited fucking landlords to discuss how to deal with non-paying tenants to a morning TV. On the contrary, the so hated social conservative PiS government has at least managed to introduce a vacant property tax. Now under the glorious liberal regime we can expect the rent to still gobble up more than a half of a large part of the population's salary. Yay! So progressive, so European, so democratic! 🥰🎉✌️

    Women's rights were the hallmark of their campaign, but we still have one of the most barbaric laws regarding abortion and emergency contraception access in Europe due to the centre-right coalition partner torpedoing any change in this respect – hey, how is doing anything about Roe v. Wade being overturned going?

    Also militarism. Both of them (Biden and Trump) will waste massive amounts of taxpayer and printed money on producing fucking scrap metal death machines. But Biden is actually more hawkish. In Poland we are already spending 4% of our GDP (twice the NATO target!) on that and in the past few years it increased by like 260%. All of this despite Russia actually virtually not increasing it's military spending and incessant media reports about how they are using 50 year old equipment in Ukraine.

    So many people fell totally duped in Poland right now, and rightly so. Now the hope lies in the streets, in the radicalization of women's protests and gathering storm for a strike wave. Government of the rich, for the rich won't do shit for the working class unless they feel fear. Luckily the farmers' protests have shown the way to go.

    pkill ,

    oh. they are a part of IMT. Besides what's on the map, a Bolivian and Belarusian sections are being formed.

    196 Stands with Palestine, but those of you in the US should still vote in the general election.

    I've been seeing a lot of anti-voting sentiment going around. Can't believe I have to say this, but you need to vote. Not only is there more to the election than just the president. (State policy, Senate, house), but not voting is not an act of protest. C'mon guys

    pkill ,

    if voting changed shit it would have been made illegal. don't legitimize slavery by acts of expressing gratitude for being able to pick your masters.

    pkill ,

    lol if you want to defend your community, join SRA instead of relying on a state that will not back down when tried, just like the French bourgeoisie used an enemy army to suppress an uprising by the French workers 150 years ago.

    pkill , (edited )

    Many people in Poland half a year ago felt similarly about ousting the ruling national conservatives as well during the last election with historically high turnout. 6 months in and the new government proved to be just as much of a reactionary enemy of the people as that of PiS. They almost fired at the protesting farmers recently

    Nothing has changed in terms of abortion laws either, which still remain one of the most draconic in Europe. Recently a young Belarusian woman was murdered in downtown Warsaw in broad daylight.The only response of the "progressive" government? MORE FUNDING TO THE COPS, just roughly a year after another woman was severely traumatized and humiliated by the police just because she sought medical attention after taking an abortion pill. The so-called "lefts" don't even have enough respect for the female/AFAB voters to leave the government – why would they, after all they WILL employ the media to do this sort of fearmongering in 4 years to save their comfy positions and call it a day.

    All this in a (de facto) multi-party system with relatively weak role of the president, so what sort of mental gymnastics must that be in the US where the Democrats were not able to do jackshit about Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade and there was and is not even a major party to hold them accountable for that, only the people capable of overthrowing their broken system.

    And it's like that anywhere in the world in this rotten system – best those professional politicians screaming about fascism and creeping dictatorship can offer us is just "fascism with a human face". Their policies fuel the openly reactionary side precisely because they are just as morally bankrupt, worthless and entrenched.

    In case of the Polish parliamentary left, some of them quite likely won't leave the government because they fear the other 2, bigger parties will seek to form one with the ultra-right Konfederacja. And if that's the case, then it speaks volumes about the condition of reformists who more and more haven't been able to form a government that offers anything of value to the broad working masses ever since the Soviet Union dissolved and they felt confident that now it's time to focus mostly on identity politics and economically become more and more in line with the neolibs, because without KGB backing, the Stalinized, bureaucratic communist parties who nonetheless weren't really a revolutionary threat lost relevance almost universally.

    But then once capitalism's honeymoon caused by the opening up of new markets in the 90s was over and Marx was once again proven right by crisis after crisis, those foolish lackeys of the ruling class so certain about the end of history didn't see the writing on the wall and now are running like headless chickens wondering why after three decades of failing their traditional voter base they still hardly manage to stay in power just merely because some people know that the ultra-right is no alternative – and erroneously, but sometimes at least with some cynicism – assume that the reformists will take any notes and change their ways, much like hoping a narcissistic, abusive partner would change their ways – to no avail.

    pkill ,

    yet the black panthers actually taught us the value and the power of the oppressed being able to defend themselves. imagine what if they were still around for the BLM movement if it wasn't for cointelpro.

    pkill ,

    I'm in IMT (soon to be renamed Revolutionary Communist International) :)

    pkill , (edited )

    but election rigging in post-Soviet Russia was actually started by the CIA to not let the communists get back to power in 1996 elections. Which is actually yet another proof that what is needed in any country really is a revolution and actual thorough democratization of every aspect of social and economic life possible, instead of neo-aristocratic electoralism. And that to that goal, a party able to lead a way towards it is needed (instead of trying to work within those that actually just prop up the system and will actively fight back when that is challenged (look up SJ Voralberg case in Austria as the most recent example, or even more glaringly, CPRF purging anti-war faction or the Blairite hostile takeover in Labour a couple years ago)), which was sadly lacking in Russia in the 90s as well as today.

    pkill ,

    stagnant wages, no real influence on the politics because the Overton's window is so narrow and all major parties filled with out of touch millionaires and also just because the political system does not really benefit a common person in a meaningful way, the cost of living and debt crisis, needing to join the military for basic public services, creeping corporate censorship and oligopolization creating a generation of dependent, depressed people with growing self-censorship instinct?

    pkill ,

    I'd argue it's not ultra-leftism if both options are reactionary. On the contrary, when going through such a turbulent period, to call yourself a socialist/Marxist and yet tail any anti-worker Democratic crisis cabinet is to compromise yourself just like the Mensheviks did for 8 months in 1917 when they happily took their warm seats and then didn't do shit to improve the desperate position of the Russian workers and denounce the Russian imperialism.

    So what to do instead of voting? Join the revolutionary communists to end the endless cycle of disappointment and picking lesser evil in the system that gives no real agency to 99% of the society.

    pkill , (edited )

    Yeah I mean police brutality exists and although a peaceful revolution would be preferable to adventurist bloodshed, we must reckon with the high odds of the powers that be not giving up their power to "the mob" peacefully, this bears no comparison to the rampant abuse of the rural south before the Second American Revolution. But still for real emancipation I believe a third revolution is needed, first the colonial rule, then chattel slavery and now the oligarchic, imperialist capitalism need to go. The continued existence of the previous two was an impendance to the proper development of the United States (the latter two also a humanitarian tragedy, first directly, the latter indirectly*) while nowadays it is also and probably even more importantly, not just anymore due to the climate crisis but also due to hawkish foreign policies being on the rise – a threat to the continued existence of humanity.

    * I think I get your point. We used to have that buffer called the middle class that for decades ensured some relative social peace and fostered some faith in the American dream because some people were able to advance socioeconomically. But we are the first generation to actually have a worse standard of living than our parents, so all of that is crumbling. I used to be a software developer but the absolute shitshow that has been the 4-month long failed job hunt in the current state of the market forced me to become a food delivery driver. It all feels so disempowering when you feel your efforts amount to nothing. And I believe it's not just me. Lots of young people have been scammed into wasting their time and money pursuing degrees that produced no ROI for them. I now really think I should've trained to become an electrician or other deficient, decently paying blue-collar vocation but now if I don't find at least a support/admin job in IT soon it will be another couple years of debt and uncertainty and feeling easily replaceable, cheated out of future after being promised an irrationally exaggerated market value.

    But I feel like again, I'm not alone in this sentiment and soon we'll see another wave of people training for highly demanded blue collar jobs, the market will saturate and some people will again end up feeling duped into another Ponzi scheme with their livelihoods. Because capitalism is a permanent crisis of overproduction, chaos and speculation, a dog eat dog world

    inb4 Ayn Rand's "Anthem"

    I don't really care about getting rich. I actually care about my craft and believe everyone should be able to do what they are passionate about without the fear of hunger, not receiving healthcare or homelessness. Most commercial software development is just as wasteful as marketing anyway.

    pkill , (edited )

    The people of USA succesfully beat two tyrannical systems in 18th and 19th century so why wouldn't they now if the current state of things deteriorates in that direction. And so did the Russians who have lived under the tsarist tyranny. Or the people oppressed by the colonial regimes who have not attained their independence as a gesture of good will. Or Cubans overthrowing Batista. Or Chileans ousting Pinochet. Or South Africans overthrowing the apartheid.

    All of that required militancy. Polite pleas are not a language tyrants understand. But, by extension, blind faith in electoralism has failed when the KPD failed to respond with proper militancy to the Reichstag fire decree in 1933. The militancy must be proactive. One should not be deluded that a "progressive" government will welcome with open arms any advanced, massive expression of social anger any more than a reactionary one would. See France where it is basic street knowledge to wear at least a solid fucking helmet with plexiglass visor to any protest if you don't want to say, lose an eye under the oh-so-benevolvent rule of the liberal Macron.

    Aaron Bushnell had a gun pointed at him as he died.

    pkill ,

    Also I hope the Russian government is overthrown by it's people and that the right to the self determination of the myriad of ethnic groups of Russia is actually honored instead of them being used as a cannon fodder to oppress another nation.

    pkill , (edited )

    in this day and age, there is no progressive wing of the bourgeoisie. Revolutionary communists fight for a workers’ government and do not give any support to any capitalist party or politician.
    However, mass dissatisfaction with the Democrats does not mean a majority of Americans are right-wing reactionaries. On the contrary, most people merely want stability, good jobs and wages, and a safe and healthy place to raise a family. But this simply isn’t possible for everyone under capitalism. The exploitation of wage-labor by capital and the relentless drive for profits precludes this. As an arch-capitalist himself, Trump can’t square the circle either, and he is merely filling the political vacuum in a temporary and distorted way. If reelected, those workers attracted by his poisonous bravado will eventually realize that no American president can magically wave their problems away.


    Evil is evil and lesser evilism is a disgusting idea.

    And when it comes to Trump, just as Hegel put it, historical necessity is often expressed through accident. Donald Trump is a giant, catastrophic accident for the capitalist class.

    pkill ,

    “The Republican and Democratic parties, or, to be more exact, the Republican-Democratic party, represent the capitalist class in the class struggle. They are the political wings of the capitalist system and such differences as arise between them relate to spoils and not to principles.

    With either of those parties in power one thing is always certain and that is that the capitalist class is in the saddle and the working class under the saddle.

    Under the administration of both these parties the means of production are private property, production is carried forward for capitalist profit purely, markets are glutted and industry paralyzed, workingmen become tramps and criminals while injunctions, soldiers and riot guns are brought into action to preserve ‘law and order’ in the chaotic carnival of capitalistic anarchy.

    Deny it as may the cunning capitalists who are clear-sighted enough to perceive it, or ignore it as may the torpid workers who are too blind and unthinking to see it, the struggle in which we are engaged today is a class struggle, and as the toiling millions come to see and understand it and rally to the political standard of their class, they will drive all capitalist parties

    of whatever name into the same party, and the class struggle will then be so clearly revealed that the hosts of labor will find their true place in the conflict and strike the united and decisive blow that will destroy slavery and achieve their full and final emancipation.” - Eugene V. Debs

    pkill ,

    "if you falsely testify that a criminal A didn't commit the charges against them, you're contributing to the acquittal of his partner B"

    I mean it's true when you think about it, but at the same time you actually don't contribute to less evil being there in the world because you've breached your oath. Lesser evilism in a nutshell.

    pkill ,

    both wouldn't be happy if you wanted actual democracy (like economic democracy for instance). both will utilize the police and alphabet agencies if they will find it necessary. PRISM was exposed under Obama. Democrats Kennedy and Johnson did not stop COINTELPRO. I'm not even convinced by reducing this to which of them will be weaker and less competent, like you realize the senile octogenarian Biden would fit the description, but that actually makes it easier to control him. Trump on the other hand is harder to control for his own trustees, but at the same time would mean way less stability. Ousting either along with the whole system that brought them into power is a must and I'm quite convinced that it will not be an easy task in either case, especially if you consider that the police force is always a fertile ground for all of the most disgusting trash of the ruling class, like homophobia, racism or hatred towards the poor. Democrats can promise defending the police but will they? Or wouldn't that be shooting themselves not in one foot, but both?

    And lastly, speaking of another Trumpist coup. The situation in the US is not yet comparable with e.g. Spain in the 30s. But back to Biden's incompetency, y'all should study how the Azaña's government absolutely botched the coup in July 1936. Then the lack of sufficient cynicism towards the government with "anarchists" taking ministerial positions and disarming the workers was what largely contributed to the Francoist triumph. With no illusions towards the government, there would be no mechanism to blunt the militant social tensions to come but force. And if you are afraid to actually fight for your ideas, you're already unfree.

    pkill ,

    isn't Tuva an exception in this case due to it's isolation? Also a question of leadership, how relevant was Boris Kagarlitsky, actually?

    pkill ,

    Because to resolve them a revolutionary situation is necessary first, and then some class leadership ready to lead it towards victory. Instead the impasse or temporary fixes for social peace will just continue into years of unresolved tensions erupting every once in a while but not achieving much. I.e. when

    (1) when it is impossible for the ruling classes to maintain their rule without any change; when there is a crisis, in one form or another, among the “upper classes,” a crisis in the policy of the ruling class, leading to a fissure through which the discontent and indignation of the oppressed classes burst forth. For a revolution to take place, it is usually insufficient for “the lower classes not to want” to live in the old way; it is also necessary that “the upper classes should be unable” to live in the old way; (2) when the suffering and want of the oppressed classes have grown more acute than usual;
    (3) when, as a consequence of the above causes, there is a considerable increase in the activity of the masses, who uncomplainingly allow themselves to be robbed in “peace time,” but, in turbulent times, are drawn both by all the circumstances of the crisis and by the “upper classes” themselves into independent historical action.

    pkill , (edited )

    Reactionaries, like real fucking fascist shock troops are actually a minority compared to interwar period. Most Trump voters are just tired, frustrated and desperate, not actually fanatically rallying behind him. His bravado may resonate with some social anger but it will probably run out of steam as soon as people find out he offers no real solutions. On the contrary, Nazis and fascists were able to rally a significant number of strata of the population. So let's compare the relevance and position of the groups upon which the Italian, Spanish and German fascists based themselves:

    • Demobilized soldiers and mercenaries like the Moroccans in Spain and Freikorps

    Nowadays many people join the military in the US just to get free college and healthcare etc. And yet they still fall short of their recruitment targets. See the recent protests in solidarity with Aaron Bushnell. Also after WW I most armies were infantry based and there was initially mass unemployment amongst the veterans.

    • Medium to large-scale landowners/peasants

    1-3% of the society. And if anything, their militancy at least makes the ruling class tremble, lest it was adopted by workers.

    • Clergy

    Even in the US religion is losing relevance

    • Students

    Massively shifted to the left almost everywhere

    • Small business owners

    They are still getting screwed every once in a while by the ruthless law of the accumulation of capital but still mostly they might be partly correct but still go into some major distortions in their understanding of things. Petty bourgeoisie is not a revolutionary class. But at the same time, they no longer compete with other small business owners of other (Jewish) ethnicity but actually rely heavily on unskilled migrant labor

    • Organized criminals

    Crime has mostly economic causes. For massive spike in crime that could serve as the manpower pool for the fascist militias, the system would actually need to be built on a prejudice against white males, not just in /pol/cel projections grounded in not seeing shit primarily through economic lenses.

    So even if the unavoidable aggravation of capitalism's agony happens sooner:

    • to reject the possibility of emerging from it victorious is actually a defeatist internalization of downplaying the potential of own class, just what the porky wants
    • to tail the liberals will not serve in any way to convince the less politically educated people that we are any alternative...
    • ...and if anything, ends up being a self-fulfilling prophecy for their besieged fortress myth about some leftist conspiracy
    • most dictators came to power not by election, but by a coup or manipulation
    • even if we think about the most notable example when they did, that is in Germany in the 30s, it's all actually vastly different. While KPD's sectarianism towards SPD and the refusal to take advantage of several revolutionary situations were what led to it not being able to successfully withstand Hitler, there are some key differences here:

    Democrats are as much of a millionaire club as Republicans. SPD was a massive workers' organization.
    CPUSA actually endorses Biden because that's what most IMCWP parties not in power do: legitimize the status quo and maintain a watered-down programme. No diff here with CPRF in Russia. And such sort of passivity and conservatism is what permeated the leadership of KPD under Thälmann and it is the reason why a revolutionary party aspiring to stand as an independent force that won't ever let itself be co-opted into the system is needed.

    I get that feeling of FOMO. But ask yourself, which do you think matters more against millions of other voters whom you'll never talk to:

    a) voting

    b) organizing to defend yourself against the Trump regime, by force if necessary where a loud and consequent group can easily sway thousands if not millions under the right conditions. That vs trying to basically convince people why one shade of the same color is better than the other which serves mostly narrowing their worldview and proving that you are not willing to stand up for your ideas.

    pkill ,

    bump the taxes on petrol to subsidize electromobility which actually necessitates smaller vehicles, problem solved

    pkill ,

    by subsidies I also mean R&D to improve range. Photovoltaics is getting better and better and I imagine being able to get a pretty nice range in sunnier countries, like in these races through the Australian interior where some concept cars were able to drive the entire distance without charging at like 90 km/h average, forgot the name

    pkill ,

    imagine using an sms app that requires network access

    pkill , (edited )

    Like CNT did in 1936 when they got drunk on what essentially became grassroots market "socialism" and their leadership entered the bourgeois government thinking that there is no need to brutally and swiftly resolve the issue of proletarian/bourgeois dual power instead?

    Or Zapatistas, who have literally captured the capital of such a huge country but then decided to compromise and go back to the jungle for some narrow-minded reasons and ban abortion while they were at it?

    pkill ,

    implied threads of violence

    Either you are a revolutionary and want to act decisively, boldly and with some cohesion to smash the state apparatus and brush off aspiring bureaucratic traitors or you either get offended at a large scale yet in what is mostly isolation and burn out or practice glorified reformism.

    pkill , (edited )

    Nothing. But anarchism as a political movement is more divergent from Leninism (later rebranded by Zinovievites and Stalinists as "Luxemburgism" and "Trotskyism") on the tactical matters which I find misguided, than anything else. Also I don't love hierarchies and merely just view them through materialist optics like Engels did in "Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State", as opposed to the idealistic approach of anarchist apriorism. I've sadly seen many anarchists drift towards harmless individualism due to this rejection of a coherent (democratic) structure as a means of getting organized because "hierarchy bad" (even if the org is actually pretty horizontal)

    pkill , (edited )

    I mean I get it might be because of being afraid of it being used to train LLMs. But I doubt that it would work, either because they won't be used regardless or because of how federation works, i.e. literally it'd be more efficient if all of the known network instances' operators somehow agreed to include/Lemmy, kbin and all of the microblogging platforms that can federate with Lemmy shipped a robots.txt that blocks known AI crawlers. Probably what would be more useful would be something that e.g. Akkoma and some other AP implementers offer, i.e. message autodeletion.

    Also terrible if you want to retain any anonymity even if more people did it, because of stylometry.

    pkill ,

    war crimes. Played hoi4 as Yugoslavia. Beat Bulgaria, Italy and France in 2 hours.

    pkill ,

    pretty much, though it's pretty basic in terms of functionality at the moment

    pkill , (edited )

    I agree with you that every proprietary software must be presumed to be a trojan with a backdoor but still some critical, low level free software being decades old C codebases with oftentimes millions of LoC has proven to be a double-edged sword where on one hand most of it is super optimized (just compare launch times of lightdm or GDM to e.g. regreet) but on the other hand by pure probabilistics it's more likely to contain some vulnerabilities accumulated over the years of imperfect code reviews.

    Sure I believe it's worth hoping and supporting initiatives that might one day bring us to something like RISC-V smartphone with high level of hardware security that'd run something like Alpine (a minimalist distro) but based on Redox OS. Maybe that'll come true in a couple of years.

    But right now GrapheneOS even despite proprietary hardware is the best option security-wise, unless you're willing to tinker with hacking together some RISC-V SBC-based device (which might even have better battery life than most smartphones by up to 60%!), but the optimization of basically any software is going to suck so badly. And forget compiling any Rust code on the currently available RISC-V CPUs. want memory safety? pick something with a VM/GC instead.

    pkill ,

    Apparently there are multiple crates but no official toolchain so unsure how that works in practice. You're still limited to either waiting for hours or cross-compiling though since currently the best available RISC-V CPU is quad-core 2.5 GHz (which still looks hella promising, 2 years ago best we had was 1.5 GHz dual-core). This blog post by Drew DeVault goes into detail of how daily driving RISC-V looked like 2 years ago. I suppose these days it looks noticeably better, especially since Samsung and Apple have been eyeing RISC-V adoption due to ARM consortium doing some monopolistic shit with their licensing. But eventually, so far, not enough critical mass was attained and afaik the whole drama mellowed out a bit.

    Regarding the energy efficiency, some experimental units managed to even be manifold better at this:


    But on the other hand, studies involving some RISC-V models show quite the contrary when it comes to energy efficiency, although the thermal performance is much better:


    And below is a screenshot from a comparison by Gary Explains using more microcontroller models. So it really depends on the specific model, but it seems like the design of RISC-V has some solid potential to beat ARM in terms of energy and thermal efficiency.


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