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Texas AG Ken Paxton Sues Chaturbate, xHamster Over Controversial Age Verification Law (www.xbiz.com)

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton filed lawsuits on Tuesday against the parent companies of Chaturbate and xHamster, claiming that the sites are not complying with the state’s controversial age verification law, HB 1181....

tygerprints ,

In Utah they are so absolutely frightened by the idea of teenagers having sexual thoughts, they've not only forbidding porn sites from being available they've also now made it impossible for anyone under 21 to access social media at all.

Not to mention all the books they've pulled out of schools because of representations of adults being couples or having kids or being possibly gay. GASP! Imagine how the kids' heads would explode if they were ever to be exposed to such horrible nasty truths!!! Teenagers would NEVER think about sex on their own, it's all because the media is trying to corrupt them at every turn!!!!!!!!

tygerprints ,

There's all kinds of mentally sick people out there on the 'net, and most of them seem to gravitate toward sites like Stonetoss where their perversions and excremental world view can proliferate. After all, slimeballs always seek out slime pits where they can thrive with others lke themselves.

That they are also idiots should come as no surprise; people with education and self-esteem and wisdom never engage in such putrid behaviors. You can always count on the fact that neo-nazis and other scumbags are of very low intelligence, like slime molds. They have no real value of any sort.

tygerprints ,

AI could be a creative tool for good, in the right hands; unfortunately, most people will use it to produce crap and to spread sick disinformation that, in many cases, will be libelous if not downright corrupt. The art of persuasion should have guardrails because, essentially, most people are pimps who stink excuses.

tygerprints ,

His case for capitalism may be terrible, and there's no doubt capitalist has it's share of flaws and inequities, but it is (right or wrong) very true that it's more or less inevitable when a society industrializes and no longer relies on communal sharing as a way of life.

You can kick against capitalism all you want, god knows there are good reasons to, but you will never replace it with anything better. If you think life was good during primitive tribalism times, you should only be forced to try it and see.

I've seen parts of the world where people currently live in partial cardboard boxes with dirty mattresses as their only furniture. They still live as if the are not part of the modern world. And it isn't pretty, life there is harsh and the reality of subsistence is extremely difficult.

We kick against capitalism because we want to be moral warriors, but in truth we get a lot from our capitalist way of life; great food, good housing, nice furnishings, a place to hang out hat and plenty of leisure time. Just saying, it's not all bad, and it's really better than the alternatives.

tygerprints ,

No I'm not talking about U.S. cities, but places in Mexico and Asia specifically. And if I am deep throating the capitalist system, it's because I have wisdom to do so. You can quit being a jerk and maybe listen to someone's else's point of view once in awhile.

tygerprints ,

I live in America. Yes I'm very sure about that.

tygerprints ,

I don't give two shits what you think. You're a miserable cretin, and I have no interest in what you have to say about ANYTHING, so shove your fucking opinion back up your asshole where it came from.

tygerprints ,

Well you are a shit-for-brains goddamn scumbag so, imagine how quickly I'll get over any insult you try to hurl at me.

tygerprints ,

Marriage has always been meant to be for couples who are deeply committed and in love, no matter what genitals they have. No bible verse and no law of man can change that explicit truth. No court can decide who can be together and who can't. That's up to us as individuals because we are all born free with intrinsic rights to love whomsoever we decide without any restrictions.

tygerprints ,

The world can't afford the poor either. And yet, here we have rich and poor and all classes in between, existing and extant. That's reality and you won't change it no matter how much you kick against it.

tygerprints ,

I get it, I was banned from Reddit for saying that being progressive was a good thing. That was just dandy. I consider it a badge of honor to have pissed them off so royally.

tygerprints ,

In Utah they're so frightened of social media that they have made it almost impossible for any social media companies to thrive here. Tik Tok is now in their crosshairs because it's the fashionable GOP target, but previously it was facebook and the internet in general. Now they've passed laws to restrict internet usage for anyone under 21 - on the off chance some kid might see a cartoon of a bare butt or something, and their head might explode.

tygerprints ,

What about the content generators who earn their living from Tik Tok? Banning it is not the solution to fixing the problems with it.

tygerprints ,

Now why, (me doing a Jack Benny impression): why, ya see - why would I go and buy stock in a company that hated everything I ever posted, and then banned me for saying that progessive thought is a good thing. I ask you.

tygerprints ,

Ahh well in that case, it makes perfect sense. I'll take 4000 shares.

tygerprints ,

I feel the power surging through me, TOTAL CONTROL OF THE UNIVERSE IS WITHIN MY GRASP!

tygerprints ,

Hmmm, only half control of the Universe would be only half realizing my ambitions. It would be going at it half-assed - and I wanted to use my WHOLE ass this time!!

Guess I'll have to buy more shares since I must control not just Earth and Neptune and Jupiter, I want Uranus as well. (!).

tygerprints ,

I totally agree, anything that takes people's eyes off the road is not a good choice to put into cars. Cars may have more safety features than ever, but let's face it, drivers are still too easily distracted and too careless. Here in Utah we have so many highway fatalities every day, people driving the wrong way on freeways, and speeding around school buses with their stop signs out. There's no good fix for "stupid."

tygerprints ,

I'n not sure I believe in reincarnation for many reasons, not the least of which is since we don't retain consciousness of our past lives, there's no way to actually improve over the life you supposedly lived over and over again previously.

Yet as a kid I had these wild dreams of things I hadn't yet any knowledge about, such as certain heiroglyphic texts I encountered which I later learned were actually genuine artifacts in the real world, and the dreams I always had of walking by hot river at night, nearly naked, with palm trees bent by the hot winds - night after night, the same dream.

It might not be past lives at all, but some stream of collective consciousness that exists inside all of us at some cellular level, or memories that exist in the collective environment we all share.

tygerprints ,

Yeah, I agree with that - if I could opt to be whoever I want, I'd want to be reincarnated as myself again. I can't imagine a more wonderful life or a better childhood than what I was lucky enough to have. I'd love to go around again if I had the chance.

tygerprints ,

I guess I lucked out, my childhood was pretty ideal. My parents were pretty well off, we had a nice house away from the suburbs in a more wooded area, with a creek on both sides and fields with wild horses and lots of huge oak trees to climb.

It was such a beautiful area that I could explore and play in it all day long - it was just great. I don't think kids get that much of a rural experience anymore, the place has since been overdeveloped and it doesn't have any fields or open spaces anymore.

tygerprints ,

Hee hee. I feel like the one being sealioned most of the time. It doesn't matter what I say, "I should like to have a reasonable debate about what you said. What proof do you have that this has ever happened, and if you don't say something I like I'll be back again to hound you about it until you validate me in a way that I sorely need."

tygerprints ,

Exactly. And some people view every post as some kind of assault on their own views or values. It makes me reluctant to post anything that may be quite radical or a unique take on something, because no matter my intentions, someone takes umbridge at it (and they really shouldn't, we need the wood).

Anyway - I don't mean to step on anyone's sacred cow when I post things, I'm just trying to bring a new slant or point of view most of the time. I'm fine with someone saying "I disagree, and here's why." I'm not fine with people saying, "I disagree because you're a stupid idiot."

tygerprints ,

Yep, life is waiting to kill you. Life is what happens between the moments that life is actually trying to kill you. How deep is that!

Now excuse me, my toaster is on the rim of my bathtub rim and the toast is stuck so I need to stick a fork into it.

tygerprints ,

Uhhhh to them it probably sounds like, "Hey I'm right here and marinating in my own sweet juices. Come and get it!"

tygerprints ,

Wow that really stings because it's true. I don't think I forgive people, but I do scan the obits to see if they're dead yet. Then I yell, "Look who's still standing, bitch!" And then I feel good because I'm a selfish prick anyway - and I'm all about forgiving myself for that.

tygerprints ,

Thanks! Although I already self congratulated myself for being me. I'm me! And that's truly amazing to me.

tygerprints ,

I'm a gay man who is happily embracing his cis-genderness but I would not shun trans people as the top figure in this graphic is doing. It seems like he's totally averse to even thinking about the concept.

Yet there's a lot of hostility toward cis people being happy about being cis, though we are kind of expected to fully support trans people embracing being trans. And I do - I just want the same sort of respect for being happily cis-gendered. For me, my gayness is about embracing the masculine (in every sense) and loving being born male. I know that gender and sexuality are unique for everyone - so my philosophy is, whatever you wish to be, embrace it fully and love it.

tygerprints ,

Frankly I call it being a human. I love the masculine parts I was born with, but most often, I feel like i'm just a person, bopping along doing whatever I want and not worrying about if I'm being masculine or feminine. I'm just a human absorbing the experience of being alive. I'm a homo-sapiens sexual.

tygerprints ,

Well of course I get that. I wasn't trying to sound accusatory so much as just my impression of what it looked like. Which is fine because it gave me a feeling of wanting to share, and so - it's not a bad thing! The comic itself is quite good and you have a real talent for it.

tygerprints ,

Well a couple of times previously I've posted about being happy to be cis, and was immediately downvoted and pounced on by people saying I was bigoted and disrespectful to others. Yet all i was trying to say is, I'm gay and a cis person and I think that should be respected the same as it's expected for me to respect whatever someone else chooses to be.

tygerprints ,

That's true also. And what's weird is, I'm gay but I've known a couple guys who were cis and dressed up as females because, it felt empowering to them. And they were both straight in terms of their orientation, one had a girlfriend, the other guy was married.

So it's kind of strange to be a gay person who is friendly (which I am), people open up to me about all kinds of things and, it's just assumed I will be OK with anything (because I'm gay? I guess) so, I've seen all kinds of things.

For the most part I accept others no matter what, because we all need validation and we all need to feel that. But i do get push back when I post that I'm cis and happy to be cis, like that's somehow unacceptable or disrespectful to others. It isn't meant to be at all.

tygerprints ,

I hope you'll continue drawing, it's a talent that I envy. There's so much power in it.

tygerprints ,

I hope people are OK with cis people being OK with themselves. I fully support trans people. I recently had a letter published in our local paper about how if trans people ever do act out, (this was in regard to a shooter who had identified as a trans person) it will be because of all the bigotry and hateful legislation driving them (and many others of us LGBTQ) to do something extreme.

You get put down for being LGBTQ, and then you get put down for defending yourself whatever your gender or orientation. It's a no-win situation.

tygerprints ,

I've been trying to learn the piano for over 50 years. And I get why someone would ask "Why." Because you cannot ever really master it.

I have had some transactional benefit, I've played for weddings at $25 an hour and such, but it's not the reason I pursue it. It challenges my brain and fingers in ways that can be very frustration but sometimes has very sublime results.

tygerprints ,

Hmmm the keytar, eh? I'd like to try that sometime. I remember someone saying, you never really get to make the art you set out to make; there's always a struggle between your idea and the medium you're working in. With painters, for example, you have an idea but the canvas and paint have their own behaviors and what you end up is never exactly what you had in mind.

Your post just reminded me of that. With us musicians, it's the fight between what we want to make with music, and the instrument itself; a piano is a beast with teeth you have to approach from the side, before it decides it's going to eat you alive.

tygerprints ,

Jupiter and Saturn are laughing their "G"asses off at us. Look at that stupid little pea-sized earth with its single puny moon. And they can't even get a lander on it upright!!!

tygerprints ,

: ) I could've made a 'uranus' joke also, but that'd be going a bit far.

tygerprints ,

Good point, and that's what makes science so exacting and hard - finding ways to incorporate a "uranus" joke whenever possible.

tygerprints ,

It's almost as funny as that old timey comic about our 20th president, "Garfield." The president who loved lasagna and would often exclaim "I hate Mondays!"

tygerprints ,

That's the reality how people see themselves. Everyone else is an asshole - but not me.

tygerprints ,

Well - good point. I see myself as an asshole most of the time too. And I am. I don't deny I'm selfish and self-centered, but I do try to subjugate those things when I'm around others. Most people see me as a quiet, wallflower type of person - they don't know the real asshole within. Sort of the Bigfoot of all Assholes in some situations.

tygerprints , (edited )

Or in the case of my cat, lick the hand that feeds you. Then bite and grab it with your forepaws and kick the hell out it with your back legs. It might be a hand or it could be a deadly sea creature come to invade the house.

tygerprints ,

Gotta have that first cup of coffee in the morning to wake up. Without it I feel sluggish and headachy all day - partly due to the dependence on the caffeine. Also i drink Diet Coke in the afternoon and evening, and without it I get pounding headaches. My general doctor recommended caffeine to help with migraines.

I do like tea, though - I've got peppermint tea on hand for soothing my various gastric problems. But it just doesn't work as a hot drink for me first thing in the morning.

tygerprints ,

It's true. There was a time when Computers were just green screens with DOS text. Those are the first computers I ever used and we thought they were amazing. I thought it was amazing when I could put Star Trek After Dark Screensavers on my Power Mac! We've come a long way.

tygerprints ,

I've seen those also, but the only ones I used were the green DOS ones. But you're right - they were both a thing, I forgot about the Amber colored ones!

tygerprints ,

Beautiful. Never give up hope - somewhere there's a horse out there looking to sit on your chest.

tygerprints ,

Boy ain't that the truth, I like his bulging eyeballs and rabid frantic posturing. That's me, I'm all too guilty of doing the same.

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