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webghost0101 ,

Am i that much more extreme for thinking that the best solution for Nazis isn’t discriminating against them but educating people to respect so Fascist ideal can no longer take hold?

I know of intolerance for the intolerant, I've spread that message myself i am just no longer convinced that burying the problem into private conversations only (Which should be absolute free speech unless you want some sort of police control inside your home) is tackling the problem at the source.

My wish is to eradicate this ideology once and for all not to hide it like we try to do with homeless in rich neighborhoods.

webghost0101 ,

Anyone internet user can choose to troll if they like. Maybe some people have troll alter ego but for most username is unrelated.

webghost0101 ,

Once there in the in the streets and are expressing their hostility toward others it becomes self defense to push back.

Nazis should be either

  • spouting their shit in private so their social circle gets the message that their guy is sick and probably needs therapy.

  • in therapy where no speech is taboo and the goal is to improve themselves.

  • in public, not expressing their shit because there starting to understand that its wrong, therapy is long term ongoing progress.

Where they definitively shouldn’t be and i would regard as a hostile act.

  • marching down the streets in group with firearms.
webghost0101 ,

I am only really talking about individuals with fascist ideologies that refuse to respect and assault the freedoms of others.

You know, “nazis”. The word has evolved a bit since the Wehrmacht i do admit.

webghost0101 ,

It has existed for a while but has been getting more mainstream ik recent years.

Its a good term because it comes from the community itself rather then being a medical label by a doctor so its inclusive to people with or without diagnosis.

It also covers many more neurological differences that are not, yet frequently overlap with, autism. adhd, dyslexia,… You dont need to self identify as sick or disabled it often just feels better for me.

webghost0101 ,

This channel has been uploaded vids of these screens for 8 months now. Is there some more tangible info on how these came about?

I don't think you can diy this in a garage?

webghost0101 ,

Without additional information that seems more likely but its at least portrayed here as a real display.

It would still be a very interesting idea to rather make everything a display make everything a zero energy AR surface but then we need convenient mainstream AR wearables.

webghost0101 ,

Found them on amazon holy shit.

You’d think something like this would be major tech news, people have been talking about this tech for ages and a consensus for many is that it wasn’t impossible. (Look at all the crap foldable phones)

It’s objectively not cheap but it’s not expensive for such revolutionary tech.

webghost0101 ,

Good luck with overpriced shipping :) but still for something i though was not yet possible its shockingly accessible.

webghost0101 ,

I had no idea and i thought i was relatively up to date with new gen technology. I thought the foldable phones that came out where more an experimental proof of concept of the first instance of such technology but not that whole flexible panels where possible.

Even just the fact an oled display can be this thin is completely new to me.

webghost0101 ,

To be fair I think they mentioned a button to temporarily disable the spying. Either for a time or blacklist an entire application.

Still highly recommended people move away from windows.

webghost0101 ,

Hardware made for heavy computing being good at stuff like this isn’t all that schokking though. The biggest gamble is if new technology will take off at all. Nvidia, just like google has the capital to diversify, bet on all the horses at once to drop the losers later.

webghost0101 ,

The vibe i give up is definitely this one.


Especially the Bold text and the crudly drawn happy face next to it.

(Yes i know its from the rage comic memes)

webghost0101 ,

Again, as a chatgpt pro user… what the fuck is google doing to fuck up this bad.

This is so comically bad i almost have to assume its on purpose? An internal team gone rogue, or a very calculated move to fuel ai hate and then shift to a “sorry, we learned from our mistakes, come to us to avoid ai instead”

webghost0101 , (edited )

Honestly the way the internet is going do you need access to the majority of the internet? I feel like its pretty dead as it is now already.

Lemmy will still work because we mostly use Firefox, and i bet the same will hold true for many others.

Basically the moment mainstream internet becomes google only you will see nerds build new websites specifiably to cater to the non google crowd and i trust random internet nerds a hack of a lot more than a monopoly corporation.

BRING IT ON GOOGLE!, YOU CAN INITIATE THE PUSH TO CREATE A NEW BETTER INTERNET. ^Create demand for freedom trough your suppressive enforments^

webghost0101 , (edited )

Having tried many different models on my machine and being a long-time GPT-4 user, I can say the self-hosted models are far more impressive in sheer power for their size. However, the good ones still require a GPU that most people nor teenagers can't afford.

Nonetheless, GPT-4 remains the most powerful and useful model, and it's not even a competition. Even Google's Gemini doesn't compare, in my experience.

The potential for misuse increases alongside usefulness and power. I wouldn't use Ollama or GPT-3.5 for my professional work because they're just not reliable enough. However, GPT-4, despite also having its useless moments, is almost essential.

The same holds true for scammers and malicious actors. GPT-4's voice will technically allow live, fluent conversations through a phone using a dynamic voice. That's the holy grail for scamcallers. OpenAI is right to want to eliminate as much abuse of their system as possible before releasing such a thing.

There is an argument to be made for not releasing such dangerous tools, but the counter is that someone malicious will inevitably release it someday. It's better to be prepared and understand these systems before that happens. At least i think thats what OpenAi believes, i am not sure what to think. How could i known they Arent malicious?

webghost0101 , (edited )

Correct, i kept it simple on purpose and could probably have worded it better.

It was a meant as a broader statement including “both publicly available free to download models like those based on the ollama architectures as well as free to acces proprietary llm’s like gpt3.5”

I personally tried variations of the vicuna, wizardLM and a few other models (mostly 30B, bigger was to slow) which are all based on ollama’s architecture but i consider those individual names to be less known.

Neither of these impressed me all that much. But of course this is a really fast changing industry. Looking at the hf leaderboard i don’t see any of the models i tried. Last time i checked was January.

I may also have an experience bias as i have become much more effective using gpt4 as a tool compared to when i just started to use it. This influences what I expect and how i write prompts for other models.

I’d be happy to try some new models that have since archived new levels. I am huge supporter for self-hosting digital tools and frankly i cant wait to stop funding ClosedAi

webghost0101 ,

Not enough radical activism to save the species?

(This is also a self-criticism)

webghost0101 ,

Honestly, and in many ways personally i feel like what we really should do is stop caring about the economy and start caring about our neighborhoods again.

I originally wrote we should literally collapse the economy and stop going to work but as you read below my reasons that could work counts on people like myself not doing that.. so far how my feelings translate to my reality i become a hypocrite...

I know many people who work in varying public services. Hospitals, schools, government. All, me included, vouch we would still try to perform the spirit if not the law of our jobs even if we are not paid or there is a complete government collapse.

Too many people are stuck dedicated all their time
and energy to the pure profit of private industry. They often contribute nothing for the society around them except taxes that can be mishandled by elected celebrities.

Don't get me wrong me being pro public services and anti private industry, working with government.
I am not pro centralized government. On the contrary down with our leaders. Not because there evil but because they are human. Placing a select team of corruptible humans at the helm of powers can only ever be a temporary system.

I believe once we have eliminated the distractions.

  • for profit business (which exploits common wealth on principle)

  • centralized leaders (who cannot possibly understand the nuance and reason of every community)

We can finally free up the workforce for what really matters. Building healthy thriving and most importantly sustainable communities for our children. Self organize, similar like we once did as tribe but with a major difference.

“A global consciousness”, advanced knowledge and technology, the ability to share and communicate information anywhere in the world. Learning from eachother, helping eachother.

Yeah, besides debating the topic here to raise general awareness, who knows really what we should do?

webghost0101 ,

It goes beyond me why a corporation with so much to lose does’t have a narrow ai that simply checks if its response is appropriate before providing it.

Wont fix all but if i try this manually chatgpt pretty much always catches its own errors.

webghost0101 ,

I wonder if they considered reddit votes to try to give more weight to high quality answers but also high quality jokes.

But without votes pure nonsense becomes equal to truth.

Humans could use reddit because we understand the site enough to be able to filter the valuable from the bad.

I feel like the answer would be in between ai specifically to be such a filter.

Every such post of google failing i have screen capped and then asked chatgpt for a more detailed explanation to do what google suggests i do. Everytime it managed to call out the issues. So just allowing an ai to proofread its response in context of the question could stop a lot of hallucinations.

But its at least 3 times as slow and expensive if it needs to change its first response.

But i guess doing things properly isnt profitable , better to just rush tech and kill your most famous product.

webghost0101 ,

Speaking as an autist for the entire autistic community.


What have i set in motion :o

webghost0101 ,

I understand the irony. But can we not pretend they blindly used an output or even generated a full page. It was a specific section to provide a technical definition of “what is a deepfake”.

“I was really struggling with the technical aspects of how to define what a deepfake was. So I thought to myself, ‘Well, why not ask the subject matter expert (i do not agree with that wording, lol) , ChatGPT?’” Kolodin said. 

The legislator from Maricopa County said he “uploaded the draft of the bill that I was working on and said, you know, please, please put a subparagraph in with that definition, and it spit out a subparagraph of that definition.”

“There’s also a robust process in the Legislature,” Kolodin continued. “If ChatGPT had effed up some of the language or did something that would have been harmful, I would have spotted it, one of the 10 stakeholder groups that worked on or looked at this bill, the ACLU would have spotted, the broadcasters association would have spotted it, it would have got brought out in committee testimony.”

But Kolodin said that portion of the bill fared better than other parts that were written by humans. “In fact, the portion of the bill that ChatGPT wrote was probably one of the least amended portions,” he said.

I do not agree on his statement that any mistakes made by ai could also be made by humans. The reasoning and errors in reasoning is quite different in my experience but the way chatgpt was used is absolutely fair.

webghost0101 ,

Yes to make this a new more versatile meme

webghost0101 ,

He just created greed. All the others evil flow from it.

webghost0101 , (edited )

Dystopian depression?

Before long every cashier is going to request a smile from you, scripted as the most friendly way to say “please let me shov this scanner on your face”

The psychological effect of being requested to smile every time you make a purchase will reinforce your behavior to purchase more and appear less miserable keeping up the illusion that everything is cool and normal.

I am just talking from my ass but gotta remember that the ceos species have their asshole below their nose.

webghost0101 ,

Guy you replied to did miss that part but consider the (still to be verified) facts.

  • they ask to use her voice, she declined.

  • they proceed by not using her voice. Someone else's voice instead.

oPeNaI “believe that AI voices should not deliberately mimic a celebrity's distinctive voice—Sky’s voice is not an imitation of Scarlett Johansson but belongs to a different professional actress using her own natural speaking voice. To protect their privacy, we cannot share the names of our voice talents.”

The end result is pretty clear here. Either this other person exist and could testify privately in court with her natural voice which she has the rights to work with OpenAi. There is a closure in law where not being able to provide evidence that the court knows must exist can make you guilty. Openai could have tried to pull a “this is a fully unique synthetic voice” but crucially they did not.

webghost0101 ,

Tweeting “her” was stupid but he has stated for years its his favorite movie and honestly even with a wildly different man voice it is still a very similar appearing product as the movie.

webghost0101 ,

They are copying the fictional movie character… the voice is a real person and their is precedent that explicitly impersonating a voice is ip theft.

But a fictional personality and a voice that has similar features? I really hope this does settle in court.

webghost0101 ,

Its only partly local and i bet only because the alternative is to expensive.

Just look at the kinda crap windows pulls today.

I thought i had disabled pretty much all the spyware, them on the microsoft online dashboard i found

  • full machine specs
  • A list off all applications installed
  • edge search history

Btw, did you know that anything typed in start/search now counts as a search in edge? I wander whats behind that move.

In other words i understand much of the ai may function on a local level but it be fully integrated with cloud systems and you can safely assume a full record of your prompts and uses is stored on microsoft servers and delivered to bill gates for reading before bed.

webghost0101 ,

Depends on your browser extensions, you can even pretend to be a phone if you want. ;)

And also not the same level of detail as microsoft is just lifting from your hardware like motherboard model and manufacturer, how many drives, how they are formatted and how much space is used on each of em.

webghost0101 ,

What i meant is, what good reason is there for local search to always count as a Bing internet search.

If i wanted to look up something online id open up an internet browser with the search engine of my preference.

Spamming my local search results with online rubbish is the opposite of value, even micrsoft devs acnowledge this which is why microsoft powertoys has macbook style local searchbar thats way faster and better at finding your files and offline.

webghost0101 ,

Makes sense but imagine 10, 20 years in the future from now? I doubt there be enough difference to ofset the risks by then.

Should we really rush out an invasive implant that barely works rather then perfect what we will naturally want to use in the future anyway?

webghost0101 ,

So its 94% less sound because this seems sound calculated -12db in % with conventional formulas?

How would we describe perceived sound exactly, not many people can imagine something when given a db value? Maybe we should?

webghost0101 ,

I have done a lil research but what i needed was this site. Great resource, maybe even coolguides material.

webghost0101 ,

I updated the kernel and for some reason my ubuntu becomes unable to find how to use the network.

After going in circles it was much easier to just go back to the previous kernel.

webghost0101 ,

Instructions clear and understood.

You can find my part of this new online activism here

Dont forget to like, share and doomscroll the rest of my anti socialmedia propaganda 🤩

webghost0101 ,

Why cant scientific progress not be a group effort with everyone doing their part according to their means?

Why does it have to be the greed addicts with the power to initiate human greatness and ingenuity?

Don't we all want essentially the same things?

  • sustainable production of (luxury) goods

  • sustainable power production

  • sustainable homes in a sustainable climate

  • to evolve as a species and explore more of the unknowns in the cosmos

webghost0101 ,

They made it sound like he assaulted someone ar first but it does seem to have been just a (offensive) gesture after repeatedly requesting they leave him alone.

Disproportionate is an understatement especially considering the already tense climate.

Song would have gotten good points for sure aswell.

webghost0101 ,

I couldn’t tell myself but my wife said the other singer on stage (Henri) sung lots of false notes.

webghost0101 , (edited )

This reads like an ai response. The first part is reasonably accurate, much more then my own classes thats didnt differentiate at all.

The continued part is a gptchat tell I think someone continued with “write another section on weed and club drugs like x y”

Its another tell that this section 2 is alot more unhinged then the first.

It is biased , probably the prompted “for a school to discourage” but its far from the worst ive seen and heard

webghost0101 ,

Interesting discussion to have witnessed as an outsider.

Is an article written for a a writers expression or a readers enjoyment. (Both?)

I dont think they where frustrated with the writers enjoyment but rather disappointed that the article was a first discovery opinion rather then a veterans rediscovery from a modern point of view which would have been more useful to reflect their own opinion and thus be more personally entertaining. The negativity goed inwards perceiving it as a waste of their time.

webghost0101 ,

I can confirm that this post and its image content does in fact really exist here on the internet.

webghost0101 ,

This briarproject in the other comment looks similar and open source.

webghost0101 ,

You just send me on a rabbithole and Til

A part of the movement who’s nain motive was to maintain communism apparently included the creation of social classes…


“Members of the Black Classes were systematically discriminated against, as one's classification could affect employment opportunities and career prospects and even marriage opportunities. This could also be passed onto their children. Over time this resulted in a victimized underclass that was treated as if it were still composed of powerful and dominant people”

Literally facism.. of course to some this was already apparent but with this information bring public its baffeling that so many still believe china is political left.

Instagram Advertises Nonconsensual AI Nude Apps (www.404media.co)

Instagram is profiting from several ads that invite people to create nonconsensual nude images with AI image generation apps, once again showing that some of the most harmful applications of AI tools are not hidden on the dark corners of the internet, but are actively promoted to users by social media companies unable or...

webghost0101 ,

Unintentional Strawman misses the point.

A economy is but a subsystem to serve an organized society.

Not every society requires a economy, there are many ways to organize, the original foundational ideas go back to ancient greece. Read up about them.

The people with wealth and power have all the insensitive to keep things as they are. They own the planets resources, the means of productions. They loby or laws.

To think were waiting on one person to have “a better idea” for things to change is incredibly naive.

I don't know how the system will change how the next one will look but the current one is mathematically not sustainable for another century.

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