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whoreticulture ,

Uh why? I eat most of my meals in about that amount of time when I eat by myself. like how long does it take to eat a fuckin sandwich lmao, or a bowl of pasta? And I don't have any eating disorders, I'm not at an unhealthy weight. I just ... eat.

whoreticulture ,

Is this really the first time in your life that you've realized that drinking milk as an adult is unusual?

Please, for the love of God, VOTE! (pawb.social)

I don't like Biden either, but anyone with half a brain knows there are two choices in the 2020 election. If we had a sane voting system, voting third party might be worth it, but as it stands, no one but you knows your favorite candidate exists and unless you want to become their campaign manager that will still be true in...

whoreticulture ,

A vote for Biden is a signal to the Democratic party that we like what they're doing. There is no incentive for Democrats to change if we keep voting them in out of fear. Right now they are just incentived to be slightly better than the proud White Nationalist dude, which is an extremely low bar.

whoreticulture ,

lmao did the gop change or just get more conservative after two Obama administrations?

whoreticulture ,

This might not apply everywhere, but I live in a rural area and actually most of my Internet used is through cell networks. When there are a lot of people in the area for some reason, I'm much more likely to lose service completely for web and calls.

I don't think that a reliable network is the reason why communications companies are limiting people's data, I think they're doing it for profit, but it could be a rationale to do so. It's not unreasonable to think that there can't be "unlimited" anything without some kind of impact.

whoreticulture ,

Yeah you don't have to make that point to me. I'm just saying there could be a legitimate reason to want to make service limits. Obviously, if they really wanted to limit service to prevent network outages, I wouldn't be getting network outages 😂😭

whoreticulture ,

Biden is also a fascist, he's just not proud about it

whoreticulture ,

It's not nothing, but it's barely anything. He could also deschedule cannabis.

whoreticulture ,

This whole article is about how he's doing the bare minimum, not meeting his promises, and refusing to use his presidential powers to do things like declare a federal climate emergency

whoreticulture ,

There are different opinions about who has the power to deschedule cannabis, but Biden has not even tried. He is working on rescheduling, but that seems to be an "incremental step" that would also cause problems


I think that boycotting a vote on Democrats until they adopt leftist politics is a completely valid way to move the party. Republicans have essentially done the same, remember the Tea Party movement? It worked for them. The "incrementalist" approach has left us with a president who won't even say the word Genocide, worse is activity funding genocide.

whoreticulture ,

He is funding Israel's genocide, that is fascist. He is president of one of the most incarcerated nations in the world. Has he done anything to eliminate the prison industrial complex? He leads the most powerful army in the world.

Democrats do just enough to make it so that liberals don't feel icky about their day to day lives.

whoreticulture ,

Refusing to vote for a genocide supporter IS a form of direct activism.

whoreticulture , (edited )

Yes!!! They are all fascist countries! And there are a few that are taking steps to end it.

Biden is not "failing to stop unnecessary civilian deaths" - this is a Zionist framing that paints the genocide as a just war. It is a genocide and Biden is ARMING the military commiting genocide. Biden is actively involved.

Biden is not pressuring Bibi in any real way whatsoever.

Let me ask you how Biden and the Democratic party are supposed to be held accountable, how are they going to change if people keep voting for them? Because so far they have NOT changed. The strategy of continually voting in lackluster candidates has not gotten us anywhere.

whoreticulture ,

Not doing something would be to continue to vote for a president who is funding a genocide.

whoreticulture ,

This is what I'm saying - the moderates fucking suck and it's not worth trying to win them over. Move the party left, the zombified vote-blue-no-matter-who Democrats will vote for a more leftist candidate just like they vote for a more moderate candidate.

whoreticulture ,

People keep acting like we have forever to make change. Meanwhile we are in the midst of a literal climate crisis, and people are literally starving to death with the help of U.S. dollars.

whoreticulture ,

Biden is president now and trans kids rights are being taken away, black people still disproportionately victimized by police violence, asylum seeking immigrants turned away at the border, and we are funding genocide!!!

It's naive to think that Biden and the Democratic Party has any incentive to change their policies when people will blindly vote them in no matter what they do.

whoreticulture ,

if enough Californians opposed genocide to make it so that Biden didn't get the California electoral votes, imagine the impact. seriously. it would be unprecedented.

whoreticulture ,

What is your source for the CIA analysts/brink of civil war claim?

whoreticulture ,

The threat of the spoiler effect could be used to move the Democratic Party's policy left. You're not thinking strategically.

whoreticulture ,
  1. leftists don't vote for Biden. big coalition voting for a socialist third party candidate.
  2. Democrats lose or get scared and run someone more left next election. Democrats stop trying to appease centrists and start trying to appease leftists who will demonstrably withhold votes

pretty straightforward

whoreticulture ,

Yes exactly this movement!

I am not really suggesting that a third party candidate could win during this election, I agree about the capital. But you can pressure the Democrats to take on leftist policies as much as possible by refusing to vote for Democrats, and voting for a third party alternative.

I honestly don't see another way that Democrats would be prompted to change their policies, as it is they have remained moderate (aka conservative on a global political context). But if Democrats saw that 10% of the vote went to a Socialist, and they lost because of that?? They would change.

Right now the Democrats are catering towards conservative moderates who think that a white nationalist candidate a potentially viable option.

whoreticulture ,

If the United States does not seem like a fascist country to you, you are probably very privileged and politically undereducated. We are funding a genocide for an ethnostate. We have a hugely inflated prison population for whom slavery is legal. No country even comes close to the amount of money we spend on the military, look it up it's not even close.

Sure, we have democratic elections, but so does Russia. When the "good guys" win the presidency, the United States is still doing all those things I mentioned.

whoreticulture ,

The "game theory" argument is one I see being used mostly by vote-blue-no-matter-who types. And you were trying to dissuade the other commenter from third party voting. So I am genuinely surprised that that is not your position. You were saying that voting third party would have a deleterious impact due to the spoiler effect.

So, you were saying that people should vote for Biden due to game theory, which is a tool to understand strategy. I was telling you you're not thinking strategically because I think that by limiting your analysis to just game theory in this single election cycle, you are missing the strategic possibilities enabled by voting third party.

whoreticulture ,


There are so many definitions, I don't know why you insist on one that apparently doesn't include slavery, genocide, and military worship.

whoreticulture ,

I do understand that take and desire for harm reduction. I am a trans person and my and my friend's rights are constantly politicized by both parties. But even under Biden, trans people are actively being targeted in certain states, and under Trump, trans rights were strengthened in other states. The president can only (or chooses to only) do so much. But things the president can change include foreign policy, military actions.... so I think refusing to vote for Biden over the issues he has the most direct power over is absolutely appropriate.

I believe that voting third party could enable long term change, and that voting for Biden is perpetuating the system that is already causing so much harm.

whoreticulture ,

I've seen a lot of vote-who-no-matter who using game theory the way you did, I think if you look for it you might start to notice it!

I think probably everyone is more nuanced than we end up making ourselves seem online 😅

whoreticulture ,

How does voting for someone who is funding a genocide going to sway that person to stop funding it? It's just illogical. There are plenty of Democrats who are active Zionists and support the war, probably a fair number are wealthy donors. The only way to sway the policy of the Democratic party is to threaten to their power.

I don't think you're selfish, and I don't hate you lol, I just think you're not seeing the enormous potential of forming a leftist voting coalition. Imagine how amazing it would be if the Democratic Party was trying to cater to the votes of leftists, and not to "moderates" who think that an openly white nationalist candidate is a viable potential option.

whoreticulture ,

I think you're thinking fatalistically when we have the capacity to try to change things.

  1. a civil war sounds overall good? realistically, I don't think there will be a peaceful dissolution to the United States (has this ever historically happened?), and if some states could escape and self-govern, the people in those states might be better off. a constitutional crisis is long overdue. also justifying a vote for the candidate who is funding genocide by saying you want to avoid civil war is kinda hypocritical right? war for thee but not for me?

  2. SOME people are buying time under Biden, other people in many states are not doing well at all!

  3. Trump can't dissolve NATO by himself https://www.cnn.com/2024/02/13/politics/congress-trump-nato-what-matters/index.html

the most he can do is defund the military, which would weaken the United States ability to enact NATO obligations. And defunding the military seems good?? If he wants to do that for that weird roundabout reason.

also, the United States is only one of many countries in NATO. the states of Taiwan and Ukraine wouldn't instantly crumble. and you're so concerned about the right to statehood, but you're willing to throw Palestinians under the bus?

  1. the idea of the third party vote isn't that Trump would care, it's that Democrats would run more leftist candidates in the future and start trying to appease leftists instead of moving more and more to the right.
whoreticulture ,

oh I started to write a thoughtful answer then saw you blocked me.

You are the one who is hopelessly deluded about the gravity of our situation. Under Biden, we are already living under a totalitarian, racist, transphobic government. A civil war is a hypothetical, the genocide is actually actively happening right now with funding that Biden approved. Many Democrats have expressed enthusiastic support for Israel's violence.

whoreticulture ,

You act like I've never heard any of these arguments before 🙄 when this lesser of two evils, game theory argument is the Democrats' party line to avoid accountability. Keep voting for us!! We won't change at all, in fact, we'll get more conservative, but keep it up! Thanks for the votes!

Why would Biden be conviced to stop funding genocide after we elect him? After he has definitively learned that genocide is not a bridge too far for people to vote Democrat? It's illogical. You're just like oh hopes and prayers Biden will change his mind 🙏 YOU'RE the one being illogical.

Threatening re-election is the only power we have to convince high level Democrats to change. I'm suggesting something that has actual power.

We don't have to limit our political strategy to a single election cycle. If Trump wins, it's the Democrats fault for not adhering to basic moral values. When Democrats realize they will actually lose elections, they will put up different candidates in the next elections and they will support better policies.

whoreticulture ,

... yes??? yess???!!

And when we had slavery?? (which we continue to have now in our prisons)

And we do torture,

and we assassinate black people when they organize,

we have a huge military worship culture,

and we have so many territories and military bases abroad and have funded so many horrible dictators

How are you not seeing it? Honestly?

whoreticulture ,

If the Democrats go full Trump eventually they would lose the moderate liberals and a third party could step in. I don't see that as the likelier option.

Something like 10-20% of voters in the primary did protest votes. It's a huge chunk of people.

And it's also people they currently see as their base, the Democrats are trying to appeal to the conservatives because they believe (correctly) that they can do just about anything and people will continue to vote for them.

whoreticulture ,

Yes, at the pace we are going under Biden. Under Biden.

whoreticulture ,

Exactly, why vote for him? Vote for a third party candidate and stop voting in fascists.

whoreticulture ,

You're being intentionally obtuse right now lol this isn't the own you think it is. You just seem a bit slow.

whoreticulture ,

To get out of the weird negativity you brought into the discussion -

Biden and Trump are much closer to each other politically than the Democrats would have us believe. Voting for third party could make the Democrats run more left-leaning candidates. If we keep voting for Democrats no matter what they do, they have no motivation to change! Why would Biden suddenly stop FUNDING Israel after we vote him in again? What is the motivation? But if Democrats lose or nearly lose the election due to losing votes, that's amazing motivation to change.

whoreticulture ,

If they keep moving right, eventually they WILL lose Democrats. I don't really imagine mainstream Democrats suddenly changing their views on abortion, for example. So there will have to be a party that caters towards that HUGE demographic, whether it's the Dems or another party that fills in.

I don't see how affirming the actions of the current administration does anything but to entrench Dems in their belief that they can get away with anything and liberals would still vote them in. It just emboldens them to be more conservative.

whoreticulture ,

You're not getting it, it doesn't matter who wins the next election because Trump and Biden are so very similar. So many of the things people are saying Trump will do is already happening under the Biden administration. If the Democrats saw that they lost the election bc 10-20% of voters issued a protest or third party vote, which actually happened during the primaries, it would make a huge impact.

whoreticulture ,

Biden is definitely more palatable, but at the end of the day, either way we will have a president happy to fund genocide. Either way we waste billions on military, have a huge incarcerated prison population, deport immigrants, could go on. Biden was vice president during Obama's drone strikes.

whoreticulture ,

It's not 2016 anymore. Check out the primary results, 10-20% of people did not vote for Biden as part of a deliberate movement.

whoreticulture ,

It's more like drinking expired milk and both have different quantities of cyanide, and both milks are funding genocide. You're dying either way. Strategic action could shift things, blindly voting for Democrats no matter what they do gives them no incentive to change their behavior.

whoreticulture ,

The Republican voters are still very much obsessed with Trump. We deserve a candidate that people actually want to support.

whoreticulture ,

Right, so you're willing to throw Palestinians under the bus. The strategic action I am talking about is refusing to vote for candidates who will fund the genocide.

Minorities are going through hell under Biden! He is not an ally. I don't see how Democrats would try to appeal to Trump voters if they can demonstrably see that a HUGE chunk of voters need a more left candidate. A vote for Biden is a vote for no change whatsoever. It gives Biden and the Democratic party no incentive to change.

whoreticulture ,

I honestly don't see how this is an unreasonable take.

A lot of people, a lot of TRANS people, feel extremely positively about their gender. Not everyone is agender. Some sort of innate feeling about gender seems to be ingrained in many people.

But just because I am a trans man, does not mean I want to associate with the hierarchy of it. I'd prefer people see my gender as a playful expression of being than an indicator of status. Fetish/sexuality/camp are all just a few examples of ways people could express gender without reinforcing hierarchy.

I think you're getting a bit too stuck on the "fetish" bit. But because you seem interested, I'll bring up that I think expressing a desire for hierarchy though fetish is great. If you have a desire to dominate someone, why not play it out in a safe and consensual environment rather than actually hurt someone? And just because something can be fetishized, doesn't mean it will be. Lots of people have gender-related fetishes as is, but also a lot of people just see their gender as an expression of who they are.

whoreticulture ,

I think whenever you have "groups" of people, if not deliberately prevented, a hierarchy will develop. I can't think of any situation where this isn't true to some extent. Even blondes have more fun.

And with gender, the gender for whom most people are able to be pregnant and therefore have the capacity to be basically incapacitated by pregnancy and childcare for years, while also being physically weaker and shorter, is going to be the less dominant gender. I don't see that going away.

Yes, trans men can get pregnant, but most men are cis men and I don't see that changing. Trans women (and many cis women) might not be able to get pregnant, but they still are subjected to the social stigmas related to being a woman all the same.

So by acknowledging the tendency and weakening it's power by playing into fetishization, you don't have to work against people's tendencies to otherize. And it's not just fetishization, it's also camp and playfulness as well. Fetishization could also be described as a playful preference, that in the instance of gender is sexualized because sex/sexuality/gender are so inter-related.

whoreticulture ,

I don't think Judith Butler is opposed to policies that demonstrably improve gender equality such as abortion. Correct me if I'm wrong here?? I think the playing with gender is just part of it. And I feel like it has a real impact, idk I know a lot of nonbinary and gender fluid people and they are not, on the whole, hierarchy-obssessed people.

The biological conditions that lead to patriarchy can totally be leveled out somewhat, but it's hard to rule out the reality of how testosterone impacts physical strength, and the impact of pregnancy. It's not really about stereotypes it's about sex differences.

I think playing with gender isn't just for the "oppressed" to have fun under a difficulty hierarchy. If more dudes were wearing skirts and participating in feminine activities, it would be harder for them to be violent against women. Think about all the incels who worship masculinity and never talk to girls and are just scary as hell. And if the incels wanted to fetishize this masculinity worship, it wouldn't be as serious you know? Like they are serious about their violence as is, but if they successfully recontextualized it as a fantasy that they partake in during a specific context with consenting people, that might be better?

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