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Kecessa ,

Vote with your wallet, go AMD

Kecessa ,

It's been their MO for a long time to keep using the same chipset for as long as possible, if they stop then stop giving either money and just don't upgrade, not that it really matters with the diminishing return each generation.

Kecessa ,

Especially since Gates won that bet, last time Tesla was that low is at the end of 2020

Google's "Manifest V2" Chrome extension phaseout next month is expected to impact the original uBlock Origin extension, which still uses the V2 framework and has 37 million users (www.theregister.com)

The new MV3 architecture reflects Google's avowed desire to make browser extensions more performant, private, and secure. But the internet giant's attempt to do so has been bitterly contested by makers of privacy-protecting and content-blocking extensions, who have argued that the Chocolate Factory's new software architecture...

Kecessa ,

Never had to configure anything with ublock...

Kecessa ,

In Canada at the federal level the Conservatives are on their way to have a majority using this exact tactic, they're voting against anything the government tries to do (even stuff they asked for in the past) and they're promising to make everything better once elected, no one knows how, not even them.

Kecessa ,

Once Trump is out of the picture the Republicans will find another Trump.

Kecessa ,

Read the comic and immediately thought about Lil' PP

Kecessa ,

Get a dog, if you can't then dedicate an hour or two to walking, make it an obligation.

I WFH and walk 5 to 10km a day... If you had the time to do it before and don't have more obligations than before then it's on you if you don't do it anymore...

Kecessa , (edited )

Well, don't limit yourself to going around the block! We've got a 10lbs dog and he's unstoppable, he could walk around the city for hours if we let him. Pop some earphones in, listen to a podcast about something that interests you and go!

It's not like going around a lake, but that's something you can do on weekends :)

Kecessa ,

Indeed, hence the "if your can't" part

Kecessa ,

Actually pedestrian safety standards are a thing and explains a lot of design choices and why many cars have a very similar profile.

Kecessa ,

Proportional to the number of km driven or just raw number?

Kecessa ,

Source on that?

Kecessa , (edited )

Source on the deaths

Give us numbers, prove that deaths have gone up when taking the increase in annual mileage, cars on the road and increase in general population into consideration.

Kecessa , (edited )

They're also half of the vehicles sold though...

Also bigger vehicles result in more dangerous pedestrian impacts isn't the first point you were making and isn't the point being discussed here.

Answer the question, where did you get the info about accidents being at an all time high? Where did you get the info that it's at an all time high in proportion to mileage covered, number of cars on the road and increase in population?

You said it's at an all time high for "both" gross number and in proportion, you must be able to provide a source if you're so confident, right?


Kecessa , (edited )




Without adjustment based on proportions this means nothing.

Did you know that there's more car related deaths now than there ever was in the 1800s? 😱

Yeah, because there were no cars on the road.

Kecessa , (edited )

None of them adjust the numbers for proportions and a bunch of articles are about vehicle size and lane width and its impact on speed, which isn't what I'm asking about.


7837 in 1981 (which is more than the number you shared), there was much less cars on the road, average annual mileage was lower, total population was nearly a third less at the time, so no, it's not at an all time high (these are your words) even the gross number isn't.

Adjusted for population it's 11 244 deaths in 1981, pretty far from current numbers am I right?



Kecessa ,

Exactly what I was thinking, people would be mad as hell. Heck, a few months ago I made someone realize they didn't own their games on Steam because they were complaining about Epic and it blew their fucking mind.

Kecessa ,

You can already do that with condoms and no one is messing up their body...

Kecessa ,

They're 100% effective, the only reason there said to be 99% effective is to prevent lawsuits from people using then incorrectly.

Kecessa ,

It's not the condom's fault if you make a mistake. Condom material doesn't let sperm through, it's that simple, it's been used incorrectly if it did. Companies don't want to lose time and money with lawsuits hence 99%.

Also, anecdotal evidence while you weren't in bed with them isn't much of a proof, it's as valid as me telling you I've never got any girl pregnant even when we weren't using any protection therefore pulling out is 100% effective.

Kecessa ,

What? A left wing movement that uses the wrong name to make people understand what they truly mean? Really? Nah, that would never happen!

Kecessa ,

"Windows malware" increasingly sounds like Linux users wanking each other

Kecessa , (edited )

If you guys have nothing to talk about but how you hate Windows, maybe you should find a hobby or something.

Kecessa ,

And Linux users don't have to share their hate for Windows in all communities yet they do 🤷

Kecessa ,

"Randos carrying in public is pure cringe" they said, after saying they carry in public just in a concealed manner.

Kecessa ,

You believing that your country is so unsafe that you need to have a weapon on you at all times, that's political as fuck, even if you conceal it.

Hell, the second you have to bend to pick up something you're not fooling anyone anymore, we all know you're carrying.

Kecessa ,

"Are you going to stop the"so called AI" bullshit?" more like

Kecessa ,

That was the price when new though

Welcome to capitalism!

Kecessa ,

Same thing here, reading people's complaints and nothing applies to my experience chatting with over a hundred colleagues everyday...

Kecessa ,

Yep, cable was first used to allow people to watch the same channels that were available over the air just from a more locations than what was available via antenna at their home (and with better reception), so it had the same commercials.

Premium channels were commercial-less for 7 or 9 years (can't remember exactly) before the first premium channel decided to start running adverts.

Kecessa , (edited )

Point out something that could be improved

Be told to just download an extension to fix the issue

Understand why regular people don't use Firefox

Kecessa ,

We don't use it on the computer we share because profiles work like crap, when I posted about it there were a couple of people saying "Yep, Chrome's implementation is much better" and a lot of people saying "Just use this extremely convoluted way of half fixing the issue you have with it"

Kecessa ,

Just pointing out my experience when mentioning something that could be improved and it fits the meme perfectly.

Kecessa ,

Sure, but when stuff clearly doesn't work in a logical way, you would expect devs to correct the program itself instead of relying on extensions.

Kecessa , (edited )

Depends, it's the computer in the common room that's never locked and it would be a pain in the ass to have to switch OS profile every time one of us wants to check something on the internet that requires access to our personal accounts and bookmarks. The web browser is the only thing that needs to be separated. I don't think it's a particularly rare situation that people in the same family share a computer but want separate browser profiles so it's in sync with their cellphone.

With Chrome we each have an icon in the taskbar and our instances are merged under our respective icon in the taskbar.

With Firefox "vanilla edition" we either need to access about:profile to switch or we can use a workaround to have separate icons in the taskbar but then because it's not Firefox's regular icon that we're using but a shortcut modified to open a specific profile, each shortcut creates a new icon in the taskbar when we click on it and that's where the instances merge, that means that if we both have instances opened we now have four Firefox icons in the taskbar and because of muscle memory we tend to click on the shortcut instead of the icon where our instance actually is so we end up opening a new instance instead of just opening the instance where we already have our tabs opened.

Kecessa ,

You just had to read a couple more replies


Kecessa ,

I'm comparing how it's handled by Chrome vs Firefox

In Chrome you go to your profile, check a box to confirm that you want separate shortcuts, done and it's handled properly when merging multiple windows opened by the same user. Each icon is visually distinctive as well.

In Firefox there's no native solution to have separate icons for each profile, the way to do it is to create a shortcut to the .exe file and to edit the path so the shortcut opens Firefox with a specific profile selected. Because the new shortcut isn't the "regular one", the windows don't merge under the existing profiled icon in the taskbar, they instead add a separate icon in the taskbar where the windows merge, it means that you end up with two icons to open Firefox (one for each profile) and two icons where you actually find the windows currently opened. Add to that the fact that because it's just "regular shortcuts" under the hood, it ignores the custom icon you're using to differentiate between profiles (again, because it's not a native solution) when creating the new icon where the windows are merged. You end up with two profile icons and two default icons and the only way to know which one is yours is to go over it to see what windows are opened underneath. Three users with each one having their own profile? That's six icons in the taskbar if everyone has windows opened, three of them with the actual instances "in them", all three using the same icon and they're not in a specific order.

The (native) alternative AND official way to handle profiles in Firefox? Open about:profile every time you realize you're browsing under the wrong profile.

There's no real user-friendly solution. Downloading an extension to fix a UX issue is ridiculous, that's on the actual devs to make it native. Installing Firefox twice (one beta and one regular) is a waste of space and potentially exposes one of the two users to vulnerabilities from using a pre-release versions of the program.

When I mention that issue the reaction is always the same as yours "Don't see the issue with it" from people who haven't compared to the alternative or whose use case has nothing to do with two (or more) person using the same computer and only needing separate browser profiles and having no reason to need separate OS profiles.

Kecessa ,

Yeah, sharing a computer with my girlfriend of the last 7 years isn't much of a privacy issue as you can imagine and it's not confusing as long as the taskbar icons are distinct.

The shortcut in the taskbar when you pin a program isn't the same as a shortcut as you create it when you right click a file and create a shortcut. If you use a workaround to pin the second type of shortcut to your taskbar it doesn't behave the same way as the first type.

And again, that's using a workaround that I had to do some research to find, Mozilla's way would just be up access about:profile each time one of us wants to access our version of the browser.

Even for people who use multiple profiles but don't share their computer with anyone else, it's much simpler to have separate icons in the taskbar and the associated windows merged under their respective icons.

To me it becomes a Firefox issue when their competitor offers a much more logical way to deal with profiles.

Kecessa ,

Look at other countries, plenty of places where angry people are doing something about it...

Kecessa ,

Employees where I work went on strike to accept pretty much the same deal two weeks later...

Kecessa ,

Same but I setup my install by pretending I'm from the UK and that's the only difference I can see

Kecessa ,

Five Win 11 computers no ads, never had to do anything special except pretending I'm from Europe.

If Linux users consider that hard then they truly aren't that great with computers...

Kecessa ,

I'm just saying that people saying it's hard to dodge ads on W11 don't realize how easy it is to do it...

Kecessa ,

Yep, have been hearing about it for months now, don't have any

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