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ShortN0te , (edited )

If you choose not to extend your license, no problem. You still own the license and have full access to the OS. 

If your license extension lapses (as in, you do not pay your annual fee), you can download patch releases within the same minor OS version that was available to you at the time of the lapse. 

Someone knows what the official minor release cadences is?

Looks like they release a new minor release ~ every year. That means you in the most optimal case (ends on the day of the new minor release) your Unraid will be supported for 2 years after your license ends and in the worst case (ends day before minor release) 1 year after your license end.

Assuming they do keep their release timing.

Not too bad actually. Especially since you can purchase another year of support at any time, so you could basically get a 1 year license every 2 years and should be covert with security updates. (Assuming they do not change their release timing much)

ShortN0te ,

I am personally not a huge fan of unraid, but their new licenses seems based.

One time purchases are not a sustainable income source for long living and updated software products like unraid.

Since they (for now) keeping the 'legacy licenses', offer security patches for some time after the license ends and do not restrict access to the system after the license ends means they do not fully follow others like Plex to the enshitification.

ShortN0te ,

DDG is just a bing front-end.

That is wrong. Yes there are licensing the bing search database but it is not the only one they use. They have their own crawler too.


ShortN0te ,

I have a personal account. Backing up 3 computers and they’ve never said anything over years

Until you need to use the backup and the process is like shit. And takes weeks to months.

Self hosted syncthing relay with keepass, how secure is it?

I already have my keepassxc and syncthing setup on my phone and computers and it's great, I'd like to go a step further and have my password database sync when I'm not on my home network. From my understanding I can use relays set up by other users and they are encrypted, but if I do not trust syncing personal (encrypted) data...

ShortN0te ,

So you do not trust the syncthing encryption when it goes through someones server but when it goes through someones (your ISP and the ISP of the end device) router/server?

I am not really understanding the thread model here.

ShortN0te ,

Imagine, all the money they are throwing to microsoft put towards a few teams that develops actively on open source projects to support independent and open source infrastructure.

ShortN0te ,

just two pieces of data: the date the target Signal account was created, and the date that it last connected to the service.

And how does Usernames help here? Should be the same 2 data Points and not more?

ShortN0te ,

Most of them stopped already, that is what chat control (and state trojans) is about, getting the data before it gets encrypted.

ShortN0te ,

It is working. It buys them enough time to sell enough new hardware and games. It will take a really long time until development picks up again, since basically every developer associated (not necessarily every one who has contributed to the project) with the yuzu group can no longer legally work on that project. So basically a lot of expertise is lost.

ShortN0te ,

Yes there are forks, but having a fork and maintaining it are 2 completely different things.

ShortN0te ,

Debian releases a migration guide with every new version release.
And sorry but if you have trouble updating your system then replacing the source.list file and then updating your system again, you should reconsider running a server yourself, imho.

ShortN0te ,


Because those steps need manual review. Things change, packages get removed, packages get upgraded, config files need to get manual reviewed and merged etc.

On a simple System without much configuration that stuff does not matter, but when you use different package repositories and backports you need to be careful. I am not sure how introducing a new command does solve those complex issues. Imo only the system admin can decide what the best steps are.

ShortN0te ,

Would recommend dockge over portainer if you only need a web gui for docker-compose. Faster, snappier, compatible with cli, simple file structure etc.

How responsive is your Nextcloud?

My Nextcloud has always been sluggish — navigating and interacting isn't snappy/responsive, changing between apps is very slow, loading tasks is horrible, etc. I'm curious what the experience is like for other people. I'd also be curious to know how you have your Nextcloud set up (install method, server hardware, any other...

ShortN0te ,

The out of the box experience of the containerized nextcloud is actually really bad. Had it running bare metal with apache and it was way faster.

But have you tried the official AIO docker compose file? Basically copy the redis stuff from there and you are good to go.

Is rpi still the single board go-to?

Hey all, I'm looking to build a couple dashboards out around my house. I've done this before with rokchip boards and they are... fine, but not great. Is rpi the best option right now? Are there alternatives you really like? I'd like to keep it a single board to easily mount behind things where it doesn't take up a lot of...

ShortN0te ,

Or if you do not care about power consumption.

ShortN0te ,

RPis are still unbeaten in terms of power usage, but the difference to a low end thin client is small.

Not even close when it comes to tuned idle power usage.

ShortN0te ,

You can get your 3b+ (and 3 even lower) to under 2W easily on idle. 3-4 is a lot. Check out some guides, basically disable BT, display out and WiFi.

ShortN0te ,

Just as a rule of thumb: 1W of constant power costs is at most 25cents (40cent/kwh, which is even high for Germany).

The cost for a year is 1W24h365=8.76kWh which are at 0.4€/kWh 3.504€.

So with a difference of 3-4W you pay in a year between 10.5-14€ more than for the pi.

And i often heard the claim of thin clients idling around 5-6W, but i never got proof. Most things i saw are around 10W. Can you provide a picture? I would be really interested, honestly.

ShortN0te ,

Never have seen a thin client that goes below 7ish Watt on idle. Basically every RPi does. https://www.pidramble.com/wiki/benchmarks/power-consumption

ShortN0te ,

Thanks for providing those numbers. Pretty much what i expected

My guess is, that those 5-6W on idle that gets thrown around in so many blog posts is probably just the CPU in idle state and not the whole board with io and other stuff.

As i said. The RPi (and other SBC) remains king for low power and low load applications like for example smart home. Especially in counties like germany with high energy prices. But honestly i am always surprised what can be run off a RPi.

And i just looked. The price for a RPi is actually not.that bad anymore, just saw a ebay listing for 3 * 3B+ for 100€.

For other low power usage where arm is not feasible those intel embedded based thin clients are an excellent choice.

ShortN0te ,

Pls, provide some proof for those numbers. The 'under 5W mark' gets often claimed but i still have not seen a valid proof (a simple measurement with a wattmeter) of it other than some spec sheet.

The overhead does not matter really. USB 5V power supplies are cheap and efficient these days, yes you need to look out for an efficient one but even one with only 50% efficiency (which is really really bad) would only add 1W to the (lower than) 2W power in idle. That would still result in lower power in idle.

ShortN0te ,

Thank you. Would love to see the true idle. The difference between idle and light load is often not that high. I imagine the CPU supports virtualization?

And would also love to know some more specs of the NUC.

ShortN0te ,

Even in FOSS, parts can be so cryptically written, that no one really understands the code.
There is even a tournament about that.
When the shady person is the maintainer, it is even easier to implement a backdoor that way.

(Not saying there is or is not)

ShortN0te ,

I never ran it since i got scared by the shit they done with 'wayland support' which smells like really bad code practices. Patch

But i still somewhat want to use it since it seems much less hassle then teamviewer and anydesk these days.

ShortN0te ,

It does not matter to me if it is still there or not. The point that this was in a release makes me question their code and release practices.

PoE Single Board/Micro/Mini Computer/Server

I have an 8gb Raspberry Pi 4 that has been a workhorse for years. I keep it for my not intense but essential networking purposes, NetBoot.xyz, Homepage, etc., because I can run it over PoE (edit: Power over Ethernet), so it is always on as long as my network is up....

ShortN0te ,

Yeah. Imagine, before you can get going with your project you even have to 'boot it up'. A real deal breaker.

Password Manager that supports multiple databases/syncing?

I currently use keePass, and use it on both my PC and my phone. I like it because I can keep a copy of my DB on my phone and export it through a few different means. But I can't seem to find an option to actually sync my local DB against a remote one. I've thought about switching to BitWarden but from what I can see it uses a...

ShortN0te ,

You could just use syncthing to sync between devices. Works like a charm.

ShortN0te ,

⚠️ The project is under very active development.
⚠️ Expect bugs and breaking changes.
⚠️ Do not use the app as the only way to store your photos and videos.
⚠️ Always follow 3-2-1 backup plan for your precious photos and videos!

Yes project does not follow semantic versioning. But you can consider it it the 0.y.z state where it is even in the semantic versioning allowed to have breaking changes without major version increase.

ShortN0te ,

Absolutely agree with you. Just because the Versioning looks like x.y.z does not mean it follows that convention.
The most prominent example is probably the Linux Kernel Versioning.

Read the notes of the dev team and subscribe to the changelog or update channel.

ShortN0te ,

pgvecto.rs is a Postgres extension that provides vector similarity search functions. It is written in Rust and based on pgrx. It is currently in the beta status, we invite you to try it out in production and provide us with feedback. Read more at 📝our blog.

Because there is no stable release. Any update can have breaking changes since it is beta software like immich itself.

Question about using default router and modem

Is using the router and modem my cable company provided for my internet putting my privacy at risk? And if so, I have heard of openWRT routers but it seems like there's quite a bit of a learning curve with that but even if I got one would I need a non cable company branded modem as well? Any specifically that anyone here would...

ShortN0te ,

For privacy, any ISP can technically see everything you do online including phone using wi-fi unless a device or syatem uses a VPN, Tor, or i2p, but that does not mean the ISP is keeping records of what an account does online. They may have no interest.

Not really correct. The ISP can see which sites you are visiting but thanks to https not what you are doing on it.

ShortN0te ,

Got a sg125 rev. 2 running OPNsense. Not actively running somewhere atm, but everything worked out of the box as far as i tested. Looks like solid build hardware on the first glance. And probably want to deploy it when i get my FTTH.

ShortN0te ,

Like it was already suggested, everything since intel 7th gen with quick sync should do the job for transcoding 4k hdr 10 bit releases, even the low tier i3 ones. You will also not need much ram for transcoding 8 should be fine, with a larger raid array go for 16 or above.
When you watch stuff just once anyway, honestly you will not need much, a couple of TB should be more than enough.
Not aware of any service that does automatic downloads based on a queue.

ShortN0te ,

Also assuming the charge circuit is designed for that (usually all modern devices should be). Especially older devices often do not like to be used and charged at the same time, that can lead to swollen batteries which is a fire hazard.

ShortN0te ,

It just depends on the model. But yeh i would assume most devices since 2010 should be able to. Was more common back in the day.

ShortN0te ,

Why not?

ShortN0te ,

That's my point. Password is 29 characters strong so even without special characters or numbers a good password. And yes length makes a bigger difference then different characters used.

ShortN0te ,

It always starts small. The next step is, every time you commit code you get that then every time you commit code you have to disagree not using copilot.

It has to be stopped when it is small.

ShortN0te ,

Github did a lot of work into making it incompatible with just git. Moving issues, wiki, projects etc. etc. Makes it not just a simple switch to another hoster.

How to sign up services without phone number?

Hello all, recently wanted to signup for temporary permanent legit emailmid in gmail. It was asking me Phone number in process, i tried to use multiple numbers from regular online resources ( more than 30) but nothing worked. I don't want to give my personal phone number in real life to someone's unless Its I want to....

ShortN0te ,

Heard that you can create google accounts without phone numbers with an old android 5 phone. But have not verified it

ShortN0te ,

Buy a cheap Disk shelf the Netapp ds4246 (do not remember the smaller models name) and a cheap used hba (host bus adapter) to plug it into.

ShortN0te ,

Have not looked through the setup steps of that link, but using FDE with luks and remote ssh unlock for years and have not had any problems.

Also, when you update the kernel you have to rebuild the initramfs with sudo update-initramfs -k all -u, or it won't be able to boot to the new kernel.

Shouldn't that be automatically handled by apt? I dont remember that i have setup a hook for that and i never rebuild my initramfs manually.

ShortN0te ,

Steps are basically not more then this (Can not find the original blog i followed but this is the small write up i have made years ago)

  • install dropbear
  • update config to your liking
  • copy public ssh keys over
  • run update-initramfs -u (has to be rerun on config change)
  • done (for the server part)

For some reason i install busybox too in the personal write up. But i do not think it is necessary.

ShortN0te ,

Tailscale would be the most "secure" as you have no ports open and only you can access it. Keep in mind your services will only be accessible by you along as all your devices connect to your tailscale instance. Sharing access is possible but will require some explanation.

Wireguard is another option, just as secure as the first option, it will need one port open but the port only responds if you are connecting with proper keys/authentication. Like tailscale you can only access your services if connected to your wireguard instance.

I disagree. Tailscale has a much higher attack surface since the network is controlled by a separate entity, tailscale.
As on pure wireguard, you would need to first compromise one of your clients to get into the network.

Also tailscale is a much higher value target since you could compromise thousands of devices/networks/communication with 'just' compromising the vendors network.

ShortN0te ,

That's the point about money, if you have enough you can simply sue or bribe in order to not lose money.

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