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Womble ,

I remember reading an article a few years back about physics undergraduates who didnt know how to use a computers file system. They could learn, but these are smart likely at least fairly tech inclined kids and they didnt know how to navigate folders on a computer at 18.

Womble ,

Works perfectly for me on desktop with firefox

The ugly truth behind ChatGPT: AI is guzzling resources at planet-eating rates (www.theguardian.com)

Despite its name, the infrastructure used by the “cloud” accounts for more global greenhouse emissions than commercial flights. In 2018, for instance, the 5bn YouTube hits for the viral song Despacito used the same amount of energy it would take to heat 40,000 US homes annually....

Womble , (edited )

it actually is an enlightening comparison when you dig into it. It's saying that the energy required to power one play of a song is 4e4*365/5e9 of the energy to heat a home for one day. That comes out to about 0.3%, i.e. if you watch a three minute youtube video three times and do absolutely nothing else that day but heat your house (dont use any other electricity, dont eat anything, dont travel anywhere) you increase your energy usage by a total of 1%

Womble ,

I was just using the numbers given in the article, presumably its an average including any sort of caching.

Womble ,

Yes, averages are a thing.

Womble ,

this includes the power used on the back end, not just the power used by the end user.

Womble ,

sorry yes, typed it wrong, right final number though

Womble ,

Because its a comparison, no one cares how much energy playing a video uses compared to heating your house on may the 5th as opposed to december the 12.

‘A fine line between humor and flopping’: tech summit’s rap battle is the height of corporate cringe (www.theguardian.com)

The next time you’re sitting through a company-wide meeting, half-listening to a leader drone on about updates or product launches (and hoping they don’t announce layoffs or budget cuts), remember this: at least they’re not rapping....

Womble ,

But what are you suggestign they have embraced then extended with the intent of extingushing it? Just buying up competetors is certainly anti-competative but it doesnt fall into the pattern of EEE.

Womble ,

But how far should that be taken should 8 == 8 return false because one is an unsigned int and the other is signed? Or 0.0 == 0.0 where they are floats and doubles? You can make a case for those due to a strong type system but it would go against most peoples idea of what equality is.

Womble ,

Even in python you can have control of what types of numbers are used under the hood with numpy arrays (and chances are if you are using floats in any quantity you want to be using numpy). I would be very surprised if array([1,2,3], dtype=uint8) == array([1,2,3], dtype=int16) gave [False, False, False]. In general I think == for numbers should give mathematical equivalence, with the understanding that comparing floats is highly likely to give false negatives unless you are extremely careful with what you are comparing.

Womble , (edited )

More Fortran than C, but its the same for any language doing those sorts of array mathematics, they will be calling compiled versions of blas and lapack. Numpy builds up low level highly optimised compiled functions into a coherant python ecosystem. A numpy array is a C array with some metadata sure, but a python list is also just a C array of pointers to pyobjects.

Womble , (edited )

This is a really good science communication article, it describes their work in clear terms (finding structures that relate to abstract concepts, seeing when they are activated and how strengthening and weaking them modifies outputs) and goes into the implications for it. I'm probably going to save this link as a rebuttal for the people who claim LLMs just predict the next word and have no concepts embedded in them.

Womble ,

Youd be surprised at the level of unthinking hatred around them, but even discarding that Ive seen it said often that LLMs have no internal model of what they are talking about as they are just next word generators. This quite clearly contradicts that interpretation.

Womble ,

... Thats someone having a problem with being given an incorrect certificate for a website because their ISP was blocking the website they were trying to access. Even though its on a linux support forum its neither a linux nor firefox issue.

Womble ,

If you read the thread they were using google dns to get around ISP blocks. They had set it up for ethernet but not for wifi (i presume they had already set it up fpr windows). Not using the service you want but havent set up is not an OS problem.

Womble ,

No the argument is current techniques give logarithmic returns in data size, which is bad. But it said nothing about other potential techniques or made any suggestion that this was a general result.

Womble ,

so if there was a country where 1 in 6 people had blue skin you would consider that insignificant because 5 out of 6 didn't?

Womble ,

Using encryption has essentially nothing in common with deleting records while under investigation.

Womble ,

Isnt that pretty damn suspicious? We'd rather just shut down than sell it as a going concern?

Womble ,

They wouldnt have to sell their IP even just the userbase and videos would be valuable enough to let someone else plug in an algorithm. Then again, i suppose this could all just be bluster.

Womble , (edited )

Honestly, I just havent seen this increase. Search results were clogged with blogspam 3 years ago and they are clogged with it now. LLMs seem to have had little effect either way.

Womble ,

Look into quantised models (like gguf format) these significantly reduce the amout of memory needed and speed up computation time at the expense of some quality. If you have 16GB of rm or more you can run decent models locally without any gpu, though your speed will be more like 1 word a second than chatgpt speeds

Womble ,

No, false positives and false negatives are not hallucinations. Otherwise things like a blood test not involving any ml would also be halucinating which removes all meaning from the term.

Womble ,

That bin packing is an NP-hard problem is more reason for using heuristics like ml, it means that calculating an exact answer quick explodes to unfeasible amounts of computation so using a far more efficient ml solution to give a probablistic answer makes complete sense.

On Being an Outlier (www.goethe.de)

Proponents of AI and other optimists are often ready to acknowledge the numerous problems, threats, dangers, and downright murders enabled by these systems to date. But they also dismiss critique and assuage skepticism with the promise that these casualties are themselves outliers — exceptions, flukes — or, if not, they are...

Womble ,

Thats only true in the same sense that "no one knows how brains work" we understand bits and the low level and can constuct heuristics at a high level but have difficulty linking the two. That is not to say human minds or neural netwirks and entirely unpredictable and produce functionally random outputs that cant be reasoned about.

Womble ,

Im not saying there is any thought going on, im saying a lack of mapping from low level processes to high level outcomes does not mean a system is entirely inscrutable.

But for reference you link has nothing to say about the amount of thought done, sexists have thoughts when they think women are lesser.Shit thoughts but its still thinking.

Womble ,

I dont have a windows machine, i game exclusively on linux and its got to the point where i just buy games on steam and assume they will work fine through proton. I honestly cant remember the last one that didnt. Shit i got the c&c collection on steam recently hopping to play generals with a friend, but while it works fine for me on linux its broken for him on windows.

Womble ,

The link is likely a few kiliobytes of text, 10 meg of uncompressed 4k jpegs that no one bothered to downscale and 50megs of javascript to track you and serve ads

Womble ,

Which 1000 Indians are making the Mistral 8x7B model running on my desktop work?

Womble ,

I mean, the model in question was quoted as recently as 2019 as saying she had no problem with it, so hardly 50 years.

Redditors Vent and Complain When People Mock Their "AI Art" (futurism.com)

Setting aside the usual arguments on the anti- and pro-AI art debate and the nature of creativity itself, perhaps the negative reaction that the Redditor encountered is part of a sea change in opinion among many people that think corporate AI platforms are exploitive and extractive in nature because their datasets rely on...

Womble ,

One of the saddest things I've seen on Lemmy is that while people here generally have sensible left wing opinions on things (the tankies aside), as soon as AI is brought up in any context most of the users seem to transform in to pearl clutching petite bourgeoisie.

Womble ,

The bit where people all of a sudden become obsessed with owning intellectual property and generating passive income from it (royalties) and value people being able to monetise cultural artefacts rather than allow them to contribute to the common good.

Womble ,

The people “obsessed” with it are, by and large, independent and industry artists

I'm not sure that's true unless Lemmy has an incredibly strange community of whom a significant proportion are tech focused professional artists. But regardless the point I'm making is more about the mindset where people become vociferous defenders of an unjust system that benefits large corporations because they are fighting for the few scraps that they get out of it, rather than considering alternatives.

Womble , (edited )

People aren’t advocating for Disney level copyright protection

No they aren't, they are arguing for making copyright even stronger than the system created by Disney, where not even distributing copies of a work lands you falling foul of the rights of property holders.

Generally the position that I've seen being advocated is taking copyrighted works, distilling that information (the plagiarism machine etc) and then using that to create new works would be violating the property rights of people who made the original works, despite a copy of them never being distributed. That is a massive expansion of IP rights that you not only have rights to the original work but also to derivative works.

Most certainly they are not on the same side as corporations, which are embracing AI art wholeheartedly despite the disputed status of copyright laws surrounding it.

"Corporations" are not a monolith on this, what Disney or a publishing house wants is not aligned with what an upstart AI company wants. Which means that change from the property holder centric system is possible for the first time in a century or more as there are powerful interests lining up both for and against it rather than being puerly on the side of the status quo.

Womble ,

They almost certainly "agreed" to terms letting reddit do whatever they want with their posts, and this would likely been seen as reasonable if challenged in court as they were getting a free service in return.

Womble ,

Do you have any reason to think that this is one of those rights? Especially given that signing over copyright absolutely is something you can agree to in a contract.

Womble ,

I like how this statement works for both AI and human recruiters.

Womble ,

And there was me thinking ai meant artificial inteligence, when really it was just some guy named Al

Online vape seller has ‘no intention of stopping’ shipments to Australia, despite nationwide ban — ‘We have no intention of stopping just because of one twat in Canberra.’ (www.vice.com)

Online vape seller has ‘no intention of stopping’ shipments to Australia, despite nationwide ban — ‘We have no intention of stopping just because of one twat in Canberra.’::The New Zealand-based seller issued a notice to its Australian customers that shipments will continue regardless of the government's vape reform.

Womble ,

Banning vices has rarely (if ever?) gone well. Far better to tax and regulate them to at least reduce the harms by making it less affordable/dangerous and mitigate them with revenues that can be used to repair the damage.

Womble ,

Im sorry, but Greece doesn't have a strong history of western culture? I agree with the rest of your post but that is a mad claim to make. There's a strong argument that "European" culture is essentially a hangover from the Roman empire, which itself essentially copied Greek culture wholesale.

Womble ,

Machine learning has been a subset of artificial inteligence research for decades (like 4 at least).

Womble ,

Have you been looking at quantised models? You can get pretty good ones at the 20 gig RAM+VRAM level which is very reasonable if you have a gaming PC and are ok with responses not being instant.

Womble ,

I cant speak for certain about generating art, I'm no artist and my limit of experience there is playing around with stable diffusion, but it feels like its in the same place as LLMs for programming. Its incredibly impressive at first but once you've used it for a bit the flaws become obvious. It will be a very powerful tool for artists to use, just like LLMs are for programming, and will likely significantly decrease the time needed to produce something, but is nowhere near replacing a human entirely.

Womble ,

Covid is over in the same way the flu was over in 1923, its still there, it'll still kill people every winter but its endemic and there's no getting rid of it and no point upending all society with all the other problems that causes in order to try and bring it down a few percent.

Womble ,

China opened up because despite the intense government control and suppression they started having spontaneous demonstrations verging on riots against the restrictions which spooked the government.

Womble ,

You know that android is more popular than iphones pretty much everywhere apart from the US right?

Womble ,

The irony is that this is one of the things that LLMs are really good at. You could run a small local cpu only model and get it to give a far better summary than this bot does.

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