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corroded ,

Microsoft knows that the addition of adds to Windows, Recall, data mining, etc are not suicide. As far as tech news goes, Lemmy really exists in an echo chamber. The vast majority of us at least have some interest in technology. For the majority of the population, though, this isn't true. The typical person sees a computer as a tool to be used for other things. They're not reading articles about the latest release of Windows, new CPU technology, the latest GPU, etc. They're using their computer, and when it's time for an upgrade, they buy whatever suits their needs.

If I was to ask any of my family, or most of my coworkers, about any of the latest "controversies" surrounding Microsoft, they would have no idea what I was talking about. Microsoft obviously thinks that the added profits gained by monetizing their customers will offset the loss of 1% of their users that switch to Linux. They're probably right, too.

I like Windows, personally (well, Windows 10 at least). My unofficial rule has always been if it needs a GUI, then it runs Windows, otherwise, it runs Linux as a headless machine. Once Windows 10 is no longer a viable option, my unofficial rule will be "it runs Linux." Most people will not make this switch.

Proxmox - Slow network speed

I've noticed recently that my network speed isn't what I would expect from a 10Gb network. For reference, I have a Proxmox server and a TrueNAS server, both connected to my primary switch with DAC. I've tested the speed by transferring files from the NAS with SMB and by using OpenSpeedTest running on a VM in Proxmox....

corroded OP ,

When I use OpenSpeedTest to to test to another VM, it doesn't read or write from the HDD, and it doesn't leave the Proxmox NIC. It's all direct from one VM to another. The only limitations are CPU are perhaps RAM. Network cables wouldn't have any effect on this.

I'm using VirtIO (paravirtualized) for the NICs on all my VMs. Are there other paravirtualization options I need to be looking into?

ChatGPT Answers Programming Questions Incorrectly 52% of the Time: Study (gizmodo.com)

The research from Purdue University, first spotted by news outlet Futurism, was presented earlier this month at the Computer-Human Interaction Conference in Hawaii and looked at 517 programming questions on Stack Overflow that were then fed to ChatGPT....

corroded ,

I will resort to ChatGPT for coding help every so often. I'm a fairly experienced programmer, so my questions usually tend to be somewhat complex. I've found that's it's extremely useful for those problems that fall into the category of "I could solve this myself in 2 hours, or I could ask AI to solve it for me in seconds." Usually, I'll get a working solution, but almost every single time, it's not a good solution. It provides a great starting-off point to write my own code.

Some of the issues I've found (speaking as a C++ developer) are: Variables not declared "const," extremely inefficient use of data structures, ignoring modern language features, ignoring parallelism, using an improper data type, etc.

ChatGPT is great for generating ideas, but it's going to be a while before it can actually replace a human developer. Producing code that works isn't hard; producing code that's good requires experience.

corroded ,

This is a good thing, but it's hardly unique. Any advanced manufacturing facility will have remote access to their equipment in case an operator needs reconfigure it, transfer data, or in this case if they're invaded by Lesser Taiwan.

corroded ,

I really think this depends largely on who you are and what you do with your phone. I have face recognition and fingerprint recognition both enabled on my phone. It's good enough to prevent a thief from gaining access to my device, and if law enforcement asked, there's nothing on my phone that could possibly be incriminating. Realistically, I'd have no issue just unlocking my phone and giving it to a police officer, although I do know well enough to always get a lawyer first. Biometrics add an extra layer of convenience; it's nice to just look at my phone and it unlocks. My concern personally is more about someone stealing my phone and accessing my accounts than self-incrimination.

If I ever was going to put myself in a situation where I'd run afoul of the authorities, I'd leave my phone at home anyway.

corroded ,

I run uBlock origin on every device I can. I use PiHole on my home network. I've canceled every streaming service in favor of self-hosting, and IoT devices are blocked from the internet. Incoming connections are geoblocked. Meta is blocked at the DNS level. Suffice to say I have put a lot of effort into privacy and security.

I still can't get rid of Google, though, solely because of Gmail. I've had the same address for so many years (ever since the invite-only days), it would be an absolute nightmare to try to change it.

corroded ,

I certainly don't think it will be easier in a few years, but I also think that after 19 years of using gmail, a few more years aren't going to make a huge difference. It's really kind of sad to think about how far Google has fallen. I started with gmail in 2005. At the time, Google was starting to become the "go-to" search engine. They had better results than Yahoo or AltaVista; the "do no evil" slogan was also a great "feel-good" factor. I don't think anyone at the time expected how different things would be in 2024.

I can host my own media on my own server. I use Nextcloud Talk for IMs (also hosted on my own server). Just about any online service can be self-hosted, except for email. I have certainly tried in the past, even hosting email on a VPS. You run into so many issues, though. Your server isn't trusted, websites don't recognize your domain, a whole litany of problems. Email is just one of those things that you really can't self-host.

Sure, I could switch to a new email provider, forward gmail, and slowly over time update my email address for everyone who's sending to my gmail account. What happens then when my new email provider decides to start harvesting my data for profit? Email is one of those things where you can't live without it, but you're forced to use a service that isn't your own and could fuck you at any time.

Looking for a portable AC with local control

I'm looking for a portable air conditioner (the kind with 1 or 2 hoses that go to outside air). The problem I'm running into is that every single one I find has some kind of "smart" controller built in. The ones with no WiFi connectivity still have buttons to start/stop the AC, meaning that a simple Zigbee outlet switch won't...

corroded OP ,

I have heard the same thing about ACs, but I think it depends on the unit. The window units that I use have a switch on the front that literally just turns them off; there's no delay time for the compressor. It's the same as pulling the plug.

I've used single and dual-hose portable ACs in the past, and I only have dual-hose units now. This is purely anecdotal, but when I had single-hose units, they would maintain the temperature throughout the day as it warmed up, but they didn't do a great job of cooling. A dual-hose AC with a similar capacity was actually able to lower the temperature.

corroded OP ,

This is looking more and more like my best option. I guess I can just buy an AC and run it with thr on-board temperature control until I have time to build and integrate an ESP board.

corroded ,

One thing to keep in mind if you go with an i5 or i7 is that you won't have the option to use ECC memory. If you're running TrueNAS, you'll need ECC memory for the ZFS cache. A Xeon E5 v2 server is old, but still has a more than enough power for your use case, and they're not particularly expensive.

If you need something more powerful, you can find some decent Xeon Gold systems on eBay, but they'll be a bit more pricey. The new Xeon W chips are also an option, but at least for me, they're prohibitively expensive.

corroded ,

I did some research on this, and it turns out you're absolutely correct. I was under the impression that ECC was a requirement for a ZFS cache. It does seem like ECC is highly recommended for ZFS, though, due to the large amount of data it Storrs in memory. I'm not sure I'd feel comfortable using non-ECC memory for ZFS, but it is possible.

Anecdotally, I did have one of my memory modules fail in my TrueNAS server. It detected this, corrected itself, and sent me a warning. I don't know if this would have worked had I been using non-ECC memory.

corroded OP ,

I decided to give up on it. Looking through the docs, they recommend that due to "reasons," it should be restarted at least daily, preferably hourly. I don't know if they have a memory leak or some other issue, but that was reason enough for me not to use it.

I installed TubeArchivist, and it suits my needs much better. Not only do I get an archive of my favorite channels, but when a new video is released, it gets automatically downloaded to my NAS and I can play it locally without worrying about buffering on my painfully slow internet connection.

corroded OP ,

I have ReVanced on my phone, STN on my TVs, and uBlock+SponsorBlock on my PCs. I was looking for an alternative that I could run on a server and would replace the various different apps I'm using. TubeArchivist ended up working perfectly for me; your mileage may vary.

corroded ,

I don't understand why people are still buying Apple products. The first few iterations of the iPhone were fantastic; I even owned an iPhone 2 or 3. iPhone is still a great device, but you can get an Android phone with similar specs for the same or less of a cost. Android in 2024 is just as user-friendly as iOS; as far as mobile devices go, there's no advantage to going with Apple. There's even less justification for buying an Apple computer. A PC with an AMD or Intel chip can be purchased or built with far better specs for much less than what an equivalent Apple computer would cost, and you have more upgrade and expansion options.

Apple produces good hardware, but it isn't any better than the competition. I truly believe that a large part of Apple's success is that they have marketed their devices as a status symbol. People buy Apple devices for the same reason that they buy a Rolex instead of a Fossil watch.

corroded ,

What exactly is the use-case for a laptop or a tablet with ML acceleration? I can see the need in embedded devices; a self-driving car is a good example. Large-scale AI services are going to run in a datacenter. Who exactly is the target consumer for a laptop or tablet with an NPU?

corroded OP ,

Thanks for the suggestion. I've watched a few of his videos in the past, but I don't think I ever subscribed.

corroded OP ,

I do use iSCSI between my Proxmox server any my TrueNAS server. What do you mean by "noise," exactly? My understanding is that because iSCSI isn't broadcasting, my switch is only going to transfer packets between the two servers, which would prevent any "noise" from making it out to other devices on other ports.

corroded ,

I'm a big proponent of self-hosting. I cancelled every streaming service years ago, and I host everything I want with Jellyfin and Navidrome. I'm very into certain genres of music, so I always make sure to buy merch or buy some albums on Bandcamp for the artists I really enjoy.

That being said, Roku does have its place. My older family members have lived their whole lives paying for shitty cable TV with 90% of the content something they have no interest in. Roku is a good alternative for them. It's easy to set up, straightforward to use, and doesn't cost much outside of the subscriptions for streaming services.

It's been years since I've consumed any media that isn't coming from my NAS, but the vast majority of people don't have the knowledge or desire to set up a home media system. Mainstream smart-TV devices like Roku and streaming services like Netflix or Hulu certainly still have their place. They're a shitty choice for people who enjoy tinkering with software and networking, but a good alternative for someone who just wants to watch TV but is fed up with the bullshit commercial-infested cesspool that is cable.

corroded ,

The problem I have always had with voice control is that it just doesn't really seem to fit into my home automation. I don't want to give Home Assistant a verbal command to turn on the lights. I want it to detect that I've entered the room and set the lights to the appropriate scene automatically; I haven't touched a light switch in weeks. For selecting an album or movie to play, it's easier to use a menu on a screen than to try to explain it verbally.

Don't get me wrong. I'm hugely in favor of anything that runs locally instead of using the "cloud." I think that the majority of people running a home automation server want to tinker with it and streamline it to do things on its own. I want it to "read my mind." The people who just want a basic solution probably aren't going to set up HA.

Maybe I'm missing a use case for voice control?

corroded ,

I'm strongly in favor of keeping things compartmentalized. I have two main servers: One is a Proxmox host with a powerful CPU and a few hard drives set up in a fast but not-so redundant array (I use ZFS, but my setup is similar to RAID10). Then a have second server that runs TrueNAS; the CPU is slower, but it has a large amount of storage (120TB physical) arrayed in an extremely fault-tolerant configuration.

My Proxmox box runs every service on my network, but all that gets stored the hard drives are the main boot disks. It backs up daily, so I'm not so concerned about drive failure. All my data is stored on the NAS, and it's shared with the VMs via NFS, SMB, or iSCSI, depending on which is more appropriate.

For you, I'd recommend building a NAS, and keep all your important data there. Your NUC can host your services, and they can pull data from the NAS. The 256GB on your NUC will be more than enough to host whatever services you need.

Share your favorite automations

I've been running HA for a while, and it's been working well; I haven't had to change much in a few months. That being said, it's fun to tinker with it, and I'm curious to hear what kind of automations the rest of the community is using. What automations are you most proud of? What are your favorite? What kind of interesting...

corroded OP ,

I end up appreciating my once-in-awhile automations more.

I can definitely understand this. One of my automations monitors a water sensor at the base of my water heater and under the kitchen sink (has leaked before). If it triggers, all my lights in the house turn on, any colored bulbs turn red, and they flash on/off each second. It hasn't triggered yet (thankfully) except for testing, but the peace of mind is fantastic.

corroded OP ,

I use a lot of sunset/sunrise automations, but one of my favorite is for the lights on the main floor of the house. They turn on with a motion/presence sensor when someone enters the room, but the intensity of the light and the color of the light are controlled by the sunrise/sunset times. During the day, they turn on at 100% brightness and a cool white; starting 1 hour before sunset and 1 hour before sunrise, they scale between 100%/cool white and 60%/warm white. You don't notice it unless you're really paying attention, but it really helps the house feel a lot more "cozy."

corroded OP ,

How do you control your heater? My house has Cadet in-wall heaters in every room, but all the "smart" controllers I can find for them are incredibly expensive... roughly $400 each. That's something like $2400 to automate my heating. Maybe an ESP32 with a few relays would work?

corroded OP ,

I have a motion sensor that turns on the bathroom light when you enter, then turns it off after no motion is detected for 5 minutes. Works great except for those long sessions on the toilet; nobody likes to poop in the dark. Now I have a door sensor on the bathroom so when no motion is detected, it turns off the lights after 5 minutes unless the door is closed, then it's 30 minutes. Much better than having to wave your arms around every 5 minutes when you're trying to take care of business.

corroded OP ,

Thanks! I really enjoyed setting it up. The main part of the automation consists of two template sensors: One that monitors temperature, humidity, illuminance, and wind speed and produces an "apparent" temperature. The other monitors the apparent temperature, does all the math and colorspace conversions, and produces RGB values for the bulb. It was by far the most difficult automation to set up, but it was a great way to get better and programming templates.

corroded OP ,

I'm a big fan of Jellyfin. I run it at home with a dedicated Nvidia A2000 for hardware transcoding. It's able to transcode multiple 4k streams with tonemapping faster than they can play.

As much as I'd love to use Jellyfin, there are two major issues: My internet connection is so slow, that I'd be lucky to stream 720p at a low bitrate. I'd spend the money on a faster connection, but I live in an area that doesn't even get cell phone service. My options are DSL and Starlink, and I have both; the DSL is just slow, and Starlink uplink speed isn't much better, plus I have plenty of obstructions that make it somewhat unreliable. The second problem is that Jellyfin has too steep of a learning curve. Telling my relatives "oh, if it starts buffering, just lower the bitrate" isn't an option. Not to mention, I'd have to run it on a VPS, and hosting a VPS with the resources required for this is way too expensive for me.

corroded OP ,

I honestly didn't know that Youtube "unlisted" was even a thing; I've never posted a video to Youtube before, but this might be a promising idea. I'm assuming they still inject ads into unlisted videos, which is a major barrier for me... I hate ads.

I'll admit that I'm a snob when it comes to video and audio quality; 4k/60 might be overkill, but I think at least 4k/30 has some merit in this case. Most modern phones and tablets (and TVs) are at least greater than 1080p, so assuming they're watching the video horizontally, 1080p video would still result in a loss of quality. Would they care? Almost certainly not, but the idea of watching a UHD video source in a lower resolution bothers me far more than it should.

It definitely seems like VPS hosting is out of my budget. I think that hosting multiple version of the same video (and paying for more HDD space) would probably be cheaper than a VPS with a GPU resources, but the recurring fees are probably more than I'm willing to spend.

corroded OP ,

Unfortunately, the only people who would actually want to see my home videos (family) live several thousand miles away. I'm also not sure they would even know what to do with an external HDD. Not a bad idea, though.

corroded OP ,

Are you sure Youtube doesn't pick video quality based on connection speed? It will frequently drop down to 360p when my connection speed is particularly shitty that day, and I'll have to manually increase it (I'd rather have occasional buffering than a blurry mess).

corroded OP ,

4 Mbit is exceptionally slow by today's standards; when I signed up for internet access (there's only one provider available where I live), I told them "I will pay for whatever the fastest connection is that you can offer." Turns out that's just single-channel DSL. They won't even install bonded DSL where I live, and believe me, I've tried. I do have Starlink as well, but because of the land around me, it's always going to be obstructed by the land topology; when I calculated how high I would need to raise my antenna to avoid obstructions, it was several hundred feet. My pfSense box does a good job of routing traffic between my DSL connection and my Starlink connetion (and falling back when Starlink is obstructed), but for hosting anything, I need a stable connection. That leaves me with just my DSL connection.

corroded ,

If any appliance manufacturer says that accessing your own appliance (that you own) outside their software ecosystem is financially "damaging" to them, they might as well be saying "Hey, just so you know, we're collecting and selling your data." If you have already purchased the appliance and their software is free, there is absolutely no other way that using a 3rd-party application could damage their bottom line.

Thanks, Haier, for letting me know never to purchase your products.

corroded ,

It really irritates me when IoT devices force you to use "the cloud" for access. My home automation consists of roughly 100 devices. The vast majority are Zigbee, but a few use wifi. With the exception of my irrigation controller, all the wifi devices are blocked at the firewall from accessing the internet. The fact that I have to send a command half way across the country to a remote server only so it can send it right back to my home network when I want to change the watering schedule for my plants is ridiculous. Sure, I could buy a different controller, but I already spent $300 once. I'm not doing it again.

corroded ,

It depends on the switch. If it has an API or an app that can be used locally, then yes.

Presence Detection - Multiple People / Sleeping People

I'm using a variety of PIR motion sensors and mmWave presence sensors; most work fairly well, with a few exceptions. At this point, I have all the lights in my house automated, but with one exception: the master bedroom. I'd like to automate my bedroom lights so that they turn on when someone enters the bedroom unless someone...

corroded OP ,

The problem with this is that the induction fan is the same fan that blows the smoke out from the exhaust vent; pellet stoves don't exhaust out a chimney like a fireplace. They require forced induction. When you turn off the pellet stove with the potentiometer, the fan continues running until whatever pellets remain in the combustion chamber stop burning. Simply removing power means that the pellets continue burning, but the smoke and exhaust gases have nowhere to go. They will fill up the stove and start leaking out.

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