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gian ,

The fact is these are high tech machines. To follow your example with the car, you don't need to replace the battery but an ECU, for which there are no available design and you have no idea how to build it.
Add to this that probably if you make a mistake in your try, you destroy the machine.

Basically what ASLM is saying is that they can brick the machine with a software update and even if not bricked the machine cannot run long without specialized maintenance and spare parts (that they obviously will not provide anymore). True, China can try to clone them, but even if/when understand how to make them, you then need to make them, a thing which seems out of question for now for China (else they already would have such machines).

gian ,

For example, Visa is forcing art platforms to ban (legal) adult content or face blocking.

Only because the social pressure after the metoo charade. Visa itself was more than happy to allow these transaction before it. And once all this stigma on adult content will pass, Visa will be more than happy to allow these transactions again. They are money to them.

gian ,

Firefox can do something like this with the "send tab to device", not sure it is what you want

gian ,

Because often it is a nightmare to evict a tenant that do not pay the rent.

I can speak for where I live where a lot of people gone to the short-rental way exactly because that way they have the certainty that when they want the house back, for every reason, they have it.

To me AirBnB is not the problem, it is the wrong solution to a real problem.

gian ,

I agree with you to some extend.

What I do not agree about is the implicit assumption that if AIRBNB is banned then every house that was used for short-term rental would become available on the long-term rental market.

The main advantage of the short-term rental (obvious higher profits aside) is the fact that the owner is sure to be able to get back the house if/when he need it. So many owners saw the possibility to use an house with AirBnB (or other similar ways) a lot more attractive than keeping it empty (paying the taxes on it) and much less risky than having a long-term rental where the tenants could be turn out to be a bad one.

gian ,

They also weren’t an excuse to keep property off the housing rental market at scale.

True. But given that houses were off the market even before, I don't think it is exclusively their fault.

For example Milano historically always had about 30% of the available homes empty, and that even before Airbnb.

Dell responds to return-to-office resistance with VPN, badge tracking, and color-coding of employees (arstechnica.com)

After reversing its position on remote work, Dell is reportedly implementing new tracking techniques on May 13 to ensure its workers are following the company's return-to-office (RTO) policy, The Register reported today, citing anonymous sources....

gian ,

Remote work is not right for ALL companies. Just ones that are completely or predominantly software-based.

I would expand to all the jobs that can be done with a laptop, an internet connection and a phone.

gian ,

You need a big fancy building in a fancy city to attract top talent, high earners, so it keeps the class system intact as well.

I don't think that this is that true anymore.

gian ,

Probably the request to Proton arrived from a Swiss judge, who received a request from Spanish judge, and he evaluated the request and decided that it has merit.

gian ,

Never tried to force the closing of your trunk lid because there is a bag that is slightly over the limit and you need a little more pressure, even if the bag is a little pressed down ?

The assumption here is that if it is your finger which is in the way, you take it out the way and you are not that stupid to try to close it again if for some reason you are not able move it away, which to me seems to make a lot of sense.

gian ,

Nope, but they probably know that an elevator doors and a car lid are two completely different thing with different use cases and security concerns.

gian ,

What person with an automated cargo door closure mechanism has thought “stop protecting my stuff and just fucking close”?

The same person that sometime need to force the door to close because even if his things are in the way, he know there will not be damages, just a bag a little more pressed. Or some more trashed trash you are taking to the landfill

I’ll admit it annoys me when there’s something in the way that keeps my door from latching and it reopens, but I’d rather have to clear the door and shut it manually than it force itself closed and jams the door or break my shit.

Which is what the system assume in this case. It stops 3 times, the 4th it suppose that the human know what he is doing.

gian ,


But let's face it: if the car lid would never close if something is in the way, some other dumb youtuber would have made a video about it and here there would be a discussion about how stupid are the engineers to not let the lid close even if a bag in slightly on on the way and the user know what they are doing.

gian ,

You’re missing the point of a safety feature. The car shouldn’t, by itself, close the lid if something’s in the way. It should allow the user to push it down, or disable it temporarily, to do so.

I get the safety feature. The point is that here I am saying to the car to close the lid even if something is in the way. I made a conscious decision to do so, and more than one time, so I expect the car to do it. But I agree that it could have been designed in a better way.

The point of a safety feature in any system is to prevent unexpected situation from having unexpected consequences, not to be a magic solution that accommodate for brainless people. In one direction, you can make the judgement call and force the thing down, in the other direction you lose a finger.

Which is exactly what happened here. He made the judgement call to ignore the safety feature (and probably ignored how the feature works)

gian ,

Not a doctor here, but fulminant meningitis can kill a person in about 24/48 hours even if treated, for example.

gian ,

Why pay someone $200k/yeae when someone will do the job for $80k/year?

Assuming the same job's quality, a possible answer is "because to live where your company is you need to be paid $200K/year"

gian ,

They cannot, that is the reason you need to pay that much to work for you.

gian ,

I don't know, but if they live there, I think they have it that good.

It is more (way more) probable that they just commute far enough away from there to have lower housing cost

gian ,

Ask the people living in the area. They know the mushrooms and eventually they know where to go to have them checked.

gian ,

Buy a book published more that a couple of years ago. Or ask the people living in the area (the older the better, normally ). Or ask the people living in the area where you can have the mushrooms checked, they usually know where to go.

[Thread, post or comment was deleted by the author]

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  • gian ,

    Why do you think that Russia would care to include the edits from the original Wikipedia ?

    gian ,

    I think you are seeing this as racism when it is just some old good skepticism about a country that is famous for faking everything.

    Maybe they really done what they say, or maybe it is just some proof of concept that need to be ported, if possible, to a viable product stage or maybe it is just a fake, we will see.

    gian ,

    How does a battery seize control of a parent device when it is only connected by power wires?

    It does not need to. Just set the battery on fire. Now set 100.000 batteries on fire, simultaneously, in a city, at night.

    gian ,

    Are you so deluded to think that there are no other service provider in EU ?

    gian ,

    What’s going to replace YT? Or insta?

    Maybe nothing in the short term, but it is not that improbable that something will emerge. YT and insta are here just because they were the first, not that it is clear that there is a market (or a use for these kind of services), once you remove the one who don't follow the laws, other will emerge.

    gian ,

    Until the EU don't use the same tactic: follow the law or get out.

    And what Meta is not understanding is that if the EU will arrive at this point, the "follow the law" will be as pedantic as it can be. And maybe even a little more.

    Meta should learn from what happened during the Brexit's negotiations.

    gian ,

    Well, the micro-USB and USB-C or the GDPR examples are here. Maybe is a little more difficult with services since it is way faster to change a service then a law.

    gian ,

    If there is a criminal charge or conviction I think you would be fired in most countries.

    gian ,

    Reports seems to indicate that they were arrested for trespassing.

    gian ,

    I don't know, but it seems that at least it is enough to be arrested.

    gian ,

    I think that there are two main reasons that caused them to be fired: insubordination since they occupied the CEO's office and refused to leave when asked (and probably he don't asked only one time) which led to the second reason, they were arrested for trespassing in the CEO's office.

    gian ,

    As far as I heard (but I am not too familiar) the CEO is essentially never in the office.

    Maybe, but that not the point.

    Yes, insubordination is the key point. But it’s also the key point of a protest. The take away is that Google doesn’t accept a protest (any more?)

    There are limits though. While you are free to protest, I am entitled to not want you to protest in my home.

    gian ,

    You need to pay for services you use. I’m exhausted with online entitlement that it all should be free.

    So, why Youtube Premium has ads ?

    gian ,

    You people really throw logic out the window when you talk about shit like this. You want corporations to make less money? Go fix the fucking tax laws not bitch about average membership fees like a fuckwit.

    The problem is not that YT cannot make money, the problem here is that the options are that you can choose if watching video, with or without ads, for free (well, paying with your data) or pay with money and your data to watch videos with ads.

    I am not saying I have some god-like right to watch videos for free but on the other hand it seems that at YT they are trying as hard as they can to make me install adblocker to be able to use their service with minimun hassle.

    YT, like every other company, is learning that if they don't care about customers then customers don't care about them. They are making the false equation "one less user with adblocker == one more user on Premium|without adblocker", which is obviously false. And they are forgetting that they have a lot of more or less direct competition.

    gian ,

    They care. Problem is that they care only to be able to make more money. They are simply trying to see how much money they can make before rendering the service worthless or unusable

    gian ,

    Proton Pass allow you to export your passwords in various formats (both plain and encrypted). That you are able to import somewhere else is not something Proton Pass can guarantee but you have your data.

    gian ,

    True, but this is valid for every company.
    Let's say that since the company is Swiss based and, AFAIK, not quoted maybe they are not driven by the "the next quarter is all that matters" mentality of many quoted (US) companies.
    There is a smaller chance that they will do something stupid to monetize more just to be ok next quarter (while risking to lose everything the next one) and will be there as long as they provide a value to the customer for the paid price.

    gian ,

    Also, Tesla’s mileage estimates are notoriously exaggerated.

    To be honest, this is like the ones from every other car, both EV and ICE.

    gian ,

    Survivor bias is a thing.

    Yes, but normally also the fact that only who has problems is vocal about them.

    One car not having issues doesn’t mean all or majority of them don’t.

    True, but also does not means that the majority of them had problems.

    For a 60k$ car it has to be perfect, not just “not having issues” because in ICE world that amount of money buys you some seriously good car.

    Good luck with this.

    gian ,

    Not that I want to defend Musk, but

    The whole carbon credits thing

    I suppose here he just used something that was present, like many other entities

    Other companies have largely eaten their lunch, launching solid EV’s that rival or better Tesla

    Yes, only after Tesla show that it is possible to make a nice EV car. Do you remember all the EV cars before Tesla.

    Their reputation was built off of the end-goal of mass-producing affordable EV’s, something they will now not do.

    Given they started from scratch, I'd say the are not that bad

    gian ,

    My ICE car (same price range of the Tesla 3 and Y) had so many issues that make me consider to change it more than a couple of times, so maybe you at least need to not be unlucky.

    What I agree with you is that, normally, a 60k $ car from an well-established brand is way less prone to have quality issues than a car in the same prince range from a brand that 20 years ago did not even exist but I am sure enough that if we look at the same number of 60k $ cars from other brand with the same thoroughness we use to find defects in a Tesla, we probably will end up with roughly the same number of defects.

    gian ,

    I don’t believe one justifies the other.

    Me neither. On the other hand I see what it is happening as the only possible consequence of what Hamas and the population choose to do.

    gian ,

    I did not said that. I said that if they really wanted then they had a lot of opportunities to do it in the past. Now they probably don't care as long as they are left alone by Hamas.

    gian ,

    Already said, it is sad and nasty but I cannot avoid to think that this is the only possible outcome given how Hamas and the Gaza civilian decided to act.

    gian ,

    Well, your CIVILIANS

    • voted for Hamas, well knowing what the Hamas political program were/is
    • let Hamas steal all the aids that the rest of the world send them
    • let Hamas use them as shields
    • let Hamas to destroy that little infrastructures they had to build weapopns
    • agree with Hamas to ever refuse any possible peacefull solution
    • let Hamas put weapons in their homes
    • let Hamas hide in their homes
    • celebrate, even women and children, every attack on the west (they celebrate the twin Towers attack, but I know, it is not on YT or Goggle so it does not exist)

    and now they are getting what they voted for. I mean, you cannot continually hit Mike Tyson in the face and then go crying to your mother when he hit back...

    I only want that they will be hold accountable for the consequences of their own choices, like everyone should be. Is that that wrong ?

    gian ,

    True, but Guerrilla Warfare tactic has its consequences. You use it, you need to be ready to pay the cost.

    gian ,

    Nice, now show me all the times that was asked to Hamas to follow the same laws.

    One thing of the war laws is that if you don't follow them with me, you cannot ask me to follow them with you. And I would be in the right.

    gian ,

    I am not justifying anything, I am only saying that if you make a decision there are consequences.

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