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linkhidalgogato ,

most of yall dont have democracy and the far right always win in amerikkka because the only options are the two wings of the far right party.

linkhidalgogato ,

or oligarch, wait nvm how could i forget only the other has those, silly me how could i forget.

linkhidalgogato ,

i have it on my phone just fine, aint it crazy how cheaper phones have more features.

linkhidalgogato ,

over priced without a single good quality, aside from things that are personal preference like aesthetics and the layout of things and workflows which i also dont like but its whatever, by every objective measure imaginable apple is outdone by their competitors and their competition is cheaper, there is no point to buying anything apple unless u really like the personal preference stuff or ur an apple simp.

linkhidalgogato ,

bubbles have nothing to do with technology, the tech is just a tool to build the hype. The bubble will burst regardless of the success of the tech at most success will slightly delay the burst, because what is bursting isnt the tech its the financial structures around it.

linkhidalgogato ,

it probably the best performance per dollar u can get but a lot of modern games are unplayable on it.

linkhidalgogato ,

has been part of china for 2000 years, anglo imperialism wont change that

linkhidalgogato ,

thing is apple doesnt give a shit about ur privacy

linkhidalgogato , (edited )

democratically elected? arguable and only for the last few decades at that. it was run as a brutal single party dictatorship backed by amerikkka until fairly recently. And last time i checked the vast majority of people in Taiwan want to maintain the status quo which is that Taiwan is part of China.

linkhidalgogato ,

u can no more define tankie than you can define woke.

linkhidalgogato ,

depends on the game, achievement hunting can be a lot of fun in a game u already love its just more stuff to do and more reasons to play, sure if all the achievements in a game are things like getting all of a collectible or beating certain story missions/quests they are pretty boring but in pdx map simulators for example many of the are interesting run ideas or they indicate where the hand crafted content is at. And despite how much i love the game i dont think i would have played as much of Tyranny as i did if i hadnt decide to get all the achievements.

linkhidalgogato ,

bruh factorio is literally in active development and has a huge active community, who would even think twice seeing someone playing it.

linkhidalgogato ,

last played oct 15 2017 damn i guess its been more than 5 years

linkhidalgogato ,

fuck if i know, i grew up in a capitalist world and live in it i can no more imagine how a communist society would work than a slave in ancient rome could imagine our wold. All i know is that its a good ideal and that it is good to move in that direction, maybe we cant have "from each according to their abilities and to each according to their needs" right now but we can atleast have "from each according to their abilities and to each according to their labor" and a basic floor to ensure no one lives in inhuman conditions and then maybe in a few generation people have some ideas on how to achieve the ideal or atleast get closer or maybe they discover an even better ideal idk i cant know, what I know is that capitalism is fucking garbage.

linkhidalgogato ,

Well Anatolia is basically Arabia and Greeks and Turks are basically the same people despite what both would say therefore Greece is probably kinda in the middle east.

linkhidalgogato ,

lol this place is nothing but libs, i mean u see blue maga people everywhere, im sure they are very confident that this community reinforces the ameriKKKan genocide machine not opposes it.

linkhidalgogato ,

this is a meme about amerikkka banning website because they expose amarican backed or committed warcrimes and genocides, what the fuck are u talking about.

linkhidalgogato ,

yes other hominins or maybe fear is the standard response to something u are completely unprepared for evolutionary.

linkhidalgogato ,

u see im very smart if u live under a society u can not criticize it, what RIGHT does a salve have to criticize slavery when they do the masters bidding and eat the food the master provides and wears the clothes the master provides.

linkhidalgogato ,

it WAS real communism and ur grandparents probably deserved it. absolute worst case senario no system is perfect and good people still get fucked over sometimes for no good reason, difference is under capitalism it is constant under socialism it is rare.

linkhidalgogato ,

ew a revisionist, it was REAL socialism led by REAL communists and it was based as fuck and the one that are still around are real and they are based. also theres no such thing a one party socialist state that is a myth at most u could say past and present socialist countries has a dominant political party but by no means was there only one, and other parties were and are allowed in those countries.

linkhidalgogato ,

saying that lower stage communism as marx called it or socialism as we call it today wasnt real communism is meaningless, and at best petty. the argument was never a semantics one about the specifics of what communism is and where the lines between socialism and communism are, what was said when they said it wasnt real communism was that it wasnt led by communist and that it did not adhere to communist ideals and goals which it did. u would have to be some kind of alien lizard to not understand the context here which is why i know u are arguing in bad faith.

also some idiot lib going around saying that the gdr wasnt real communism because their ancestors had a bad experience with that system (or more likely they were landlords or capitalist and go what they deserved) isnt gonna change their mind cuz some random person on the internet told them otherwise nor do i care to make that argument.

linkhidalgogato ,

i wonder what planet u came from; clearly u arent human cuz any human would understand the context here. actually u are human (probably) and u are just making a meaningless semantics argument in bad faith.

linkhidalgogato ,

first anyone who would call themselves a pinko isnt a communist, ur probably a rad lib. second do u truly think that some lib the grandchild of gusanos can even be convinced by a random person on the internet to be a communist im not helping my cause sure, this is just for fun but if i had wrote some essay pointing out why the gdr was a real socialist country led by real communist which really adhered to communist ideals and said that its unfortunate what happened to his gusanos but that bad shit still happens everywhere i wouldnt be helping anything either.

linkhidalgogato ,

fine ill humor ur bad faith argument.

when left leaning libs defend their ideals from right leaning libs by saying "it wasnt real communism" like in this case. they mean that the thing being talked about did not adhere to communist ideals.

when u say that "it wasnt real communism" u mean that there is a distinction between communism and socialism or lower stage communism as marx called it.

the gdr was a socialist country led by communist with the goal of establishing communism when they original lib said it wasnt real communism what he mean was that "the gdr was not a socialist country and it wasnt led by communist", then when i said it was real communism i meant to re state the fact that the gdr was a socialist country led by communist. so it is self evident that ur argument is irrelevant no one was actually talking about where the gdr was a stateless, money less, classless society, we were talking about whether the leadership of the gdr truly adhered to communist principles.

as to why ur argument looks to be in bad faith u would have to live under a fucking rock not understand this context or far more likely u are arguing in bad faith.

linkhidalgogato ,

i was a little worried there comrade but im glad to see u have a good unstanding of just how great the PRC is, after all what could be more the democratic than the glorious DPRK.

linkhidalgogato ,

still less hassle then using linux like dont get me wrong if all u wanna do is internet browsing or maybe do some office work sure its fine but for any else its a huge pain in the ass if its even possible.

linkhidalgogato ,

i wouldn't put play games on that list by any stretch.

linkhidalgogato ,

what are u even talking about getting used to linux wont suddenly make autodesk and a million other software vendors start making linux versions of their software, nor will it make game publishers make linux versions of their games much less stop them from being assholes about drm and anticheat.

linkhidalgogato ,

in that there is no linux versions of tons of software i use and cant just decide to stop using and trying to get the windows versions working on linux is a pain in the ass and half the time it doesnt work.

linkhidalgogato ,

plenty of multiplayer games dont work because their anti cheat disallows it including literally the only multiplayer game i play regularly. also tons of older games dont work.

linkhidalgogato ,

last time i tried was when microsoft announced windows 10 would stop getting updates, because windows 11 looks dreadful and i wanted to know how viable linux was. answer not at all atleast for me.

linkhidalgogato ,

there are no linux alternatives for some stuff i use, i would need to use wine or emulate and whether it works properly if at all its basically random. and sure gaming on linux is the best it has ever been but considering the starting point that says basically nothing its passable at best, and sure u could just decide not play certain games but like u could also just use windows and play what u want.

also sure internet browsing and spreadsheets or writing stuff, just basic office work is the entire use case for a lot of people which is why i clarified that its fine for that but thats just not the use case for me.

linkhidalgogato ,


its not about if anticheat works or not some developers just adverbially decided to disable the ability to play on linux, it sucks but it just is what it is.

linkhidalgogato ,

at that point probably easier to just dual boot if u must use linux, but this is exactly the kind of annoyances that make it a deal breaker for me. its just not there yet for my use case.

linkhidalgogato ,

not only was i talking about my use case and experiences, lets be very clear "gold" rating is unacceptable and the fact that "it works when u fuck around with it a bit" is the gold standard for linux gaming and the state of half the games is already terrible. the fact that when i say doing anything in linux besides absolute basic tasks is a pain in the ass yalls response is u that u can make it work which is bizzare making it work IS a pain in the ass.

linkhidalgogato , (edited )

just autodesks suit of cad programs. and free cad is not an acceptable replacement at all much less the free versions of autocad and revit, not only are alternative versions less powerful, most of them fuck up when exporting in the file formats for the programs most people use which creates problems for them which is just not acceptable.

then theres stuff i need for school like lockdown browser and multisim are the main ones multisim has a web version but its borderline useless. plus a bunch of other weird ancient software ill used for like one semester cuz the professor was feeling it and its very hit an miss whether those have a native linux version or not.

look im sure u could make it work but thats my point in windows everything just works, u could fuck around with these programs and get some of them working and get adequate replacements for other and dualboot for fucking lockdown browser, but thats my point exacly its more of a pain in the ass to make this shit work and make everything else in the future work than just fucking around with windows once to turn of all the anti pravacy shit, u know which is what i said in my comment the original one, which yall are ignoring because ur brain is so linux poisoned that when someone says doing x in linux is annoying ur response is "u can make it work tho so its fine and ur wrong and doing x is overated anyways why don u do y instead"

linkhidalgogato ,

i assume u are down for banning all other capitalist controlled social media platforms too then?

linkhidalgogato ,

crazy i wonder why the infinity racists amerikkkans decided to start with the platform that is mildly associated with china. surely it has nothing to do with their with the fact that they are most racists people on earth.

linkhidalgogato ,

even IF it was true why would u give a shit about a foreign government having ur data, then assholes that are gonna swat u or kidnap u into an unlabeled van arent gonna be foreign they dont fucking care its gonna be ur government doing that shit.

linkhidalgogato ,

us gov IS controlled by us corps they banned tiktok to get rid of competition. with the ever green excuse in amerikkkan politics of appealing to racism

linkhidalgogato ,

dont worry with tiktok gone now u only have to worry about literally everything else with electronics in it.

linkhidalgogato ,

Whats being questioned isnt why the us gov and the corpos that own it would want to ban tiktok that much is self evident, the question is why any one would give a fuck let alone bother to celebrate it.

linkhidalgogato ,

imagine thinking the amerikkkan politicians dont serve corporations.

linkhidalgogato ,

its the same thing.

linkhidalgogato ,

that is meaningless semantics. both words have multiple meanings, when i said politicians serve corporations i meant that they are ultimately subservient to them because they get paid by them and their live style is contingent on this servitude and that is a system of control in this context both words refer to the same thing.

in the example of the waitress she is being controlled when u call them or tell them to get u a certain food u are controlling their actions control doesn't have to be absolute and it doent have to be forced.

a better example would be a social worker who helps people aka serves them but does not respond to them and are not controlled by the people they serve.

in the example of a prisoner there is control but no servitude sure, but it is trivial to think of an example where there is control and servitude like a serf, u know cuz world have different meaning and all.

linkhidalgogato ,

the only idiot here is... both of us cuz this is pointless and meaningless. but u are double the idiot, they are the same in the context i used them did u forget ur own comment that i was responding to do u not know what context is, is ur mind so small u can only keep in memory the last 3 comment in a thread and not 1 more.

either way ill move myself towards less idiocy so this is the last reply u are getting end of conversation.

linkhidalgogato ,

when u point out the atrocities of capitalism to some libs they will say dumb shit like "its crony capitalism thats the problem" as if "crony capitalism" or whatever other excuse they come up with (like trying to separate colonialism and capitalism) was not an inevitable and intended result of what they call "real capitalism"

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