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raspberriesareyummy ,

Been using debian for more than a decade and "it just works" has become truer every year. It's a good distro, if you have no principle objections against systemd (which I do, but am too lazy to do anything about).

The one thing I am not happy about: Audio drivers on a Desktop computer

  • works out of the box, but then messes up when selecting input devices from:
  • line in
  • headphones in
  • USB camera microphone
  • Audio in "sinks" - I believe those are channels allowing for active noise cancelling / preventing Audio feedback loops
    I had a whole lot of trouble with pulseaudio selecting the correct source when trying to use my mic in the browser.

On a Laptop, I've never experienced such issues, as all devices are integrated (apart from the headphones jack, I guess).

Just when I got familiar enough with pulseaudio, they replaced it with "pipewire", which fucked up output devices:

  • works on boot
  • when I plug in headphones: it messes up the Audio output to HDMI and I have to manually re-select (on desktop environment) the headphones
  • when I then touch the volume control (GUI), the output goes silent again and I have to select the "Port" headphones for the "Built-in Audio Analog Stereo" under "Output Devices"

drives me crazy since the last update - but it's only an issue when using headphones, so for now I am living with it.

raspberriesareyummy ,

That seems like an ugly workaround - using external hardware to pretend that internally there's only 1 device. Not my preferred method, to be honest.

raspberriesareyummy ,

Ouch - I have heard that symptom before - luckily not an issue on my hardware..

The ugly truth behind ChatGPT: AI is guzzling resources at planet-eating rates (www.theguardian.com)

Despite its name, the infrastructure used by the “cloud” accounts for more global greenhouse emissions than commercial flights. In 2018, for instance, the 5bn YouTube hits for the viral song Despacito used the same amount of energy it would take to heat 40,000 US homes annually....

raspberriesareyummy ,

Which may be because recent history has proven beyond doubt that capitalism without regulation is catastrophical and capitalists will always push the boundaries & try to get rid of regulation, thereby it is always catastrophical, with temporary periods where it looks good on the surface.

raspberriesareyummy ,

If I buy from a sex shop, it’s going to be more clear cut.

Life pro tip: Open a sex shop that sells groceries, to devalue the data analysis ^^

raspberriesareyummy ,

"Spells that have more than 5 lines of text can't bring you into existence."

Hooray for spelling.

raspberriesareyummy ,

That argument was only ever made by dumb fucks or evil fucks. The article reports about an actual occurrence of one of the problems of such technology that we (people who care about privacy) have warned about from the beginning.

raspberriesareyummy ,
  1. what is HN? Edit: never mind, answered below: hacker news (ycombinator)
  2. daaamn... I hated cloudflare before for their shitty and non-adblocker-compatible (often not working at all) "I am not a bot" checks, but fuck me are those EVIL motherfuckers....
raspberriesareyummy ,

The only way they wouldn’t have cash on hand as if they’re spending a ridiculous amount of cash on some project that I’m not aware of, and I feel like I would be aware of it.

Maybe someone dipshit in marketing heavily invested in LLMs, since that's the current hype among dipshits?

raspberriesareyummy ,

It's not the decision to ask more money, it's how they made it and in violation of their own terms of service, also extortion, so yes they are dipshits.

raspberriesareyummy ,

or maybe it's just a lower level manager who wants to polish up their revenue numbers to ask for a raise / promotion :) capitalists are ugly little critters like that.

raspberriesareyummy ,

Ten years of support is not that bad actually. Having said that, Linux is better in almost every way.

"Linux is better in every way except for those use cases specifically tailored by Microsoft & associates to not play ball with Linux".

ftfy. Fuck corporations.

raspberriesareyummy ,

That exclamation point in the comment you replied to should be your hint that it's sarcasm.

raspberriesareyummy ,

Not the person I was replying to but okay... what has that got to do with the sarcasm of the comment I was referring to?

raspberriesareyummy ,

Repeat after me: This. present. hype. is. not. A.I.
By parroting the marketing bullshit, it doesn't become less false. Large Language Models are just glorified pattern matching and everyone who calls them AI is a dumb fuck.

raspberriesareyummy ,

True. But it makes the 30% extra carbon emissions even worse: Ruining our climate for something that isn't even AI. Not that ruining it for anything should be on the table.

raspberriesareyummy ,

It’s called AI even if it isn’t artificial intelligence, it’s unfortunately how language works.

Only for people for whom words don't have meanings. There is nothing "intelligent" about pattern matching. As I said - only dumbfucks call it "A.I." and we shouldn't regurgitate the verbal diarrhea of marketing idiots.

raspberriesareyummy ,

this here - fuck that BS. Also, the Linux Desktop app discontinued since 2022 (still works, for now, on my debian)

raspberriesareyummy ,

*and Exchange Servers

raspberriesareyummy ,

checks out - Offixe XP (2003ish) was the peak of MS Office, afterwards it became shittier than used toilet paper.

raspberriesareyummy ,

At least it means Linux users will finally get Microsoft office

Thanks but no thanks, I'll stick with LibreOffice if it's all the same to you.

raspberriesareyummy ,

Not everything that's not a dictatorship is a democracy. You're using a strawman to argue your point.

A democracy stops when there is a severe imbalance in influence on legislation between voters and lobbyists / corporations / or voters depending on income / colour of skin.

There's also a quasi oligarchy with freedom of speech, that's about where western Europe is at. In the US, by now, a large part of the population has been deprived of basic human rights, as shown in unpunished police brutality and murders, and vigilante killings of people for their beliefs, opinions or identity.

Neither still qualifies for democracy. We would have to unite about two thirds of the voters behind a new party to even hope to change anything that matters (hello climate change), and that's assuming that a hypothetical party that would actually act in the interest of restoring democratic mechanisms would be persecuted or otherwise hindered by authorities.

raspberriesareyummy ,

let’s ban all American social media.

That would be great. Where can I sign?

raspberriesareyummy ,

I am not very comfortable with "banning" websites - let's say outright dissolving some companies is probably the better approach, but also a double-edged sword.
However, there is sometimes a need to legally shut down some entities.

I believe that by now it should no longer be a subject of debate that social media has a very unhealthy influence on the public opinion, and that most humans do not have the intellectual capacity to critically reflect on the media they consume. That's already a problem with some TV programs, and it has gotten worse with social media monetizing anger. As a result we get people who vote for politicians who promise them nothing short of a dictatorship. That's incredibly dangerous, and therefore I would like to see all social media federated - centralized services give way too much power to individuals with shady motives.

raspberriesareyummy ,

and 16 years is a hell of a lifetime

Think about it like this: Even if the average home nowadays had only about 10 such devices (I am quite sure the average home has a lot more), that are needed for kitchen appliances, heating, warm water, window shutters, solar panels, etc to function - that means on average about once a year one of the essential functions in the house stops working unless you replace a part. Not because it's broken, but because "SW support is discontinued". Seriously, I want to smash everyones faces for those "early adopters" who think smart homes are great, and of course the companies who put software in every little component.

raspberriesareyummy ,

98 Second Edition was 'da bomb at the time :) Much more stable than Win95, and not yet phoning home like XP. I get nostalgic seeing the splash screen.

After that, I switched to Win2K, as the last windows that did not phone home - and then straight to Linux, a decision I have never regretted and will never regret.

raspberriesareyummy ,

I really hope you don't mean the python people, the last thing I want in German IT is python dumbfucks... :(

raspberriesareyummy ,

Overall the reporting is interesting, but weird comments like this show his naked disdain for everyone and everything in the tech industry which does not make him a particularly trustworthy source.

I'd disagree - what this shows is only disdain for everyone who's fucking up technologies for the sake of profit. And I'm with him there, I found it refreshing to read an accurate account of what pieces of shit work behind the scenes in the industry. Not that I am surprised, but the account of what seems to have happened in detail and in that sequence was new to me.

raspberriesareyummy ,

"[considering] everyone as bastards" is a strawman argument.
Furthermore, the people described are assholes by the evidence provided, assuming the evidence is noy falsified.

'Vortex Cannon vs Drone' - Mark Rober shows off tech from a "defense technology company that specializes in advanced autonomous systems". That seems bad

I've enjoyed Mark Rober's videos for a while now. They are fun, touch on accessible topics, and have decent production value. But this recent video isn't sitting right with me...

raspberriesareyummy ,

Mark Rober is a practicing mormon. And that already did not sit right with me. Christian, muslim, I don't care what religion, these people should stay away from child education programs.
Keeping your faith completely private is borderline acceptable, but please keep your symbols of faith out of your videos (white shirt for the mormons as I learned)

raspberriesareyummy ,

Someone just being religious is “borderline acceptable?”
In educational Youtube videos, yes.

but I’m not about to give SmarterEveryDay a dislike and a block because he puts a bible verse at the end of each video.
Maybe give him a dislike and a block because he gave Jared and Ivanka a platform?

I don't take issue with personal beliefs, but religion is organized belief, telling people what and how to believe. Anyone who advocates for religion has no business in any education system whatsoever.

raspberriesareyummy ,

I hope for your personal consistency that you then are also okay with a woman in a hijab creating educational videos for youtube.

As far as the crazy atheists go, there's a type of "atheists" that treat atheism as a belief system, but have neither tried nor have the intellectual capacity to come up with their own, original understanding of why there is no god. However, there is a fundamental difference: Every crazy atheist is on their own, there's no "atheist institution" that backs their craziness.
For cults (and the only practical distinction between a religion and a cult is just the amount of followers), that's not the case - you have a power hierarchy, sometimes more, sometimes less flat, that advocates their belief system.

It is therefore okay for a teacher - when asked(!) about it - to tell children about their personal beliefs. It is absolutely not okay for a teacher to tell unasked, or to tell children about the belief system / cult they are a part of.

raspberriesareyummy ,
  1. he's making educational videos on Youtube, with a wide audience. You don't have to be a teacher to be part of an education system
  2. fuck your strawman bullshit, learn to argue, here's what I wrote:

Christian, muslim, I don’t care what religion, these people should stay away from child education programs. Keeping your faith completely private is borderline acceptable, but please keep your symbols of faith out of your videos (white shirt for the mormons as I learned)

raspberriesareyummy ,

you dropped this "/s" somewhere along the line

raspberriesareyummy ,

That's gonna do the people murdered by an algorithm a lot of good... /s

raspberriesareyummy ,

An "authority" of people who fell for some marketing bullshit.

raspberriesareyummy ,

Boy were you ever late. :p I switched when Win2k was no longer viable & the option would have been WinXP - that was already phoning home.

raspberriesareyummy ,

On Linux my fingerprint reader doesn’t work

Your WHAT? How stupid does one have to be to even use fingerprints on technology they do not fully control, and that has network access?

raspberriesareyummy ,

It is rooted , uses LineageOS & doesn't have google apps etc. Yes.
Beyond that, I understand the risks of using always-online technology.

A German state is ditching Windows and Microsoft Office for Linux and LibreOffice on the 30,000 PCs it uses for local government functions (www.theregister.com)

Schleswig-Holstein, Germany's most northern state, is starting its switch from Microsoft Office to LibreOffice, and is planning to move from Windows to Linux on the 30,000 PCs it uses for local government functions....

raspberriesareyummy ,

The reason Munich switched back to Windows, when users were just fine working with Limux, was a corrupt politician who ordered the return to windows, probably pocketing a hefty bribe in the process.

raspberriesareyummy ,


The article from 2014 explains how this was mostly a political quarrel, with a former administration transitioning away from Microsoft (which as a US corporation has no business in any government administration of another country), and the conservatives pushing (under a "social democrat" mayor, admittedly) to go back to MS against technological advice.

Im Stadtrat hingegen steht den Berichten zufolge eine fraktionsübergreifende Mehrheit hinter LiMux. Bettina Messinger, Sprecherin der SPD-Fraktion für Personal, Verwaltung und IT, sagte Heise Online, dass man keine neue Haltung zu dem Thema habe. Sie bezeichnete die Umstellung auf Linux als „mutige Entscheidung“. Kritische Stimmen und Beschwerden seien im EDV-Bereich nichts Ungewöhnliches. Man müsse LiMux und das Umfeld nun stetig verbessern und nutzerfreundlicher gestalten. Unter anderem sei dafür mehr IT-Personal in der Verwaltung nötig.

Auch die CSU-Fraktion unterstützt LiMux weiter. Deren IT-Experte Otto Seidl nannte Schmidts Kritik „eine sachfremde Einzelmeinung eines Juristen“. Die Grünen warnen Heise zufolge vor einem „teuren Schildbürgerstreich“, sollte die Stadt zu Microsoft zurückkehren. Demnach wollen die Abgeordneten in einer Ausschusssitzung klären, woher die Beschwerden stammen.

In other words: the "manyfold complaints" were an "ad populum" argument without sources and were most likely made up.

raspberriesareyummy ,

There was something faster and more reliable: keyboard shortcuts.

The ribbon is for people who use the mouse for stuff that is much faster to do with a keyboard.

raspberriesareyummy ,

Okay, let me rephrase my initial criticism:

  • let have whoever would like to have three rows of ribbon icons whose description is only visible as a mouse-over hint
  • fuck Microsoft for forcefully removing the regular office drop-down menus

The second part in this process was completely unnecessary and made office a worthless pile of bloatware.

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