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stembolts ,

They outlawed Fox News?

Don't pretend this is about disinformation.

Fox News is disinformation peddler numero uno.

This is about the seizure of media outlets that don't parrot pro-capitalist propaganda.

But it's too late, the majority of each generation millennial and later is anti-capitalist. The critique media will simply change form.

stembolts ,

You can infer from their previous comment that it is because it makes them happier.

Trucking business sucks and is massively exploitative, well, I guess that makes it similar to every other business.

stembolts ,

True, I hope my comment didn't come across as me shutting you down, I was intending to add not subtract.

Sorry about that.

stembolts ,

Yeah, I ran Arch for years and every time the wiki or someone in irc said, "Do it X way, not Y," I always followed that instruction. Never had a single issue with system stability.

Guess that's atypical? I learned a lot, these days I mostly use Ubuntu or Debian.

Tbh, trusting pacman with everything and keeping my AUR pkg sources preserved in a source folder is literally all it took to keep the system stable. Idk, is that a lot? It felt easy.

stembolts ,

Its always, no no this is for X, not Y.

(a few years pass)

They accepted X, now there is precedent, let's take Y.

This is the start, not the finish.

Fight this or it will make its way to your interests.

My $0.02.

[Thread, post or comment was deleted by the author]

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  • stembolts ,

    Well, your anecdote is certainly more influential to me than listening to a core developer. Plus I want to believe you are right because it feels bad to believe otherwise, so you are obviously correct.

    Hmm, guess it sounds silly when I say it that way. I'll work on it.

    Joking, I don't use Windows, but I hope you are right.

    stembolts ,

    Haha, can we even imagine how big the codebase is? Must be nutty. That's a cool thought.

    stembolts ,

    I'm glad to hear it, i think I may try it out on my spare laptop and see for myself too.

    stembolts , (edited )

    Want to know how I became homeless? I turned 18, and my parents said, "Alright have a nice life, you're 18 now don't be home when I get back." After 18 years of teaching me zero life skills. Took me until my late 20s to find stability, meanwhile being constantly harassed by police for looking for a place to rest between time at school and work.

    And before you go to the obvious speculation that lazy commenters always do. I didn't and don't drink alcohol, don't do drugs, spent all of my time building computers. My parents just didn't like having to spend money on someone that wasn't them. I was always in advanced classes in school and most always was a solid B student even with zero home support. If it wasn't for me winning the genetic lottery with my mind, I'd likely be dead or in prison like most of my childhood friends.

    But you know, this is an anecdote and has no value in the vast scheme of things. Data driven results are all that matter, and yet, they still disagree with your lazy assessment that people are the source of their own situation. Believe it or not, these questions have been asked and answered, yet you remain unaware of them. The safety and support systems in the society you live in dictate homelessness, and I can tell you first hand, we have none in my country.

    But that's all the energy I can send to you, its not useful trying to teach chess to a pigeon, at the end of the day you're going to spread your shit around and knock over the board anyway (a summary of your comments in this thread).

    Hope you open your eyes and your mind some day.

    Footnote, if anyone cares about the ending to the homeless part of my story, I became a home owner in my 30s after living in rented rooms with Craigslist randoms for about a decade. Interesting times, most people are great.

    stembolts , (edited )

    Sometimes I feed the trolls.
    Hope your belly is full.
    But my story is what I said it was.
    Pigeons do what pigeons do.

    No one reading this thread is surprised that 21 words is the limit of your cognition. I sincerely believe that you are doing your best.

    stembolts ,

    "The powers that be" doesn't describe anything, nothing permanent anyway. The only constant is change, and that applies to leadership of any sort. A friendly leadership today is a hostile leadership tomorrow because its all a game of musical chairs. The tools to violate privacy, once created, will fall into all hands. In my opinion, we will learn the easy way.. or the unfortunate way.

    That said, I didn't understand most of your message but responded to the small part that was communicated clearly.

    Finally I'd like to (hopefully constructively) critique of your writing style. In the future I think that you should prioritize understandability and explanation over vocabulary and brevity. What use is a display of swordsmanship to a blind crowd?

    stembolts ,

    I understand your perspective. Hopefully my critique wasn't overstepping. I'm just one person with some ideas I thought would help you. Maybe so, maybe not! Seems like we're both trying and that is all we can do. Have a nice day.

    stembolts ,

    "They sell more than they can support"

    At that point is where mine and your opinion diverge. In what sustainable business does one sell more of anything than they can maintain responsibility over?

    Of course, there are many examples, but why?

    Greed is why. Don't sell something you cannot sustain, or you have misled your customer.

    I hope the user finds a way around this and burns all of the data they rightfully purchased. Plan says unlimited. Rename the plan if its a lie.

    Finally, and not directed at the user to which I am replying, what concerns me the most is that this quote I took from your post would be glossed over by most because it is what we've come to expect from fucky corps. We don't have to take it, change your expectations, question the system.

    stembolts ,

    Good addition, I guess I am making a moral argument. I was coming at it from an ethics POV but yeah. Also good sandwich analogy.

    stembolts ,

    "consider themselves to be China"

    "reunification (by force if necessary)"

    Your own statement conflicts itself. If Taiwan considers itself part of China, why would force be necessary?

    Taiwan doesn't consider itself to be a country? Taiwan seems to disagree with that.

    This post is full of dumb.

    [Thread, post or comment was deleted by the author]

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  • stembolts , (edited )

    Viewing things as zero-sum is convenient. Simple, understandable, it makes us feel smart. Aware. So it makes sense why you would think in this manner.

    But anyone who is a fan of freakanomics or other academic economics focused podcasts, the types of podcasts that find where the science meets the real world would know that viewing the world this way leads to much more wrong answers than right answers. Economics is a machine of indirect consequences.

    There are not X number of limited housing slots. Houses can be built.

    Or can they? Is someone stopping the building of homes? Or are there any events that reduce the supply of homes? Is anyone purchasing a large supply of them?

    Immigrants are always used as a racist dog whistle to avoid having people ask such questions as I mention. And it worked well, on you.

    But not me. I'm not so simple.

    Let me end by congratulating you, you have found your simple answer. And I suspect you don't focus too hard on scrutinizing your own ideas. Do you? You can feel they are true, you don't need to examine them.

    My only critique, you seem angry, perhaps you should modify your world view and give yourself a better life. The only person stopping you from seeing things differently is yourself. Good luck.

    stembolts , (edited )

    If you meet one asshole.
    You met an asshole.
    If everyone you meet is an asshole.
    Who is the common denominator?

    Same idea for racism.

    If you get called a racist once.
    Maybe you met an unhinged person.
    If you are constantly called a racist.

    I don't live in a world where myself or anyone around me gets called racist, ever.

    Do you?

    Finally, I never called you a racist. I called your comment a racist dog whistle, which it is. In my view, a non-racist person can say a racist thing and remain non-racist as long as they are willing to learn from it and grow. I judge actions, not people. However if such actions continuously are sourced from an individual, what is the rational conclusion to reach in that matter besides that the person shares the beliefs that generated those ideas?

    To provide a bridging analogy, I don't assume everyone holding a baseball bat is going to hit me with it, but if I go to a park and see a guy swinging his baseball bat at people. Is the correct conclusion to assume, "He's not a person that hits people with baseball bats."? You're swinging the bat, if you want people to assume you aren't going to hit them, stop doing that.

    stembolts ,

    I'm going to take a leap of faith and say you don't work in aviation..

    Step one.. define safety in the context of the airplane.
    Step two.. measure it.

    So yea. If safety is never defined it cannot be measured. But is the sentiment you are attempting to express is that measurable safety guidelines have not been defined for these massively complicated and long-running commercial aircraft?

    Maybe I am misunderstanding because at first glance your comment comes across as nonsensical, please elaborate.

    How do you think safety is verified?

    stembolts , (edited )

    Cool, then respond to this post with a video of you masturbating. It would be helpful to the scenario to include your full birth name, address, and employer, since that is the scenario that folks who would be blackmailed would be facing.

    Since you really don't care.

    It is possible that you mean what you say, but I believe its more likely you lack imagination to what impact the above scenario would actually feel like once you're in it.

    That silly proposition aside, I agree with you about the microphone killswitch. Certainly overlooked.

    "A dream. It's perfect": Helium discovery in northern Minnesota may be biggest ever in North America (www.cbsnews.com)

    "A dream. It's perfect": Helium discovery in northern Minnesota may be biggest ever in North America::For a century, the U.S. Government-owned the largest helium reserve in the country, but the biggest exporters now are in Russia, Qatar and Tanzania. With this new discovery, Minnesota could be joining that list.

    stembolts , (edited )

    Edit : minor addition. I was reading a comment the other day and found out helium can also result from other reactions outside of a star, such as the decay of a radioactive element, which ejects an alpha particle (which is just a helium molecule with special attributes, aka no electrons). The alpha particle crashes into something, picks up electrons and suddenly its a helium.

    No, they are clearly making the following comparison.

    1. For climate change : World is heating up, heading toward the result of mass extinctions. The most valuable resource is the time to act. Ten extra years to work on the root cause. Unsustainable emissions.

    2. For Helium : A finite resource is being exhausted, heading toward a world with no helium (helium is typically created by one of the fusion cycles in the core of a star, fusion is a nascient technology on earth). The most valuable resource is time to act, +X% helium extra supply to address the root cause, unsustainable consumption.

    In both cases, the root cause is being (mostly) ignored.

    So they're pointing out that if you have 800 finite helium, then suddenly you find out you have 880 helium.. that hasn't changed the finite nature of the helium. The root cause remains a "spending problem". And they are likely annoyed that 880 ~> 880 results in, " Omg yay!" vs what should be, "Oh thank goodness, more time to address the root cause of consumption."

    Idk, was that not obvious? I'm not being facetious here, I'm really asking. Brings to mind the "curse of knowledge" fallacy where when you understand something you assume others do, and they often don't, resulting in disjointed communication where the listener can't grasp the idea. As condescending as this sounds I assure you its only because I'm not a writer, I'm legitimately making an attempt to communicate neutrally with you as we both seem to have genuine interest.

    Anyway, corrections and such always welcome. All numbers in this post made up for illustrative purposes only.

    stembolts ,

    Ah! Makes sense to me.

    There is always a chance I misinterpreted as well, I def have whooshed on many jokes on Lemmy. Can't win them all lol.

    stembolts ,

    To me it brings about the question of, "What is the shelf life of answers?" Like if reddit had existed 100 years ago, how do you go about "cleaning" a model of deprecated information? Or maybe you don't? I know very little about LLMs, just a thought.

    Maker uses Raspberry Pi and AI to block noisy neighbor's music by hacking nearby Bluetooth speakers (www.tomshardware.com)

    Maker uses Raspberry Pi and AI to block noisy neighbor's music by hacking nearby Bluetooth speakers::Roni Bandini is using a Raspberry Pi to power his AI-driven assault against his neighbor's regular 9am reggaeton music.

    Just 137 crypto miners use 2.3% of total U.S. power — government now requiring commercial miners to report energy consumption (www.tomshardware.com)

    Just 137 crypto miners use 2.3% of total U.S. power — government now requiring commercial miners to report energy consumption::The U.S Energy Information Administration is now requiring large-scale cryptomining operations to report their energy consumption. Inevitably this will bring about new regulations that will restrict...

    stembolts ,

    The concept of opportunity cost applies to everything.

    If you think it does not, then I now know the person that should be explaining crypto electric consumption to me is a person who failed to fully grasp the concept of opportunity cost.

    Enlightening.. at least..

    stembolts ,

    From a planning perspective, the West must assume Taiwan is already "lost" and merged into China. Therefore the rational action to take is to begin spinning up as much chip production as possible in the interim, while continuing to rely on Taiwan's manufacturing.

    Fun fact, the guy who founded TSMC was an immigrant working in tech firms in the mid-late 1900s but was unable to get promotions due to American racism against asians. So he said, "Aight guess I'll go back and make my own company."

    The US had the TSMC founder and drove him away with hate.

    Please do yourself a favor and check out podcasts covering this topic, there are some good ones.

    stembolts , (edited )

    So you don't know how to uninstall Firefox on Ubuntu?

    Where do these "Ubuntu ads" display in the operating system? Are you talking about the software browser? An application used to get software suggestions is suggesting software? Or something more nefarious?

    To me, your post just says, "I haven't used Linux much," because I've never encountered any of these problems.. but I'm always open to being wrong.

    Edit : Just wanted to add that I now see that I missed a joke. I appreciate the helpful replies!

    stembolts , (edited )


    stembolts ,

    Good additions. I actually struggled to find a good way to criticize the left because I am extremely left-leaning myself. I caught myseld writing a "cons bad" post and decided to attack the weaknesses I see in left-wing politics as a bit of a self-challenge, tho admittedly with only about two minutes of consideration. Judging by the points on the post my perspective is not very popular.

    Tbh I should give this more thought, finding flaws in your own positions is a harder exercise than I realized. I'll have to explore and flesh out these ideas a bit more.

    stembolts ,

    I'm not sure if you are attempting a platitude or are making a point, but to make a point your logic should be sound.

    Your logic is that if an average first world person cannot live in a place comfortably, then you have an unstated implication that they should not receive support against death. Please correct if you were implying something else, would have been easier to know if you had spoken less vaguely.

    Nonetheless regarding said "logic", (TLDR it's not logical) I don't see the logical connection between the tourism experience of visiting a country under siege and how that determines whether the residents of that country should be exterminated.

    If you were making a point, could you elaborate on this connection? If however you were attempting a platitude, no explanation needed, you succeeded.

    stembolts , (edited )

    Ah great, well thank you for the explanation regarding their implication. That is helpful.

    Do you happen to also understand if their position is logical, or is your meaning then, "They murder, so we must murder them, so that all of the murderers have been murdered."

    (Please correct the above if I am misunderstanding)

    Because there is a bit of a problem with that sentiment as well.

    I'm not stating that you take this position, so do not take this next statement as targeted at you, rather it is targeted at those who may hold the above sentiment. That is, progress is rarely generated from the barrel of a gun. Then we live in a world where B's hate against A is justified, because A hates B. This is a perpetual cycle of endless violence and war, that is the end result of this type of thinking, and why these comments are so negative because a lot of us have lived long enough to see this cycle, every day, it does not end through bloodshed.

    stembolts ,

    That's what he has always done though?

    "Bitching" is not inherently negative, though it is the most aggressive word I can think to mute criticism.

    His job is tech criticism and info shares.

    Frame it as bitching if you like, but your bias is showing.

    Translation of your comment, "I don't like _ and others shouldn't either."

    Nah, we good. I like em.

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