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Hi you’re reading content by a non-AI person, 100% humane or at least furry.

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veniasilente ,

They won’t merge my code unless I change my code to be GPL.

If you are the author of the code you want to merge, you can double-license it you know. Hand them a GPL license, they'll be able to use your copy under the same terms, while you and everyone else use your current license.

veniasilente ,

People are getting upset about this, but it only applies within the country where Roskomnadzor has authority, and it’s temporary pending further review.

Which means that now, for example, Republicans can file to have any extension that "provides or facilitates woke content". To put forth one (1) such case.

Idiot laws are idiot and must be fought at every point, in particular if you have more power than one (1) mere citizen. What Mozilla is doing is just announcing to the world they're open to spreading their legs before the MAGAs.

Mozilla, as a law-abiding organization, must at least acknowledge the requests of a regulatory agency within its own country.

Insert Nick Fury "I recognize the council has made an ass-stupid decision".

Whether you agree with their requests or not, Roskomnadzor has governmental authority in this context within Russia.

veniasilente ,

You don’t need one. It is easy to install an xpi in Firefox


The access to install xpis is (irony intended) censored in "retail" Firefox.

veniasilente ,

No. Brave is merely Chrome with extra steps. And it's associated with lots of "web3" / crypto scams.

veniasilente ,

The problem is, Mozilla is not doing that. The ability install xpis is censored (oh the irony) in retail Firefox.

veniasilente ,

Darlin', English, like any language, evolves.

veniasilente ,

So then what are you recommending to connect to the internet? curl? wget? netcat?

veniasilente ,

True, but neither that nor anything else has stopped republicans and conservatives from pushing crap after crap until it slips in (or rather, is let slip in, given the Supreme Court the US has over there).

veniasilente ,

Better to crush their spirit now, before it can be misled by lies; so that it can crash and burn and be reborn in the Fire of the Fox, as a Libre Wolf.

Or, if they prefer a more compact fursona, a Fennec.

I cannot make any post/comment containing the string [slash]etc[slash]passwd on lemmy.world (lemmy.world)

When I try to submit a post or comment containing the string [slash]etc[slash] passwd, the submit button goes into a loading state and spins indefinitely. The request is blocked by Cloudflare with status code 403. I can't even search for the forbidden string. You have to check dev tools to find out what went wrong, this error is...

veniasilente ,

/etc/passw[nothing]d blocked here at lemm.ee.

veniasilente ,

I can only hope programming.dev of all instances doesn't have this problem!

(Also, I'm really wondering where does this error come from. It can't be, in theory, from lemmy itself, right? One would think user input in posts is sanitized so that it's not used as code, either raw or processed).

veniasilente ,

I mean, if you are already know you're using GCC, knowing to browse the manpage for info is easier.

The problem with manpages is, in my experience, they are vastly ill-suited for the "modern" / desktop-like workflow of the distros. They're point is they're not the tool for that, they are reference manuals focused on the tool, not training pamphlets focused on the use. Like, what is the manpage for "my desktop icons disappeared"? Even assuming there's one. Or for "my desktop is in Italian but my start menu is in Swahili"? Or for "after video driver update and reboot my screen is monochrome"? Heck, for most of those even figuring out a proper info page (the "competitor" of man page) would be next to impossible.

So, there is of course merit to reading the documentation. But for that someone has to first isolate the workflow and write that documentation. I'm not interested in the man page for "steel" or for "lacrimals"; I need the usage pamphlet for "Slicing onions with a kitchen knife".

Reminder: The DMV uses photos for facial recognition

This is half a decade old news, but I only found this out myself after it accidentally came up in conversation at the DMV. The worker would not have informed me if it hadn't come into conversation. Every DMV photo in the United States is being used for AI facial recognition, and nobody has talked about it for years. This is...

veniasilente ,

How about a guillotine? Those don't seem to require a religious belief, only a modicum of trust in the well-studied force of gravity.

veniasilente ,

Any law pregraduate knows those EULAs are not valid in court.

veniasilente ,

I have an Intel Celeron Mobile laptop with iGPU and, I think, 256MB VRAM. How many bs does that get me for the LLM?

Only half-joking. That's my still functional old daily driver now serving as homelab

veniasilente ,

Bets are strong such tos are not legally enforceable.

veniasilente ,

Windows just works if you uninstall all the ms crap.

That would leave you without an operating system tho.

veniasilente OP ,

Wow you have given me good things to think about. At first I was thinking I'd want solely text, but now I'm thinking what I'd want would be something closer to hypertext / Rich Text since that's how the content shows in sites already. So something like a "HTML pastebin" or somesuch would work, I guess?

(HedgeDoc looks interesting, am going to look around for a demo)

veniasilente OP ,

That's a lot of info to work with, thanks! Seems there has been a lot of thought and deelopment about this and I just basically didn't know exactly what to search for.

Explicitly mention Twitter, Facebook, is an advancement. Let's see if they have some utility or strategy for Discord-style short snippets.

veniasilente OP ,

Fun that you mention that, I happen to run my personal site, as well as another wiki for my Pokémon-related fanwork, and an internal kb wiki on my job, all on Dokuwiki. Used to advertise the engine more on Reddit back in the day, too. And sure it's quite lightweight and operable (I can edit articles remotely, manage remotely and do lots of cool stuff). Its just, from my experience so far, while it's extremely well-suited for the workflow of a wiki, it's not so much for the "post-it note" workflow, not even with additions like the Blog plugin.

Perhaps I have to yet tune it further. I guess it's time to Do Science.

veniasilente OP ,

Yeah honestly sometimes Dokuwiki feels like it's the Konami cheat code for "simple good personal website". I'm like, why would anyone bother with stuff like, dunno, Wordpress, or Github Pages.

My hoster has been so nice to get me access to the docker on-site, so I'm gonna be testing stuff for a few days. I can't take a look at logseq until the weekend alas, due to work suddenly being work.

veniasilente OP ,

So I'm running a Hedgedoc instance this week to test how things are going. Feels like one of the better choices.

veniasilente OP ,

At the moment I'm testing Hedgedoc, I took a quickie look at haste-server but from what I read it got enshittified a while ago while I was busy not looking at it lol. Anyway I've looked at other alternatives from the link and from selfhosting communities and both OpenGist and ExBin are looking at the things for me to try next for comparison. Thanks for the guidance!

veniasilente ,

You can blame both corporations, you don't need to suck any corpo cock. Nintendo sends the takedowns in the first place, which sure is Nintendon't, and Discord heeds them despite otherwise profiting from those communities and without allowing any sort of measure.

veniasilente ,

Not to mention Discord is not forced to take communities down. There's lots of stuff like right wing nutjob communities that are still up no issues. Discord is just sucking Nintendo dick, just like the communities that host solely on Discord are sucking Discord cock.

veniasilente ,

In order to make it into a Discord or Zoom competitor you would need to solve far higher bandwidth things like HD video and low latency audio, and both of thouse are fundamentally very different things for a server to handle as compared to high latency short text messages.

That falls into the same two fallacies as the ones of complainers against Youtube alternatives:

  • that in order to offer an alternative to a service you have to replicate all of it
  • that you have to provide an alternative to only one service

Like, really, you don't need to replace all of Discord, only the parts that matter. The alternative to build not to Discord but to "Discord is being used for documentation" already exists, it's called web forums. Ditto, the alternative to "Discord is being used for communities" also exists, it's called XMPP or IRC or Matrix depending on who you ask. The alternative to "Discord tracks user data" is simply called "you don't do it", etc.

Like, we are literally on Lemmy. Just about the first thing that we Get It from the internet is that centralization is bad, be it Products or Services.

veniasilente ,

See, it's the entire premise that voice conferencing is needed to have a replacement for "Discord is used for documentation". It's not. Almost by definition. If anyone wants videoconferencing there's Jitsi. That's the thing I'm aiming to: you won't ever to get anyone to "replace" Discord if they have to replace all of it. Capitalism doesn't allow for that. We are trying to do better here. Splitting problems into their component and significative parts makes them much easier to solve.

The closest use case that in the case of these kinds of communities would even need videoconferencing would be something like "Discord is being used for live tech support for modchipping Switches" and for that case there's also already established alternatives... and it would be wise to not implement for that anyway.

veniasilente ,

Would love to contribute, but I won't have access to my 3DSes until around the 22nd.

Also would love to try and know why the data can't be sent after the deadline (it's just data, should not be "time-encoded") but unfortunately the link to the image with the explanation says the image can't be loaded because it has errors. Does anyone have the actual text explanation?

veniasilente ,

Any contract is legally binding

Exactly. And a TOS is not a contract.

If you go to law definitions, contracts have a number of requirements to be such, of which to my knowledge a TOS fails two (Negotiability and Certainty).

veniasilente ,

Negotiability, or more precisely offer and acceptance, are achieved by the simple “take it or leave it”.

Maybe in the US, where that kind of this would honestly be expected. Here in more decent countries, Negotiability requires that both parties can exercise offer an acceptance to the contract. I consulted to our local digital ethics group about it and they are in accordance, at least to what pertains to my country.

Apex Legends streamers surprised to find aimbot and other hacks added to their PCs in the middle of major competition via anti-cheat software (www.pcgamer.com)

Wow it finally happened. So glad I switched to steam running on linux mint last week. I refused to install helldivers because it wanted to install some no holds barred god level permissions anti-cheat software. Windows 11 was the last straw for me. Good times.....

veniasilente ,

So, lemme get this straight: allowing remote parties to install malware (DRM) on your system results in allowing remote parties to install malware on your system? Wow, who could have known! Certainly not the distributors of the step-one malware, am I right?

I'm certain there's a couple of lessons to be learned here (install and run games as normal, non-elevated users, people! It's easy to do on Linux) but I'm also somehow certain Big Corpos are going to stick their heads into the sand regarding such lessons.

Oh well, the pirate way it is.

veniasilente ,

because it has the monopoly on violence over you

I've been hearing this one going for a while, where does it come from? Sounds like a corpofascist slogan.

veniasilente ,

Still can't understand the point of it. Like, is the state ordering that civilians must be defenseless in the face of crime, for example? But yeah in general it just sounds like the usual "I am the Senate" fascist kind of takeover and control of power.

veniasilente ,

Stop being so ungrateful and disrespectful to the community that you work for.

Fam, this is Free Software. Capitalism is that way → www.reddit.com .

veniasilente ,

It also means the content is "lost" from all instances if the original server goes down, which altogether with the need to cache the key to continue to provide the service basically means you've just implemented DRM on top of Fedi.

veniasilente ,

They’re FOSS competence porn

Exactly the kind of porn youngsters leading to become adults should read, IMO.

veniasilente ,

Gamifying the editing of other people's posts and editing semantics of content after-the-fact

Yeahhhhhh no, I think you just suggested StackOverflow without taking even a look at the recent or not recent discussions on how it behaves (eg.: the moderator strike) or why.

I think there are ways this could be kept in check, but basically you'd be providing an incentive towards just going around and adding tags for content nilly-willy, potentially leading to something very similar to SO's "closed as duplicate" (duplicate is on a completely different language / software stack / problem domain) issue.

AI-generated content and other unfavorable practices have put longtime staple CNET on Wikipedia's blacklisted sources (www.tomshardware.com)

In the wave of AI controversies and lawsuits, CNET has been publicly admonished since it first started posting thinly-veiled AI-generated content on its site in late 2022— a scandal that has culminated in the site being demoted from Trusted to Untrusted Sources on Wikipedia....

veniasilente ,

Wow. You know you dun goofed it when the "online encyclopedia anyone can edit" makes it very clear that "but not to write about you".

veniasilente ,

Lol you wish Linux was an equivalent to an iPhone in this analogy. Pretty analogy from you.

veniasilente ,

Care to cite sources for that? Haven't seen people playing "competitive multiplayer games" from most people in a while, now.

veniasilente ,

Are you ok?

veniasilente ,

Oh, are your gaming statistics hurt?

veniasilente ,

Ah yes the "labour should be free" / "but if we have to get permits from every artist we won't be able to feed our AIs!" argument.

Listen, I'm not gonna lie. it'd be wonderful if we lived in the utopia where everything is autotranslated for us (not to mention it's done correctly, no "Brock's jelly donuts"). But there's 123456 ways to get it done with human labour properly paid and the corporations are in the position where they have the power and the responsibility to do it. Else authors are going to end up with automated translations which are sold as "official" but over which they don't have control, in particular if the AI translation misrepresents them (using language the author wouldn't changing concepts, or even - imagine - adding slurs).

Like, sure, maybe these corpos don't want to pay for someone to do the translation from scratch... but have they thought of looking for fandom translations and sourcing and paying for those? That's work already done, and has the advantage that someone cared enough about the "niche work", kinda like with anime fansubs. Or they could also, you know, novel idea and all, pay people a wage to translate this. I know. The horror. How dare I suggest that a company doesn't divert wages and income to the CEOs!

veniasilente ,

Spotify wants to generate translations for these audiobooks in the original voices.

Would an author be able to claim trademark infringement? Not to mention libel or slander, if the translation says something the author definitively wouldn't (and obviously hasn't)? Such as, say, AI inserting slurs.

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