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sardaukar , to Technology in Study finds a quarter of all webpages from 2013 to 2023 no longer exist

One day we'll know more about the Roman Empire than the early Web

Resol , to Technology in Study finds a quarter of all webpages from 2013 to 2023 no longer exist
@Resol@lemmy.world avatar

2013: everything is flattened to oblivion (thanks, Apple)

2023: a quarter of the internet literally dies

Things are supposed to get better, not worse.

Agent641 ,

Things are getting better for like, 20 people.

Resol ,
@Resol@lemmy.world avatar

I bet they're all CEOs.

ordellrb , to Technology in Study finds a quarter of all webpages from 2013 to 2023 no longer exist

I learned this a while ago: If you find something interesting save it localy.

Agent641 ,

Saved this comment to notepad in My Documents, thank you 🙏

QuadratureSurfer , to Technology in Study finds a quarter of all webpages from 2013 to 2023 no longer exist
@QuadratureSurfer@lemmy.world avatar

Shout-out to Archive.org for all the awesome work they do to backup what they can from the internet.

(Especially when some stack overflow answer to a question is just a link to some website that has either changed or no longer exists).

Fredy1422 ,

best website to use allongside wayback machine to see how websites looked back in the good ol days.

aceshigh , to Technology in Study finds a quarter of all webpages from 2013 to 2023 no longer exist
@aceshigh@lemmy.world avatar

It’s a good thing I save a doc version of things/articles I find interesting online.

Willie , to Technology in Study finds a quarter of all webpages from 2013 to 2023 no longer exist

Yeah, that's the internet for you. Anything you want to stay around will vanish someday, and anything you want gone will be here forever.

ringwraithfish ,

We ultimately don't know what is going to survive the digital revolution. I wonder what's going to be lost to time and what historians and archeologists will be able to recover and view centuries or millennia in the future.

admin , to Technology in Study finds a quarter of all webpages from 2013 to 2023 no longer exist
@admin@lemmy.my-box.dev avatar

For over 15 years, I oversaw the technical aspect of the biggest weblog in my country. I took great professional pride in making sure that every time we migrated to a new cms, links would keep on working, even when the external pages they linked to were since long dead.

A couple of years ago I left. Last year they changed cms once more. Now all the links are dead, and can best be found through through archive. The content was ported to the new cms, but the links weren't. So even though the content is in the database, it's just inaccessible by its old url.

Such a shame.

CucumberFetish ,

You were doing the God's work

AlternateRoute , to Technology in Study finds a quarter of all webpages from 2013 to 2023 no longer exist

I would be MORE surprised if they where still there.

nyan ,

Pleased, but surprised.

themurphy , to Technology in Study finds a quarter of all webpages from 2013 to 2023 no longer exist

Would anyone expect that they were anyway?

Even if you consider

  • sites getting bought up and rehosted elsewhere
  • sites changing names
  • personal throw-away WordPress sites
  • sites for educational purposes made by the students themselves
  • sites going bankrupt
  • news site, social media channels closing down

Can't see why this isn't very natural, and I'm actually surprised it's not higher if you consider how fast that field is moving.

SnotFlickerman , to Technology in Study finds a quarter of all webpages from 2013 to 2023 no longer exist
@SnotFlickerman@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Hosting sites costs money.

Sometimes, people run out of money.

Sometimes, money runs out of people (ie people die).

My personal site was always just for me and my friends, but when it became too costly of an endeavor to keep hosting, I let it go.

A small business that goes completely out of business doesn't need their website to exist 10 years later, now do they?

dantheclamman OP ,
@dantheclamman@lemmy.world avatar

This isn't just personal sites. Large blogs (Gawker), whole news sites (Vice), and other content no longer exist, because cynical corporate parasites bought them out. Newspapers that exist from before the internet era are arguably better archived on microfilm, Google Books etc, than today's news. The Internet Archive and other sites exist, but they are nonprofit and can't keep up with the sheer scale of content being pulled down.
Also strongly disagree with your assertion that some sites don't need to be saved. The whole point of archiving is that we often can't judge what is important to future generations

SnotFlickerman , (edited )
@SnotFlickerman@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

I understand all that, but I can almost positively assure you that my shitposting isn't super important to have saved, other than for personal reasons. I have a backup of my site from the time, I've held onto it, for sure. But after I die, I'd really rather it stop existing, just like I do.

And we really don't need to remember every business that started and failed within two years. I certainly don't see a great reason to document my dad's shitty used car salesman antics of my youth with his own business. It's honestly also best forgotten by time. There's more worthwhile and prolific con-men to write about and keep documentation thereof.

And frankly, if I don't want my past to be on the internet forever, that should be my choice. Just like in the past, pre-internet-and-computers, if I didn't want to share my writings with anyone before I died, I could burn them properly to make sure they were lost to time.

My original intent was literally meant as a Devil's Advocate counter-point to the point of the article. Sure, we can't tell from where we sit what's important to the future... so maybe trying to save everything is a fools errand to begin with, since we don't know what's worthwhile to save? Saving literally everything for the sake of the future seems ill-considered. Once again, I assure you my shitposting with my friends really isn't all that important culturally or socially.

EDIT: Also this is a cute philosophical 180 degree turn from 14 years ago when numerous scientists, philosophers, and organizations were positively up-in-arms and scared about the prospect of the internet meaning "the end of forgetting" and not being able to move on from your past and grow as a person because your past life on the internet would always come back to haunt you.


Previously, we panicked because everything was going to be online forever!!!! Ohhh spooky, dangerous!!

Now, we're panicked because nothing is going to be online forever!!!! Ohhh toospooky, dangerous!!

Oh, humans, never stop humaning.

Boozilla ,
@Boozilla@lemmy.world avatar

I've felt much the same way for decades. I am very grateful that all the stupid shit I thought, did, or said as a young person wasn't preserved by some omnipresent archival machine. Some moments are best lost to the winds of time. People who grew up with the internet and social media don't know what life was like before. I'm not a "good old days" kind of guy, but I do think the archive-everything-forever compulsion does vast amounts of harm.

SnotFlickerman , (edited )
@SnotFlickerman@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

You probably responded before I made my edit, but do you remember how 14 years ago there was actually a lot of worry about how things on the internet would be around forever and how that would change society?



Jorge Luis Borges, in his short story “Funes, the Memorious,” describes a young man who, as a result of a riding accident, has lost his ability to forget. Funes has a tremendous memory, but he is so lost in the details of everything he knows that he is unable to convert the information into knowledge and unable, as a result, to grow in wisdom. Viktor Mayer-Schönberger, in “Delete,” uses the Borges story as an emblem for the personal and social costs of being so shackled by our digital past that we are unable to evolve and learn from our mistakes. After reviewing the various possible legal solutions to this problem, Mayer-Schönberger says he is more convinced by a technological fix: namely, mimicking human forgetting with built-in expiration dates for data. He imagines a world in which digital-storage devices could be programmed to delete photos or blog posts or other data that have reached their expiration dates, and he suggests that users could be prompted to select an expiration date before saving any data.

Because it's interesting that now the other side of the coin seems to be the primary concern. Previously we were considering expiration dates on data and deep user control. Now the attitude seems to be the opposite, that it shouldn't be up to the user, but up to the archivist.

Boozilla ,
@Boozilla@lemmy.world avatar

Thanks for sharing this, it's a fascinating take. I am certainly not against archiving things that are worth archiving. And I am not qualified to know who should or should not have the authority to make such a determination when it comes to "historical things". But I do believe that individual people (who are not public figures in positions of power / accountability) should always have the option to be forgotten if they choose to be. I am average person of no particular historical interest or merit, I don't really need an expert to tell me that. If I want my shit deleted at any time, and especially after I die, that should be my right. However, "ownership" can get very murky when we sign EULAs and are talking about the costs of hosting, etc. So there are "overriding factors" that may occur, too. Those should never be deceptive or misleading. But of course, they often are. They hide a lot of evil assertions in boring legalese. Google lets you delete your digital data with them if they detect no activity within a time-frame you set. If they are not full of BS and actually honor this, I think that's pretty cool. The compulsion to archive everything is really just data hoarding. Not that different from people who live in a home surrounded by clutter they never use.

nyan ,

The real issue is that we seem to be purging all the wrong things.

Useful answer to technical question? Gone five years later.

Unfounded and fraudulent accusation that some teenager in Albuquerque committed a hideous crime? Preserved for the ages. Revenge porn photos? Also preserved, although possibly without the attributions.

Although, really, all of that is human nature too: we conserve what draws the attention of the average mook, not what specialists find useful.

Pacmanlives ,

Interesting it’s only cost me about 40 dollars a month to host a bunch of sites right now. I think I can consolidate them down to one server and be about 10-15 bucks a months. I am not hosting any pictures right now thoug, which can add up

ezterry , to Technology in Windows 11 just isn't enticing Windows 10 users to upgrade, and its market share is actually falling
@ezterry@lemmy.zip avatar

Honestly, windows gamers upgrade to windows 11, Linux users stay on Linux, and everyone else is on android/ios and in no hurry to do anything about the laptop collecting dust most of the time.

Companies are also more likely to pay the extended support a year or two and update when the computer is replaced.

Its only on here on the fediverse people have time to complain about windows 11. (well some of the gamers might but more likely due to unstable systems on the newest i9 chips, since you launch steam, discord and a browser and alt tab between them.. ignoring the start menu)

Capitao_Duarte ,
@Capitao_Duarte@lemmy.eco.br avatar

Here seems like people think everyone will say "welp, that's it, going linux!". Dude, most people I've talked about it, regular people who don't spent their lives experimenting with tech, don't even know what linux is

barsquid , to Technology in Windows 11 just isn't enticing Windows 10 users to upgrade, and its market share is actually falling

That's weird. Do people not want ads in the computers they paid for begging them to subscribe to their own hardware? Do people not want LLM models watching everything they do and reporting back to headquarters? So perplexing. Welp, the users have spoken, hopefully Microsoft can figure out how to iterate. Maybe they want more ads and AI all over?

rodneylives , to Technology in Windows 11 just isn't enticing Windows 10 users to upgrade, and its market share is actually falling

Once, I was asked if I wanted a special offer on Microsoft Office on boot up.
Explorer freezes so often for me when I right-click a file and select Open With that it's made me twitchy.
Frequently image icons stop displaying.
For a long while, every time I've installed Windows on a computer, I've had to go through and disable all the awful misfeatures Windows tries to put in the taskbar.
I also always have to set OneDrive so it doesn't redirect folders like Desktop and Documents into its cloud storage area.
Now Windows 11 is threatening to put CoPilot on my desktop, and I'll have to disable it too.

I'm positively longing for Linux now.

njordomir ,

I had to do all the same things on my work computer. If MS could stop shitting all over my taskbar that would be an amazing expression of basic decency. I'm about to go to IT and ask for a Linux computer that I can test with my day to day tools to make sure everything works. Typically only a few devs have them and those of us in support roles are on Windows. Microsoft is literally sapping away the time and effort my employer has paid me to put towards their customers. I use Linux at home and it has none of these problems. Actually, the worst problem I've had in years was a broken package that I simply uninstalled and re-added from a different source.

Vaggumon , to Technology in Windows 11 just isn't enticing Windows 10 users to upgrade, and its market share is actually falling
@Vaggumon@lemm.ee avatar

I've already decided I'll be going full Linux when Win10 reaches EOL.

barsquid ,

I like it, I hope you do, too. If you decide to try beforehand I'd suggest a second machine or a VM. Apparently Windows is a massive pain when dual booting, like it commonly deactivates the Linux bootloader.

werefreeatlast , to Technology in Windows 11 just isn't enticing Windows 10 users to upgrade, and its market share is actually falling

It slowed down my desktop experience significantly. Like it makes no sense at all. One day I'm working I solidworks on windows 10 and old computer at acceptable speed, the next I get assigned a new, bastly improved computer, with windows 11 and solidworks latest version, and it's slow as fuck! I just want to end it sometimes. It lags, it crashes, it's worthless! SW is worthless on its own, but with windows 11 its like 10 times worse. I think they are actually serving it on a server secretly and we are just remoting into it. It behaves almost exactly as when using remote desktop. It's terrible and I want it gone!

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