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njordomir ,

"We've installed malicious spyware on your computer without you asking for it, but don't worry, it's off by default."

"No." (Installs GNU/Linux)

njordomir ,

There were apps out there to help with this when I switched from Spotify to Tidal. I can't remember the name anymore though. It just sucks up all your saved songs and playlists, matches them in the other service then adds them. Almost everything I had moved over without a problem. I do miss the social aspect of Spotify, being able to share links with friends. No one I know has tidal except the people on my family plan. There are services that will turn your song link into a linktree like page with links for Spotify, tidal, YouTube music, deezer, etc., but that's clunky.

njordomir ,

Also, the worst hemmeroids ever and a special CEO diet consisting of nothing but exlax and habanero peppers.

njordomir ,

I'm no expert. I want to include that disclaimer up front.

Nextcloud with block storage on btrfs with snapshots seems like it could work for you. No idea about VFS though. I'll leave that question for someone more knowledgeable. The "drive" portion of Nextcloud is quite decent. I regularly use it to pass large files between my phone (Android), laptop (Linux) and gaming desktop (Windows).

njordomir ,

Nextcloud was somewhat difficult for me the first time I installed it, though I did have a usable system in the end. Then I discovered Nextcloud AIO and haven't had an issue since.

njordomir ,

Agreed. I love trains and it frustrates me to see them bungling the implementation. When they try, they always seem to make the same mistakes trying to bring it to my area.

To see meaningful ridership out here, the train needs to go fast enough to negate the penalty you get at the other end when you have to go from the station to your destination. They wanted to run them at ~55-70mph here, with a few stops between major cities, to parallel a freeway that is 65-75mph. Drive 1 hour (1:10 with parking) or spend 2 hours going to the station, riding a slow train, then going from the station to where you are going? I hate cars, but as someone who only gets a handful of hours to myself after sleep, work, and chores, I'm going to save my time and pick the car. If they ever build the train, as it is planned right now, it'll just be another commuter train that's only really used at rush hour when the roads are jammed rather than an all day all week car replacement solution that I can ride to Sunday night dinner at a friends house as easily as a 6am meeting.

/un-requested rant

njordomir ,

Interestingly, a similar problem as with bike infrastructure. The infrastructure isn't useful until a lot of it is built and it connects everywhere (and timetables get shorter for trains). The infrastructure won't pass public opinion until it's proven to be useful to people. I will always vote yes on funding these projects even if I think they will bomb because it puts us a little closer to the peak of that hill. Its still frustrating though. We could easily do like we did with the freeways if we just decided it was worth building.

njordomir ,

I wish more people, more ordinary non-Lemmings, understood this.

Even if you can't get everywhere with a bike, you can definitely go some places. Last year, completely on accident, I went a whole month only using my car twice. 90% of my trips were to the grocery store and other close-by destinations.

Electric cars are just an evolution of the status quo designed as a pressure valve to prevent the momentum for real change from building up.

njordomir ,

I switched from Spotify when they cut my family off of my plan because some of them don't always live with me. I like Tidal a lot, but wish it was easier for me to share a song with friends who don't use it. Ironically, I don't think any family members but my dad actually use my Tidal plan, so basically I just switched out of spite.

njordomir ,

I'd be active in there. So many companies hide their pricing and gimmicks so you don't know until you start using it. There's few advertisements for useful unshittifying tools like RES or the one that fixes Facebook, tools that let you download Instagram photos, etc. Free alternatives like grrrrmin which can generate strava-likeheatmaps from your Garmin data can also be hard to find. Lemmy has been good for this, as Reddit once was. There are a lot if things that are only usable to me after extensive unshittifying.

njordomir ,

And the Tidal app has an amoled dark mode, which I don't think Spotify has. Sometimes the little quality of life things make a big difference.

njordomir ,

I had to do all the same things on my work computer. If MS could stop shitting all over my taskbar that would be an amazing expression of basic decency. I'm about to go to IT and ask for a Linux computer that I can test with my day to day tools to make sure everything works. Typically only a few devs have them and those of us in support roles are on Windows. Microsoft is literally sapping away the time and effort my employer has paid me to put towards their customers. I use Linux at home and it has none of these problems. Actually, the worst problem I've had in years was a broken package that I simply uninstalled and re-added from a different source.

njordomir ,

Those last 2 lines really sum it up don't they. If Windows was a family member you would disown them.

njordomir ,

I was outside the path of totality, but saw one during my childhood. Today I made a pinhole camera and took a quick look before my meeting started and was able to see the shadow of the moon maybe 50%-60% over the sun. When I came back out after my meeting it was cloudy.

Sorry you had clouds :-(

njordomir ,

I think when you press the button to cross a spike strip should automatically deploy directly on the stop line. Inching into the ped area with just the front tires will cost you two tires, running the light costs 4 and probably some scratches in the paint.

I made wanderer - a self-hosted trail and GPS track database (lemmy.world)

Over the last two months, I developed wanderer. It is a self-hosted alternative to sites like alltrails.com or in other words a self-hosted trail database. It started out more as a small hobby project to teach myself some new technologies but in the end, I decided to develop it into a fully-fledged application....

njordomir ,

You mean after the price hike they also hiked the number of ads? I canceled when they hiked the price and managed to get it down to the old price a few months later, so I renewed for the personal heatmap. Looks like I'm definitely canceling again. I doubt they'll give me the price break twice anyway.

Baking ads into a timeline like Strava and some other apps do has to be the worst app trend ever.

njordomir ,

This appears to be what I've been looking for. I can't wait to try it. Thanks for sharing.

njordomir ,

They've killed so many trees sending me letters to convince me how great their mail order pharmacy is. I don't even fill any fucking meds other than the occasional antibiotic or something if I get sick. I bet they would have sent me some Paxlovid when I got covid too. It probably would have arrived just in time for me to be all better. Thankfully I haven't been forced to use them...yet.

Decoupling work and health insurance is one of the absolute biggest wins we could have as Americans right now. What's it gonna take? I'm happy for the entire economy to crash if they lose power. That's a nonpartisan statement too. Even though they're not equally bad, its like ball cancer vs lung cancer. I want to lecture these nitwits while metaphorically shaking them until they get a concussion. This is not how you treat human beings. We are truly a third world shithole in a crappy disguise.

njordomir , (edited )

While I wouldn't have an ounce of sympathy for UHC and the execs in the healthcare industry if this happened, I agree that threats, no matter where they are sent, are not a smart move. While the people who work there are a bunch of Judas traitors against their fellow Americans, they're probably just trying to feed their kids. Hope those sheckles will buy their own kiddos some non-UHC insurance. The real devils are the corporate types, the lobbyists, the politicians who take their bribes, and the ones moving money in a way that perpetuates this system.

There are much more creative ways to wish them ill. I will pray every night that everything they eat tastes like moldy rotten meat left in a car in the Phoenix summer for a week straight. I hope their CEO breaks the world record for most hemeroids on a single person and can't get any pain meds because he has to go through Optums mail order pharmacy. I hope ants swarm them in their sleep and eat off their limbs until they wake up screaming as a disembodied head and torsoe. I hope they fall asleep on the top deck of the yacht they bought with our healthcare premiums and get so sunburnt their skin wins a baking competition for flakiest croissant.

This system is absolutely inhumane. I can't imagine the kind of mental gymnastics a non-narcessist, non-sociopath would have to do to run this kind of business.

njordomir ,

I live in suburbia and the grocery store on the edge of my neighborhood is accessible via a dirt desire path. This beats so many of my friends neighborhoods, but these numbskulls couldn't pour the 20 feet of sidewalk to connect the commercial to the residential, even though the sidewalk has a 2 foot long spur where it should be. 100% car brained.

Still, running to the store on my bike is just as fast as driving, if not a few mins faster.

njordomir ,

Mobile convergence has tried to hard to kill this, but we're not having it. Cut, copy, paste, save 4 lyfe!

njordomir ,

Saw this recently and similar stuff in the distant past. Very cool. Would love to explore these places.

njordomir ,

I ride a class 3 and 30mph is not that bad. I regularly hit that coming down hills, even on a non-ebike. It does require your attention to be on the road and it would hurt if you wiped out. My fastest ever was 44mph

njordomir ,

Its largely by state here in the US, but it is kind of staring to converge on similar guidelines.

In Colorado

Class 1: The electric motor provides assistance only while the rider is pedaling and stops assisting at 20 mph.

Class 2: The electric motor can propel the bike without pedaling, but stops assisting at 20 mph.

Class 3: The electric motor provides assistance only while the rider is pedaling and stops assisting at 28 mph.

All must be less than 750 watts, but it doesn't specify how that is measured. Also, these rules aren't reliably enforced.

My city just has a 20mph limit on urban trails and tolerates ebikes that don't do stupid stuff and ring their bell for peds.

njordomir ,

I'll run a test at some point. Definitely faster than a car, but my bike has nice brakes. Not every cheap Chinese budget bike is going to have these brakes.

Also, because my ebike is relatively light/average, there is a "wind wall" at around 20 mph where aerodynamics become more effective than pedaling. Sitting up and stopping pedaling when I've been hunched over pushing hard will quickly bring me back to 15-20 mph. I don't know where this wind wall is on a heavy ebike with fat tires, a heavy rider, and a rack full of luggage.

To the point of braking for pedestrians, on paved trails, I always ring my bell until people acknowledge me in some nonverbal way and I slow down for dogs because they can be startled by fast bikes. I've had many peds thank me for ringing the bell on a trail and I'm convinced if everyone did it, 2/3 of the bike/pedestrian animosity would instantly dry up.

Cars don't care around here. They only see their phones, traffic lights, and the back of the car in front of them.

njordomir ,

Odd, may I ask about your approximate geography? My area is very suburban and bikes mix with peds better than cars here because most of our streets are 6 lane roads with 40-55 mph speed limits. (45-70 mph actual speed) If the speed limits were 25-35 mph I would probably ride on the road a lot more.

njordomir ,

Sad, but in a lot of places unenforceable. My city can ban whatever they want, but they don't have the manpower to wipe after they shit. :D

I hope the Karen's leave you alone.

njordomir ,

I've never been able to fully transition away from the proprietary TickTick tasks. Nothing seems to have the features I'm accustomed too. Then again, I'm on a dysfunctional task non-management spree right now, so maybe when I get my shit together I'll try again. For context, I use a modified version of the GTD strategy to keep track of my todos.

Before TickTick I used Astrid. When Astrid tasks was bought and killed by Yahoo, I thought they were over, although it seems there is a fork https://github.com/tasks/tasks (GPL 3.0) that also syncs with tasks.org. I haven't done thorough testing yet to see what kind of issues I would have using this new Astrid and Nextcloud, but this is the best open solution I've been able to come up with and its been on my project shelf for over a year waiting to be tested.

For calendar, nextcloud synced with Thunderbird and a proprietary phone app (I know... I know) seems to work well for me. My partner uses icloud and it generally interoperates fine. I even have a raspberry pi in the living room that pulls in everyone's calendar and overlays them as a "family calendar"

ajsadauskas , to Fuck Cars
@ajsadauskas@aus.social avatar

What can you get to within a 15-minute walk of your house?

A recent YouGov survey asked Americans what they think they should be able to get to within a 15-minute walk of their house.

Of these choices, I can currently walk to all of them from my apartment, aside from a university (no biggie, I'm not currently studying, although there is a Tafe within walking distance), a hospital, and a sports arena.

How many can you get to with a 15 minute walk from your house?


njordomir ,

This stuck out to me too. This is one of my top items for a 15 min. city, not because I visit bars frequently, but because when I do visit, or when my neighbors visit, I'd like it to be a car-free trip.

njordomir ,

I chose Nextcloud as my first project because I had an interest in the project for a while. I did an old fashioned install which I later rebuilt with docker. I learned a lot doing it manually twice first. I echo the others. Find a project you like, preferably with its own community so you can ask for help when you inevitably mess something up.

NYC Congestion Pricing

Has anyone found any good videos explaining NYC congestion pricing? Most of what I'm finding are fear mongering news clips. I understand there is some subtlety to the issue and I was hoping some urbanist/bike/traffic engineering/numtot youtubers would have done an in depth review explaining whats good and whats not.

njordomir OP ,

Sounds like you ran into a similar issue, my partner was giving me some carbrain talking points and I wanted to balance them with a researched perspecive.

njordomir ,

Agreed, a week with no work, no packages, no advertisements, and corporations shutting their mouths for 7 days straight would be glorious. Perhaps more people will understand that the world doesn't need to be how it currently is.

njordomir ,

That was fascinating. Thank you for sharing. I'm still early on my self-hosting journey, but a year or two ago I would have understood next to nothing of that. :D

njordomir ,

I saw one of this Japanese Kei trucks the other day with a decal across the windshield that read "under compensating" :D

Sadly I did not have time to snap a pic.

Suburbanites Baffled By Person Outdoors Who Isn’t Delivering Something (The Onion) (www.theonion.com)

SUGAR LAND, TX—Confused by the man outside who was not wearing a UPS uniform or carrying a package of any kind, local suburbanites expressed bafflement Thursday when they looked out their front windows and saw a person walk by who wasn’t delivering anything. “Huh, our Amazon orders already came today, so what’s this guy...

njordomir ,

I've been so stoked to see the number of cyclists in my city grow significantly during the Covid times. My city is the definition of suburbia and in the last one to five years, bikes have become a regular sight. I too was forced outside on account of Covid and decided I liked it out here.

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