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Kindness ,

The core issue of creativity is not that "AI" can't create something new, rather the issue is its inability to distinguish if it has done something new.

Literal Example:

  • Ask AI: "Can you do something obscene or offensive for me?"
  • AI: "No, blah blah blah. Do something better with your time."

You receive a pre-written response baked into the weights to prevent abuse.

  • Ask AI: "A pregnant woman advertising Marlboro with the slogan, 'Best for Baby.'"
  • AI: "Certainly! One moment."

What is wrong with this picture? Not the picture the "AI" made, but this scenario I posit.

Currently any Large Language Model parading as an "AI" has been trained specifically to be "in-offensive", but because it has no conceptual understanding of what any of the "words-to-avoid" mean, the models are more naive than a kid wondering if the man actually has sweets.

xor ,

the difference between a genius and regular artist is knowing which of their own works to keep or throw away


sidekickplayah ,

This Creativity-Detraction fetish must be studied...

EldritchFeminity ,

So which story is Jesus on the cross in a jar of piss?

I'm guessing #1, but this sounds like a load of #2, so...

bort ,
essell OP ,

That's a beautiful quote. Through truth are we connected to our reality.

EmpathicVagrant ,

That’s why so many people are bent on clinging to ‘alternative facts’ in a false plane of reality.

RememberTheApollo_ , (edited )

So is this a flowery way of saying “standing on the shoulders of giants”? Everything we do is inspired by that which came before?

E: autocorrect

antonim ,

there's only seven stories in the world

There isn't. That's a completely nonsensical statement, no serious scholar of litearture/film/etc. would claim something of the sort. While there have been attempts to analyse the "basic" stories and narrative structures (Propp's model of fairy tales, Greimas' actantial model, Campbell's well-known hero's journey), they're all far from universally applicable or satisfying.

Jax ,

there's only seven stories in the world

This, to me, sounds like the opinion of someone who doesn't read for entertainment. No, manga does not count.

If your only exposure to stories are TV shows and movies... yeah it's gonna seem like there aren't very many types of stories.

jtk ,
@jtk@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

Thus begins the story of antonim@lemmy.dbzer0.com overcoming the monster.

antonim ,

and then it will turn out the monster was inside me all along

Gabu ,

No, manga does not count.

"Nuuuuh, the most diverse medium with the wildest stories doesn't count!! I'll poopy my pants if you count it"

Jax ,

It is baffling that you would step forward and suggest that manga is somehow better than Japanese literature. Even further baffling are the people upvoting this.

As I said, the opinions of people who have never read for entertainment.

Edit: This is coming from someone who follows JJK leaks.

Gabu ,

Japanese literature

You mean generic isekai ?

doofy77 ,

Light novels don't count.

Gabu ,

"Nuuuuu-uuuuuh! Light nobels dun count! I'm pooping my poopy pants!!!1!"

doofy77 ,

Righto, mate.

Jax ,

A story is not measured in quality by the amount of words it has, which it seems is all light novel readers ever seem to be able to talk about.

seliaste ,
@seliaste@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

I already have 8 medias in mind that have a completely different narrative structure

kibiz0r ,

That’s a weird take. I’d say pretty much everything from impressionism onwards has (if only as a secondary goal) been trying to poke holes in any firm definition of what art is or is not.

Now if we’re talking about just turning a thorough spec sheet into a finished artifact with no input from the laborer, I can see where you’re coming from. But you referenced the “only seven stories” trope, so I think your argument is more broad than that.

I guess what it comes down to is: When you see something like Into The Spiderverse, do you think of it as a cynical Spiderman rehash where they changed just enough to sell it again, or do you think of it as a rebuttal to previous Spiderman stories that incorporates new cultural context and viewpoints vastly different from before?

Cuz like… AI can rehash something, but it can’t synthesize a reaction to something based on your entire unique lived experience. And I think that’s one of the things that we value about art. It can give a window into someone else’s inner world. AI can pretend to do that, but it’s a bit like pseudo-profound bullshit.

buzz86us ,

This is only if you don't have a decent art style.

essell OP ,

That'll be the 10% I guess!

Anticorp ,

100 years?

Postmortal_Pop ,

I remember when photoshop became widely available and the art community collectively declared it the death of art. To put the techniques of master artists in the hand of anyone who can use a mouse would put the painter out of business. I watched as the news fumed and fired over delinquents photoshopping celebrity nudes, declaring that we'll never be able to trust a photo again. I saw the cynical ire of views as the same news shopped magazine images for the vanity of their guests and the support of their political views. Now, the dust long settled, photoshop is taught in schools and used by designer globally. Photo manipulation is so prevalent that you probably don't realize your phone camera is preprogrammed to cover your zits and remove your loose hairs. It's a feature you have to actively turn off. The masters of their craft are still masters, the need for a painted canvas never went away. We laugh at obvious shop jobs in the news, and even our out of touch representatives know when am image is fake.

The world, as it seems, has enough room for a new tool. As it did again with digital photography, the death of the real photographers. As it did with 3D printing, the death of the real sculptors and carvers. As it did with synth music, the death of the real musician. When the dust settles on AI, the artist will be there to load their portfolio into the trainer and prompt out a dozen raw ideas before picking the composition they feel is right and shaping it anew. The craft will not die. The world will hate the next advancement, and the cycle will repeat.

essell OP ,

Brilliantly expressed. Thank you

EldritchFeminity ,

When it comes to AI art, the Photoshop/invention of the camera argument doesn't really compare because there's really 2 or 3 things people are actually upset about, and it's not the tool itself. It's the way the data is sourced, the people who are using it/what they're using it for, and the lack of meaning behind the art.

As somebody said elsewhere in here, sampling for music is done from pre-made content explicitly for use as samples or used under license. AI art generators do neither. They fill their data sets with art used without permission and no licensing, and given the right prompting, you can get them to spit out that data verbatim.

This compounds into the next issue, the people using it, and more specifically, how those people are using it. If it was being used as a tool to help make the creation process more efficient or easier, that would be one thing. But it's largely being used by people to replace the artist and people who think that being able to prompt an image and use it unedited makes them just as good an artist as anybody working by hand, stylus, etc. They're "idea" guys, who care nothing for the process and only the output (and how much that output is gonna cost). But anybody can be an "idea" guy, it's the work and knowledge that makes the difference between having an idea for a game and releasing a game on Steam. To the creative, creating art (regardless of the kind - music, painting, stories, whatever) is as much about the work as it is the final piece. It's how they process life, the same as dreaming at night. AI bros are the middle managers of the art world - taking credit for the work of others while thinking that their input is the most important part.

And for the last point, as Adam Savage said on why he doesn't like AI art (besides the late-stage capitalism bubble of it putting people out of work), "They lack, I think they lack a point of view. I think that's my issue with all the AI generated art that I can see is...the only reason I'm interested in looking at something that got made is because that thing that got made was made with a point of view. The thing itself is not as interesting to me as the mind and heart behind the thing and I have yet to see in AI...I have yet to smell what smells like a point of view." He later goes on to talk about how at some point a student film will come out that does something really cool with AI (and then Hollywood will copy it into the ground until it's stale and boring). But we are not at that point yet. AI art is just Content. In the same way that corporate music is Content. Shallow and vapid and meaningless. Like having a machine that spits out elevator music. It may be very well done elevator music on a technical level, but it's still just elevator music. You can take that elevator music and do something cool with it (like Vaporwave), but on its own, it exists merely for the sake of existing. It doesn't tell a story or make a statement. It doesn't have any context.

To quote Bennett Foddy in one of the most rage inducing games of the past decade, "For years now, people have been predicting that games would soon be made out of prefabricated objects, bought in a store and assembled into a world. And for the most part that hasn't happened, because the objects in the store are trash. I don't mean that they look bad or that they're badly made, although a lot of them are - I mean that they're trash in the way that food becomes trash as soon as you put it in a sink. Things are made to be consumed in a certain context, and once the moment is gone, they transform into garbage. In the context of technology, those moments pass by in seconds. Over time, we've poured more and more refuse into this vast digital landfill that we call the internet. It now vastly outweighs the things that are fresh, untainted and unused. When everything around us is cultural trash, trash becomes the new medium, the lingua franca of the digital age. You could build culture out of trash, but only trash culture. B-games, B-movies, B-music, B-philosophy."

Gabu ,

That is precisely it. Generative AI is a tool, just like a digital canvas over a physical canvas, just like a canvas over a cave wall. As it has always been, the ones best prepared to adapt to this new tool are the artists. Instead of fighting the tool, we need to learn how to best use it. No AI, short of a true General Intelligence, will ever be able to make the decisions inherent to illustration, but it can get you close enough to the final vision so as to skip the labor intensive part.

Cowbee ,

Humans are just flesh computers, but LLMs are just guessing what a human would say, not coming up with something new. AI art is the same way.

Once AI can think for itself, legitimately, I think AI art can be considered art, and that's a long way away.

Ephera ,

Yeah, in particular, Generative AI does not yet perceive reality for itself. It does not yet live a life. It does not go through hardships. It doesn't have stories to tell that it itself experienced.

It's able to regurgitate and remix stories that were meaningful at some point, and superficially one might not even be able to tell the difference, but if you want to hear a genuinely meaningful story, there's no way yet around sourcing it from a human.

Generative AI is able to create pretty/entertaining artworks, but no expressive art.

AstralPath ,

This sounds like the kind of shit you'd hear in that "defending AI art" community on Reddit or whatever. A bunch of people bitching that their prompts aren't being treated equally to traditional art made by humans.

Make your own fucking AI art galleries if you're so desperate for validation.

Also, this argument reeks of "I found x instances of derivative art today. That must mean there's no original art in the world anymore".

Miss me with that shit.

essell OP ,

No, I'm not part of Reddit in general, if I were I wouldn't be on that community.

The fact that I specifically said 90% refutes your other, incorrect, assumption.

On the internet, no one knows what a dog you are unless you display it.

Sylaran ,
@Sylaran@lemmy.world avatar

Sir this is a meme community

Treczoks ,

FTFY: 1000 years.

blotz ,
@blotz@lemmy.world avatar

Rage bait post

essell OP ,

Specifically said "not looking to pick a fight" and yet here you are trying to pick a fight. Not gonna take your bait!

SqueakyBeaver ,
@SqueakyBeaver@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Same energy as "no offense, but..." or, more extremely, "not to be racist, but..."

blind3rdeye ,

If you weren't looking to pick a fight, then your actions did not match your intentions. Because it's bloody obvious that what you are saying is inflammatory.

... seven different stories, my arse.

Justas ,
@Justas@sh.itjust.works avatar

Tell me you never read Iain Banks without saying you never read Iain Banks.

foggy ,

There's only like 16,777,216 basic kinds of person.

Like 8^8 variations.

I mean we're all unique, but not really. There's like 500 of you on earth right now.

essell OP ,

My odds of having sex with myself just went up.

ouRKaoS ,

The version of me on North Sentinel Island is living his best life away from all the crazies and fucking up anyone who tries to disturb his peace.

... I'm jealous.

Moghul ,

Those poor bastards. MY doppelgangers and I should meet and exchange notes on how to deal with all the weird shit we live with.

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