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Alsephina ,

Everything is politics, and should be talked about.

Also this would've been much more fitting with the Luhansk https://lemmy.ml/pictrs/image/3a9a9c10-36d6-4e2f-913c-cca59ea5f86d.png or Donetsk https://lemmy.ml/pictrs/image/c57ab014-f33e-4be9-ab2f-99251dbe5e9a.png flags instead of the Kiev regime's, since the post-2014 coup government did commit a genocide in Eastern Ukraine.

Alsephina ,

Even more reason to ditch Unity!

Alsephina ,

Crimeans overwhelming support Russia against the post-2014 fascist coup gov in Ukraine

People in Donbass too as you'd expect. They welcomed the Russian army as liberators in 2022 from the current fascist Ukraine gov

Alsephina ,

I want to live in the Canada-annexes-US timeline

Alsephina ,

That "resolution" only ordered Hamas to turn over the hostages so they would have less options, and instead greenlighted an invasion of Rafah by the zionist military.

Russia and China voted for the subsequent resolution drafted by the elected members of the UNSC that ordered an actual ceasefire (which israel has clearly not obeyed however; unenforceable resolutions are meaningless as it turns out).

Alsephina ,

Join in the revolution against the capitalist government.

Alsephina ,

This meme is mainly talking about workers who are worked to death to "earn a living". Capitalists who leech off of workers do not deserve to be alive.

Of course, that's not the case for those who are physically unable to work to the same extent as others. Basically, "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs."

We have more than enough resources for everyone, so long as the working class can control the means of production instead of the capitalists who try to hoard all the wealth.

Alsephina ,

Bangladesh was also going to become a socialist state, hence the name People's Republic of Bangladesh.

One of the countless socialist movements across the world that were crushed with the USSR's overthrow...

Alsephina , (edited )

Used to mean someone who would support sending in tanks to crush capitalist rallies like in Hungary (which most people who get labelled "tankies" these days obviously don't), but nowadays it's just an anti-communist term for anyone that supports any socialist revolution that has successfully built a socialist nation.

Alsephina , (edited )

All states are inherently "authoritarian" and enforce certain principles over others. What matters is if those principles materially prioritize workers over capitalists, which socialist states do.

You can't create a stateless, classless communist society from capitalism without a transitional socialist state that breaks the monopoly on force and propaganda that capitalist states have — specially in a world ruled by capitalist superpowers like the US which constantly coups and invades non-capitalist states. Thinking otherwise is just delusional and utopian.

No non-capitalist state will survive in the modern world if they don't sufficiently get rid of propaganda and deal with capitalist funded insurgencies, which capitalist states will label as "authoritarian"; they'd immediately be coup'd and overthrown by imperial core countries otherwise, as many socialist states have (Chile, Libya, etc).

And regardless, socialist states are a massive improvement over capitalist states when it comes to "authoritarianism" anyway, same as most other metrics. The US has 0.8% of its population in prison for example, while China has 0.1%. Similar stats on most metrics for the USSR vs USA; socialist Russia's human rights were also far better than capitalist Russia's, obviously.

Alsephina , (edited )

Rojava is a decentralized capitalist region with no plans of being socialist/anarchist/etc whose leadership allows the US to use it as a imperialist proxy and military base in the region. Of course the US likes that lmao; the US National Security Council calls it another "israel" in the region.

The Zapatistas are cool comrades who fought off the US and other capitalist forces as all socialist projects have to. Different from most successful socialist revolutions in that it didn't establish a state (though it was managed centrally by the EZLN), but it has since succumbed to pressure from the government and cartels and has dissolved its municipalities last year — so it's not quite as successful of a revolution as those that establish a state, some of which have already managed to become nations of millions or global superpowers.

Cuba be SocDem, as was the original intent of the revolutionaries

"Social democracy" back then just meant socialism. The Bolsheviks who established the USSR were also "social democrats"

And your fantasies of the US ever letting a US-backed military dictatorship be overthrown and develop are funny, specially when it's currently committing a genocide in Palestine and not even letting them get rid of a western colony.

Alsephina ,

It should have, just the other way. The GDR would never have let the far-right grow to this point.

Alsephina OP ,

It was originally your average fascist democrat "meme"


"Uniteagainsttheright" it says lmao not realizing they're already a fascist right-winger. Surprisingly even reddit had the decency to remove it

Alsephina OP ,

"This one" as in this lemmy post or the fascist meme?

Alsephina ,

Oooh this is cool

Alsephina ,

Instead of individual, centralized websites there will be an interconnected network of encyclopedias. This means the same topic can be treated in completely different ways. For example geology.wiki/article/Mountain may be completely different different from poetry.wiki/article/Mountain. There can be Ibis instances strictly focused on a particular topic with a high quality standard, and others covering many areas in layman’s terms.

I don't think something like this exists yet(?), so it'll be cool to see how this will be like.

Alsephina ,

Wikipedia’s attempt at impartiability

Reading the links in this post alone shows wikipedia is already one of those biased islands lol

And with this system you will definitely see other attempts at impartial wikis too.

Alsephina ,

Same as Lemmy which is also slowly going up in results

Huh. Searching for "Lemmy" on Google actually brings it up on the side now instead of Lemmy Kilmister like it did during the Reddit exodus. Neat.

Alsephina ,


But then again, you could say this about Lemmy and Reddit too.

Lemmy took 5 years to get to this point. Let's give this a few years and see how it turns out.

Alsephina ,

“The white liberal differs from the white conservative only in one way: the liberal is more deceitful than the conservative.”

- Malcolm X

Alsephina ,

You won't find any encyclopedia (or anything really) you can use then since everything is biased towards something. Wikipedia has a massive neoliberal bias for example. And a heavily biased leadership as linked in this post.

Alsephina ,

Not at all. We've seen this our whole lives, and are currently seeing it with the liberal response to the ongoing genocide in Palestine too. They only support emancipatory movements in theory, but in practice are the same as conservatives: they stop when those people are taking direct action for emancipation, specially when it threatens their own positions.

"...who constantly says: "I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I cannot agree with your methods of direct action"; who paternalistically believes he can set the timetable for another man's freedom; who lives by a mythical concept of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait for a "more convenient season." - MLK

Liberals didn't like Mandela's use of force to overthrow apartheid in South Africa, and they wouldn't approve of it if it happened now either. The same way they aren't approving of Palestinian resistance groups like Hamas in their war against the apartheid colony "israel".

Alsephina , (edited )

That was the same with black liberation and apartheid South Africa in MLK and Mandela's time: they support it only in theory. How many of them supported direct action and use of violent force to actually materially change those? How many of them support Hamas, PFLP, etc in our current time now?

The answer is "not many", because MLK, Malcolm X and Mandela were all right about liberals being the same as conservatives in practice.

Alsephina , (edited )

Hamas is more complicated

See what Malcolm X, MLK, and Mandela meant? You would've said shit like this about MLK's and Mandela's violent riots and sabotages of the government too, and liberals did.

Alsephina ,

Yeah people seem to forget liberalism is a right-wing ideology. One look at Reddit's takes on Palestine says everything.

Alsephina ,

You're thinking of alot of the .world users lol denying the current genocide in Palestine

Alsephina ,

Nah this happened to my buddy Eric the other day

Alsephina ,

No I don't want this to turn into reddit. God no.

This is just centralizing the decentralized fediverse. The one advantage this has to begin with.

Alsephina , (edited )

"This is what our ruling class has decided will be normal."


Wonder how someone class conscious like this ended up in the US military.

Alsephina ,

Fascism is when you oppose fascism.

Do you even understand what the words you're using mean?

Alsephina OP ,

Huh, according to the word counts on kobo, the 3 volumes of Marx's Capital combined also has just over 1 million words. Interesting.

Alsephina OP , (edited )

It's very leftist; the dialogue is full of political speak with honest critiques of different ideologies. The story itself is set in Revachol, a place where a communist revolution was crushed by the Coalition (a foreign capitalist military alliance of the most powerful countries and somewhat of a stand-in for NATO), similar to what happened to Libya and the USSR.

The game centers around you (a cop) trying to solve a murder mystery that has something to do with the local Dockworkers' Union striking for overtime pay, workplace democracy etc from a megacorporation.

Alot of the creators are also communists, as you can see from one of the (ex) writers for the game recently saying that the workplace culture after the recent lay-offs of alot of the writers was like "transitioning from the Soviet Union to the fascist Russian Federation"

Alsephina OP ,

You do that lol

Alsephina OP , (edited )

NATO only got involved in Libya after the civil war was in full swing

"The country was already in a terrible state after we funded countless insurgencies in it since forcing them to give up self-defence programs. We just went in and finished the job."

Libya had gone from one of the poorest countries in the world to having the highest human development index of any country in Africa by 2010 under the Socialist government, and became a powerful anti-capitalist force in Africa. The US and UK forced Libya to give up their nuclear weapons program in 2003 and used the resulting lack of a deterrent to fund insugencies in the country, then used that as a casus belli to invade and destroy it in 2011.

Come on, we've seen this play out time and time again with the US and its allies (or the Imperial core in general). Be it the wars in Vietnam, Cuba, Afganistan or the countless coup's against leftist governments in Africa and Latin America. Every single time saying that their governments are bad or something as an excuse to invade and destroy a threat to imperialism, as if them waging wars and killing people on the other side of the world is supposed to improve something.

We're literally watching this happen in Palestine right now with the US-backed "israel" forcing Palestinians to use armed resistance against their oppressors, then using that as a casus belli by calling it "terrorism" to invade and commit the ongoing genocide.

Alsephina OP ,

Ig you probably wouldn't enjoy it as much if you're not familiar with political speak.

My favourite part of the game was the worldbuilding and history. Enhanced by the amazing artwork and voice acting.

Alsephina OP , (edited )

Source: Imperial core propaganda

Even in an alternate timeline where that's not just war propaganda, does this in any way justify fucking invading and destroying a country on another continent?

Alsephina OP , (edited )

would have to do something pretty wild to prompt all the people getting free college educations and all basic needs guaranteed to try and kill him.

Almost like it was instigated by US/UK interference after forcing them to give up their nuclear deterrence, as they have done and continue to do to Socialist and leftist governments in Latin America and Africa to justify invasion and intervention. This is nothing new.

Feel free to cite a source with evidence for those claims about Gaddafi btw. Afaik there are none aside from anonymous sources with no evidence, which is the most common way the US and its allies make propaganda.

Your reply was to my comment pointing out that the destabilization and then the invasion of Libya by NATO was wholly unjustified, as all imperial core invasions are. If you agree with that what are you even trying to argue about?

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