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BaumGeist ,

OpenWRT is really hard to get onto routers

I bought the Nanopi R4S, and it was extremely easy to switch out their modified OpenWRT for vanilla (literally just use a command/program to install the image on an SDcard). Granted, I did have to find a solution for wifi, but even that was easy with the Belkin RT3200s and the instructions (more in-depth, but still hand-holding). I also flashed it onto a Netgear AC1200 using nmrpflash, which sounds imposing, but really just entailed installing the pre-reqs, hooking the router's ethernet port directly to my PC's and running the command.

I did have to do my research to arrive at my decision to buy these specific models for their compatibility with OpenWRT. If you don't, you might end up with something that requires popping open the shell and setting up serial comms, which is a pain.

As far as I could find, out of the three Wifi6 enabled Asus models (RT-AX###) that are compatible with OpenWRT, 2 require ssh and running commands that are given in the guide; the other one, and all of the supported AC### models, seemed to work using ASUS's built-in web-app to upload the OWRT image. I wouldn't say any of it is easy, but I also can't agree with "really hard."

Another consideration is setup and maintenance. Proprietary firmware tends toward being as "click here to set and forget everything, here are the only 3 pieces of info you need to know from now on"; OpenWRT is definitely more hands on and requires a lot of RTFMing and routine maintenance.

BaumGeist ,

I'm seeing a few comments suggesting OpenWRT, which is what I use and love: the correct response to this level of capitalist tomfoolery should absolutely be to 1. buy hardware that supports FOSS out of the box, or 2. install FOSS firmware.

BUT: OpenWRT isn't for everyone. Installation on supported devices is usually pretty easy, but it does require being invested in setup, maintenance, and understanding of the software. There is little built-in handholding, and most setup beyond basic functions requires reading the docs and wiki; sometimes, some functionality requires running commands directly on the device rather than the LuCI web-interface.

This kind of understanding and investment should be the end-goal of all privacy-oriented tech users. Technology is complicated, and each layer of handholding that devs add also necessarily obfuscates behind-the-scenes functionality, which runs counter to privacy and security. That being said, the barrier for entry to privacy-respecting tech shouldn't be "a masters in CompSci," and thus any alternative to major tech brands is still a step up from just accepting what they give you. Just be aware that your current firmware may be a stepping stone towards software freedom, instead of a stopping point.

BaumGeist , (edited )

Louis Rossman is my Alex Jones. He's angry, compelling, and talking about something that makes him seen like a conspiracy theorist to normies. Unlike Jones, though, he's usually right (if not always, I haven't fact checked everything he's ever said). It's extremely cathartic to see someone use such extreme rhetoric to talk about privacy and software ownership and right to repair; e.g. it's not "advertiser's entitlement," it's "rapist mentality."

Ironically, youtube's inability to completely differentiate between people at the same IP has accidentally gotten my non-techie roommate into him too. I never shared his videos with her, never said anything about him, and one day I hear his voice as she browses the web. I'm so proud of her.

My least favorite thing about the "engagement friendly" slop in youtube's search results is that it takes up HALF of the results. Because clearly what I expect from SEARCHING for something is to dredge up a bunch of shit that ranges from tangentially related to completely unrelated.

For example, I too just searched a song. Let's see how that went:

7 results
4 "people also watched" videos
5 results
2 "More from [band name]" videos
2 results
3 "people also searched for" suggestions
2 results
2 Results
3 "From related searches"
2 results

That's 20 results to 15 irrelevant pieces of ADHD triggering visual clutter. Luckily the results were actually relevant, unlike whatever you're getting.

To all the commenters saying "I have X, I don't have this problem": I have adblock, I don't have this problem, YOU'RE MISSING THE POINT:

YOUTUBE SEARCH IS BROKEN BY DEFAULT. The largest video sharing site on the internet is BROKEN BY DEFAULT. It shouldn't require extra software to function properly when functioning properly requires less work on the server's side

BaumGeist ,

Damn... That's a good username. Wish I had thought of it

BaumGeist ,

Nah, I don't feel like starting a new account, nor adding to the unnecessary confusion of multiple users with the same name. I'm kinda happy I'm the only one of me rn

BaumGeist ,

That's a weird reasoning, as I can find plenty of FOSS that has paid "business" editions

BaumGeist ,

"I am a new linux user. After 15 minutes of research on google, I found a few forum posts and some niche websites that said SystemD was bad, so I took it as gospel. Now my system doesn't work as simply as it did with installer defaults? How do I make everything Just Work™ after removing any OS components I don't understand the need for?"

BaumGeist ,

Debian, Arch, Fedora, Mint, Ubuntu, Redhat, Manjaro all have docs and wiki on their primary websites. Slackware has docs, Gentoo has a wiki. Anything that's not on a distro's site needs to be carefully considered before tampering. Almost all of those distros have a warning in their installation instructions to only listen to the information in their docs and wiki, and to a lesser extent their forums. Hell, even nosystemd.org tells you what systemd is, what it's for, what replacements there are, and the proper way to get rid of it in bold text under the header "How do I get rid of systemd?"

Listening to hackneyed advice from unvetted sources just because they have strong opinions is a problem that any and every computer will face. That's not a problem with linux anymore than the hoardes of trolls on random social media sites telling you to "delete System32" is a problem with Windows.

I want Linux to be customizable AND safe. But safe in the way that someone takes the time to learn how what they plan to do will effect their system, not safe in the sense of "impossible to bork"

As for elitism: if it's "elitist" to indirectly poke fun of someone who deleted a core system component without understanding what it does without a backup, then so be it. It feels more like that word is levied by people whose ego is too big to take respobsibility for the mistakes they made, and instead blame others for laughing when it bites them in the ass.

Idk where these swaths of elitists that refuse to help are. OOP went to stackexchange and likely got a helpful answer complete with explanations, as that is the community standard. Over on !linux , I see people offering help with problems all the time without shitting on them. If I go to the aforementioned OS forums, or really any software-specific forums, I see people helping or pointing people to where they can get help.

And I'm not denying that assholes who say shit like "did you even bother googling?" exist. They're nasty people with no patience, but they're by no means the community standard unless they're the only ones you pay attention to...

Or unless you see a screenshot of a question from a different website posted in a meme-sharing forum and expect the comments to offer advice, instead of laughing at the person who shot themselves in the foot and went to a hospital instead of seeking help at the DNC HQ

BaumGeist ,

stupid question, but does your server have a video card or only the CPU's (or SOC's) built-in GPU?

If you do, you might want to make sure you've configured ffmpeg to use the hardware acceleration

Also, could be that unmanic is trying to reencode the files, which would eat up wayyyyyyyy more resources than necessary. It looks like the least overhead/performance hungry option will be to just run ffmpeg directly, so you know exactly what's being done.

BaumGeist ,

right? I know the unix philosophy disagrees, bur goddamn is it so convenient and versatile.

plus overpowered CLI tools like ffmpeg are the definitive case where CLI is definitely preferable to GUI by almost every metric. Why go hunting through a labyrinth of dropdowns and dialog boxes when I could just search the man page and type a few characters.

BaumGeist ,

also want to say that this is illegal in most places. The store may or may not press charges, but they have the right to and they will win that case if they do. So only do it if you know you can get away with it or have permission or don't mind having the stain on your legal record and whatever fine they hit you with

BaumGeist ,

The data takes that into account. It's not just about what individuals can do, it's about all possible solutions and their cost/benefit analysis. Obviously it's not going to have "stop operations of the small group of companies responsible for 80% of ghg emissions" because that's not a solution—we're less likely to cease needing them than we arw to replace them or replace them with more companies that do less individually but the same amout overall—but it will list things like "replace x infrastructure within y industry" and the cost associated with it and how much CO2 equivalent it offsets over time.

BaumGeist ,

not immediately, but it does in the future. Which is what most of these solutions are analyzing

BaumGeist ,

Emissions did fall, actually. Atmospheric levels continued to grow at near the same rate, and there are some posited explanations as to why

What I'm getting from all this is that any solution will necessarily be long term, as we can't just stop everything and expect homeostasis to immediately return to the global ecosystem. Regardless of what we do, it will take time for atmospheric levels to start dropping.

BaumGeist ,

re: degrowth

it's not a solution, it's a philosophy that includes a family of solutions. It's not just about plugging the thermal leaks in your house, it's also about moving into a smaller house. It's not just about reducing food waste, it's about not eating more than what you need.

The beauty of it is that it's inherently proportional to individual impact on the climate: the people with the most SF of living space per person are contributing the most to energy expenditure to heat their living space, regardless if you call it a "home" or be brutally honest and acknowledge it's actually a a small private village; the people who eat the most food per person are contributing the most to whatever amount of food waste and food production there is.

I think my term will be much more appealing to people because you can still live, you know, eat a healthy meal, have nice dinners, and whatever; it's not [garbled] a term that is kind of implicitly sounds like sacrifice

yes, that's the problem. People are unwilling to ever give up anything. We are becoming a species of packrats and hoarders, and it's destroying the planet and society. Greed and utopia cannot co-exist

BaumGeist ,

that's a big "if" because it not only requires that a smaller society become more car dependent, it requires that this hypothetical society become more car dependent enough to offset or even overcome the amount of good done by taking however many potential drivers off the road for a lifetime.

That's kind of like saying "yeah, bike infrastructure is great, but not if we start making bikes out of uranium!"

BaumGeist ,

Capitalism only works if the economy is growing. If the economy is stagnant, a win for your neighbor is a loss for you.

"stagnant" seems to be playing a a double-meaning game here. "Stagnant" in terms of growth just means that we do not continue to make surplus and drive more demand to use the surplus and make even more surplus then drive even more demand to use the... ad infinitum.

"Stagnant" in the sense necessary to make a market a zero-sum game means that there is no production whatsoever, i.e. production quite literally stagnates, which isn't what degrowth is about.

But I think is clear that markets can improve peoples lives

I'd go a step further and say that specifically capitalism has improved people's lives. But not everyone's, and the people it did work for are being increasingly cast aside by the current incarnation of the capitalist feamework.

And yes, in case you weren't just using "market" as a shorthand for capitalism, but were actually unaware: there are other forms of market economies

and alternatives are difficult to implement.

Unfortunately true, but a worthwhile endeavor nonetheless.

Turning fuckcars into an anticapitalist movement is unnecessary and unhelpful in my opinion

Fuckcars as a movement only means anything and makes any difference if it understands and responds to the driving forces behind car culture; that includes the economic incentives that drove the push for more cars and car-centric cities.

In turn, it must necessarily diverge from and act against the economic status quo to some degree, which, by definition, makes it an anti-capitalist movement. It's not a movement that seeks the best economic outcome, even though that may be a side effect, and thus can only be described as anti-capitalist.

Put another way: you don't have to be a communist or an anarchist, and hell you might even be an ancap or fascist, but you have to realize that being anti-car and pro-capitalism means that you get to keep your bike paths only as long as they are the most profitable form of transportation

BaumGeist ,

Oh god, you probably got the gonocacococcus

BaumGeist ,

Afaik the issue is that they made their code "open" source in the way many for-profit companies do: they require a subscription before you have access to the code.

If I understand the GPL correctly that doesn't violate it, since it only requires that the users have access to the source and not the general public.

BaumGeist ,

I've been using nouveau on my laptop fpr a few weeks now, and so far, no issues

BaumGeist ,

no, not on my laptop, why?

Copilot misses the question, elaborates on topic I was speaking aloud instead. (lemmy.world)

Was using my SO's laptop, I had been talking (not searching, or otherwise typing) about some VPN solutions for my homelab, and had the curiosity to use the new big copilot button and ask what it can do. The beginning of this context was actually me asking if it can turn off my computer for me (it cannot) and I ask this....

BaumGeist ,

Occam's razor dictates that it's just overly permissive settings by default and an owner who doesn't know how to turn off mic access

BaumGeist ,

It’s funny how the leftists in do the same thing they always do that only works for millionaires work and then get mad at the working class when they don’t vote for them.

Will you please phrase this another way? For some reason I am unable to parse it.

BaumGeist ,

Did voting for Biden stop Trump this last election? How many times are we supposed to vote Democrat against our own interests and better judgment until Trump is successfully stopped? What about when Trump stops being the face of fascism, an ideology and not a man, and the fascists prop up another candidate? Will it always be "neoliberalism or fascism" every election from here until fascism wins anyway because neoliberalism doesn't work for the majority of people either?

BaumGeist ,

Please do not project onto me when addressing my questions/comments. Just because I get frustrated with "vote blue no matter who" rhetoric online doesn't mean I cease existing offline; I do have a life irl where I have been occasionally known to engage in my community and political projects.

“how many times are as supposed to vote to prevent the fascists from gaining power?”

despite the quotation marks, that is not a question I asked. Please do not put words in my mouth

This “they’ll win anyway” is some miserly nihilistic take - we’ve won against the Nazis before we’ll win again.

I am not a nihilist, and, based on context, I don't think you meant that word anyway. Perhaps "defeatist"?

Paraphrasing me as saying "they'll win anyway" in regards to fascists (nazis or otherwise) strips what I said of important context: my point was that if the rhetoric stagnates in the choice of "neoliberalism or fascism" the fascists will eventually get a win for two reasons:

  1. the status quo, neoliberalism, isn't working out for the majority of people, and historically whenever that happens, societies undergo major upheaval. If the public only ever knew two options prior to that revolution, they—as a mob, not a collection of rational individuals—will take the second

  2. It frames the fight in such a way where the fascists "only have to be lucky once. You will have to be lucky always."

BaumGeist ,

I don't have much to respond to because I appreciate what you've said and even agree for the most part, however:

Voting Democrat is always in your interests.

The Democratic party is not some force of good, and their administrations and policies still harm the working class and other marginalized groups. They just manage to do less harm and placate us slightly more than their primary opponents.

Voting democrat is more in my interest than voting Republican, but not as much as having an ancom in office. It is not in my interest in general, as I will still be shooting myself in the foot because it's better than having someone else shove electrodes into my brain.

You may say that it's the effect of "corrupt dems," but that's a myopic understanding of the party and its motives. It is an ideologically driven party, it's just that that ideology is an uncomfortable truth: liberal capitalism. In service of that, it allows the input of marginalized groups, but will never allow us to gain full autonomy and control over our own lives as that would not serve capital.

I refuse to buy this narrative that any progress be made has to be made under the banner of a particular party/organization/group.

BaumGeist ,

Very bleak and demotivating, thank you

BaumGeist ,

Outside of controlling and rewriting the protocol: steal the keys used to generate the route or take over control of the server that hosts it

Why is graphene os only available on google pixels?

I want to mainly use it for privacy over its "security". I don't know what makes everyone fine with running it on fucking google pixels. Is there some kind of "low security" version or something for other phones? I'm so tired of certain organizations infiltrating privacy communities and making people believe in improving...

BaumGeist ,

From Graphene's FAQ

Many other devices are supported by GrapheneOS at a source level, and it can be built for them without modifications to the existing GrapheneOS source tree. Device support repositories for the Android Open Source Project can simply be dropped into the source tree, with at most minor modifications within them to support GrapheneOS. In most cases, substantial work beyond that will be needed to bring the support up to the same standards. For most devices, the hardware and firmware will prevent providing a reasonably secure device, regardless of the work put into device support.

To get down to your actual reservations about privacy: when you flash a new Graphene ROM onto your phone, you're replacing all the software down to the low level stuff. The AOSP devs, google devs, XDA devs, and graphene devs refer to it at flashing the firmware. The only google code you're running is the Android bootloader, which goes for any smartphone.

Further, if you look into it, "Google" pixels aren't actually manufactured by Google. This means their hardware is about as trustworthy as any other phone's. As to why Graphene only officially supports Pixels, I do not fully understand their needs/reasoning, just that they have determined it is the best for them.

Basically my point boils down to: if you have issues with the hardware, the same should go for any smartphone. If you're bothered by google software, you needn't worry insofar as you trust the Graphene devs. If you consider the Pixels "tainted" by association to Google, then the same should go for Graphene and any other ROMs, since the kernel is based off of the AOSP—a google run project—and any android phone, for the same reason.

All that being said, CalyxOS supports a slightly wider variety of devices.

BaumGeist ,

Don't forget that it's split up between 20 or more services that all cost $12-15 now.

So they'll market it to you as 4,000 shows and 2,000 movies or 80,000 hours of content (or whatever number/metric) for just $12, but it'll really turn into $80+/month for the 2 shows and 4 movies you'd actually enjoyed that month and hundreds of hours wasted on subpar content to justify renting instead of just buying said shows and movies (if you even can anymore). Then you'll binge them again the next time you have a sick day or are feeling burnt out because they were the things that were good enough to take your mind off life, further narrowing the price gap between renting/streaming and buying

So basically exactly like the "Premium" cable packages that came with the 2 channels, each with 2-3 shows, that you actually cared about per package.

(Hypothetically) How terrible would Privacy be if using dial-up internet in modern day?

I was born in 2002 and wasn't really much exposed to the internet until 2012. I saw my older brother and sister watching YouTube on my Dad's laptop in 2007 with a (presumably ethernet) cable, but I'm sure they weren't using dial-up, and I think most people had abandoned it by that time....

BaumGeist ,

so it got me wondering what the privacy implications would be if I hypothetically were to use it. I imagine it would be terrible!

I don't see why. Dial-Up just describes how the modem connects to a remote server, not what security protocols are possible once the connection is established

ajsadauskas , to Fuck Cars
@ajsadauskas@aus.social avatar

What can you get to within a 15-minute walk of your house?

A recent YouGov survey asked Americans what they think they should be able to get to within a 15-minute walk of their house.

Of these choices, I can currently walk to all of them from my apartment, aside from a university (no biggie, I'm not currently studying, although there is a Tafe within walking distance), a hospital, and a sports arena.

How many can you get to with a 15 minute walk from your house?


BaumGeist ,

I'm gonna make a few assumptions: One is that this is just a neighborhood in my hypohetical ideal world (or rather, near-ideal). Second: we're talking about high qualiy versions of these places, and not the "just barely good enough to not go under" versions that abound. Last: "should" means "necessity" and not "luxury."

Groceries are a no-brainer.

Parks — hell yes. In fact, I'd prefer if everyone had access to all kinds of nature within "walking" (walking + public transportation) distance: parks, woods, botanical gardens, community gardens, wildlife reserves.

Pharmacies should be obsoleted: drugs should be devriminalized and un-gatekept. People should have the freedom to put whatever stupid, life-altering substance they want to into their body (with caveats like informed consent and heavily recommended medical professional supervision). Distributors could be home-delivery through the post and the over-the-counter section in your local grocery store.

Bus stops... Yes for some neighborhoods, but ideally more trains or trams, especially in suburbs.

Post offices are dying out. Letters and spam are the kinds of things people should have access to in their immediate neighborhood, but are becoming obsolete thanks to the internet (which should be a public utility instead of run for profit). I'm about 50/50 on whether there should still be home-delivery for everyone and all packages, or if there should be local holding centers for most (although, once again, any delivery network should be considered a public service instead of a few companies monopolizing the role), and at-home delivery for the most important packages/incapacitated people.

Banks are a no. Credit union, yes. Or maybe no and just let money become the digital currency it's slowly been turning intobfor the past 40 years. Ideally, society (and by extension this ideal neighborhood) would function without capital.

Gas stations: hell no. Convenience stores yes (or just all-in-one grocery stores). Maybe EV charging stations... Maybe.

Having a barber is way more convenient than people give it credit, and it doesn't benefit from centralization. At the very least, everyone should have a neighbor who cuts hair well.

Bonus round: things that should be within a 30-minute commute (by transit)—mall, movie theater, hospital, elementary school, day care, university, restaurants, bars.

No to stadiums, but yes to sports fields in the parks.

Things not on the list that should be: museums, clinics, dentists, optometrists, psychiatrists, veterinarians, pools, gyms, community centers/general use indoor halls, fire stations, makers spaces... probably others that I'm forgetting.

Sorry that this 15 minute walk is turning into a jog.

BaumGeist , (edited )

That's a big part of why i put bars in the "under 30 minutes travel" category: I don't want a lot of loud, raucous, drunk people flooding the neighborhood at 2 am after the loud, raucous building full of drunk people finally turns the volume down... But I also want people to have access to the things they like regardless of how I feel about them.

The whole point of the added facilities and all my stipulations was to create a rat utopia for humans — somewhere everyone feels fulfilled — not my own personalized hell where all the loud obnoxious party rats keep me (or any of my nonconsenting neighbors) up until 2 when I gotta be up in 4 hours for work.

And my asshole opinion is that if a 30 minute wait before you can get shitfaced is so unbearable you're willing to risk your life and others', you reeeeeaaaaaalllllllyyyy need to be kept away from intoxicants, not have easier access. I mean hell, if it's that bad just go to the grocery store that has every drug known to humans. It's cheaper and closer.

So fuck it, disencentivize driving by an ordinance that forbids parking anything bigger than a bicycle within a 30 minute walk of the bar, not by making it easier to become alcoholic. Plus it's my hypothetical ideal, and no one has cars anyway.

BaumGeist ,

That means everything from religious centers

You're really gonna hate my stance on "a church in every neighborhood" then. I already know what that's like, I was born and raised in the bible belt.

BaumGeist ,

I'd be more in favor if the third place dealt substances that were less addictive or at least the addiction was less lethal. Cafes, community centers, hookah lounges and parks come to mind

BaumGeist ,

Please don’t include antibiotics in this list.

Presumably because that can quickly become a public health crisis/outbreak/epidemic... I'll agree to that.

How big would day care be for all the kids from 30-minute transit?

As big as it needs to be. Presumably it would have the space and resources of all the day cares that previously existed in a 30-minute radius

Day cares should be within 0.5km unless it is in same direction as mass transit(subway, suburban rail station).
Elementary schools should be in 15-minutes PT range.


community centers

Then malls also shouldn’t be.

Shouldn't be what?

BaumGeist ,

I was saying community centers weren't on the survey but should have been. They absolutely should be within walking distance

BaumGeist ,

Should you ignore any give AI? Yes.

Can you? Also yes. Except the one your employer gets duped by.

Should you ignore the technological revolution that is Machine Learning Algorithms in general? No, not if you're willing to use other tech anyway despite its negative impact on privacy.

Can you? Also probably no, not if you want to eat.

Has AI affected my job? No, not yet. Well, not directly, although now every vendor uses AI to deal with customer service. If I worked at a larger company in my field, they'd probably include AI somewhere in the process.

My thoughts on it all: let's use the correct descriptor, Machine Learning Algorithms, since "AI" is just a marketing term to generate hype. I like MLAs, they're a neat tool and cool toy. It's also possible to own and run your own on your own PC in the privacy of your own home. Do that. Run the models, generate conrent, learn how to use the tool, learn the CS and math theory behind it, understand it, have fun. Be a scientist, learn by doing, get your hands dirty, understand that which you fear. Oftentimes our fears really just boil down to our lack of understanding.

We're in a painful growth stage rn. Operators are stillbtesting boundaries, and those of us affected are trying tonfind ways to reassert those boundaries. Whether it's enhanced tracking algorithms, harvesting data for training, or stealing intellectual property, it's all boundary testing. Give it a few years, and there will be more compromise and it will seem more mundane to see MLAs in the wild. So it's best to make peace with them now than to be that boomer that still refuses to learn how to use the internet.

Or if you prefer the privacy-oriented incentives: it's called "Adversarial Machine Learning" and it's cool as fuck. Sometimes it's about figuring out how to craft inputs to exploit a MLA, other times it using your own MLA to fuck with someone else's.

The point is: you don't learn anything by sitting around pontificating, you learn by engaging with things. If you want to learn about me or the users of c/Privacy, this is a great way. If you want to have your fears validated, this is a great way. If you want to grow as a person, lead your best life, and not be ruled by fear, then the only way is to learn about things you don't already understand even if—no—especially if it's things that are used to do evil.

Not sure how to approach metadata for this one... (MST3K)

I've recently gotten into collecting Mystery Science Theater 3000 for my Jellyfin library. For those who aren't aware, it is technically a TV show, but each episode is a full length feature film. That being the case, these DVD sets tend to have a number of special features specific to each episode....

BaumGeist ,

so I don’t know if any of the new stuff holds up.

I know it's a contentious opinion, but I like the new stuff. I wouldn't say it "holds up" in the sense that if you go in wanting it to be just like Mike/Kevin/Bill/Mary Jo or just like Joel/Trace/Frank/Kevin, you'll be disappointed. It's different in so many ways: the production value being so high that the intentional camp/cheese feels forced, the new cast, the fan service, the jokes felt more rapidfire and more... "approachable" (less in-jokes, more relevant cultural references), the only returning characters are the robots, and their personalities (and voices) have all changed slightly, the b-plots/interludes/"bits" weren't as memorable.

And yet, I still laughed like a maniac while warching it, so it at least passed the vibe check.

BaumGeist ,

"It's just a joke" is such a tired excuse for being called out on your shitty opinions

BaumGeist ,

Has any online leftist ever talked to an ancap? It's not that they suppirt oppression outright, just that they don't care if it doesn't affect them. That's why their ideology makes sense: they don't consider that they'd be the proles, they'd be the capitalists.

Coincidentally, that's why most authoritarians support their brand of oppression: in their specific genre, they're the winners and the losers can go fuck themselves. And no, they don't consider that they're just paving the way to their ineviable overthrow

BaumGeist ,

the point you think you’re making

There's a difference between wanting to opress people and wanting something that oppresses people for its other effects. The forner is unrelatable and outright evil, the latter is something most people do without even realizing it

BaumGeist ,

Not if you have no qualms about abandoning your partner and children

BaumGeist ,

okay, i should have said "if it doesn't directly affect them"

BaumGeist ,

Most likely it works on others, you just need to spoof the agent.

I have both Mull and vanilla Firefox on Android, they use all the same headers (including User-Agent) according to DuckDuckGo's "what's my user agent" tool.

My guess is that the same defaults that makes Mull more private also disables either cookies or scripts that Duolingo expects to be able to use.

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