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  • DessertStorms , (edited )

    I love the sentiment, but also please don't go around exposing people without their consent. 😬

    E: I didn't realise this was in a hair removal session, that makes a lot more sense, but my point still stands in general, so I'm leaving it lol

    DessertStorms ,

    TIL "laser tech" referred to a person doing laser hair removal, and that apparently this is common knowledge.

    DessertStorms , (edited )

    This is where my head went, and I was thinking they were in the locker room at the workplace/university gym or something.. I honestly donno why that came to mind before laser hair removal did.. 😂

    (E: I've even had laser hair removal myself, but there was no towel involved, but a gown type thing, maybe that threw me off. I also think my brain inserted the word "friend" after "tech" when it clearly isn't there lol)

    DessertStorms ,

    So glad it wasn't just me.. 😂

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  • DessertStorms ,

    Pro tip: while DNA doesn't last long in urine, why take the risk, when significantly stinkier animal urines for hunting and/or deterrent purposes exist? RollSafeMeme.jpg

    DessertStorms ,

    Yeah, I'd say if you have anywhere local that would sell it, buy there with cash if you can, otherwise if you're having to buy online try to make your order as least suspicious as you can..

    DessertStorms ,

    I have so many questions, but probably the only one I'm likely get an answer to - is that the Twilight guy? 😂

    DessertStorms ,

    Lol, yeah, him.. I feel so out of touch but also he just isn't very memorable (and neither was The Lighthouse which I'm pretty sure I've watched and mixed up with a couple of other similar moves in my mind 😂)

    DessertStorms ,

    "An"caps are not anarchists

    DessertStorms ,

    I thought 196 was more … leftist

    Unfortunately once there are more than a few votes a post will reach /all, making it visible on all instances, and with that come.. the others.. lol

    DessertStorms , (edited )

    Tell me you know nothing about anarchism, communism, fascism, or socialism, without saying you know nothing about anarchism, communism, fascism, or socialism lol..




    DessertStorms , (edited )

    Yeah, it can spiral downhill pretty quick, and it's often the same handful of people who go around doing their wilfully ignorant reactionary thing on every fucking post (and since we can see them on kbin - another group who lurk and downvote any marginally leftist comment without engaging, because gods forbid their bias gets challenged)..

    Trying to help these people learn is great, but can only go so far as long as they aren't interested in knowing. The undecided lurkers though, those are the ones you hope are picking up your knowledge!

    DessertStorms ,

    It’s not that they suppirt oppression outright, just that they don’t care if it doesn’t affect them

    So they support oppression outright.
    "If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor"

    (never mind that they openly support capitalism, and capitalism by design and necessity is oppressive, so either way, you're not making the point you think you're making, or worse, are being not even neutral in the face of "an"caps ambitions of oppression, but actively arguing in its defence)

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  • DessertStorms ,

    Made a more inclusive version, for future reference

    DessertStorms , (edited )

    Lol, after posting, I almost instantly started seeing reply numbers go up, but I wasn't seeing any of them, ngl, knowing I'd already blocked them all felt fantastic. I made the mistake of doing what you did, knowing what to expect but not being able to stop my self, and it was as depressing as I thought it would be. Not checked again though, which I'm very proud of!

    You're spot on about it being a litmus test, I especially hate it when someone I thought better of fights back, which sadly happens often, but didn't this time, so yay.

    DessertStorms ,

    I find that a lot of people just like to feel superior to others, and slinging ableist slurs is an easy way for them to do that because it puts the other person down without them having to actually invest any critical thought in to why.

    They also generally already look down at disabled people, so they don't see anything wrong about using these slurs since the people they think they apply to, are, in their minds, already not worth considering as part of society.

    You're absolutely right about the similar arguments that extent to other bigotry and toxicity, especially in leftist spaces where you'd hope people would know better. I think this article also does a great job at explaining how the words we use shape the spaces we occupy, and who does and doesn't feel welcome and included in them., but unfortunately as with so much other information, the people who need to hear it most are those who refuse to listen..

    [Thread, post or comment was deleted by the author]

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  • DessertStorms ,

    Wait, so you mean other people aren't constantly working hard to suppress all their overwhelming emotions in an attempt to just make it to tomorrow? 😬

    DessertStorms ,

    I think it's important to relate the latter part to the former - beyond the privacy issues with not being allowed to wear masks (and having our bank accounts invaded), there is also the health aspect, and disallowing masks is one sure fire way to keep disabled people from assembling, since, you know, we don't want to get covid, being significantly more likely to die from it (not necessarily because of the illness, but because our lives are deemed less worth saving).

    The lack of any mask mandates already excludes disabled people from so many public spaces, this is just another way to keep us (as well as others, you know, first they came for..) from fighting back. as they strip us of every last human right.

    DessertStorms ,

    Fuck the Tories right, but I also don't see Starmer opposing any of this.

    DessertStorms , (edited )

    Exactly.. (leaving both firmly on the right)

    Vote none, and start organising (in your work place, in your community, in your own home inspiring your kids). If you still can't see that the system is designed by the rich and powerful for the rich and powerful, you're not paying any real attention (precisely why the media keeps society constantly looking at anything but how things are really run).

    We need to abolish the establishments keeping us down, not continue to play their game by their rules and wonder why things never change..

    DessertStorms ,
    DessertStorms ,

    Was just setting up my viewing for the rest of the evening, and ironically enough, it's on tonight! 9pm on Quest (and again on Quest +1) .

    So at 9 I'll be watching the last episode of Miners' Strike 1984: The Battle for Britain, then V for Vendetta at 10.. Good inspirational viewing.

    DessertStorms , (edited )

    Tell me you didn't click the link without saying you didn't click the link (hint: it literally tells people to vote).
    Also tell me you buy in to the distraction propaganda without saying you buy in to the distraction propaganda (hint: having a red tie on while not opposing a single piece of fascist legislation makes you, at the very least, a fascist enabler, or in reality, simply another fascist just one who is better at hiding it)..

    You're literally giving a live demonstration of why continuing to play within their rules leads nowhere but deepening the divide within the working class.

    Blaming the people trapped in it, for the system keeping us all down, instead of those who created and benefit from it is one hell of a self destructive trick you're doing for your overlords..

    Either way, you're an ableist piece of crap, licking a boot because you've simply grown too comfortable with the feeling of it rammed down your throat, you have no high ground here. ¯*(ツ)*/¯

    DessertStorms ,

    zodiac 2.0

    Already kind of a thing, since the constellations the zodiacs were based on have moved since they were "decided", and no longer match what people continue to use:

    DessertStorms , (edited )

    If I had any talent at all I would 100% make a fabulous looking embroidery of this to hang in my house..

    E: also I love how this has gotten so many people to openly declare both their ignorance and determination to maintain it, in their refusal to look up a topic that has been written about extensively for centuries and actually educate themselves, instead of confidently and incorrectly declaring something they know nothing about wrong or impossible or whatever capitalism has indoctrinated them to believe about its alternatives..

    DessertStorms ,

    I read "gay" as "goy" at first and was really confused for a minute why you specifically didn't want Jewish opinions on anime.. 😂😂

    Labour’s business conference promises government of, by and for the banks and corporations (www.wsws.org)

    The Labour Party held its flagship business conference Thursday, “Britain’s Future”, attended by more than 400 people including executives from Goldman Sachs, Google, AstraZeneca and Airbus, each paying £995 for a seat....

    DessertStorms OP ,

    For the trade union leaders to present the Labour Party as a progressive alternative to the Tory government is to deceive and disarm the working class, which must urgently prepare a counteroffensive against the twin parties of austerity, inequality and war.
    It is impossible for workers to secure peaceful, dignified and fulfilled lives without removing both these organisations from power and replacing them with a government of the working class—the real producers of social wealth—led by its own socialist party. The challenge confronting workers today is to join in the building of that leadership, the Socialist Equality Party.

    I'm pretty sure Labour continuing to openly side with businesses after having taken a stand against unions and strikes is relevant to a unions related magazine, and information that people who want to support unions and the working class should be aware of.

    DessertStorms OP ,

    our focus should primarily be on what unions are doing, not what politicians are doing to unions

    really not sure you can do one without the other, but I'll try to keep that in mind in the future. Thanks. 👍

    DessertStorms ,

    Am I the only one who loved their art shirt and wished I could always wear it? It was always old and tattered so the fabric tended to be extra soft, and also there was a high chance of a cool pattern since they were mostly from the late 70's-early 80's in my case, and it was already dirty so it didn't matter if you got a stain on it..

    I guess it's no surprise that I grew up to be a fan of second hand and vintage clothes lol

    DessertStorms ,

    Unionization is the only possible answer. first step towards abolishing capitalism

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  • DessertStorms ,

    The only person lusting after anything is you, lusting after trans people remaining passive targets, and transphobes in power who are actively and openly lusting to eliminate trans people from existence.

    What everyone here is doing is showing appreciation to a supportive father who understands that their child, being trans, will almost certainly need to defend themselves from that.

    I recommend reading the tolerance paradox, and then maybe some history, which will teach you (if you pay any attention at all) that no oppressed people has EVER gained their freedom "peacefully", and that you demanding it is not only the epitome of privilege, but an active support of those looking to do the eliminating.

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  • DessertStorms , (edited )

    Off the top of my head - comrade, friend, stranger.. If you're more familiar and are comfortable to use them (not an old fogey like me) fam, cuz. E: also sib, as in "sibling".
    I'm sure there are others too..

    DessertStorms ,


    DessertStorms ,

    And thinking that inclusion is about offence, and refusing to not be a shit to people either way, makes you at the very least, a wilfully ignorant ass..


    DessertStorms , (edited )

    Good job getting some nasty assholes to out themselves and get blocked...

    Here's a news flash: if you pride yourself on refusing to show basic respect to other people - you're not brave or rebellious or special, you're just a piece of shit (and specifically in this case upholding the status quo and actively participating in its systems of oppression) it's as simple as that. ¯*(ツ)*/¯

    DessertStorms ,

    I'm shit at noticing what instances people are from, but if there is one specific one targeting posts here it might be worth letting the mods know? I also wonder if the deleted comments were deleted by the mod team? Though it wouldn't surprise me if your guess about them deleting for lack of attention is the correct one lol

    Either way, I try my best to avoid getting dragged in to "debate" with these people, because there is no good faith and it almost never leads anywhere, but what I will do is call their shit out then block, let them yell in to the void lol

    DessertStorms ,

    “Whats up dude”-gender neutral

    no, it isn't

    Everyone can be a dude.

    not everyone fucking wants to be

    Context is important.

    yes, which means you do recognise that the term isn't "neutral" and therefore can and should, at the very least

    make sure you ask your trans/non binary friends what they do and don’t like to be called 😊 it can mean a lot, if your unaware

    as op suggests.

    DessertStorms ,

    Hey, thanks, I appreciate that! Whenever I see you around we generally agree, so right back at ya 😊

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  • DessertStorms ,

    If only it was that simple, problem is it isn't just the one person who doesn't understand how that could (and should) happen (and can be easily targeted, and still should be even if it isn't that easy), but all those "aspiring" to be like them, who will jump to their defence in a flash (not only verbally, but in their voting and other support of the existing system) and frame the people asking for our human rights to be respected of being the aggressors (this is a feature, of course, fuelled by the billionaire-owned media)..

    If those people can be made to see the reality, we would be unstoppable (again, why there are so many resources being invested in that not happening).

    DessertStorms ,

    Costco isn't the problem, they are a symptom, and there is no ethical consumption under capitalism. Whatever alternative you choose will either have similar practices or be owned by the same/similar people.

    The problem is capitalism, and specifically in this case also the white supremacy that supports it.

    Aim to ween yourself, and everyone around you, off those (this is not to imply you are a capitalist or white supremacist, but we all exist under those systems, and others, and there is no escaping their impact - you are either oppressed by them or benefit from others being oppressed by them even if not directly or even willingly). Combat the system, not its symptoms, that battle is futile, which is why those in charge want you to keep fighting it so much.

    DessertStorms ,

    Yeah, it's a good share, and of course I'm not encouraging people to shop at these places, just pointing out that the alternative won't be much better..
    I'm not American either, but as you say, the problem is global and local to each country (in different ways, sure, but even in the UK many prisons are now run for profit, so things might not be on the same scale, or as explicit as in the US, but there are similar problems in different variations everywhere you look) which is why representatives within the existing system aren't going to get any significant change either. The whole system is designed to withstand "reform", which is why it needs abolishing, and you can't do that playing by the rules they set, you have to be willing to unlearn a lot and build networks of solidarity and mutual aid and resistance, create alternatives within the local and global community that they can't profit from or control, then go after about 2000 people that are holding the rest of the world hostage, and end this shit.

    DessertStorms , (edited )

    Probably why the person made that comment - they're privileged enough to not even consider that apart from potentially making Nazis feel unwelcome (because literally no one thinks stickers will "defeat Nazism"), and more importantly, this kind of action makes those the Nazis target feel seen and know that at least some locals would have your back..

    DessertStorms ,

    Yeah, same. I don't often leave the house, but when I do being a wheelchair user I know I already draw attention from all sorts of people, some good, some bad, so I just lean in to it and have a load of pins on my jacket, some progress pride flags, some "immigrants welcome" type messaging, some autism and disability visibility.. Might as well..
    Lets those who need it know they're not alone, and others know their bullshit won't be tolerated.

    DessertStorms ,

    And roll..
    Lol, sorry.. 😂


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