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DessertStorms ,

You can’t be a good anything and be a landlord

A good parasite?

DessertStorms ,


DessertStorms OP ,

I thought folks here especially would appreciate this song lol

(also transcribed by ear and vague memory of the subtitles during the episode lol, if you think I got it wrong let me know!)

DessertStorms OP ,

Yes! It premiered last night, first 2 episodes were brilliant, and I'm trying really hard not to binge the rest so that I can make it last

DessertStorms ,

Might be the photo, but it looks to me like top is vanilla cookie with choc-chip, while bottom is chocolate cookie with choc-chip, making it "double" chocolate.

Definitely could be clearer, but I don't think they're making the claim you think they are.

DessertStorms ,

My best guess would be because the chocolate cookies don't contain any chocolate, but rather just cocoa powder.

DessertStorms ,

Those making the money off of our basic needs also own the politicians "working for the people" (via "lobbying", aka bribery), so they essentially make the rules for themselves, and they don't like "competition", simple.

DessertStorms ,

This is pretty specific to millenials in the USA

UK too at the very least, though I'm sure there are other places this applies, too (yes, uni used to be free here, but the cost has been steadily increasing, as has the necessity of a student loan to attend).

DessertStorms ,

"Because I don't experience a thing personally (or just have head up rectum), everyone who does is a liar!" 🙄

DessertStorms ,

And over 2 centuries of data tells us it will be one of the two.

As well as that the Overton window consistently moves to the right no matter which of the two it is (by design, of course, because as opposed to OP's suggestion that the system is somehow "broken", it is, in fact, working as intended), yet you continue to put all of your faith in to this charade, patting yourself on the back for voting for a fascism enabler like it's some act of anti-fascism..

DessertStorms ,

How about instead just abolish the monarchy..

DessertStorms ,

Most folks are fairly ignorant of their rights due to a combination of lack of schools educating us on rights along with the desperate struggle to keep a roof over our heads

spot on

which those taking our rights understand have purposefully designed to be that way.

We need to seriously encourage real journalism hold shitty police action accountable

Never going to happen, since the mainstream media is also in service/under control of those taking our rights.

demand that out rights are met

Yes, By force. Because force is what we're facing, and asking nicely (or writing exposés) is never going to free us from under it.

DessertStorms ,

Or just abolish the police entirely. From their inception their sole reason to exist has been to protect the rich and their property, and to oppress the people in the name of the state.

Otherwise, you're spot on with the haves vs have-nots and keeping us divided, because it isn't just money that there are haves and have nots but other privileges too, which those in charge have artificially created to divide us further in service of gaining and maintaining their money and the power it gives them.

(on a side note, "gypsy" is a slur used against Roma and other Traveller people, and should really only be used if it is being reclaimed by one of them)

DessertStorms , (edited )

Yeah, a lot of people don't realise where the word comes from (same for "gypped" which comes from being scammed by a "gypsy"), and use it for both negative and "positive" (more like cultural appropriation, like when a white hippy calls themselves that word for example). Being willing to learn and do better is what matters, so you're good!

Personally I call cop all sorts of other names - bastards, pigs, nonce (UK slang for paedophile), but any swear, or accurate descriptor can work - fuckers, arseholes, oppressors, class traitors, and so on lol

I'm not big on podcasts, but I've heard a lot about that behind the bustards episode in particular, I might have to give it a listen (though I am aware of the history of the police/slave patrols from other, written, sources, but the more you look, the worse it gets).

(Edit to add a couple of those sources I have bookmarked, in case anyone is interested: The Police Were Created to Control Working Class and Poor People, Not ‘Serve and Protect’ and Capitalism was created by the police power. Also bonus gif of cops getting grenade thrown back at them by a fucking legend I found in my folder lol)

DessertStorms ,

white supremacist marches are cringey and eye rolling,

but generally harmless.


They're either white supremacist, or harmless, you can't have both, and the fact that you're even trying is super fucking gross.

DessertStorms ,

Yeah, lets advocate taking the existing violence from the state lying down, and frame those fighting back as the problem.

Fucking bootlickers... 😒

DessertStorms ,

THIS is the correct answer.

Cops don't bother white supremacists for the sole reason that they are on the same fucking side, and often even share a fucking uniform (be it blue shirt and trousers, or white hood).

That's also why they are allowed to have armed protests in the first place, while Black people can't even fucking walk down the street without being treated as armed and dangerous and shot dead by cops on a regular basis for simply existing. The idea that all leftists need to do is arm themselves if they want an armed protest is so far beyond ignorant, anyone who seriously believes it needs an emergency removal of head from rectum, at the very least..

DessertStorms ,

So you're annoyed that someone (who took the time to go to a charity shop, list the book online, and ship it to you) charged you the RRP for the book, that you didn't have to buy from them?

I hope you have the same kind of energy for when mega-corporations charge anything from tens to thousands of pounds for products that often cost single pounds or even pennies to manufacture (due to underpaying for labour and materials that were in turn manufactured by underpaid labour as well), and the snowballing impact they have on the rest of the economy (by pricing out smaller companies, monopolising industries, avoiding tax, and so on).

The person you bought this from likely works for themsleves, trolling charity shops all day for bargains, and almost certainly pays tax on their income. I'm as anti-capitalist as they get, but even I can't take issue with this. If they had charged you more than the RRP, sure, that'd pushing it, but if you didn't want to pay full price, you should have spent your own time looking for the bargain. ¯*(ツ)*/¯

DessertStorms ,

Love it, though would have put "abolish the system" rather than "fix the system" myself, since that implies trying to work within the existing framework, rather than completely outside of it.

DessertStorms ,

I see what you're saying, and I think it would probably appeal more to those with left leanings who aren't actually anarchists (yet 🤞), because it isn't as big a shock to the system to think about fixing a thing they know vs abolishing that thing and starting something completely unfamiliar and most likely still foreign to them (even as an anarchist, thinking outside of the indoctrination, and constructs I've/we've been socialised with since birth can be a challenge), but then I'm also a big believer in not coddling people in to change - facing and sitting with the discomfort of seeing the box we're kept in and starting to think outside of it is a huge and really important part of unlearning what we know and even how we are, so personally I generally favour blunt and to the point lol

I think having these conversations in the comments can be more helpful than posting an alternative, because the people your meme speaks to can read on and hopefully broaden their views!

DessertStorms ,
DessertStorms , (edited )

But most people don't directly benefit from, and are directly involved in, the systems that encourage such behaviour, like the ones at the top are.
Most people are just grinding away selling their labour to survive while convinced by the wealthy-owned media and trillion dollar marketing industrial complex that they're just temporarily embarrassed millionaires who just need to consume more to make their lives better.
Insert "we are not the same" meme here

DessertStorms , (edited )

The point is that the "desire" is entirely artificial and enforced on us as society by those who profit from doing so (and their trillion dollar industries dedicated to this task), not that some people are struggling, because all of us but a tiny miniscule percent of humanity, are struggling (including the non-existent "middle class", another lie there to maintain division in the working class, and the illusion of "aspiration"), we're just made to believe it's normal and part of human nature, when it is anything but.

Whatever "truth" Buddhism has is honestly irrelevant, especially because it predates Adam Smith and the levels of unprecedented social engineering and indoctrination we're subjected to in the name of capitalism by so long, its idea of "desire" is completely detached from yours, but even if it wasn't, all that "truth" is is victim blaming, and shifting responsibility for systemic issues on to individuals, which is a classic tactic employed by those in charge (be it kings, feudal lords, "gods" prophets and whatever other religious figurehead, or capitalists) because it serves them and only them, for us to be pointing fingers at one another (while ignoring literally all of the environmental factors they impose on us) instead of at them.

DessertStorms ,

I never said or even implied we have no agency, but I'm also not deluded enough to think we have free choice under capitalism. We are not only literally indoctrinated from birth and essentially brainwashed our entire lives from that point in to consumerism and "keeping up with the Joneses", but we are also entirely dependant on participation in the system for survival because it is designed that way. You wanting to think you're somehow above it (even if you have learned to identify some of the propaganda and try to avoid it, which is simply impossible to do), or wanting to blame those who aren't "above it" for the system instead of those actively implementing and profiting directly from it, doesn't change that.

Freedom, and specifically freedom of choice, is capitalism's biggest con.

DessertStorms , (edited )

Also this whole "love yourself first" is nothing but another divisive distraction - keep people individualised rather than coming together as a community, and also perpetuate the idea that our problems are personal rather than systemic.

I don't love myself, don't think I ever have, don't think I ever will, yet I don't see how that would or should stop me from fighting fascism.

If anything, I'm able to recognise that in large part, if not entirely, my feelings come down to the world we live in and how, as an "other" in many categories, my life is seen as both worthless and also somehow such a thereat that, in both cases, it needs to be destroyed, and the idea that I shouldn't act until I manage to "get over" all of that (and potentially get comfortable enough, or at least accept, the status quo), is beyond ridiculous. In reality it's the exact opposite - I must act if there is any hope for others to have a world where they don't feel like I and so many others are made to, because not loving myself has no bearing on my wanting good for others (and no, they don't have to be "loved ones", I don't even have to know them, that's the point of wanting a better society for everyone).

DessertStorms ,

I need to upvote this like a million more times... Jfc.. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

DessertStorms ,

Fighting fascism is getting my shit together (if you'd bothered reading past that first sentence you might actually hear that my "shit" being the way it is is down to systemic issues, and no amount of "self work" can "get it together").

Also what's the point of trying to "swim" if you're in a toxic pond? If we're going to drag the metaphor out - get out of the fucking pond, help those around you out, so together you can all turn off the sewage pipe, and then get to cleaning up each other, and the pond. That is self care.

DessertStorms ,

I love how they've given Ireland the most weight in the UK by far for some reason.. 😂

DessertStorms ,

Thanks for the reminder..

(though I second them being a little creepy)

DessertStorms ,

The ‘victim card’ is the conservative ‘race card’.

Except only one of those is real, while the other is made up by those trying to use the first..

DessertStorms ,

If it won't let me untick all but the essential cookies easily - close tab, move on.

Recently I realised that some "reject all" options still don't reject the "legitimate" bullshit, so I now avoid those sites too (and no, I don't trust that extensions that claim to reject all for me will actually reject all).

I've got better things to do with my time than scrutinise these cookie pop ups and/or go through lengthy lists individually unticking options. Fuck that noise - don't have minimal respect for users? Then I'm definitely not providing you any of my data (the sites that make it the hardest rarely hold information you can't easily find elsewhere)..

DessertStorms OP ,

disability issue and related government regulation are not related to Anarchism

In what world are disability rights not related to anarchism?
How are disabled people organising against their abusive government not related to anarchism?

No worries though, I don't like to be where I'm not welcome, and where my rights (or the removal of them) aren't considered important enough to stay informed about.
Hopefully the mods of at least one of the other anarchism communities aren't exclusionary ableists. ¯*(ツ)*/¯

DessertStorms ,

Count me in, Sabo-Tabby!

DessertStorms ,

Lmfao, anyone still putting their hopes of abolishing capitalism in electoral politics (or the governments that result, and their actions), at the very least, hasn't been paying any attention, and has very little to no understanding of how the systems at play work and interact.

Playing by their rules within their game (this includes not only electoral politics, but also shit like using housing as a commodity, however supposedly noble the intent) is never going to set anyone free from it.

DessertStorms OP ,

He said “something has gone wrong” since the pandemic to increase the number of economically inactive people who are long-term sick, especially with mental health conditions...
...He said some people with mental health conditions may be better served by treatment and access to therapies rather than cash payments.

Yeah, a fucking pandemic, and a generally dystopic life where working 3 jobs still leaves you unable to afford rent, and health and social care systems that have been defunded in to uselessness by his party, leaving people with literally nowhere to turn for help. The fact that he suggests people just need a bit of therapy proves just how completely out of touch he is (no surprise to anyone)

His comments were echoed by Mel Stride, the work and pensions secretary, who told Sky News on Friday: “If you go to the GP and say you are feeling a little bit depressed, and you’re signed off, in 94% of occasions, a box is ticked that says you’re not capable of work whatsoever.

This nonsense is so far removed from reality, you could fit an entire extra Milky Way in the gap. Honestly, the documented pain and suffering caused by the actual evil and draconian path one is forced to crawl to claim any benefits whatsoever is off the scale, and anyone who still thinks your GP can just tick a box and get you off work deserves a punch in the face. With a fucking brick.

DessertStorms ,

the bystander effect

Which has been debunked, as is mentioned further down the link you yourself posted

DessertStorms , (edited )

Human nature isn’t going to change

The people who taught you what "human nature" is, have a vested interest specifically in you thinking that humans are naturally greedy cut throat creatures, because that serves their systems of exploitation and oppression which they need you to continue to participle[ate in not because it's fact.
Beyond that, your argument is 100% appeal to tradition, and you not being able to imagine existence outside of the social constructs that have been around in some cases for a mere couple of hundred, in other cases for, at most, 4-5 thousand years, doesn't mean it isn't possible, only that you've been indoctrinated well enough in to believing that is the case.

DessertStorms ,

I know that’s the goal, but what are the specifics on how it’s implemented?

In other words, you're here shitting all over a centuries old ideology you have barely a vague understanding of, wasting the time of people who clearly know significantly more about it than you do, because you have no intention of actually learning, only arguing to be "right" (you're not).

Here's a tip: try actually investing some effort in to understanding a topic before barging in all confidently incorrect as you are, you might actually learn something (not that I believe you want to).

DessertStorms ,

I genuinely do not trust people to have direct access to decision making

I wonder what you think politicians are, and whose interests they're acting on (hint: it isn't yours, and depending on how much "lobbying" money bribes they've gotten, it might not even be their own, see those who serve the oil lobby for example)

DessertStorms , (edited )

This, but much more importantly - when everyone's needs are met, and there is no hierarchy to try and get to the top of at the expense of others, people will have no reason to do shit like steal in the first place.

DessertStorms , (edited )

This is far more than mildly infuriating, this is actively putting peoples lives at risk, it's enraging and quite scary, and why disabled and other vulnerable people are continuing to be more isolated than ever.

Fuck this person and the bullshit they spread. I rarely leave the house, but if I did and someone handed me something like this I'd grab the whole pile and set it on fire, casually roll over their feet with my wheelchair on my way, too (E: actually, scratch that, I wouldn't want to get that close to the disease vector, even with my mask on).

DessertStorms ,

Alas, no van, but plenty of spots to hold lighter fluid and stolen flyers as I roll away lol

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