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DeAmazoning a FireTV

I never want to get a smart TV, but I found this exact TV (Toshiba FireTV) on the side of the road and decided it would be a fun project to try enhancing its privacy as much as I can. It did not come with the remote or any other accessories besides the TV, so if there is any way to pair an iPhone/Pixel as a remote that would...

ForgotAboutDre ,

There isn’t a good way to get the jellyfin app running on a properly open and free os. You need an android tv box, fire tv, Apple TV, the tv os or something similar. You could run it on Linux, but there isn’t a good well supported out of the box works with tv os like Kodi offers with libreElec.

Android may be open source but not the setup to make it work with a tv well. If you want privacy on a tv you need kodi.

ForgotAboutDre ,

There are is that a properly open source and free that support Kodi without much configuration.

Nothing like that exists for jellyfin apps. You have to use one of the prosperity operating systems to use the jellyfin app with a tv first os.

Arizona accuses Amazon of being a monopoly and deceiving consumers with “dark patterns” (www.theverge.com)

Arizona's Attorney General, Kris Mayes, filed two lawsuits against Amazon on Wednesday for allegedly engaging in deceptive business practices and maintaining monopoly status. The first lawsuit accuses the company of using dark patterns to keep users from canceling their Amazon Prime subscriptions, violating Arizona's Consumer...

ForgotAboutDre ,

It really should be fraud. It is deception used for personal gain. While I think it should be fraud, it will probably need new legislation to make it so.

ForgotAboutDre ,

They could attempt to quantify how gamed the result is and reduce its ranking. Also punishing domains with lower ranking the more they return SEO optimised pages. They could also increase the ranking of older pages.

This doesn’t really help google, it only really improves their search results. Google wants these hyper SEO optimised results with lots of advertising. Additionally, the less relevant the result is the more searches a person does. Each search is an additional set of ad impressions.

Google search is better than ever. Because it generates more advertising opportunities for google. Google isn’t in the business of returning good search results, they are in the business of displaying ads.

ForgotAboutDre ,

It’s not strange if you know the history of KKK. They trace their roots back to the Orange Order.

The orange order is a sectarian group in Northen Ireland and Britain (outside Northern Ireland they are mainly west Scotland). They are pro-Protestant, pro-Monarchy and pro-Union (union between the nations of the UK). When the USA became a republic outside the UK they lost two of their three defining factors. So they replaced it with racism, but kept the sectarianism.

They still share similar rank structures. The KKK burn crosses, the orange order are fans of large bonfires often burning effigies of the pope. The KKK didn’t seem to keep the flute band marches, but both do march in silly dress costumes.

Despite their large presence in Northen Ireland with many of their members being born on the Island of Ireland, they wouldn’t claim themselves as Irish.

ForgotAboutDre ,

You at least know your paying for it with apple. Googles customers won't be the ones using this service.

ForgotAboutDre ,

Google's customers are advertiser's not android users.

ForgotAboutDre ,

This stops users from installing malicious software. You are still able to install the software, even though it isn't recognised. You just need to right click, rather than double click.

ForgotAboutDre ,

It lets you build one motherboard with all possible ram options.

The smallest one has all it ram soldered on. Therefore less time is required in assembling the laptops. All other patients just need the extra ram placed in the dimm slot.

ForgotAboutDre ,

Closed sources server (even open source with no verification of the code running on the server) means it's possible the server records who you talk to, when, where and the size of the messages. This can be useful to sell to advertisers.

ForgotAboutDre ,

You don't need meta data to know these things. Any server handling the traffic for the app will know these things.

ForgotAboutDre ,

Only if the messenger is P2P, I don't know of any popular messenger like that.

ForgotAboutDre ,

Port forwarding means torrents. People using a VPN to torrent likely have much more traffic, especially those that seed (which is why they want port forwarding). Not enabling port forwarding means mullvlad can operate at a higher profit to cost ratio, and less risk.

ForgotAboutDre ,

That's what mullvlad say. It's not necessarily the reason why they don't offer port forwarding.

It was always possible for them to continue allowing port forwarding. They could use separate servers for those that want port forwarding, stopping any impact port forwarding had on those customers.

ForgotAboutDre ,

There are plenty of other options in the market, including ones with port forwarding. It's a very saturated market.

ForgotAboutDre ,

You need port forwarding to connect on torrents. Your able to torrent because everyone you torrent from has port forwarding enabled. If you want to access more seeders, and more commonly leechers you need port forwarding. This is useful for people using private trackers that want to maintain a ratio.

ForgotAboutDre ,

Kodi is a great Linux client. But that's not what OP wants, the jellyfin app is a nicer UX experience.

ForgotAboutDre ,

Yes, I understood that. There are specific OS for Kodi like libreElec, that make it easy to have support for lots of codecs etc. I don't know if any for specific to Jellyfin, but the Jellyfin App has a better UX than Kodi.

ForgotAboutDre ,

Multiple standards are good, initially. Multiple visions and approaches can get tested. The best hopefully displaced the rest, whilst picking up all the other good ideas.

If there was only one standard we would get stuck with snaps with no alternatives.

ForgotAboutDre ,

Not necessarily disloyal. But different loyalties.

Microsoft makes software used by governments all over the world. Any government that want to gather intelligence or blackmail another government could do it through inserted exploits in Microsoft's code. The US could go straight to Microsoft to this in an official capacity. Other nations would influence the individuals working on the project to do it covertly. If your country asked you to do this, they are likely able to convince you it's in the national interest and you would be harming your country if you didn't.

It's not that they wouldn't be loyal, it's who they would be loyal to.

ForgotAboutDre ,

I think this would need new legislation that would push software regulations further than they've been before.

Apple can allow apps to be installed outside their app store. The fee they are charging is likely related to accessing their APIs and tools for developing iOS apps. Apple would have to be forced to make these free.

Currently you could considerably make an iOS app without apple's tools and APIs. But it would require significant effort to develope/reverse engineer these tools to make the app. Effort that is outside of the scope of most modern app development.

To force apple to make the APIs and tools open would likely require additional legislation. Saying not only must the device allow third party distribution of apps, but apple must support these activities for free. This is significantly different from making apple allow third party apps. It puts on them a real cost (not potential loss like allowing third party app stores).

This isn't a problem for other systems because they actively invite people to develop and distribute their software for their system. But it would have implications for game consoles. Sony, MS and Nintendo would have to allow any potential developer access to their tools for free with little obligation.

ForgotAboutDre ,

Businesses would avoid this by making their apps certain device only or using different companies to publish their apps on each platform to stop them from needing to allow cross platform ownership.

ForgotAboutDre ,

Android replaced most of the OS that people would consider Linux normally. They only kept the kernal. The kerbal is Linux, but when people talk about Linux OS they usually mean Linux/GNU.

ForgotAboutDre ,

The legislation would probably be from start of sale rather than end. Otherwise it would have businesses binning old hardware that isn't selling well to avoid the increased support time.

ForgotAboutDre ,

They do incur the cost of the tools and APIs. They would argue they eat the loss to support their market place.

I would argue apple making their APIs and tools open for everyone is in their best interests. It's easier to control security issues if everyone uses the same tools and apis. But apple won't care as much.

If a third party app store provides a tool or service to improve their app store, should apple expect to be able to use that for free? Negating any benefit that third party would get for developing such an improvement.

ForgotAboutDre ,

They are charging a development fee. Then a per user deployment fee for each copy of the software distributed. This is a normal structure for many commercial software.

You can still develop an iOS app and deploy it on a third party iOS store. It just can use any software that apple charges for.

The EU would need further legislation to stop apple from doing this. It would also have to be targeted very particularly at apple, else software licensing wouldn't work.

To tell apple they couldn't do this would require invalidating copyright licensing for all software generated by an OS provider that can be used on a application.

In all the examples you've suggested the software was given freely from the OS providers to apple. They didn't ask for any money. Largely because they wanted people to make software for their systems. Video game consoles do exactly what apple is doing. Further they even have means to restrict the content that you can publish at all.

ForgotAboutDre ,

Tesla's autopilot isn't the best around. It's just the most deployed and advertised. People creating autopilot responsibly don't beta test them with the kind of idiots that think Tesla autopilot is the best approach.

ForgotAboutDre ,

Tesla sues people that criticise them in the media. You really can't trust most reviews. The reviews are also looking for money from companies like Tesla so their not impartial.

ForgotAboutDre ,

Cameras and AI aren't a match for radar/lidar. This is the big issue with the approach to autonomy Tesla's take. You've only a guess if there are hazards in the way.

Most algorithms are designed to work and then be statistically tested. To validate that they work. When you develop an algorithm with AI/machine learning, there is only the statistical step. You have to infer whole systems performance purely from that. There isn't a separate process for verification and validation. It just validation alone.

When something is developed with only statistical evidence of it working you can't be reliably sure it works in most scenarios. Except the exact ones you tested for. When you design an algorithm to work you can assume it works in most scenarios if the result are as expected when you validate it. With machine learning, the algorithm is obscured and uncertain (unless it's only used for parameter optimisation).

Machine learning is never used because it's a better approach. It's only used when the engineers don't know how to develop the algorithm. Once you understand this, you understand the hazard it presents. If you don't understand or refuse to understand this. You build machines that drive into children, deliberately. Through ignorance, greed and arrogance Tesla built a machine that deliberately runs over children.

ForgotAboutDre ,

Google has great customer service, your just not the customer.

ForgotAboutDre ,

So many things are ads now. Most 'reviews' and 'news' are ads, even when they're not payed directly their pushed by algorithms that favour those advertising. Even if you avoid them most people you interact with aren't.

You'll never see their effect if you truly believe your impervious to them.

ForgotAboutDre ,

It's an admission that running the business isn't the point of tiktok. It's an intelligence asset, if the intelligence asset is no longer viable there is no point operating the business.

ForgotAboutDre ,

It refers to feature size, rather than component.

ForgotAboutDre ,

If there was serious investment in green energy. There would be large spikes in power, to have reliable baseline to power the grid. This excess power needs to go somewhere. Hydrogen seems a good solution. It takes free electricity and turns it into a sellable product. One that can be sold at a much higher cost than storing the energy in a battery and selling it back to the grid. It may be able to ease natural gas transitions as well.

The big issue is no country is taking low carbon power generation seriously. Toyota is assuming governments will be responsible now. EVs are being sold because performance, running cost and individuals environmentally attitude is better. Hydrogen requires governments to change their attitude.

ForgotAboutDre ,

Where do you think they strike the term from.

ForgotAboutDre ,

The big advantage of those three is you have it pre-installed. Pre-installed with forced defaults in very powerful.

I see people using edge, never realising that they're using edge. Asking to install very expensive office 365 suites for very simple documents and power points. Word can't even display text properly, most people don't notice because they don't know any different.

Linux needs a better Ubuntu. One all the Linux users can easily recommend. That manufacturers can be confident shipping on laptops.

Once that hurdle is cleared. The user has Linux pre-installed, the manufacturer provides all the necessary drivers. Linux is often easier to resolve issues with. The settings are clearer and better laid out, dependencies are better and easier to manage than windows. Solutions are easier to find and implement, they also don't change unexpectedly.

ForgotAboutDre ,

Legitimate interest is just an out to get around tracking users.

I wouldn't be surprised is many data trackers don't pay attention to any of the permissions and agreements. It's hard to validate they aren't in compliance and it's hard for most people to even challenge these businesses.

Even if these businesses where legally challenged they can just close the business. Then take the same software and start a new business doing the same thing. If you look at the amount of companies you information is shared with under legitimate interests it can be in the order of hundreds.

ForgotAboutDre ,

The country does matter. China operates social scoring limiting people based on non-criminal behaviour. People also often disappear, with no recourse. They use this information to manipulate public opinions. They also use this information to support their genocide of minorites in China. They also manipulate Chinese people outside of China to support their espionage and propaganda. They also use this to limit and regulate information access.

Tiktok is a tool owned and operated by a totalitarian government, that has recently become less accountable and more totalitarian. Other social medias aren't comparable.

ForgotAboutDre ,

Macbooks, even these low spec ones tend to outlive other laptops substantially. The better build quality and higher resale value keeps them in use much longer.

The argument these devices are e-waste doesn't make sense and doesn't track.

ForgotAboutDre ,

Most aren't going to thwart governments, serious policing, private investigations or very determined individuals. But they will reduce their exposure to advertising and online profiling. We are bombarded with soon many businesses try to constantly sell things and manipulate the way we think and act for thier own profit. Privacy is a series of small acts that can reduce hostile businesses effectiveness.

ForgotAboutDre ,

It's definitely possible. It may be using specific hardware to do the powered off tasks. Or it never be truly off, a small os running to managing these powered off tasks.

The second is more likely, it's cheaper and easier. It can also be applied to older devices and requires less integrated design.

What is a simple server solution for Jellyfin and Nextcloud?

I have a really bad "server" (just a laptop) that runs Fedora Server and uses Docker Compose to host Jellyfin. It has been very annoying to update (the web GUI for Fedora doesn't even work half of the time), updating is painful, and it's a pain to manage. I am trying to redo my entire setup, so I will be getting a NAS to store...

ForgotAboutDre ,

There is lots of web based guis. These are accessed on a separate device on the same network (or internet). These use very little resources, all the rendering is done on the client web browser.

ForgotAboutDre ,

I think the government should be going after service providers and advertiser's that knowing and deliberately target children with content that isn't curated by a suitable authority for the children's age group.

Previously we had librarians and TV channels to regulate children's media. Responsible people making reasonable judgements about the content a child should be targeted with.

That isn't the case anymore. Social media allows people and organisations direct access to children with no accountable authority in-between. Children are watching content that the child knows they shouldn't be watching. The producer and the service provider also knows this too. So children will place concert effort to avoid it being detected.

They all know that they are making content for children. Even when they're making content that the know isn't suitable for them. The people behind prime energy drink wanted to sell alcoholic drinks. They revealed in a podcast they didn't because they knew there was no market for it as their audience was far too young. Despite this they continue to make content that uses frequently sexual and violent humour. They also use and play with racism and sexism in their content.

Regulate the market and the problem will dwindle away. Their is entire businesses set up to pray on the attention of children.

ForgotAboutDre ,

Many children are being radicalised by online content, like the criminal Andrew Tate becoming popular among teenagers.

Most people aren't fact checking anything online. They are far more likely to start believing conspiracy theories or outright false narratives.

ForgotAboutDre ,

There would be an excuse that your using your friends components to fix the phone. But they didn't deregister it. It would be enough to create a viable business.

Repairers could use stolen parts and the owner wouldn't know until apple locked their device.

It can be stopped by controlling the internet traffic to the device. Various methods, even simple DNS systems. Especially in developing economy organised crime can get cooperation with phone networks to do this.

For organised crime this problems can be worked out. But it very difficult to workaround a whitelist of only one part.

Other manufacturers don't have the same issue as their phones don't last as long. Nor do they have as high a resale value. Old iPhones still sell well 5+ years after release.

Google will give you big discounts for trading in iPhones that were cheaper than pixels when released when they won't offer you anything but recycling for an equivalent year pixel. All because the iPhone resale value remains so high.

ForgotAboutDre ,

Because you could, you could argue you forgot. It's a way to get around it. It's easier if apple controls who fixes phones.

It's easier to block the part checking for individual parts than the entire os. You would still have people with bricked phones once they got home and the faulty part phones home.

If apple didn't do this their phones would be stolen at a very high rate. Especially from tourists. The phone would also get a reputation for being stolen. Or stopped working once you got home from the repair store.

Apple sells the convince of a device that works reliably. This makes it of very high value. Especially to those that don't want to worry about their tech. So apples repair methods keep this value. If they changed their phones would be less valuable to most consumers. If this wasn't the case then fair phone would outsell iPhones.

The phones are still repairable, but it's restricted to apple and those apple have authorised to do it. The solution is to make repairs cheaper, not make interchangeable parts. It doesn't work on the scale apple operates, for devices of significant value that can be pick pocketed and shipped to another country.

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