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MotoAsh ,

Nuhuh, AIs are definitely intelligent!! It's just making a joke and totally not instantly "confused" over "urine" having strong weights to kidney stones! Nonono, it knows what it's saying, totally!!

MotoAsh , (edited )

I think it is often more subtle than something like Tankies defending the CCP or Russia. A lot of people who call themselves left or progressive still think the world just needs the "correct" strong-man, when one of the biggest defining things of "left" is going against engrained power structures.

While it is possible to be left-ish and support particular leaders, it is seldom a sign of an actually enlightened person if they think only a "strong man" can fix things. Tankies fit squarely in the center of that, but there are LARGE fringes where people seriously do not understand some of the core axioms of "left" politics while also not being full blown tankies.

MotoAsh ,

Those things people disgree on are entire political axioms, so yes it is much bigger than a meme. Tankies think strong men are a good thing, which should be antithetical to anyone with the faintest hint of actual big boy anarchy in their politics. Worshiping leaders OR positions is literally and directly antithetical to MUCH of the left.

OFC there will be infighting when most people don't even understand what the left stands for. IMO, we shouldn't even dignify tankies and other strong-men liking idiots with a label anywhere close to "left". They're just idiot fascists wearing a different coat to try and fit in.

MotoAsh ,

Wrong. Both sides don't agree to war. You're either in one or not. With how agressive the right throws shade at the left, and confuses the waters with NewsMan gaslighting, the left IS ABSOLUTELY under attack. Mostly not from within.

The left IS ABSOLUTELY at war. Like it or not. We just need to pick up our anti-spy game a bit and realize that we need to start on some actual offense. We need more AOC's and Bernie's in Congress and far fewer R's of ANY type, let alone Russia-loving losers like the current GOP.

MotoAsh , (edited )

If you haven't met one, you must not have been around long. They're all over. People who will rail against the US, but extoll the virtues of the USSR or the CCP? The ones who aren't just open sycophants for strong men are often completely ignorant to leftist ideals, like a strong state that dictates all sorts of things to the populace is itself in any form antithetical to many leftist axioms.

Any "lefty" that cannot explain how ACAB applies to even good cops is a pretty terrible leftist, as a different example. It's not about reducing specific occurences. It's about designing systems that naturally resist the BS.

It's only "worshiping" in the extreme examples. The "Normie" examples are people that literally cannot imagine society without armed police while claiming worker's rights, as an example. If you're for workers' rights, you shouldn't be for a sanctioned force that constantly fights against both protesters and picketers alike. It's about a gross disconnect in ideals vs what someone pushes for.

Like someone who realizes executives make way too much money, but scoff at worker co-ops. Either for not going far enough to worker ownership, or for being some hippy idea that won't work. There are fake "leftists" of many types.

Yes, there are clowns all over, but you HAVE to realize there are many, many people running around who are only missing the clown makeup...

It's the difference between agreeing on a problem vs agreeing on a solution. It is a WORLD of difference.

MotoAsh ,

War and enemy are terms for people who understand that it is an existential problem.

I'm sorry that you have failed to see enough of the world to realize that you are under actual, literal attack.

Politics is just war by another name. Realize it before it's too late.

MotoAsh ,

We're supposed to forward the spear fishing emails to IT but I always just report as spam and go about my day. Was only nervous the first couple times I ignored an obvious internal phishing test but apparently they don't care if we don't fall for it.

MotoAsh , (edited )

Oh don't worry, you won't have to try to break the wifi.

MotoAsh ,

I remove that abomination every chance I get.

MotoAsh , (edited )

You and I don't have to imagine that, dummy. We've already done it.

MotoAsh ,

I'm not accusing you. I'm stating a fact that I included myself in... You are indeed a dim bulb in the pack.

First We Take Columbia: Lessons from the April 1968 occupations movement (illwill.com)

I. Occupations are effective because they are disruptive. The April 1968 occupations shut down the entire university for over a week. This forced the administration to concede to their demands, even after the movement faced repression....

MotoAsh ,

1 and 2 make sense, but 3 is just commie propaganda (and I'm OK with striving for the idealistic version). Normies do NOT like magically suddenly not having personal posessions. You will never, ever, EVER convince a normie communism is good by taking their stuff.

MotoAsh ,

If applied at a country level maybe they'd "gain" posessions, but think about how 3 would apply at a campus protest. There isn't a means of production to own so long as the current state exists (what, the campus itself? yea cops aren't going to be OK with that), and that's not happening soon.

MotoAsh ,

Was it the NHTSA that made them recall it? ... How'd they even allow that abomination in the first place??

MotoAsh ,

There are a million other reasons besides the gas pedal as to why it cannot be sold over there. Most importantly, TERRIBLE crash safety.

MotoAsh ,

Does it even use secure DNS by default? No? Then it cannot be much more secure than any other browser, and their integrated Apple IDs make their users more identifiable, so... A lie even before this app store mess.

MotoAsh ,

Anyone who says it's not a genocide is either an evil moron or directly interested in seeing Palestine wiped out. Either way, despicable trash.

MotoAsh ,

No one is asking that you fucking ignorant. Learn to read. "Stop funding a genocide" is totally the same as "the US controls Israel and it's all Biden's fault." ... if you have a room temperature IQ.

Stop pretending people are saying what they are not. It makes you either stupid or a biased propagandist. So take your pick... Either start engaging with what people actually say, or forever be a pathetic fuck incapable of understanding nuance.

MotoAsh ,

Fun fact: There are more than two sides in a two-party country.

MotoAsh ,

What about those of us that didn't go outright because we couldn't afford it nor get the loans?

... I'd still be more than happy if education was made free, but there are A LOT of people the system has fucked and Democrats barely even want to glance at the lowest hanging fruit.

MotoAsh ,

You might be taking it too literally. It's a joke because the take is bad, on purpose. The entire point is people unironically have this position on student loans when it's obviously fucking stupid to have that opinion on anything.

MotoAsh ,

"They are not linked", exactly, they're choosing to leave some people behind.

MotoAsh ,

Yew, my point is they are ONLY targeting the lowest hanging fruit.

I bring it up NOT to just poopoo on Democrats, but to offer perspective. An inflatable life raft should NEVER be viewed as a fully functioning, sea-worthy vessel, and inflatable rafts is all Democrats ever offer, let alone fight for.

Yes, that's better than the sabotaged canoe Republicans offer, but again, it's about perspective. Some people are not OK with celebrating a dingy like it's a ship.

MotoAsh ,

Keep buying the excuses while you're given crumbs. It really makes it look like you understand just how little you're being offered...

MotoAsh ,

Yea, keep wondering why while pretending Democrats aren't still a lesser evil. Notice how "lesser evil" is still evil. It doesn't matter how much you screech about which is better. Some don't like voting for anything evil.

Ignore a basic fact of reality at your own peril.

MotoAsh ,

I'm not scaring you to do anything but realize you have no saviors to choose from. Do not view the Dems as a WIN, but as merely staving off destruction.

Pretending we are in any kind of good shape is pure foolishness.

MotoAsh ,

Pretending the lesser evil is a good choice is pure stupidity. Do better.

MotoAsh ,

Wow, imagine thinking it's bad to hate terrible disgusting people that make the world a worse place for everyone... What kind of sheltered ignorance does someone need for that?

MotoAsh ,

A fraudulent banker named Bankman-fried ... ok well not perfect, but...

MotoAsh ,

Unless the US is joining the EU, telling people to move is not a solution but a side-stepping. Side-stepping problems allows them to continue and grow.

MotoAsh ,

Hi, software engineer here. FOSS is a blessing and only fucking morons push against it.

Yes, developers need to be compensated, but it IS NOT ethical, correct, or even basically good to do that by being a predator towards your customers.

MotoAsh ,

It makes sense from MS's perspective. They started not liking Linux, and now have integrated it in their OS with WSL, thusly becoming a full clown for the great hypocrisy compared to their original dislike of Linux.

MotoAsh ,

I'm not even sure what the message is. FOSS has never been more attractive or easy to use (on the large scale at least, never mind the weirdos freaking over xz). There's FOSS for most everything, in some cases better than most paid options.

Corpos gunning for FOSS? That's always been here.

MotoAsh ,

Yes, Like I literally said: Gunning for FOSS isn't new.

MotoAsh ,

I mean, this is straight up not true. The closest truly wild house cat is a weirdo that looks like a lanky house cat, and house cat brains are physically smaller and dumber than wild ones. Also need I point out how cats also have their pug versions complete with health issues normal cats don't have?

MotoAsh , (edited )

What you all need to realize is, those last 70 years have been DEMOCRATS showing you who they are: Useful idiots for the truly evil Republicans.

Yet no one believes it despite that being the only thing Democrats do... Obama Care is a Republican plan from Mitt Romney from the 90's. Biden is now ALSO screeching about "securing the border"...

Democrats are the blissfully unaware idiots helping evil people, and nobody believes it.

MotoAsh ,

Yep! They don't have to have evil intent themselves to never the less still effectively be the "good cop" accomplice to the Republican's bad cop.

MotoAsh ,

Right, the affordable care act ISN'T based on Mitt Romney's plan, and Biden totally didn't say, "give me the ability to close the border and I'll do it!".

Ya'll are in fucking denial and it's beyond pathetic. The fascists are winning because you're too fucking weak to understand that the Dems have been the "good cop" to the Republicans' bad cop for decades.

Again, grow up and engage with the real world before it's too late.

I am NOT saying, "don't vote for Biden over Trump". I'm saying, "don't trust Biden to fix much without GREAT pressure.". Yet you fucks cannot even hear the basic truth that not even the Dems are your friend unless you make a HEALTHY six figures or more. Pathetic. Fucking Pathetic.

MotoAsh ,

Challenge? Are you aware of what kind of sport golf is? The ball's not even moving when you have to hit it ffs. (I do enjoy the act of golfing, but holy cow is it a pathetic "sport")

MotoAsh ,

I think you're buying too much of the self-righteous asshole's perspective. He's the only one dismissing it. Normal people dismiss bad stuff in this EXECT SAME way. It's the same as the people who respond to news of a rape with, "what was she wearing?"

The comic is explicitly showing that the attitude is wrong even when applied to lesser things like nudes leaking.

MotoAsh ,

That doesn't mean the price has to be the same as a fucking Netflix subscription.

Which service uses more computation? Streaming HQ video to millions of people, or running a search engine. Keep in mind, search engines have existed since basically before the internet in some form or another...

MotoAsh ,

If they're taking in less than 1000 searches of money for 3000 searches, the numbers still aren't adding up. Someone is misinformed or the product still.

MotoAsh ,

I am either not high enough or too high to understand how that comic is making fun of dilbert. Or does he have a few comics that are about as nonsensical? (I only read a few in passing so I know very little dilbert lore)

MotoAsh ,

I get the inspiration, but ... _Dilberito?!_ How was such ridiculously niche branding supposed to succeed?? Is the creator seriously that far up his own ass??

MotoAsh ,

Ahhh, so requires a lot of meta info that I was missing. Thanks for filling in the gaps!

MotoAsh ,

I've heard stories but it's still wild to have him blast it out there so obviously in a non-hateful way, and way back in 2001 too.

MotoAsh ,

Yea but we expect them to also know "R" isn't for "Really fast".

You need to recognize what defending ignorance is.

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