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root_beer ,

Swedish; it’s an ikea commercial from, idk, fifteen or twenty years ago iirc

root_beer ,

Been doing it for years myself, currently advocating for “def”

Will anyone pick it up? No. Do I care? Nah.

root_beer ,

That’s how I use it most of the time. That and “nifty”

root_beer ,

Everything is when you’re phat

root_beer ,

Years ago, Brendan Small did a couple of characters on Comedy Bang Bang who, while being absolutely fucking hilarious and source of some of the top moments on the podcast, were kinda problematic, coming off as ethnic caricature. He quit doing those characters in 2017, for I think pretty obvious reasons, though I’m not sure whether anyone ever called him out on it. I assume it was similar to PFT’s rationale for dropping Ice-T from his own repertoire. In any event, you can take this however you will.

root_beer ,

It's definitely a much bigger issue in metal than you would find in, say, jazz or electronica.

For a while, and I assume it continues today, there was/is a synth subgenre called fashwave, a Nazi-adjacent take on vaporwave. I imagine they have a niche elsewhere in the electro scene, and prob. industrial too?

root_beer ,

The good ol’ American tradition of forcing squaredance onto kids in schools—I was a victim myself from the ‘80s to the mid ‘90s—was borne of the fear and disgust of the black and Jewish roots of jazz, with Hitler idol Henry Ford being a big advocate for it.

root_beer ,

So put Hitler’s paintings on permanent exhibition in a Berlin art museum?

If they're genuinely good, and contribute to world of Art as whole, why not? It's not like people don't listen to Wagner. My guess is that his works are lackluster and have made very little impact in the art world.

Dalí’s work is revered, and, while he didn’t partake in genocide, he was a Francoist ghoul who shouted “¡olé!” at the assassination of his friend Federico García Lorca by Nationalists.

root_beer ,

.ml tends to slap "rule 1" on everything, which says don't be a bigot, even if that's obviously not what the comment was about.

[emphasis mine]

Sure about that? From what I’ve seen, anything said in disagreement with the predominant opinion over there (and on hexbear, especially on hexbear) is deemed “bigotry”. They don’t appear to be interested in ingratiating anyone to the cause.

root_beer ,

Okay, gotcha, I was looking at it from their point of view, which is that everything to them is bigotry, not realizing that that’s what you were saying in the first place. The bad, it is mine.

root_beer ,

Thanks, hate it

Not even a Finn and I hate it

Roku explores taking over HDMI feeds with ads (www.lowpass.cc)

Roku is exploring ways to show consumers ads on its TVs even when they are not using its streaming platform: The company has been looking into injecting ads into the video feeds of third-party devices connected to its TVs, according to a recent patent filing.  ...

root_beer ,

I quit with apps on LG after whatever I was watching or doing would cut out with an error message saying that the TV was out of memory. It was particularly egregious when I was playing video games. Now I have a Roku sound bar, but look where that’s gonna get me.

root_beer ,

Stand up, raise your hands, and shout, “McDonald’s!”

root_beer ,

Plungers wrapped in cheap tinfoil, don’t want to give them anything they can melt down and sell

root_beer ,

Patent trollery, but white hat? I can get behind that

root_beer ,

He already had a circlejerk with another poster talking about how China can do it in days (because no osha, you know), and then! said it could also be done more inexpensively by reusing the steel from the collapsed bridge, that, you know, is structurally compromised by the collapse and I can’t imagine the water it’s submerged in is good for its integrity either

root_beer ,

You better start believing in huge 3D printers

…you’re in one!

root_beer ,

I’m the opposite, I like that I earned the love of my cats. It sort of reflects me, I don’t let people into my life very often, but when I do, it actually means something.

root_beer ,

From Scientific American, “Is the Alpha Wolf Idea a Myth?”

root_beer ,

A couple of months ago, we were finishing up on our grocery shopping when Sledgehammer started to play over the system. Our eleven-year-old daughter, whose favorite has been Queen’s Don’t Stop Me Now since she was like 6, stopped and said, “this guy sounds so familiar… is he the guy who does the Biko song?” Our jaws dropped. I try to play a wide variety of music from every decade in the modern era when we’re traveling so, despite that being my favorite of his, I don’t think it’s been in rotation more than a few times over the years, and its not like its something that would come up on YouTube when we would spend evenings playing music videos from our childhoods. This relatively deep cut from Peter Gabriel resonates with our kid more than his hits do— wait, what kids are even into Peter Gabriel in the first place? Fuckin’ Biko, man, wild. I hadn’t even heard that song, let alone knew what it was, until I was 17 and our only good radio station was playing all the weird stuff as it was dying, back in ‘99, and all the DJs were gone so nobody was announcing what just played.

Also, she likes to emulate David Byrne’s weird-ass choreography while humming from “Once in a Lifetime”. She’s a li’l weirdo, I love it.

root_beer ,

Also, they at least appear to be trying to get her interested, rather than just straight gatekeeping

root_beer ,

The best song, hands down, on their Unplugged set is a cover and it makes me wish Kurt had cleaned up, gotten better, and made a whole album of his interpretation of old blues songs. It could have been fuckin’ incredible.

root_beer ,

When I was, idk, 7 or 8, we were in our tin can of a ‘78 Fiesta and I was in throbbing pain from my quarterly ear infection, but as the Tylenol+codeine kicked in—it was the late ‘80s, whatev—Kashmir came on the radio while I was sorta slumped to the side, my head resting rather uncomfortably next to the rear speaker. I just spent the following eight minutes just vibing, staring through the raindrop-dotted window at the traffic lights against the night sky, it was goddamn magical. That is my core Zeppelin memory. Years later, Physical Graffiti was the second CD I ever bought, specifically for that song.

root_beer ,

There’s a documentary that may help explain this, iirc it’s called Paw Patrol

root_beer ,

If he’s anything like me, vice versa too

Mirrors shatter into powder under my awful gaze

root_beer ,

This has been my take forever. Maybe women want to take nudes and send them to a sweetheart or maybe she’s just feeling hot and proud of herself. Good for her. Doesn’t mean they should be available for the world to see, nor should she be victim-blamed.

Same for the sub-hominids who say a woman was asking for it after being raped because she dressed provocatively. Yeah, she might have been dressing in a way to attract someone, that’s the goddamn point. It’s her prerogative, and guess what: she has the final say as to who can interact with her. Fuck outta here with this “she was asking to get raped” bullshit. Grow up and learn some goddamn self control, it’s insulting to insinuate that we, as men, are a monolith and do not have any.

root_beer ,

Absolutely; like I said, I find it deeply insulting and it absolutely is sexist. In the vein of “we cain’t have a wummun president because she’d start a war soon’s she gets her period”, we could say that “national security is threatened because the men can’t stop awooga-ing at that hot dame’s cans”. It’s patently ridiculous and we all should be offended by these idiots, christ.

root_beer ,

No, I think I see what you’re saying and I agree, we all need to do better. Even when we hold views opposing that dumb sexist crap, it’s not enough merely to have those views, we should act on them and teach others to do so. I fully agree with the notion that young men today have terrible role models right now and we need to do better.

root_beer ,

Yeah, I get that part, it’s entirely too easy for shit to go wrong. But victim-blaming is tepid, wet garbage, and always points in the wrong direction. We need to get better, as a collective, at locking our data the fuck down, and slapping the shit out of the people who act maliciously with it.

root_beer ,

Yes, exactly, capitalism is always the enemy, let’s point the blame where it actually belongs

[not /s, beeteedubs]

root_beer ,

We didn’t have that option in the Ohio primary so I just left that space blank and voted down-ticket.

root_beer ,

And then they think they’ll be part of the vanguard when the power vacuum opens up, and will give way to a glorious socialist utopia. Guess what, turbo, you’ll be up against that wall too, and it’s just going to be roving gangs of authoritarians.

root_beer ,

“Queer people are more accepted thanks to capitalism!”

“Nah fam, it’s just another capitalist moneymaking scheme”

root_beer ,

I want to know what “other” is that is also clobbering CDs. Can’t say it’s streaming because it’s physical media. The article mentions that half a million cassettes were sold, but that doesn’t really answer the question. That “other” takes up a lot of space relative to CDs so I’m pretty curious.

root_beer ,

Hm, digital downloads count as physical media? I might? be able to see the merit in that classification but I’m not entirely convinced.

root_beer ,

Ahh, perfect, thanks, I genuinely appreciate it. I should have done that myself, shouldn’t I?

root_beer ,

I’m not entirely convinced that The Boer’s own brain isn’t already damaged

root_beer ,

Nah, I think his brain damage is from all the K he’s zooted out on

root_beer ,

How broken am I that my first thought was, “what is Mahmoud Ahmadinejad doing there?”

root_beer ,

When your customer base has main character syndrome, none of that matters, go hog wild

root_beer ,

I just did a “Paul F Tompkins off-mic on Comedy Bang Bang” laugh

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  • root_beer ,

    I made a similar comment on a YouTube video and man did people leave a bunch of dumb, flustered, sputtering responses

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