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Do you encrypt your data drives?

Fellow selfhoster, do you encrypt your drives where you put data to avoid privacy problems in case of theft?
If yes, how? How much does that impact performances?
I selfhost (amongst other services) NextCloud where I keep my pictures, medical staff, ...in short, private stuff and I know that it's pretty difficult that a thief would steal my server, buuut, you never know! 🤷🏻‍♂️

BastingChemina ,


There is all the backup of all my family pictures in the drives.

If something happens to me I want to make due that they will have access to it.

hperrin ,

I have two WebDAV shares, one unencrypted and one encrypted. The unencrypted one is for things that need to be read by other services, like legally obtained movies and tv shows. The encrypted one is for porn, mostly (also stuff like tax documents, legal contracts, etc).

This is the server I use


It’s really easy to set it up for encryption. Also, I wrote it. :)

z00s ,

Do you honestly encrypt your porn? Why? (Assuming it's legal)

markstos ,

How are you certain all your porn is legal?

z00s ,

I think we both understand the intention behind my statement

h3ndrik ,

Good question. I don't have a clue either. It doesn't contain any personal information. (Unless it's self-made.) Usually isn't unique. And nobody cares as there's an abundance of porn available everywhere on the internet.

avidamoeba ,
@avidamoeba@lemmy.ca avatar

Have you tried secure-erasing a disk?

Absolutely yes, I do enctypt my drives so I don't have to ever do that again. This isn't as critical for SSDs but it's still a good idea. Even if you keep the key stored on the same system, securely deleting a tiny file is way easier than a whole disk.

MonkderDritte ,

Have you tried secure-erasing a disk?

Once /dev/urandom is enough. Who cares if a state actor could theoretically recover your media library in an expensive lab.

avidamoeba ,
@avidamoeba@lemmy.ca avatar

Even that takes a while.

h3ndrik ,

And it has other benefits. For example a dying disk. You can just throw that out. I once tried to wipe such a disk and it's a chore. It makes weird clicking noises and slows down to the point where it'd take years to overwrite it. Occasionally the SATA controller resets etc. And it won't succeed at overwriting stuff. Sure I could go to the garage, get the power tools, put the hdd into a vise and delete everything with a combination of hammer and drill... But it's much more convenient to have it encrypted and not care.

AnUnusualRelic ,
@AnUnusualRelic@lemmy.world avatar

You take the disk out, drill once through it (use a metal bit).


Takes a couple minutes.

h3ndrik , (edited )

Sure. It's just effort. I have to go fetch the power tools, fetch the drills, if I want to do it correctly also mount a vise or go fetch a piece of scrap wood and some clamps...
After that clean up and remove the metal chips from my apartment...

At work I'd additionally need 3 training courses to be allowed to operate the drill press and visit the workshop. The whole process is going to take half a year. And it'll still not be certified that the information is now gone.

AnUnusualRelic ,
@AnUnusualRelic@lemmy.world avatar

In an enterprise setting, it's probably a bit of a hassle with everything having to follow some kind of process...

h3ndrik , (edited )

Somehow they don't trust the software developers with operating heavy machinery 😆

Anyways, I think we're moving away from the topic... At work I didn't encrypt harddisks anyways. They just put the servers into a special area in the datacenter that has a fence and a separate lock.

At home I just encrypt stuff so I don't have to remember what I put where and handle things differently. Of course everything depends on the specific scenario and threat model. I have a bit of stuff archived on my server that isn't around anymore, could be a copyright violation. I also have my complete life stored there, documents, finances, emails of a decade, pictures, backups for family members, passwords for emergency access to things. Admin stuff and logfiles that I'm required by law (GDPR..) not to share. I also used to travel a lot with my laptop in the backpack and that can get stolen. At some point a long time ago I decided to encrypt my harddisks and stop worrying. Since at least 10 years there isn't any speed penalty anymore and it takes like 20 seconds to set it up on Linux...

But I can also see why not everyone wants to do it this way.

AnUnusualRelic ,
@AnUnusualRelic@lemmy.world avatar

I'm still in the planning stage of my home network (we're redoing the whole place so I'm doing a proper network) and TrueNas will be at the centre of it. So far, I'm not considering encryption (my laptops have /home encrypted though).

I'm not sure what the risk of a Disney raid on my server is. It could be a real thing, or not. It really depends on many things.

However, all in all, the lack of a proper solution for a quick server wipe beyond the usual thermite load, is problematic.

h3ndrik ,

Why don't you consider encrypting your NAS, if I might ask? Inconvenience on boot? Because that's one inconvenience I currently live with... After a power outage I have to fetch a keyboard and type in the password, since the mainboard doesn't have remote-management and I've never set up an automatic way to transfer/fetch the encryption key...

AnUnusualRelic ,
@AnUnusualRelic@lemmy.world avatar

ZFS is already a handful. I'm not sure if I want to add encryption on top of that.

h3ndrik ,

Fair enough.

AnUnusualRelic ,
@AnUnusualRelic@lemmy.world avatar

In truth, I'm going to have to deal with a shitload of new stuff. I'm going with a Dell or Supermicro server (as in rackable server) with between 8 and 16 disks, so I'm also going to have to deal with new hardware (I suppose everyone kind of has to, since they're not running their usual software). And of course, I'm also doing HomeAssistant stuff on top of that, with all the Zigbee (or whatever other proper protocols I can stick on MTQQ) stuff, or else where would the fun be.

It's a good thing I've been managing Unix stuff for decades (not that it makes me feel any better about juggling a dozen new things at the same time).

h3ndrik ,

Oh wow. Seems you live somewhere where electricity is a bit more affordable. I have an super efficient enterprise mainboard with an old Xeon. I get by with the 6 SATA-Ports for home use. I mean now that we have 12TB drives... I bought lots of RAM an I'm running several VMs, containers, Home Assistant and all sorts of stuff on that machine.

Happy tinkering and learning?!

24_at_the_withers ,

Takes me about 2 seconds with a 5lb steel mallet.

AnUnusualRelic ,
@AnUnusualRelic@lemmy.world avatar

Bold of you to assume sysadmins can wield a 5lb mallet. (I'm not completely sure what that is in real world weight, 2 ½ kg?).

StructureOfChaos ,

Use Cryptomator to have your data safe from prying eyes.

Kolanaki ,
@Kolanaki@yiffit.net avatar

I don't do anything that warrants it, but if I did have sensitive data that I was worried about being stolen, those drives would be in a system completely cut off from the Internet to prevent remote theft, and encrypted in the event of a physical theft. If I was especially paranoid, I'd booby trap the drives to wipe themselves if they are tampered with.

brygphilomena ,

Nope. This isn't part of my threat model.

I don't have sensitive data and stealing a drive would be inconvenient for a thief.

flork ,
@flork@lemy.lol avatar

You don't have sensitive data? Would you mind expanding on that a bit for me? Just curious how you like, live, and stuff.

Pika ,

I'm surprized as well, like I guess I would understand if it's a no log DNS server but, what else wouldn't have sensitive information.

Freeman ,

My Music, Movies and Shows, I dont consider them private/sensitive, as they aren't illegal to possess or even download in my country. I would even donate my filled but corrupted drive to a repair guy, he can have the media if he can repair it.

brygphilomena ,

Plex data, pi hole, and home assistant don't contain anything meaningful. No credentials are stored in a form that can be reused.

The most sensitive is immich, which I'm more concerned about backups than I am someone might steal my nudes. Their online anyway.

Email is hosted off-site and I still have physical files for a lot of my documents. If someone stole hdds out of my server, they'd get a lot of Linux isos, pictures of cars, porn, tons of versioned software and games installers, etc.

Maybe my definition of sensitive is different than yours though.

asbestos ,
@asbestos@lemmy.world avatar

How do you even encrypt a server so that it doesn’t require human intervention every time it goes down/restarts?

Dalraz ,

Isn't that what a TPM could be used for?

umbrella ,
@umbrella@lemmy.ml avatar

i dunno is it? how to set that up?

ClemaX ,
@ClemaX@lemm.ee avatar

Files could be decrypted by the end user. The OS itself could remain unencrypted.

bjoern_tantau ,
@bjoern_tantau@swg-empire.de avatar

I'm too lazy to look up the details. But you can have a small ssh server running as part of initrd. I think it's dropbear. I log into that and unlock the root drive from there.

Of course that necessitates an unencrypted /boot/.

Did it on Debian and it was relatively easy to set up.

Akinzekeel ,

I‘m in the process of setting up a new NAS with Debian and disk encryption, and this is exactly what I’m struggling with. I’ve tried multiple guides for Dropbear but every time I try to SSH into the server to unlock it, I get “Permission denied”.

bjoern_tantau ,
@bjoern_tantau@swg-empire.de avatar

I don't reboot my server that often. But I think I use a dedicated port and key for it. I don't use them anywhere else. Maybe the key has to be a specific format for Dropbear.

ShortN0te ,

This answer here covers it quite nice imo.


Important is that you update your initramfs with the command after you edited the dropbear initramfs config and or you copied the key over.

For the client it is important to define 2 different known hosts files since the same host will have 2 different host keys, 1 when encrypted with dropbear, and 1 when operational with (usually) sshd.

Also you need to use root when you connect to your server to unlock it. No other user will work with the default setup.

Akinzekeel , (edited )

I was actually using my own user account instead of root, but now that you mention it… I’m not sure how that would even work so yeah that makes sense.

I did rebuild the initramfs after every change but did not manually copy the key file anywhere other than etc.

Will check out the link tomorrow. Thanks a lot for sharing!

Edit: tried again with root and it worked flawlessly :D

hperrin ,

TPM, but it’s a pain in the ass and breaks a lot. The new version of Ubuntu should handle it better, but if you’re not on Ubuntu, that won’t help you.

lorentz ,

TPM solves a sigthly different threat model: if you dispose the hd or if someone takes it out from your computer it is fully encrypted and safe. But if someone steals your whole server it can start and decrypt the drive. So you have to trust you have good passwords and protection for each service you run.
depending on what you want to protect for this is either great solution or sub optimal

lorentz ,

I remember this blog post (I cannot find right now) where the person split the decryption password in two: half stored on the server itself and half on a different http server. And there was an init script which downloaded the second half to decrypt the drive.
There is a small window of time between when you realize that the server is stolen and when you take off the other half of the password where an attacker could decrypt your data. But if you want to protect from random thieves this should be safe enough as long as the two servers are in different locations and not likely to be stolen toghether.

Pika ,

TPM is a good way, Mine is setup to have encryption of / via TPM with luks so it can boot no issues, then actual sensitive data like the /home/my user is encrypted using my password and the backup system + fileserver is standard luks with password.

This setup allows for unassisted boot up of main systems (such as SSH) which let's you sign in to manually unlock more sensative drives.

gopher ,

Use Clevis either with TPM or Tang (remote server) https://github.com/latchset/clevis

ShortN0te ,

How do you even encrypt a server so that it doesn’t require human intervention every time it goes down/restarts?

The only time my Server goes down, is when i manually reboot it. So waiting a minute or two, to ssh into it and entering the passphrase is no inconvenience.

pHr34kY ,

I did have LUKS and a USB flash drive with a key to be inserted on boot. It was definitely difficult and caused performance issues. It was particularly difficult to add/remove drives from the array. These days I only encrypt my off-site backups that sit at the office where my coworkers potentially have physical access.

There have been recent advancements in TPM so disk encryption is easier to maintain and doesn't affect performance. I'll need to investigate this one day. My server/NAS is a 4th-gen i5, so it may not support the functions I would need. Full disk encryption will land in Ubuntu soon. I'm hanging out for that.

d3Xt3r ,

This shouldn't even be a question lol. Even if you aren't worried about theft, encryption has a nice bonus: you don't have to worry about secure erasing your drives when you want to get rid of them. I mean, sure it's not that big of a deal to wipe a drive, but sometimes you're unable to do so - for instance, the drive could fail and you may not be able to do the wipe. So you end up getting rid of the drive as-is, but an opportunist could get a hold of that drive and attempt to repair it and recover your data. Or maybe the drive fails, but it's still under warranty and you want to RMA it - with encryption on, you don't have to worry about some random accessing your data.

kabi ,

If you're getting rid of a (rusty) drive and it leaves your hands with the cool magnets and shiny frisbees still inside, you're doing something wrong.

trolololol ,

Dude just use a hammer

sznowicki ,

I keep my drives encrypted with a key currently hosted in my router hoping they wouldn’t steal that. I’m thinking of actually putting it to cloud so I can disable it remotely.

It was quite a ride to make everything work and I made a blog post explaining it so I remember what I did.


peregus OP ,

Interesting, thanks!

ShortN0te ,

I use full disk encryption for every server (and other computers).

Encrypting your data drives is a must for everyone imho.
Encrypting the OS is a must for me🤷‍♂️

n3m37h ,

My PC weighs 80+ lbs, live 8km from town, surrounded by farm land and there are only 3,400 in town and I live 30 min from a city of 40,000 and 40 min from another city of 70,000 and my internet is 20/10 mbps

EinfachUnersetzlich ,

What's your point?

JustEnoughDucks ,
@JustEnoughDucks@feddit.nl avatar

I think he is saying that his physical attack surface is very small since he is remote, so maybe he doesn't bother?

Either way, encrypting drives is simply always good if you ever resell the computer or upgrade drives.

n3m37h ,

FreeAin't no one stealing my shit, even via internet to upload 40tb would take 1 year 5 days at max speed in actuality it would be 1 year 8 months.... Fuck I miss my 1.5G fibre connection....

acockworkorange ,

No. If someone gets to my server that’ll be the least of my worries.

mouse ,
@mouse@midwest.social avatar

It's a relatively low performance hit and it benefits me when having to replace a failing/old disk. I can just toss the drive without having to erase the data first, that is as long as the key is a secure length.

wildbus8979 ,

Yes of course, with dm-crypt (luks), very little as AES-NI is incredibly fast.

peregus OP ,

Do you insert the key/password manually every time (it's a server, so not so many times, but could happen) you boot the server?

Akinzekeel ,


As mentioned in another comment I haven’t quite gotten it working but it should be possible to do this via SSH

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