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LucidNightmare ,

The catch is that it requires ID.me, and there is no way in hell I'm giving some third party a picture of my fucking drivers license.

LucidNightmare ,

Right, my government also gave me a number at my birth. They know where I live, they know how much I make and where I work. The third party, ID.me, definitely does NOT need any of my information, since the entity that is taxing me, already does.

LucidNightmare ,

I looked it up, and there is an article from the end of last year that says they are about to be required or are already required.

I can't recall ever putting my license on one of these tax preppers, but I am also older and more privacy concerned in my older age, so I would definitely not do it now.

LucidNightmare ,

Eh, I’ve only gotten like $20 back max the last three years. They can take as long as they want, I will not be giving any third parties anything that they truly do not need.

LucidNightmare ,
LucidNightmare ,

Yeahhhh, no.

Like the original commenter said, you are either ignorant or stupid.

Anyone who actively lived during Trump's awful years in office has all the info we need to NOT vote for that fucking orange idiot, and instead CLAMBER to anyone with ANY semblance of sanity.

If you honestly think that Biden losing will help anyone in any way whatsoever (besides Trump and his little rich bastards who are as evil as he is), you, and anyone else who feels that way, are a lost cause.

LucidNightmare ,

Yeah, no.

It's not that people think ANY kind of criticism of Biden is bad, no. Most of us are probably on the same page.

Where we start rolling our eyes and downvoting, is when it basically sums up to "Genocide bad = Biden bad = Both sides are bad = Vote for third party = Trump gets into office"

Let me tell you something, friend. When Trump was in office, it was some of the most miserable times of my fucking life. I truly did not see any hope if he got elected for another four god damn years. I'd rather kill myself than allow some little whiny ass, dictator wannabe bitch get back in office.

LucidNightmare ,

I don't give a flying fuck about changing anyones mind any more. If you actively lived through the awful Trump years, you don't need your fucking mind changed. Most of those "third of voters" are a lost cause, so I do not give a fuck about trying to get them to maybe open their eyes just a little bit.

Also, yes, I'm sure the "economic realities" really matter to those voters when this is who they will allow back into office.

LucidNightmare ,

I read about this from people like you, but I did NOT have the same experience.

I recently upgraded a 2011 Pro Macbook with new RAM, and a new battery. I am furious at myself for even wasting the money to do that in the first place.

The battery, even when brand new from iFixit, barely lasted an hour or two on Youtube while I am at work. Two videos around 15-20 minutes, medium brightness, 720p, and the damn thing barely lasted those two videos. God forbid I want to use it for anything after those!

I'm assuming it was because the CPU is way way power hungry, which is okay, but DEFINITELY not usable in real situations. My main point is that my side of this situation was not at all good, and to not waste your money!

LucidNightmare ,

I see I didn't mention that, but it also had a Samsung SSD that I put into it when I upgraded my desktop with a bigger SSD. :(

LucidNightmare ,

Wow. Thank you so much for this post! I always thought I was flipping crazy, but it actually makes sense now!

As an aside, I just went ahead and bit the bullet and got a new laptop as I was under the impression the CPU was very power hungry, and that no matter what upgrades I gave it, it would never be "efficient" enough for me to use for what I need a laptop for, which is battery life.

Thank you for helping me understand the issue was always there, and that I should've definitely researched more before I bought these upgrades!

LucidNightmare ,

I've realized, thanks to tal, that I was under the wrong impression and had thought the CPU was just too power hungry. Maybe it is, but it has always had not so good battery life unfortunately.

I have bitten the bullet, and upgraded to a newer laptop. The battery actually lasts multiple days of youtube, plex, and anything else like games I throw at it. I just wanted a laptop I didn't have to worry about charging unless I got a few uses out of it first! I will always miss the glowing apple on the back of the lid though. That was some good times. :')

LucidNightmare ,

I also went and installed Debian on it because I knew it was no longer supported by MacOS. I know I could've tried the OpenCore and I did at one point, but it wasn't very stable and still ate through the battery. :/

LucidNightmare ,

Ah, man. I remember when I went to this site to get themes for windows cursor, windows themes, and even skins for some of the programs I liked at the time. They went downhill quite some time ago, maybe around 2014 or 2015, as I stopped using that site as much because of the increase in pornographic stuff that showed on the front page. It will be missed though, either way.

LucidNightmare ,

How was it? What was your use-case for it? The software/theme part of the website started to get drowned out by furry stuff, and the occasional live nude models or just scantily dressed models, which is fine but not what I went there for.

LucidNightmare ,

It's to prevent you from accidentally deleting a photo you would never want to delete. If you want to make sure it's deleted, you just go into the Photos app and delete it from the Recently Deleted folder. I prefer this approach, as I have accidentally deleted a photo that I did not mean to, and luckily it was still there. Use cases are different though, so.

LucidNightmare ,

Right, right. I understand that. I was just explaining why the option is good for people like me. I don't take nudes, and I don't receive nudes, so I don't mind if the data is still there or not. I'm just glad the photo of me and my friend was still there when I noticed it was missing from my album after a recent meme deletion spree. lol

LucidNightmare ,

So, the whole point of learning is to ask questions from people who know more than you, so that you can gain the knowledge you need to succeed…

So… if you try to use these LLMs to replace parts of sectors, where there need to be people that can work their way to the next tier as they learn more and get better at their respective sectors, you do realize that eventually there will no longer be people that can move up their respective tier/position, because people like you said “Fuck ‘em, all in on this stupid LLM bullshit!” So now there are no more doctors, or real programmers, because people like you thought it would just be the GREATEST idea to replace humans with fucking LLMs.

You do see that, right?

Calling people fucking stupid, because they are learning, is actually pretty fucking stupid.

LucidNightmare ,

Finally. It has been, for the last ten years, almost exclusively useless.

“Hey Siri, what is the weather like right now?”

“I’m sorry. You’ll have to unlock your phone for that. “ it says from across the room, as I’m looking at what clothes I should wear for whatever weather it is.

“You are such a fucking waste of electricity. I don’t even know why I keep trying to use you.”

“I’m sorry. I won’t respond to that. “

“You never do anyway, so no change there!”

LucidNightmare ,

Yes. That is turned on for me, or else it wouldn’t have answered in the first place.

The issue is that instead of looking at either the integrated weather app, or the CARROT weather app that I mainly use, it wants to try and look it up on safari.

The biggest issue about Siri for me has always been that it is inconsistent as fuck about they way you ask it things.

I swear. One moment, “Play my radio station” works, and the next day it says, “I’m sorry. I can’t do that right now. “ or the weather request earlier.

LucidNightmare ,

I use a VPN at all times, because I want to, and I have now learned to not Google anything as it takes me to these CAPTCHAs that I refuse to do. Bing may be crappy too, but at least it doesn't block me from a simple search. There is no reason, in my opinion, to block a VPN from SEARCHING something. Disgusting.

LucidNightmare ,

When I finally learned how do install a different desktop environment, and still use Debian, I was set. KDE!!! KDE!!! KDE!!!

LucidNightmare ,

Thank goodness! I can finally get the hell away from Authy!

LucidNightmare ,

I guess for me, it being closed-source and the fact that the Bitwarden password manager and now Bitwarden authenticator are open source. Truthfully, I just see how they handled the desktop version of their Authy software, giving no fucks if consumers wanted it or not, being a big red flag of what could come after. Having used Bitwarden for years now, and giving them $10 a year, makes me more biased and inclined to use their other software, since they've never let me down. :)

LucidNightmare ,

When has the price of anything ever come down?

I've been around for quite some time now, and I've seen things get pretty damn advanced, but not once have I EVER seen the prices of something go down.

LucidNightmare ,

I agree, although I do like a MacOS-like dock, because when I was a kid using Gnome, I always loved the dock it came with by default. I'm a filthy casual though, so I can see why some don't like the docks.

LucidNightmare ,

I fucking love KDEs Windows 95 theming for some of the interface, while still looking sleek and fast as hell. That and the Plastik theme for the minimize, fullscreen, and exit buttons. :)

LucidNightmare ,

I guess I meant casual in a "I love Linux, and what it stands for, but I don't know all the intricacies that make it." :P

But thank you!

LucidNightmare ,

IT's so crazy to run into a comment that speaks about this. I recently got the urge to play Mass Effect, and wanted to replay through the series. I have had the game bought when it went on sale. I download all 100+gb of the game, and launch it to see some performance. EA app required. I might just request a refund, and then pirate the game, to be real with you all.

Windows 11 Start menu ads are now rolling out to everyone (www.theverge.com)

Microsoft is starting to enable ads inside the Start menu on Windows 11 for all users. After testing these briefly with Windows Insiders earlier this month, Microsoft has started to distribute update KB5036980 to Windows 11 users this week, which includes “recommendations” for apps from the Microsoft Store in the Start menu....

LucidNightmare ,

It really goes like this:

I buy product. Product has no ads, and works really well.

After updates, my device starts showing ads and works worse than it had before.

I bought the device. It is my device. I should be able to do what I want with my device, that I spent my money on, the way I like it. If that means I don't want your shitty ads, then I should be able to avoid or opt out of those by default.

From your thought:

You buy cookbook. Cookbook has what you need already, which is why you purchased it.

The one you purchased it from comes and "updates" your book by scribbling in ads for it's other recipe books, and they did it really sloppily to boot.

Now, when you are looking for a specific recipe that you knew was in the book before, instead it is an ad for their other recipe book in place of where the recipe you were looking for was.

Sure, you can still find your recipe somewhere in the book, but as you flip through the books pages you see more and more and more ads for their other recipe books, and oh, now they are also showing you ads from some of their sponsors.

You paid for the book. It is rightfully yours to do with it as you please.

The recipe book company already got your money, yet they are insistent you buy more from them, and have even gone as far as defacing your book.

You should be upset.

[Thread, post or comment was deleted by the author]

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  • LucidNightmare ,

    The way I search on all my Windows devices is:

    Install PowerToys.

    Install Everything

    Install Everything extension for PowerToys Search

    Change PowerToys Search to open with Windows key and spacebar

    Best search experience I’ve ever had on my Windows machines.

    LucidNightmare ,

    I replaced the battery and RAM on a Macbook Pro 8,1 running Pop_OS recently and the damn thing didn't even work better. The battery still only lasted around an hour or two on medium brightness and YouTube @ 720p. Absolutely garbage, and it really made me feel like a fool for spending the extra money on that damn thing.

    LucidNightmare ,

    I had also replaced the HDD with an SSD. :(

    LucidNightmare ,

    Also, since it looks like you’re on iPhone, Paprika 3. Worth every penny.

    LucidNightmare ,

    "Features" lmfao!

    In all seriousness, remove actual beneficial features? No. Remove the shit that people have been complaining about for ages? Yes, but I guess we are all in on losing people eventually.

    LucidNightmare ,

    And if you are not the most tech savvy, read through the options to make sure it is what you need removed. Removing everything might break some things, because M$.

    I can safely say that removing the telemetry is absolutely essential. Remove it from Firefox, and (ew) Chrome (ew, ew) alongside Windows telemetry because fuck that shit.

    IRS has launched its free tax filing service, Direct File, in 12 states (arstechnica.com)

    "Direct File provides a free, secure option for taxpayers with simple tax situations in 12 states to file their taxes directly with the IRS," the Treasury Department said. "Direct File is easy to use, with no hidden junk fees, and works as well on a smartphone as it does on a laptop, tablet, or desktop computer. Direct File...

    LucidNightmare ,

    I was so excited to do this to show interest, and then they brought up the ID. Me.

    Never heard of it, so I go and look.

    You expect me to fucking sign up for some weird 3rd party bullshit, when I would be happy to do that with an actual fucking government supplied way of letting you know I’m the actual person filing my taxes?

    No, man. Fuck that, and fuck your stupid ass way of handling it.

    I had such high hopes for it, but with the embarrassment of ID.me I just went back to FreetaxUSA.

    LucidNightmare ,

    Thank you for letting me know.

    I probably came off strong, but I am majorly disappointed. This was one step closer to how other countries do their taxes, which is mostly just signing and sending it back. As it should be.

    Hopefully we can get something before they shut it down, because I can see a LOT of people seeing that sketchy ID.me and noping out just like I did.

    LucidNightmare ,

    Why does it seem like women are obsessed with murder? 😅

    LucidNightmare ,

    I am not into war, explosions, cars, or most things your typical man would be into. But a majority of the women I know, do like murder docs, murder podcasts, and always have little tidbits of murder knowledge. 😅

    LucidNightmare ,

    I usually watch hour long retrospectives on games while I’m lying in bed, so I wouldn’t mind watching it if you can provide the video link! :)

    LucidNightmare ,

    Thank you! I’ll try to watch it when I’m lying down today!

    LucidNightmare ,

    I’m as honest as it gets, unfortunately, and they aren’t. So, when I say I’ll check it out, I do, but when they say they’ll check it out, they never even tried at all.

    LucidNightmare ,

    Oh, no. I hope I didn’t come off like it’s transactional.

    See, to me, when I love and respect you, I want to see what gives you joy, what makes you tick and how you think. It makes me happy to see my friends happy when I take part or observe their hobbies and interests. It’s cute. I guess I’m more bummed that I don’t have that kind of friend myself, if that makes more sense?

    LucidNightmare ,

    I’m a loner, so the ones I do have are the only ones I could keep. I don’t always have the energy for talking and hanging out long. It’s an issue I am, unfortunately, very aware of. :/

    But, hey. Thank you for the actual conversation.

    LucidNightmare ,

    God, yes! I see updates like this and just go, “Cool, moving on” because I have no idea what it does, and if you’re trying to get me to adopt your cool thing, I’m going to need more then what appears to be some random strings of words. 😅

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