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Just a silly feller

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Nachorella ,

The entire industry is built on suffering. It's bad for the animals, the workers, the climate, your health.

I get a lot of downvotes for being vegan (and I'm usually being a prick about it, so - fair) but surely even the meat eaters must recognise that animal ag needs to scale way down to be at all sustainable. At the very least we need to stop subsidising it so it's cheaper than alternatives.

Nachorella ,

I'm not starving and I don't eat meat. I just pay more for my food even though it costs less to produce. We should be incentivising more sustainable choices, because unless we scale down animal ag we all actually will starve.

Nachorella ,

Why can't they regulate capitalism when it comes to important shit.

Nachorella ,

Yeah, just an off topic rhetorical jab, but I appreciate your answer. I guess it just bothers me when politicians hand wave about free markets when it's obvious they have the power to make these sorts of changes. I wasn't talking about Biden specifically either, I'm not even American.

Nachorella ,

This is pretty unhinged but I do kinda get a giggle imagining him and several other losers walking around in their grey Elon Musk shirts.

Nachorella ,

Until we have a world that recognises that the internet is now a right and governments should be subsidising search and other services so that they don't turn into useless ad delivery systems - I'm ok paying for Kagi.

Nachorella ,

I haven't really looked into searXNG, but it also seems like a good alternative

Nachorella ,

I've recently taken up this attitude, slowly acquiring tools as I go. Just small stuff, but it feels good to repair instead of replace.

Nachorella ,

how come?

Nachorella ,

Fair enough. I liked the message, but I guess it's a bit inderwhelming if you're expecting more information.

Nachorella ,

I mean we can also make long lasting clothes out of natural fibers without hurting animals.

Nachorella ,

You also don't need to eat the animals to survive.

Nachorella ,

Organic and recycled cotton is a lot better, and hemp and linen are also pretty good. And if you're worried about hazardous pesticides the majority is used while growing feed for animals.

Nachorella ,

I mean I just said a fact, sorry if I upset you.

Nachorella ,

Even as a cheeky vegan I find it hard to disagree with you on this one. Leather will absolutely last a lifetime if taken care of. I think you can still get close, there's a lot of very durable upholstery fabrics for instance but you're likely making other trade offs.

Nachorella ,

Obviously if someone needs to eat meat to live I'm not going to object. And people living sustainably and not just supporting the animal ag industry are also off the hook in my books.

But in regards to your weird vegetation stuff, I hope you're aware that the livestock are raised on vegetation and will typically consume more calories of feed than they provide with meat? This is a large part of why the Amazon is being deforested, it's to feed livestock, not vegans. The science on how to stop environmental damage is pretty clear on that one.

Nachorella ,

It's brought up because it's true.


edit: link doesn't appear to be working, but it's the paper by Emily Cassidy called 'redefining agricultural yields'

Nachorella ,

This has nothing to do with grazing land. This is crop suitable land being used to grow crops that is then fed to livestock. There are no assumptions being made and it is not junk science, you're just not very good at reading.

Nachorella ,

It's difficult because it's just very untrue and wrong. This is very widely documented, grains are absolutely grown just to feed animals. The majority of corn and soy in the US is grown to feed animals. I'm not sure why you're so insistent on something that can so easily be looked up, you don't even need vegan sources, the animal ag industry reports this stuff.

Nachorella ,

You're pretty funny, before you said they only graze, then you said we simply don't grow food for cattle, now you've admitted we do based on some random dude pulling 5% out of a hat.

info you won't read

They cite a paper that puts the land used purely for growing feed at about 38% of our cropland. If you combine it with grazing land it goes up to about 80%. Cropland for food humans eat is just 16%.

Nachorella ,

Ok but we use twice as much land to grow animal feed than we do human food and it has all the same drawbacks. And then the meat we get still only provides 18% of our calories.

Nachorella ,

Stop making stuff up, please. Idk what you do on your farm but globally we absolutely grow a lot of food for animals.

Nachorella ,

Habitable land is not the same as the ability to grow food on it.

Umm yeah? No one said it was.

So most stats that are pulled out of someones ass, because they came up with a system that says all feed we provide to animals is more than the tonnage we eat ourselves. No shit we feed way more grain to a 2k lb cow. It's 2k fucking lbs. It doesn't even provide a breakout of what isn't actually human consumable, because it's bullshit stats.

When talking about feed grown specifically for livestock it doesn't actually matter if it's human consumable or not, it's land that could be used to grow human consumable food. They make the distinction between cropland and grazing land pretty clear.

Also you don't just get to dismiss science when it doesn't suit whatever you think. You asked for numbers, there they are.

And if I combine the road as part of my land in front of my farm I have more land...this is fucking stupid. Grazing land is not usually suitable for plants. It's why crops are not planted usually in places that are rocky or have to many hills.

You're source is bullshit.

There are things that can be done with grazing land other than planting crops and almost all of them are better for the environment than having livestock graze on it. They are just talking about the total land at that point, not trying to convince you of anything, stop reading everything so defensively.

And also it's a pretty credible source and it's definitely better than your anecdotal 'we literally don't grow food for cattle at all, ever' nonsense.

We use more than twice as much land to grow feed for livestock than we do for humans, and the livestock only supplies 18% of global calories. It's an inefficient use of land full stop. When there are more people we will need more efficient sources of food. This might mean farming more human food and therefore less animal feed.

Nachorella ,


36% of corn grown in the US goes to feeding livestock. Not including the stuff you're talking about like byproducts from ethanol and such.

Nachorella ,

You keep trying to have it both ways. You've finally conceded that there's 36% of land used to grow livestock feed. But now it's time to shift the poles somewhere else. At least you've started reading and trying to back up what you're saying.

Nachorella ,

This is kinda interesting. I work in this field and have seen that image show up all the time in papers but never knew the origins.

I think it's the right move to ban it and I'm surprised there's so many people defending it. This isn't about censorship or being a prude or anything like that. It's just a bit weird that it's from a playboy and if you can't understand how that would make some people uncomfortable then you might be a bit lacking in empathy.

The 3d world has Utah teapots and Stanford bunnies and dragons which are all very neutral and don't hurt anyone. Perhaps we can move on and use some less alienating pictures for image processing papers, too.

Nachorella ,

The issue was that it did make some people uncomfortable, so it was harmful. You can't just ignore the reasons stated and then say it's pointless. The ban didn't come out of nowhere.

Nachorella ,


Down the bottom there are some statistics about how many women experience sexual harassment and gender based discrimination in STEM positions. They also tend to have worse outcomes in general and fewer will go on to work in their field.

While this might seem like a small thing, ignoring these kinds of outdated and unnecessary boys club attitudes is exactly the kind of thing perpetuating these sorts of outcomes.

If you can't see how using a cropped image from a playboy for no reason in an image processing paper is different from your made up examples and could make some people feel uncomfortable then maybe you're lacking common sense and empathy.

Nachorella ,

People were surveyed about the image, there are articles about it, an entire documentary has been made about it with the support of Lenna. How you can just come along and say that's all made up is honestly beyond me. And I'm pretty sure that the collective IEEE and the ethics researchers who have written about this aren't idiots. I really think you are confused about what empathy is, but I don't see myself convincing you of that. So uh, have a nice day.

Nachorella ,

You're right, I wasn't particularly clear. That was certainly the case originally, I just don't think there is a good reason for it going forward.

Nachorella ,

It's not censorship. They can choose to publish or not publish anything they want. Anyone is still free to publish the image in other journals that don't ban it.

Nachorella ,

This isn't about prudishness. No one's offended by the picture. It makes people uncomfortable because it's from a playboy. The problem is that it brings the objectification of women to the fore in a male dominated field where women often face sexual harassment and aren't taken seriously.

Nachorella ,

In 2017 a woman was fined $220,000 for pirating 24 songs. I'm sure the compensation from Sony for stealing your digital library will be similar.

Nachorella ,

I don't doubt it will be misused at all but we all know what happens without the censorship. The AI just ends up giving you the most racist answers it can find. There are good reasons to restrict some topics, especially since too often AI can just be misinformation and people should be getting that sort of stuff from an actual source.

Nachorella ,

I'm not sure why you're being downvoted. I don't think the current technology is going to replace programmers or artists any time soon (speaking as someone who works as an artist and programmer in a field that monitors ai and its uses) but I also acknowledge that my guess is as good as yours.

I don't think it's going to replace artists because as impressive as the demos we all see are, inevitably, whenever I've done any thorough testing, every AI model fails at coming up with something new. It's so held back by what it's trained on, that to contemplate it replacing an artist - who are very capable of imagining new things - seems absurd to me.

Same with programming - ask for something it doesn't know about and it'll lie and make something up and confidently proclaim it as truth. It can't fact check itself and so I can only see it as a time saving tool for professionals and a really cool way for hobbyists to get results that were otherwise off the table.

Nachorella ,

Yeah, for art it's similar, you can get some really compelling results, but once tasked with creating something a bit too specific it ends up wasting your time more than anything.

There's definitely uses for it and it's really cool, but I don't think it's as close to replacing professionals as some people think.

Nachorella ,

Charging people for their own cells, too!

Nachorella ,

Might be waiting a while if you're on Debian. But should be pretty nice once it's working.

Nachorella ,

And reduce the amount of lanes from 10 to 9? You're crazy, there's no way it'll work.


Nachorella ,

I hate how quickly "AI" has been adopted for tasks it is wholly incapable of doing well, merely fast.

Nachorella ,

That's me after typing a three paragraph response to someone and realising I don't give a shit and deleting it.

Nachorella ,

I remember doing an IT course over a decade ago and learning about IPv6 taking over, honestly surprised it hasn't yet. I just looked it up and apparently they came up with it in 1998. How is it taking so long? Is there some technical reason it's harder or something? Does the extra address size mean a not so great trade off in traffic or something?

note: I did study a bit of networking and IT but have forgotten everything mostly and work in a different field, thus my ignorance.

Nachorella ,

is there any reason why we can't still use NAT with IPv6? it seems like that would solve at least some of the problems.

Nachorella ,

This is a bit different to DEs. X11 and Wayland are display server protocols. For some time all DEs used X11, but it wasn't perfect and had some issues, so some folks came up with Wayland to replace it. I don't know a lot about the differences but one example I have is that you can't have two monitors with different resolution scaling on X11. Wayland solves that issue.

X11 has been around for a long time, though, and does a lot of stuff, probably more stuff than a display server should. and so a lot of Linux programs have come to rely on those things. This means that the change to Wayland is not straight forward, it meant rewriting a whole bunch of X11 functionality that Wayland would never add.

This will probably be a good thing in the long run, but as of now a lot of people are still not ready to change. And to mirror your sentiment, nor should they have to.

Also: I probably don't know as much about this topic as some others, so correct me at will.

Nachorella ,

And if you need to use Microsoft Teams for work it will ignore your preferences and open links in edge by default, so you'll have to find and disable that, too.

Nachorella ,

I love playing around with recipes so have indeed made broc and carrot sauces, but this is kind of all about what feels right to say. And I think that there's a lot of cases where it feels wrong to describe tomato as a vegetable. Kind of how I'd feel odd calling lettuce a vegetable.

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