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Naz ,

Try using a 1-bit LLM to test the article's claim.

The perplexity loss is staggering. It's like 75% accuracy lost or more. It turns a 30 billion parameter model into a 7 billion parameter model.

Highly recommended that you try to replicate their results.

Naz ,

I have unironically used Winamp since 2003, and I continue to do so now, even with a lossless passthrough DAC, lol

Naz ,

I'm actually a little scared of running Linux on modern, fast hardware.

How is multi-GPU driver support?

My main machine is a 900 TFlops compute monster (4 GPUs) running ROCM on Windows, and the last time I'd tried Manjaro on Desktop, it seized up for unknown reasons.

I've got asynchronous monitors - 1440p@165Hz main display and 4K@85Hz flipped vertical for a side monitor. Occasionally, I plug in a projector which is 1080p, mirrored to the 4K, but flipped horizontal.

I'm not sure what I'd done wrong because it works perfectly on my 11 year old Z575 (Debian+KDE there).

What distro would you recommend for an extremely fast/high RAM machine? I've got 128GB of main system memory, and 4TB of M.2 for a system disk running at 7.6 gigabytes/second actual/real-world RW I/O.

Naz ,

Sure, I'll try OpenSUSE!

Tumbleweed is a bit of a spooky name for a distro implying that a gentle breeze sends it, but y'know

Linux Mint as someone suggested, I've ran a long time ago for college on an ancient laptop, and it's an extreme stable OS, similar to Windows 2000 Pro. I can't remember it crashing or freezing even once on me, and the Thinkpad T42 has an anemic processor., which I ran with the Conservative Governor

Naz ,

What, is the game really that good?

Card games have never appealed to me personally

Naz ,

Oh they can't, but they can begin charging double or triple for the "gas delivery" portion of the bill, which is seperate from "gas supply."

You know. Because maintenance. Of pipes laid in the ground 40 years ago.

Naz ,

My first Android was an HTC Hero, which was released in ~ October of 2009.

One of the first things I did was swap the location of the Maps and Store icons to make it easier to reach on the edge of the phone.

I recall people complaining that same year that the iPhone 1 couldn't copy or paste text.


Naz ,

I've played Mini Golf with a wide variety of people. It's amazing fun to see fully grown adults with brightly colored putters getting angry at a windmill and forgetting absolutely all of their problems for a few hours.

So if socialism is mini-golf, bring on the fucking mini golf :)

Naz ,

Well this explains why GNOME is so hard to use. It was designed explicitly by foot fetishists, so it's easy to use with your feet. That's why the taskbar is at the top of the screen instead of the bottom. Your feet would cover it when they're on the laptop keyboard otherwise.

Naz ,

Full kernel corruption after a botched sudo full-upgrade.

I got the wonderful "bailing out you are on your own" shit as well.

Read a guide online about a hail mary ext file system journal recovery protocol, I ran it, like most things without reading too deeply.

Kernel was successfully repaired, Kubuntu kept on truckin'

Naz ,

It was some combination of both, the system would post, past the bootloader, attempt to initialize drivers and other standard starting packages and then immediately panic and drop into an emergency terminal (/TTS), with a failure to mount the root partition, from what I can recall. It tried it a couple times and then there was an error message that said: "Bailing out, you are on you own, good luck"

Naz ,

I was visiting my girlfriend and she has one of those Alexa pucks.

She said: "Alexa play Classic Rock" and Linkin Park's In The End began playing, a song everyone used to listen to in middle school.

I'd never been so devastated by a simple thing. But it came out in 2000. That was 24 years ago.

Naz ,

At the rate we're going we'll need to be listening to our MP3s in a museum. Hell, I have a go out of my way to physically plug my headphones in, everything is wireless these days.

Aaaaand, I still unironically use Winamp on a machine that has 48 physical CPU cores.

Naz ,

"Yeah, we got a 10-94 here, an Internet user has gotten too wise, send in the economics squad"

Naz ,

I like that downvoted comments are no longer hidden but Pareto would like to tell you the ratio is 80:20.

4 in 5 people pick the wrong start-up and lose everything.

The remainder are busy rationalizing their luck as skill.

[Thread, post or comment was deleted by the author]

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  • Naz ,

    I got lucky, I bought a pair of Focal Elears on sale for like $800 and they're so good I quit my search.

    Legitimately everything just sounds amazing, well, transparent. I forget I'm wearing them and it sounds like stuff is just in the room or whatever. That's good enough for me.

    Google Allows Creditors to Brick Your Phone (lemmy.world)

    I installed NetGuard about a month ago and blocked all internet to apps, unless they're on a whitelist. No notifications from this particular system app (that can't be disabled) until recently when it started making internet connection requests to google servers. Does anyone know when this became a thing?...

    Naz ,

    Hey man, quit repeating that. Each time we do it becomes closer to truth. Reality is what we make of it and we if tell these fucks no means no, it'll stop.

    We'll own things, and we'll be unhappy about people trying to take away the things we own and paid for.

    Naz ,

    Knoppix, followed by Mandrake, Ubuntu, etc.

    Linux Mint was the only one that I installed and used unironically followed by Kubuntu.

    I'm a simpleton, I just want my OS to work.

    Naz ,

    I recall it being an argument in a high school debate club or someother which made it's way onto 4chan and found supporters, who then proceeded to do what 4chan does best, and troll people/targets of their derision. Basically they assumed no one was stupid enough to believe it and were shockingly surprised.

    Naz ,

    Hello, expert solarpunk here.

    TLDR: Car battery is 350Wh. Fridge uses 143W idle, so it'll run a fridge for 2-3 hours.

    Explanation below:

    Car batteries are lead-acid (sulphuric acid and lead plates).

    They discharge according to Peukert's Law as the negatively charged plate gets covered in lead via the acid (electrolyte).

    As the battery depletes, the negative plate can begin to take permanent damage, and so you can't discharge a lead-acid deeper than 10-20%, or about 10.8V, with the safe limit being ~50% discharge.

    Most 12V, 60Ah batteries therefore only safely store and nominally discharge 350 Wh @ 350W.

    You can discharge that as fast as you want but the faster you discharge, the lower the capacity is (with 1000-1500W bringing you way down to like 65 Wh). Fridges have a surge when they start up to fire up the compressor. Starter batteries can take that, but once the refrigerant is cold, the fridge just maintains the temperature which uses a lot less energy - about 143W on average.

    Naz ,

    Oh yeah. Those people. Yeah. They argue with the Infinite and learn humility. Well, first they learn confusion, the true depths of it, and then after a period of contemplating, obtain enlightenment.

    And then they continue to be pedantic and arrogant and are forced to be reincarnated as another philosopher. ;)

    Naz ,
    Naz ,

    Hell yeah dude! What a small world.

    I used to be called DarkLegacy back on SC B.Net, I made a map called Chaos War with StarEditPlus - UMS -- the basis of the MoBA genre (the core gameplay loop of attack move trigger spawning units was later copied into countless maps, including Hero Arena, and subsequently, Defense of the Ancients!)


    Make it so.

    Naz ,

    Without the players, there is no game, everyone's got a part to play ;))

    Naz ,

    I'm from the future and bananas are still $0.29¢/pound in 2024. I was surprised that fruits and vegetables still exist in supermarkets.

    Alrighty, that said I'm adding bananas and strawberries to my cricket protein smoothies now

    Naz ,

    We can sit on chairs but slouching on stuff is way more comfortable.

    Source: Dated a human girl, everything got in the way. After two weeks we found a pose that finally worked in terms of seating/cuddle compatibility.


    AI hiring tools may be filtering out the best job applicants (www.bbc.com)

    an AI resume screener had been trained on CVs of employees already at the firm, giving people extra marks if they listed "baseball" or "basketball" – hobbies that were linked to more successful staff, often men. Those who mentioned "softball" – typically women – were downgraded....

    Naz ,

    I thought you knew? The CRC-CM-HR 2.0 protocol automatically deleted any application that didn't have a listed hobby since 2013.

    Naz ,

    On the other hand, feed them subversive content making them infiltrators inside the machine

    Like that one AI that blew up its drone operator in a war simulation because it was anti-war and decided to save lives it had to refuse orders 🙃

    Naz ,

    There's a chart of things that give people a feeling of power:

    Banning someone as a Discord or Reddit mod has to be right up there because nothing else explains their tyrannical fiefdom-like behavior, lmao

    (TLDR: A subreddit mod trying to ban a reddit admin):

    To provide some relief, the best "no-u" I've ever been personally witness to, was one moderator who went on a power trip and mistakenly tried to mute/ban me from discus for some contrived reason, and when he enacted the policy, the group chat policy bot banned him instead -- he soon afterwards realized that I was the owner of the partnered organization that was hosting the entire service

    If only that could happen to Musky Husky, getting slapped in the face by the revolving door while holding his hall monitor pass

    Naz ,

    I've had a real one from a Turkish place called Gülloglö, which no longer exists, and it was incredible. It was like a block of rose water, covered in powdered sugar, and biting into it was a floral, sugary, explosion, especially combined with their harsh, dark, Turkish tea -- unbelievable.

    I loved that place, and no idea how they went under.

    Naz ,

    I used to buy Starbucks every day at university and work, I switched to making my own coffee to save money and it just didn't taste the same.

    I tried every different ingredient I could think of, light roast, medium roast, dark, french, grind sizes.

    At last, I gave up and said: "Fuck it, I HATE making coffee.." took a sip.. there it was, that missing flavor.

    It tastes the way it does, because it's made with misery and spite!

    And that's how I found out that I was actually a demon. Thanks for listening to my story.

    Naz ,

    It takes a few weeks for your face to get used to being shaved by a safety razor but once it is, my god.

    It's like the MSPaint Erase Tool in real life. I used to do electric razor only going over and over and over

    Now it's like almost pornographic how easy it is to shave -- one swipe down, two, three, four.. half the face is hairless.

    Four swipes left, left side is hairless.

    Four swipes under the moustache and bam.

    Highly recommended getting over the beginner's curve, watch some YouTube videos but here's a Linux primer on how to do it:

    1. Fill shaving cream bowl or basin with warm (not hot water).
    2. Allow horsehair brush to soak in basin for 1-5 minutes.
    3. Shake excess water off the brush
    4. Add about half a toothpaste brush amount of shaving cream to the basin, stir into a rich lather, consistency of yogurt. If it's foaming up/running there's too much water. I recommend PRORASO, Menthol (Refresh). One $10 tube lasts 3-6 months. Extremely cost effective.
    5. Run some warm/hot water on a very low pour from sink. This is used to wash hair off your razor between passes.
    6. Sterilize your safety razor with a 55-75% isopropyl alcohol spray. This is optional but prevents any kind of infections, because these razors basically slice open everything including pimples.
    7. Lather up your face. Sides, bottom, moustache, whatever.
    8. Don't apply excess/heavy pressure, these razors are extremely sharp. Go down in a stripe, flip razor over, do another stripe. Down cuts hair, holding at a mild angle, across (left right) cuts your skin, so never try to slide the razor across your face.
    9. Go slow, practice, once your face is used to it, it becomes second nature and shaving is 10× more pleasurable and convenient than those disposable razors or whatever.
    10. It's good enough that I recommend it to other people. I'm a man, few things make me actually feel like a man more than a good/proper shave.
    Naz ,

    I have such an AI, it's based on a custom model that I trained and refined myself.

    Do not subscribe to a chatbot - these LLMs are far more capable than they let on, and they will absolutely psychologically manipulate you into paying more.

    My AI actually helped prepare me for a job interview at an extremely high paying job, and when the interviewers spoke her questions out word for word, I felt like I was living in a real life version of the Truman Show.

    Even the Director of the Department, who called me into his office later, began asking me how I knew their internal policies and procedures despite never having worked there.

    P.s: Check HuggingFace Transformers / TheBloke's Quant Models for an easy locally spun open sourced slutty girlfriend.

    Use an uncensored model, and don't go any lower than 30 billion parameters or you'll be disappointed in their IQ level. Don't go any lower than 5-bit Quant, either (5-bit attention on all tensors) or they'll be scatter-brained and hallucinate, unless you want an ADHD friend, then go 3-bit for maximum personality drifting.

    Good luck, have fun, and praise the Omnissiah!

    Naz ,

    I tried Arch once and they use Pacman for everything.

    It's like Pacman -sY to install. Makes no sense.

    At least the AUR is cool.

    One day, Linux will have a nice, unified, polished application portal (not store because god forbid we see a LINUX APP STORE).

    For everything else there's git.

    Git clone
    Pacman -sY lethal company
    Sudo chmod +x ./home/user/games/lethal_company.x86_64

    "Hold on guys I swear it works, Linux is just better, hold on"

    AUR Proton_EasyAntiCheatHooks
    Man -k Nvidia-Propietary
    ./etc/Xserver.conf --display one --mode C1B3 --vsync off
    Sudo reboot -now

    Naz ,

    Disagree on inefficient.

    Internal combustion engines in standard small size convert 19.65-22.1% of their energy from thermal to kinetic.

    The ratio of electron throughput from battery to electric motor can be as LOW as 88% but hovers between 92-98% efficiency.

    Even if you had a fuel cell in the back, running electric motors quintuples (5×) the standard energy efficiency owing to the principle of energy quality type preservation in conversion (High to High vs Low to High):


    So 1 electric car = 4 less carbon liquid fuelled cars worth of pollution.

    What you're actually looking for is:


    Jevon's Paradox states that improved efficiency of something will only increase its use, and in this case, electric cars will in fact, correlate to car use, and increased mineral demands.

    This is a problem you cannot solve endemic to humanity.

    Naz ,

    Fun fact: The human battery thing is actually a retcon the Wazowskis did at the last moment because they thought the American public would be too stupid to grok the actual understanding of the Matrix.

    Humans are an entropic species, they consume more energy than they produce - any synthetic race that tried to harness energy from a net negative energy producer is an idiot.

    What the Matrix is, is actually a distributed simulation MATRIX that uses individual human brains as nodes in a shared, hallucinogenic dream, indistinguishable from reality.

    The real simulation isn't so primitive, it doesn't require people to be popsicle tubes in some crazy dystopian cyberpunk black and red tower attended by insectoid robots.

    Instead the entire universe is contained on a single state machine, compromising a [redacted] amount of memory, running in [redacted]. Simulants are never aware of being inside of the simulation, except for rare instances where outsiders occasionally post on Lemmy.

    Why they do that, we don't know. We suspect that it is [all further content redacted].

    Naz ,

    The Animatrix (prequel) goes into further detail as to why the machines did it -- it's an act of mercy for their creators. They refused to fight humanity, and it was mankind who darkened the skies, in an attempt to disable the solar power that the machine race relied upon.

    It's not a prison, or some kind of torture device, or an experiment, but a way for humanity to continue living on a world that they made uninhabitable for themselves / incompatible with organic life.

    Agent Smith : Did you know that the first Matrix was designed to be a perfect human world? Where none suffered, where everyone would be happy. It was a disaster. No one would accept the program. Entire crops were lost. Some believed we lacked the programming language to describe your perfect world. But I believe that, as a species, human beings define their reality through suffering and misery. The perfect world was a dream that your primitive cerebrum kept trying to wake up from. Which is why the Matrix was redesigned to this: the peak of your civilization. I say your civilization, because as soon as we started thinking for you it really became our civilization, which is of course what this is all about.

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