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Railing5132 ,

Just to carry this train of thought forward... What type of device (make/OS) did you compose this post with? Unless you found a way to pass tcp via... I don't know... clay you dig up in your back yard, it's pretty hard to avoid ecological damage and morally-questionable employment practices. Participating in damn near any way with any economy makes all of us complicit, and at this point all we're arguing is to what degree makes each of us uncomfortable.

Railing5132 ,

So we're just skipping the part about the execs treating themselves to a concert after many years of union busting, horrid working conditions, innumerable other abuses, and excluding the workers. But we're going to shit on the people they hired for a gig.


Railing5132 ,

Look, I despise Amazon and Jeff bezos. I avoid Amazon and work hard to find products from retailers that aren't Amazon storefronts. But at some point, unless you're self-employed and completely self-sustaining, you're 1) whoring yourself out to somebody, and 2) sucking the knob of capitalism somewhere.

All we're left to argue is matter of degrees.

Railing5132 ,

I'm talking about the point of the article and you know it. Which is why I have you noted as "Bad Faith"

Railing5132 ,

And yet the Foo fighters and specifically Dave do benefit concerts raising millions and actually cook and feed disadvantaged people by the thousands. They also do (at last I knew) an annual multi-day trolling of the westboro Baptist church compound, which is a great thing imho.

Now, what is the measure of a man? Is it a sliding scale? Is it just the sums? Sure, that house framer has smaller sins, but does he have a smaller positive impact? Does it matter?

As I said in my last sentence, we're all just arguing degrees.

Railing5132 ,

The first sentence: "somehow, different than Linux" :D

Apple crushes creativity and its reputation in new iPad ad (www.theregister.com)

The ad itself depicted a mechanical crusher destroying artifacts of human creativity. A trumpet, guitar, sculpture, piano, drawing board, paints, a metronome, several analog cameras, a turntable, and hi-fi equipment were among the much-loved items yielding to the machine's unstoppable force.

Railing5132 ,

The absolute worst, most annoying thing about every Apple advert and the day-long adverts - the launch day events, is the freaking hyperbole.

(breathlessly exclaim:)
The fastest ever. The thinnest ever. More cameras than ever! The most ever ever!

Breathtaking vividly bright Applewordsalad display technology

My coworker is fully bought in to the ecosystem, so I get the full experience every launch day. Listen critically sometime. Turn on your bullshit filter. It's a fun game.

Railing5132 ,

18 crv checking in. Have it now.

Railing5132 ,

So we were told: "it may be covered by this recall, if it's the parts that are covered by the recall that are the cause of the loss of A/C. If those parts aren't the reason, it won't be covered, and the diagnostic to determine that would then be $1,000$."

So we have to take a $1,000 gamble to see if our 2018 car is covered under a fucking recall. Fuck Honda in the ass with a rusty anchor.

Railing5132 ,

I'd say a little yes and a little no. I educate every new user that comes into my company on infosec awareness, with a big segment on data footprint and information leakage. I show them where their data is, how easily and with how many 'channel partners' share social, history and other data, and where they've been exposed in real time. I've done this with a few thousand people. The overwhelming majority say: "I've got nothing to hide." Or: "if I get better deals, it's fine." not getting that by being tracked they're probably getting worse deals.

For the "nothing to hide" folks, I ask to see their wallet or purse. They're all scoffs and brave mugs initially as they show how unafraid they are as I start rummaging through at the front of the class. Then I start pulling out cards and ID. And they're still OK as I glance around the room. Then I pull out my phone and tuem my back - then a lot of nervous shifting in seats starts happening as I look over my shoulder while taking pictures of the floor with the shutter sound turned on. That's the point where I ask if they truly have nothing worth protecting.

And at the end of all that - after setting up and teaching them how to use the comped corporate password manager, 80% still make passwords that they've used before. THE SAME DAMN MORNING as these exercises.

I don't think people care. And they certainly don't know. But they don't want to be bothered by the nuance of it all. It's just too much, which is why we need a congress with a goddamned backbone to pass some legislation with teeth to protect customer's data.

Railing5132 ,

Yeah, it was almost a rite of passage in my teen years - getting a decade-old used car and immediately replacing the crap factory system with some overmarketed, overpriced, but really cool kit. Of course nowadays the factory systems are better sounding at least, but you're spot on regarding the out dating of software and protocols.

Railing5132 ,

Coming from someone who sold cars via a dealership (sorry): leasing is a perfect way to get fucked in the ass every day of the year, and twice on renewal day.
Yes, it is a titled asset. Yes, it has a depreciating value. BUT - the only way leasing makes financial sense is: 1) you can expense the lease payment to a self-owned business (and it needs to be a pretty big percentage), or 2) accept that you are paying a gobsmackingly large amount of money to eat the absolute shit out of the depreciation you're seeking to avoid, only to do it again in 3 years, for the ability to drive that new car off the lot on the regular.

Railing5132 ,

Just today I said goodbye to my 2012 chrysler minivan because of the "lifetime sealed transmission." Now Chrysler minivan transaxles have always been garbage, this is known. But mine said in the owner's manual, "lifetime, sealed transaxle" "no fluid fills or dipstick." I worked at a Chrysler shop and asked the service manager - "nope, don't need to do nothin'." OK, all good.

Yeaahhh... That's not entirely true. 160k on the odo and it lost the desire to 'go' in drive (no forward progress in drive despite the little engine trying it's best), a hell of a scream coming from the engine bay and a light show of errors on the dash. Limped it home and the code reader said that gears 1 & 3 had a "ratio mismatch" which should only happen if they lost teeth, and a couple others I don't remember. Figured it was scrap. Had a mechanic friend look at it; he popped off a tube, fingered it a bit, sniffed it and said to try changing out the filter and as much fluid as I could. Did that, dropped about 5qt in (with no goddamned dipstick, how do you tell how much it needs?) and the thing ran great for another 3 months. Until today when it started making the whining noise again. Dropped it off and said goodbye.

Fuck "sealed" transmissions. Sorry, I had to rant. I loved that van - no tracking, had a Sirius radio that has 50 song and 50 artist alerts and 300gb on board mp3 storage, and the 2 screen DVD system (great for parents that don't want their kids on tablets but still want to occupy them on long trips)

Railing5132 ,

I got bad news for you, boss...

Railing5132 ,

I liked my recently departed 2012 chrysler infotainment system quite a bit. The sirius/xm radio kept 50 favorite artist and 50 favorite song alerts, had 300gb of storage for mp3s and the DVD system with headphones for the kiddos while we could listen to something else. No newer car I've driven, borrowed, or owned had the favorite alerts, and I'm going to miss the hell out of that feature.

Oh, it did have an aux jack and USB input as well. It was the cat's ass. For a grocery-go-getter, it rocked

Railing5132 ,

You'll have to pardon my skepticism on that claim of a $90,000 lease for $240/mo, even subsidized to the moon. Combined with the earlier statement that they were all employer-provided.

Railing5132 ,

Have you seen a car lately? Whist I'm sure it could be taken out (leaving a raggedy, jagged, odd-shaped hole in the dash...) you'd lose half the functionality of the car with it. These aren't the single or even 1.5 DIN chassis of yesteryear, and I doubt Crutchfield has a conversion kit that's going to replace the dash elements, backup camera, steering wheel controls, climate control, vehicle information center, and, for some bizzarro-world reason, the instrument cluster setup options.

I really can't stand the modern "everything's gotta have a big-ass tablet interface with no tactile landmarks. Particularly when I'm hurtling down a narrow corridor in a 1.5 ton metal box and trying to avoid hundreds of other idiots doing the same.

Bring back buttons!

Railing5132 ,

No, you're right, the US sucks in a large way, in many, many areas. What we're all a bit put off by, and maybe it's the time zone difference, or a cultural communication difference, is that we're having g a discussion, receive information that doesn't fit the pattern of our experiences. For example, and I'm not quoting your words, just how I received them: everyone I know leases, oh, and the company pays it, oh, and this is in Germany. This Information wasn't presented initially, and I suppose it is on us and our assumptions, but the reader had to sus it out over several threads and we are lambasted as insipid when we're not in possession of all the relevant data.

As stated, perhaps that is our fault. Maybe when first presented with an outlier claim, we should ask: "oh, wow - that's amazing - what country do you live in?" and that would promote a more upbeat dialog.

Anyway, guten tag

Railing5132 ,

Hate to rain on the Linux parade here, but didn't the article say: "There are no ways to prevent such attacks except when the user's VPN runs on Android." and that Linux was just as vulnerable as Windows?

Railing5132 ,

I was going from this: (emphasis mine)

Interestingly, Android is the only operating system that fully immunizes VPN apps from the attack because it doesn't implement option 121. For all other OSes, there are no complete fixes. When apps run on Linux there’s a setting that minimizes the effects, but even then TunnelVision can be used to exploit a side channel that can be used to de-anonymize destination traffic and perform targeted denial-of-service attacks.

Google Search is getting even worse for independent sites (www.theverge.com)

In February, HouseFresh managing editor Gisele Navarro called out publishers like BuzzFeed and Rolling Stone as some of the culprits that publish content about air purifiers despite a lack of expertise — but Google rewards these sites with high rankings all the same. The result is a search results page filled with SEO-first...

Railing5132 ,

Like you, I was using the internet before the web. The time before monetization. IRC. USENET. GOPHER. IRC replaced my interest in ham radio - I figured: "what's the point? With a modem, I can talk around the world and don't need thousands of dollars and a tower in my back yard!" packet radio, which I used to send and receive messages to my parents, evaporated.

Even when the web first came to being, it was special. HoTMaiL, the free html mail client, took off like wildfire. There weren't even ads, because the ad industry didn't know what to do with this new medium. Search found relevant interests, people were expressing themselves on ISP-hosted websites, and angelfire and geocities gave a more feature-rich experience.

The initial banner ads were easy enough to ignore. The pop-ups, scareware, and security hell hole that was the early/mid-2000's was the precipice that the web stepped off and here we are.

Railing5132 ,

Dude! I see you everywhere!
I think you're singlehandedly feeding the fediverse content! But anyway, yes, there were nazis and trolls, but in my experience, there was a group sense of decorum that we were all in this new utopia together and those folks got flamed by the whole pretty thoroughly.

Railing5132 ,

In many (if not most) US jurisdictions, operating a vehicle under a driver's license specifically implies consent to a blood draw when under suspicion of impaired driving.

Railing5132 ,

Oh, eat a Hello Kitty lunchbox full of dicks. There's plenty of reasons to hate on TikTok (and Facebook, insta, YouTube, ad-infinitum/ad-nauseum). They're a damn cancer on society.

Railing5132 ,

It may be simplistic, but the short version of what you seem to be saying at the beginning is: "every '-ism' is inherently neutral until people get involved."

Which is why I believe no system that is conceived by humans will ever be not exploited.

Railing5132 ,

It's painfully apparent you have a fundamental lack of understanding of how the CCP works in relation to companies in China. Or how they behave on the world stage outside of your ech chamber. If they operate in a critical sector, they are controlled by the CCP. I mean, you do accept that the CCP is an oppressive, authoritarian regime, right? If you don't accept that, then we can't carry on because you're not in the same reality or arguing in bad faith.

And before the defense: "but they're really capitalists" - yeah, so what? Errybody greedy. Still doesn't change that the CCP is an authoritarian regime. I have the feeling that no matter what, you're going to move the goalposts because, I dunno, America bad? (and yeah, we've got a lot to account for and I'm no 'merica cheerleader). And no amount of evidence will sway you.

May you have the day you deserve.

Railing5132 ,

dictatorships, free market capitalism and feudalism are some of the worst culprit's.

Agree. Thinking about it, the romantic in me wants to believe that the best system was probably the small indigenous tribal units. Collective social goals, group welfare, close-knit often matriarch families, conservation mindset...

A bit hard to pull off in the 21st century world though. :/

Railing5132 ,

Uhhh, dude - it's not illegal. As others have mentioned, it's a foreign (hostile) actor contributing to election interference efforts in violation of established law. It is essentially enforcing another law that's already on place!

The complication with fb et al is that as US companies, there are other laws that protect their actions (and I'm not going to minimize the effects of powerful lobbyists).

Railing5132 ,

I was going to include the social democracies of northern/central Europe as another better path, but it was really late and I was tired,and now I lost my train of thought. The Nordic countries, the Netherlands... while no system is perfect and every country has its challenges, these seem to exceed most on the measures that should matter.





Railing5132 ,

And as Sir Mix-A-Lot said: "Dick's is the place where the cool hang out; the swass like to play and the rich flaunt clout"

Railing5132 ,

If deterrence worked, there wouldn't be capital crimes in jurisdictions with the death penalty. Or maybe our criminal justice system is just fucked.

Railing5132 ,

A very well-thought out counterpoint. Thank you. I did a spit-take on the 'cream pie to the face' at first though...

Railing5132 ,

Hey, I'm all for it. Aerosmith had it right - eat the rich!

X automatically changed 'Twitter' to 'X' in domain names, breaking legit URLs (mashable.com)

On Monday, it appears X attempted to encourage users to cease referring to it as Twitter and instead adopt the name X. Some users began noticing that posts viewed via X for iOS were changing any references of "Twitter.com" to "X.com" automatically....

Railing5132 ,

Just tried the "2nd button from the top" on both right and left at Wesco (Michigan) - didn't work.

Railing5132 ,

"...soaring up all the lists that matter..."

Maybe, objectively, our methodology for measuring greatness/worth is flawed.

Railing5132 ,

When society started paying for convenience?

Railing5132 ,


There's a fucking surprise. Pond scum.

Railing5132 ,

Don't forget the right-wing "we're ignoring mask mandates in the height of the pandemic and not limiting seating because we're god-fearin' 'mercans here!" bullshit.

Platform for First Proxmox Server

Looking to build my first server out, trying to figure out if there is a "better" platform for my needs. Right now I'm just planning a mix of machines and containers in Proxmox for running a NAS and Plex server, router of some sort (also, any preferences on wireless access points?), a pihole if that's not just as easily done in...

Railing5132 ,

I had Ubiquiti for a long time, even deployed 50 at my work network. Switched to TP-Link Omada, much cheaper Ap's, super cheap hardware controller (software option), and much more stable, longer-lifetime software/firmware. (updates are like 2x/yr - ish). The interface is so similar to UniFi that it is hard to tell who ripped the other off.

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