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TankovayaDiviziya ,

You mean to tell me that industries sacrifice long term consequences for short term profit?!

shockes Pikachu face

TankovayaDiviziya ,

What country are you in? I thought landlord reference is the norm.

TankovayaDiviziya ,

It's about relishing on power as much as it about money. .

TankovayaDiviziya ,

Not against you personally, but your premise sounds like a weak bothside-ism that justifies the cycle of violence. "He did first" kind of argument. "An eye for an eye makes us all blind." as Ghandi put it.

The most rational and objective bothside advocacy is the two-state solution. It seems like the mainstream neglect this and does not think outside the box. I understand that there is so much bad blood between Palestinians and Israelis, but if both sides realise they are blinded by rage, they could emulate the Northern Ireland peace agreement that ended the 20 year cycle of violence between the Irish nationalists and British unionists. Many scholars and activists from both Israeli and Palestinian side advocate for two state solution and a Northern Ireland-style peace agreement. It is just a matter of ordinary people to look past the rage. Israel is there to stay and advocating to rid Israel is like trying abort a baby. And Israel stepping on Palestinians is repeating what the Nazis did to them and thus Israel could not claim the higher moral ground.

There has to be a united civilian will to accept that both sides are here to stay, like the Irish nationalists and British unionists have done. But both Israeli and Palestinian sides have internal divisions and many support their own radical groups representing their own beliefs.

TankovayaDiviziya ,

I know it's a joke but it's wrong in so many levels to be even dating a dog.

TankovayaDiviziya ,

And the dude who maintains VLC do not even make money from it, at all!

TankovayaDiviziya ,

I've only met one or two communists who are genuinely decent and principled. The rest are nutters.

TankovayaDiviziya ,

I can't recall the time that Americans brought the latter pitchforks against politicians for a good cause, because the January 6 insurrection does not count.

TankovayaDiviziya ,

I'm glad I was taught not to begrudge and feel envy of other. I learned later in life that there are some insecure tw@ts who'd like to drag others down.

TankovayaDiviziya , (edited )

Private browsing in Google Chrome will not store your browsing data locally into your computer; but Google will still keep that data in their own records.

TankovayaDiviziya ,

I don't see any enshitiffication features and ads in Windows 11 that Lemmy and tech news are reporting. I wonder if it's because I'm in the EU.

TankovayaDiviziya ,

I thought the point of the Internet is that in case nuclear apocalypse happened, that there will still be a reliable mode of communication?

TankovayaDiviziya ,

As much as I abhor the state and wish we live like the state of Cheran (ironic of me to say state in this case, I know), anarchy will only work in a very small group, where everyone knows each other, are like-minded enough to not abuse each other's goodwill, and respect each other's personal boundaries.

TankovayaDiviziya ,

That's what we're all trying to figure out.

TankovayaDiviziya ,

I read that Americans in the 1980s used to mock Japanese for working excessively; but now they became the Japanese.

Also, there is another side to this; I notice that people with crappy personal life outside of work use work as distraction. They don't feel or see any meaning outside of work so they derive meaning from the latter instead.

If someone want to work more hours, fine, but don't expect the same to others.

TankovayaDiviziya ,

Even if she is serious, killing a CEO will only replace that CEO with a new one. This doesn't solve the climate crisis.

TankovayaDiviziya ,

And some people have a far worse starting point for knowledge depending on the preexisting information they were given

Exactly. As the person responded with the link on Wikipedia about existence of third genders, I find that those who are anti-lgbt were just conditioned as such because of either religion, or plain homophobia, or both. I've lived in both religious and non-religious countries, and the former have anti-lgbt sentiment for obvious reasons. Meanwhile, homophobia in the latter-- especially in Europe--are more motivated by sheer disgust on non-heteronormative genders and less about religion. But I still think that the anti-lgbt sentiment by many Europeans is a residue and offshoot from patriarchal and homophobic teachings of Christianity.

TankovayaDiviziya , (edited )

I'm no longer religious, but I probably would not be the person I am were it not for Catholic teachings. It was probably in Catholic school which taught me that you don't have to prove anything to anyone. This advice complements my maverick and individualistic personality but it isn't to say that I haven't had insecurities and not minded what others think. I was also taught to be compassionate and humble. However, the last two could only go so far as I learned growing up that it led me to being a figurative door mat for others.

Nevertheless, all of those doesn't excuse the Catholic church's corruption and sexual abuse scandals. The Catholic church also, up until recently, force left handed folks to be right handed. That is one of the weirdest superstitions and beliefs that the Catholic church has. Oh and the Catholic church is still impractically anti-divorce.

TankovayaDiviziya ,

It goes both ways.

Truth of the matter is that people do not know what they want.

TankovayaDiviziya , (edited )

Exactly. In jobs they will find out if you lied about possessing skillset they require, especially if it's a critical one.

Please, for the love of God, VOTE! (pawb.social)

I don't like Biden either, but anyone with half a brain knows there are two choices in the 2020 election. If we had a sane voting system, voting third party might be worth it, but as it stands, no one but you knows your favorite candidate exists and unless you want to become their campaign manager that will still be true in...

TankovayaDiviziya ,

If I am an American voting in the election I wouldn't have voted for either Hillary or Trump in 2016 but I will definitely vote for Biden then and now.

Hillary is full of baggage which is too many to ignore. Trump, in my view at the time, isn't a fascist but a fascist-adjacent and I thought his presence sets a dangerous precedence. After the first four years, that proved correct. He became drunk with power and became a full blown fascist.

Biden definitely is a better choice in any elections against Trump. He has less baggage and still did surprisingly well that is favourable with the left.

TankovayaDiviziya ,

The real problem is due to the regulatory environment. Yes those rules are important, but they've also effectively banned new aircraft from being built.

Should we laugh at this? Lolz? If anything regulations should encourage better safety innovations! Government wants safety and efficacy from corporations that directly affect people's lives. Just look at Volvo and tell me their reputation isn't known for safety.

Regulations are pain in the hole, I get it, but without it we are back to the days of selling snake oils and monopolies of the Gilded Age. As they say in my field: "Do you think compliance is expensive? Think non-compliance." The only people discouraging regulations are the ones who stand to benefit from ridding it in the name of short term profit. STOCKS ARE UP!

TankovayaDiviziya ,

And when you mention how other countries are doing better and USA should copy them (like having ranked choice voting to rid the two-party system), Americans will either pretend they didn't hear that or will go "wE aRe tOo dIvErSE fOr tHaT sHeEiItT". I was told by someone that Americans generally do not want adopt a system from outside unless they made it themselves. So I guess nationalism also plays a role, too.

TankovayaDiviziya ,

I used to chat online with an emo girl in my teens. I wonder how she is doing now.

TankovayaDiviziya , (edited )

I will never understand comparing one's self to others. You're like comparing Xbox to PlayStation. I remember my mother comparing my siblings and I to our cousins who were hustling at a young age (looking back now as an adult, it wasn't a good thing considering their circumstances at the time). I retorted by saying they're different people, why should I care? Then thankfully my dad backed me up from my mom's nonsense!

TankovayaDiviziya ,

This is the utopia, but unfortunately, delinquents and no-good doers will harass the people in late night libraries and cafes. There is a cafe in my hometown that used to run 24/7 but anti-social behaviour made them close much earlier. Granted it has been an issue before, but the pandemic solidified the decision to no longer serve 24/7, especially with people no longer spending much time outside of their home any longer than it used to be.

TankovayaDiviziya ,

Hand gestures during speeches is a common practice to persuade people, but the flamboyant hand movements are more common with demagogues.

[Thread, post or comment was deleted by the author]

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  • TankovayaDiviziya ,

    You paid taxes with it. I don't know why people would feel bad about applying for welfare benefits and food stamps if they have worked before. Are there those that abuse the system? Sure, but their number pale in comparison to those who genuinely need them. Most people who had been on social welfare do get out of it. Though I have a fairly cynical view, I still think most people do not like to stay in the rut and strive to work hard to move up in their stations. I don't know about the US but in the UK the vast majority of welfare go to pensioner, disabled and children. Only a smaller percentage of the welfare go to the unemployed despite the anti-poor propaganda.

    I think one of the reasons for people feeling awkward to ask for welfare on a personal level is because as a society, we have been conditioned to please the wider society and should derive our sense of worth and happiness by working and grinding. Of course, you want to help society, and of course you can't always rely on generosity alone, but there is unhealthy level of stigma of not working and looking bad in front of others-- most of whom just go on with their own lives not thinking about you when they go to bed. But we don't realise that at all the grinding, working and trying to look productive to please others is only benefiting the billionaires whom we are ultimately working for.

    TankovayaDiviziya ,

    Yahweh told Adam and Eve not eat the fruit of knowledge. Why and what is bad about the apple of knowledge?

    YouTube Music team laid off by Google while workers testified to Austin City Council about working conditions (www.businessinsider.com)

    YouTube Music team laid off by Google while workers testified to Austin City Council about working conditions::Some workers learned of the YouTube Music layoffs while testifying to the Austin city council about Google's refusal to negotiate with the union.

    TankovayaDiviziya ,

    Well, well, well.... who would have thought that the company who said don't do evil did evil anyway. This is why I don't trust corporations because their only loyalty is to investors who just wants more money.

    TankovayaDiviziya ,

    Are you talking about Gravity Payments and its CEO, Dan Price? Sorry to break the fairy tale but it has been shown that he is some weird, creepy guy who ran his team like a cult and accused of sexual allegations. He resigned over a year ago. https://www.theguardian.com/business/2022/aug/18/dan-price-resigns-ceo-gravity-payments

    TankovayaDiviziya ,

    There's a handful of ethical companies and does not trade as public or private entity, so they're not beholden to shareholders, but we wouldn't hear about them often. Mondragon is a successful co-operative and worker federation company in Spain.

    TankovayaDiviziya ,

    FO3 has better world design but story-wise I prefer NV.

    TankovayaDiviziya ,

    I think people do not understand where Ayn Rand was coming from. She came from the Soviet Union, a highly collectivist society. Everyone is expected to conform and be all the same economically. Then she got sick of it, emigrated and formed her own Iam14butthisisdeep philosophy. Unfortunately, some rich American asshats saw that her ideas have self-serving utility to justify their ultra-capitalist beliefs and privileges and continue exploitation, and then spread her nonsensical "objectivist" ideas around. Not many people actually believe the philosophy, although we unconsciously apply this especially with middle class NIMBYISM.

    "Oh, poor homeless people. I hope they could be housed. But I will elect a politician who will not build social housing because it will bring down the value of my property."

    "I support mitigating climate change. But I do not want windfarms nearby. They are eye sores."

    TankovayaDiviziya ,

    She came to the West and made it more corrupt with her half-baked ideas by amplifying the excessive use of individualist values.

    TankovayaDiviziya ,

    Where is your objection? She formed her philosophy after experiencing a collectivist dystopia. Her family's business was nationalised. That is part and parcel of such extreme collectivist socio-economics and thus enamoured by hyperindividualist extreme counterpart.

    TankovayaDiviziya ,

    How much of US economy is nationalised compared to the Soviet Union?

    TankovayaDiviziya ,

    The military can be argued "collectivist". I've never been in the military but many vets say that in the bootcamp they pretty much remove the personality out of you so that you think with the team and follow chain of command. And often, teams are punished based on the mistakes of one person in the group.

    And to you, define "collectivism".

    TankovayaDiviziya ,

    Centralised but everyone is expected to value the group over the individual. The property in the Soviet Union belongs to the people albeit managed by the state. Therefore, collectivist.

    Centralisation does not mean either just means individualism or collectivism.

    TankovayaDiviziya ,

    You can be centralised but not collectivist. See the theory of anarcho-capitalism.

    I'm guessing you're operating from different sensibility of political philosophy. Define collectivism then we can talk.

    TankovayaDiviziya ,

    Did I say I agree with Rand?

    TankovayaDiviziya ,

    Anarcho-capitalism doesn't work, yes. What's your point?

    Have you any luck yet trying to answer me how would you define collectivism?

    TankovayaDiviziya ,

    I only realised it later that many people have a transactional view of life. They think everything single activity must have a purpose. And while they not actively seek it, at the back of their minds they expect some sort reward. Like, the dude who scoffed the guy learning to play flute probably only wants to learn new skills if it impresses others, like a girl or something.

    TankovayaDiviziya ,

    I never thought about it that way before!

    TankovayaDiviziya ,

    That's a fair point. But I suppose even with leisurely activities, it could help you improve your other activities, mental faculties and functioning, depending on how you do it or what that activity is. Playing sports is maybe fun but it also improves your ability to work in a team, which is important in a workplace. Depending on the videogame you're playing, it can also be educational and improve temperament. I learned lots of history and geography playing Hearts of Iron. Also funny enough, at the time, I thought I might be wasting time trying to get past a difficult section in Call of Duty: World at War over and over for at least one hour. But for some reason I thought to myself I won't be a quitter. Playing that game ironically developed my perserverance.

    I think it depends what that "time wasting" activity is if you could reflect on how that would make a positive impact on you. Albert Einstein plays violin when he needs time to think of solutions to a problem. And if you know how he came to the idea of theory of general relativity, it does sound more creative than scientific. He did say imagination is more important than knowledge.

    TankovayaDiviziya ,

    One of my friends is the same. He used to be more outgoing and would invite me to go out often. We used to go on long walks and gym together. In second year of college, he suffered from depression, but it was looking back in hindsight that I deduced he had it without telling us. He was moody and take out his frustrations to people.

    He had improved over time but he never finished college. He lives with his girlfriend and working but spends too much time playing videogames, eating junk foods and gained weight. My friend, like yours, just like to hoard stuff and takes videogames too seriously than one should. My friend doesn't like going on walks like he used to. He doesn't like going out much to public spaces as "there are too many people". He uses the Internet space now to socialise than in real life, not that there is anything wrong with socialising in Internet Overall, I fear that my friend is living an unhealthy lifestyle. I think both of our friends have to change their frame of mind.

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