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TopRamenBinLaden ,

As a fellow meat eater, I appreciate the spotlight being shown on the cruelty meat industry at large, as well as you do. It has made me more conscious of my meat consumption, and I have reduced my consumption of it. It has also made me aware of sourcing more ethical meat from local butchers that are supplied by local free range farms.

I hope that this awareness continues to spread, and it helps speed up the development of things like lab grown meat and other more ethical sources of meat, in general.

TopRamenBinLaden ,

Funny, I just checked, and there is a sketchy phishing site at jqueery.com that tries to look like the official page.

TopRamenBinLaden ,

Ahh my bad I got whooshed. I don't get the music, but I'm on mobile Firefox with ublock origin so maybe that's why. I do get the rainbows and ponies, though. Its beautiful.

TopRamenBinLaden ,

I mean, Waymo should definitely be held accountable and take responsibility for this accident, as it is something most human drivers would easily drive around. Them trying to blame it on other things is bullshit.

That being said, Waymos' driverless cars are already much safer than the average human driver.

The alpha testing on public roads is a bit iffy, but idk how well they would be able to really QA test in a closed environment. Personally, I'm more concerned with sharing the road with many terrible human drivers that we already are forced to do. The faster we can get the driverless thing going, the better off we will be.

TopRamenBinLaden , (edited )

You can already do this with some N64 emulators with built in netplay like, Project64KSE. There is a small community dedicated to it with a website here.

Smash Bros Melee is much more popular to play online nowadays, and there is a great update for online play called Project Slippi. It works with the dolphin GameCube emulator and makes it very quick and easy to find games against similar skill level players. It also adds rollback netcode, stats, and other QOL features.

If Nintendo, themselves, put out an online Smash Melee remake, it would never be as close to good as Project Slippi already is.

TopRamenBinLaden ,

Slippi, in particular, has rollback netcode built on top of the emulator. It is way less laggy than Smash Ultimate and most other fighting games on the market, for that matter.

It is used for high level tournament play by players who have played the game in person since its release, with no complaints. It's really impressive how smooth it is.

I think you are right about general netplay. Some emulators are better about it than others, and fighting games are of the type where the lag differences will be especially noticeable.

TopRamenBinLaden ,

People shoot up drugs on the street, too. Should we just get rid of public streets while we're at it?

Personally, I would rather have drug users go to a more private spot(like a public bathroom stall), than on the street in broad daylight, to use their drugs.

TopRamenBinLaden ,

Maybe the Tesla owners who still somehow worship or apologize for Musk, but most of them don't deserve this at all. A lot of Tesla drivers dislike Musk and regret their purchases at this point.

They were the best electric car to buy for a long time. I don't fault anyone for buying them in the past. If anyone buys one now, with all the information and other options we have, then maybe they'd deserve it.

TopRamenBinLaden ,

I'm a leftist who dislikes capitalism, but I can admit that credit scores were a step up from the way loans were done before. The old way just made it so the banks themselves decided who they wanted to issue a loan to, and that led to a lot of racism and sexism when it came to giving the loans out.

Still, I do think we can come up with a better system than the current credit score system, and I think you have the right idea to point out it's flaws to start the wheels turning on improving it.

TopRamenBinLaden ,

It kind of depends on the food, how healthy it is, and if they are making sure they are adding the proper nutrients and vitamins.

It is totally possible to eat the same meals everyday and be completely healthy as long as you keep track of those things.

TopRamenBinLaden ,

This is the way to be. There is so much good music out nowadays, and being a hater will just end up with you missing out on some really good stuff.

I can't do any of the garbage modern country stuff, either, but I can listen to modern bluegrass. That genre is full of shredders.

I like to imagine I have 'musical ADHD', because I can really enjoy everything from classical music, to death metal, to hip hop, to jazz, to pop, etc. I find I get bored if I listen to just one genre for too long.

TopRamenBinLaden , (edited )

Marxism predicted a temporary dictatorship of the proletariat during the proletariat revolution. Marxist-Leninism took the temporary dictatorship prediction and ran with it, establishing a permanent dictatorship of the communist party, which Lenin called the Vanguard Party.

There are Marxists that disagree with the idea of the Leninists' Vanguard Party and authoritarianism. Tankies, on the other hand, are the communists that support this idea of a permanent communist dictatorship and its authoritarianism, at least in a nutshell.

So I would say that most ML Commies are technically 'tankies', but not all commies are ML. A lot of commies are just M.

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  • TopRamenBinLaden ,

    Does that mean that, technically, you were the virus?

    TopRamenBinLaden ,

    To be fair, you don't know for certain, and no one does. I guess it depends of your definition of 'god'. No one has ever proved that there is a creator, and no one has ever proved that there isn't a creator. I would say that, based on the facts that we know, the most scientific position to have is one of being agnostic.

    I am not saying that any human description of a god, in human religions, is anywhere close to reality. I am just saying that it is very hard, and maybe impossible, to prove whether there is something that created the universe or not. At least from our perspective in the universe.

    That being said, I think its fair to say that based on the facts that we do know, athiest theory is much more probable to be true than just about any other human myths about gods. It's just that the truth is actually impossible to know, and the argument is kind of pointless until a time where we know more about the universe, if we ever get to that point.

    I am pretty anti-religious and would definitely agree with you over any cultist, fwiw. I just think it's impossible to actually 'know' that there is nothing created the universe. Maybe there is a creator of some kind. Maybe this is all just a product of nature. Its really impossible to know either way with our current understanding.

    TopRamenBinLaden ,

    I identify as an agnostic atheist in exactly this way. We don't know, based on our current understanding, whether there is something that 'created' the universe, or not. That being said, I am 99.999 percent certain that no human myth about gods has ever been remotely close to the truth of reality. The Abrahamic myths are so lacking in any sort of proof that they are obviously fiction.

    TopRamenBinLaden , (edited )

    You are right that they are no longer a friend, but that's because they were brainwashed into thinking their friends perfectly normal identity is a result of Satan controlling them, or whatever. Christianity, and most other religions, cause more harm than good in our modern times.

    We have outgrown religion's usefulness as a species, but people are so afraid of death, and the meaningless of life, that they will deny reality to hold on to the hope of a better life after this one. Then, others will use this desperation to their own advantage, and convince their followers that being gay, trans, or just a little different, is an automatic heaven ban.

    [Thread, post or comment was deleted by the author]

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  • TopRamenBinLaden ,

    Yea they are great for mixing, because if it sounds good when flat, then it will sound good pretty much everywhere else. Sadly, because of this, they are not so great for just listening and enjoying some music, at least for most.

    TopRamenBinLaden ,

    when things devolve into senseless arguing and attempts to put others down.

    So go off loser, you do you.

    This is the first instance of an attempt to put others down that I have seen after reading at least half of the comments here. So, other than your comment, I'd say this thread was mostly a civil debate.

    how can something be so courageous and yet so true (slrpnk.net)

    Edit: Jesus Christ, people. If you buy a $150 Thinkpad made by slave labor instead of a $1,200 MacBook made by slave labor, you're still supporting a capitalist economy based on slave labor. We all do. We have no choice. The number of smug liberals in the comments saying "well I buy a cheap used laptop" or "well I buy coffee...

    TopRamenBinLaden ,

    The vast majority of devs doing it for a career don't get to choose what kind of apps they build.

    TopRamenBinLaden , (edited )


    Yo dawg, I heard you like asteroids. So I populated your entire feed with articles about asteroids.

    TopRamenBinLaden ,

    I also know a lot of far left people who would refuse to vote for Bernie because he was white male

    Do you actually know a lot of people in real life who think like this? Or is it just particularly loud groups of them on social media?

    I am a member of socialist organization and am acquainted with a lot of people on the far left(anarchists, communists, socialists, etc.), and I've never heard this sentiment. I've heard other complaints about him not being leftist enough, but nothing about his race.

    TopRamenBinLaden ,

    All censorship is bad. whether it's a private corporation with a monopoly or a government doing it doesn't matter, all censorship is bad.

    I totally agree with you that the government should never be involved in censoring anything, but differ on private corporations, especially as far as the internet is concerned.

    The internet as a whole should never be censored. People should always be able to make their own website with whatever they want on there, even if it will get them arrested. The owners of a website should always have control over the content that they allow, though.

    If the owners of a company don't want to see hate speech or extreme content on their own product than it should always be their right to remove it. If the majority of the public doesn't want to see Nazi shit on a social media site then it will always be in that corporations best interest to remove it, or people will stop using it.

    All censorship is bad, but some of it is a necessary evil to keep the internet from being flooded with hate speech, gore, and CSAM. I will say that some companies take it way too far with the things that they censor, and it sucks, but it is within their right.

    TopRamenBinLaden , (edited )

    I would personally be happier with 20 something year old presidential candidates over the current trend of the battling octogenarians. At least the 20 something year old politicians would have to live a long time with the ramifications of their decisions and actions.

    Its still not ideal, but I would take it over these incredibly out of touch seniors. They should be out enjoying their retirement and last days on Earth, anyways.

    TopRamenBinLaden ,

    I just don't know how anyone with that much money can look at the world and not throw most of it at making others lives better.

    I can't imagine hoarding that much money because I'd be using it to buy poor people houses, build decent schools, solve hunger crisises, etc. Its an absurd amount of money that nobody needs to keep all to themselves, and it could go towards making the world a better place. There is a lack of empathy amongst the billionaires.

    TopRamenBinLaden ,


    Such a weird word, don't blame you for misspelling it. I just kept reading a different word there.

    TopRamenBinLaden ,

    a Creator sorta by definition has the legal right to do so, with their own work?

    What is different between this and a mother or father killing their own child because they 'created' it? I would say that if you create a thing with feelings, thoughts, flesh, and blood, you have the responsibility to take care of that thing, and if you don't that is cruel.

    TopRamenBinLaden ,

    Wise words and much respect, comrade glizzyguzzler.

    Online vape seller has ‘no intention of stopping’ shipments to Australia, despite nationwide ban — ‘We have no intention of stopping just because of one twat in Canberra.’ (www.vice.com)

    Online vape seller has ‘no intention of stopping’ shipments to Australia, despite nationwide ban — ‘We have no intention of stopping just because of one twat in Canberra.’::The New Zealand-based seller issued a notice to its Australian customers that shipments will continue regardless of the government's vape reform.

    TopRamenBinLaden ,

    Popcorn lung does not come from vaping any sort of regular vape juice that is on the market anymore. Popcorn lung came from inhaling vape juices that had Diacetyl, or Vitamin E acetate. These were used for flavoring in the early days of vapes before it was found out that they cause popcorn lung. It was also more common in THC vapes than nicotine ones.

    I haven't heard of one case of it happening since then, as all of the vape juice manufacturers stopped adding these ingredients years ago. I'm not saying vaping isn't bad for you, it definitely is, but popcorn lung is not something anyone needs to be concerned about anymore. It is definitely not as bad for your health as smoking cigarettes, at least.

    You are correct that gum or nicotine pouches are the least damaging way to consume nicotine.

    TopRamenBinLaden , (edited )

    I definitely agree. Most of the worst cases of vape related injury that I have ever read about involved terribly made THC cartridges containing Vitamin E acetate. I just know there were claims of popcorn lung and diacetyl in vape juices in the early days of vaping.

    FWIW, I worked at a smoke shop for a few years during this time and we sold a lot of vape stuff from China. I never heard of a single customer complaint about anything health related to nicotine vapes, and these were the days where people were using those giant mods and blowing obnoxious clouds of vapor.

    TopRamenBinLaden ,

    The crazy looking food, itself, has decent reviews, but the owners of Gentle Giants used to run a puppy mill disguised as a dog rescue from what I have found about them.

    There are quite a few bad reviews about the puppy mill from the mid to late 2000s. Like this one for example.

    TopRamenBinLaden ,

    Yea I dont really trust the reviews. I'd rather go with what a vet recommends, and it's not that. I wouldn't try it for my pup. I was just surprised that the reviews were so good for the food, in the first place.

    TopRamenBinLaden ,

    I got A cups, dammit. Not that there is anything wrong with A cups, at all. I just wanted some chest cannons.

    TopRamenBinLaden ,

    Just to add on to what you are saying, around 62 percent of us live paycheck to paycheck. On top of that, we have at-will employment laws in most states, that allow an employer to fire a non-union employee for any reason they want, as long as they don't violate federal labor laws. It's also easy for employers to make up a reason for termination, even if they are violating said labor laws.

    We need to unionize and get some power to the workers back in this country. People won't do this kind of thing nearly as often if their livelihood isn't at risk of being taken away.

    TopRamenBinLaden ,

    You bring up a good point. What qualifies as a mask? Do fake beards and mustaches count? What about religious face coverings? What about people who have prosthetic noses? I have a feeling this is going to be a tricky one for them to enforce in any sort of reasonable way.

    TopRamenBinLaden ,

    I guess this would be an example of a tessellation, but one that moves to create an optical illusion. Very cool looking, indeed.

    Music Piracy Is Back, Baby (gizmodo.com)

    "Muso, a research firm that studies piracy, concluded that the high prices of streaming services like Spotify and Apple Music are pushing people back towards illegal downloads. Spotify raised its prices by one dollar last year to $10.99 a month, the same price as Apple Music. Instead of coughing up $132 a year, more consumers...

    TopRamenBinLaden ,

    Do they actually have the same selection as Spotify and Apple music? I checked their website, and it appears to be catered to Arabic listeners, but I saw one of the pictures at least has Taylor Swift on there. I listen to a lot of niche stuff, though, and I don't feel like downloading the app just to see if it's there. That is a good price if they have all of the same artists, though.

    TopRamenBinLaden ,

    Thanks for the response and info, I really appreciate it! I will definitely let some of my family know about Anghami, because some of them actually listen to Arabic music, unlike myself.

    TopRamenBinLaden ,

    I think Western people just have a bias where it's fine if their own country does it, but when their boogeyman China is doing the same exact thing, it's all of the sudden scary and bad.

    I, personally, think TikTok is not great for people or society, but I have the same exact feelings about Facebook, Instagram, and all of the major Western run social media stuff. TikTok is by no means any worse than them. For that reason, Lemmy is the only social media account I have at this point, but I dont judge anyone for using any of them. The majority of the people criticizing TikTok are hypocritical, for sure.

    TopRamenBinLaden ,

    Obviously, the fact of whether or not there is a creator cant really be disproven, but I would say that any of the gods conjured up by humans have a pretty substantial amount of evidence going against their existence.

    If there is a creator of some kind, it is so far beyond our comprehension that it is pretty much useless to ponder on.

    Also, I'm not the person you were going back and forth with. I apologize for jumping in the conversation at a strange point.

    TopRamenBinLaden ,

    I have never had an athiest knock on my door and tell me I needed to stop believing in God or I am going to suffer for eternity.

    The thing convincing people to be athiests isn't other athiests. Facts and logic are the missionaries for athieism.

    TopRamenBinLaden ,

    Idk about other branches of Satanism, but The Satanic Temple uses Satanic imagery to get Christians to vote against their own legislation and promote the separation of church and state.

    For instance, in many US courtrooms, the ten commandments are displayed. So The Satanic Temple began to display Satanic statues in courtrooms, because our constitution makes it so it's either all religions are allowed in the courtroom, or none are. This got many Christian people to vote for removal of the Ten Commandments in their state courthouses just so they didnt have to see Satanic statues. This is just one example of many.

    It's basically just symbolism to make Christians feel the same way they make non-Christians feel when they force their religion on everyone.

    TopRamenBinLaden ,

    Just play Kerbal Space Program for a day and you will understand.

    TopRamenBinLaden ,

    No not interested in kicking you while your down. You are still replying to every comment on this post, so have you really left the sub? I seriously hope you have a better day and learn to not take everything so personally.

    TopRamenBinLaden ,

    And I upvoted the article because I thought it was an interesting read. I think you are confused on
    the definition of diminish there. Sorry you have the mentality of a 12 year old, life's gonna be rough. Best of luck.

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